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5.2 GLX Enumerations

The functions from this section may be had by loading the module:

(use-modules (glx enums)
Macro: glx-string-name enum

Enumerated value. The symbolic enum argument is replaced with its corresponding numeric value at compile-time. The symbolic arguments known to this enumerated value form are:

vendor, version, extensions.

Macro: glx-error-code enum

Enumerated value. The symbolic enum argument is replaced with its corresponding numeric value at compile-time. The symbolic arguments known to this enumerated value form are:

bad-screen, bad-attribute, no-extension, bad-visual, bad-context, bad-value, bad-enum, bad-hyperpipe-config-sgix, bad-hyperpipe-sgix.

Macro: glx-drawable-type-mask enum

Enumerated value. The symbolic enum argument is replaced with its corresponding numeric value at compile-time. The symbolic arguments known to this enumerated value form are:

window-bit, pixmap-bit, pbuffer-bit, window-bit-sgix, pixmap-bit-sgix, pbuffer-bit-sgix.

Macro: glx-render-type-mask enum

Enumerated value. The symbolic enum argument is replaced with its corresponding numeric value at compile-time. The symbolic arguments known to this enumerated value form are:

rgba-bit, color-index-bit, rgba-bit-sgix, color-index-bit-sgix, rgba-float-bit-arb, rgba-unsigned-float-bit-ext.

Macro: glx-sync-type enum

Enumerated value. The symbolic enum argument is replaced with its corresponding numeric value at compile-time. The symbolic arguments known to this enumerated value form are:

sync-frame-sgix, sync-swap-sgix.

Macro: glx-event-mask enum

Enumerated value. The symbolic enum argument is replaced with its corresponding numeric value at compile-time. The symbolic arguments known to this enumerated value form are:

pbuffer-clobber-mask, buffer-clobber-mask-sgix, buffer-swap-complete-intel-mask.

Macro: glx-pbuffer-clobber-mask enum

Enumerated value. The symbolic enum argument is replaced with its corresponding numeric value at compile-time. The symbolic arguments known to this enumerated value form are:

front-left-buffer-bit, front-right-buffer-bit, back-left-buffer-bit, back-right-buffer-bit, aux-buffers-bit, depth-buffer-bit, stencil-buffer-bit, accum-buffer-bit, front-left-buffer-bit-sgix, front-right-buffer-bit-sgix, back-left-buffer-bit-sgix, back-right-buffer-bit-sgix, aux-buffers-bit-sgix, depth-buffer-bit-sgix, stencil-buffer-bit-sgix, accum-buffer-bit-sgix, sample-buffers-bit-sgix.

Macro: glx-hyperpipe-type-mask enum

Enumerated value. The symbolic enum argument is replaced with its corresponding numeric value at compile-time. The symbolic arguments known to this enumerated value form are:

hyperpipe-display-pipe-sgix, hyperpipe-render-pipe-sgix.

Macro: glx-hyperpipe-attrib enum

Enumerated value. The symbolic enum argument is replaced with its corresponding numeric value at compile-time. The symbolic arguments known to this enumerated value form are:

pipe-rect-sgix, pipe-rect-limits-sgix, hyperpipe-stereo-sgix, hyperpipe-pixel-average-sgix.

Macro: glx-hyperpipe-misc enum

Enumerated value. The symbolic enum argument is replaced with its corresponding numeric value at compile-time. The symbolic arguments known to this enumerated value form are:


Macro: glx-bind-to-texture-target-mask enum

Enumerated value. The symbolic enum argument is replaced with its corresponding numeric value at compile-time. The symbolic arguments known to this enumerated value form are:

texture-1d-bit-ext, texture-2d-bit-ext, texture-rectangle-bit-ext.

Macro: glx-context-flags enum

Enumerated value. The symbolic enum argument is replaced with its corresponding numeric value at compile-time. The symbolic arguments known to this enumerated value form are:

context-debug-bit-arb, context-forward-compatible-bit-arb, context-robust-access-bit-arb, context-reset-isolation-bit-arb.

Macro: glx-context-profile-mask enum

Enumerated value. The symbolic enum argument is replaced with its corresponding numeric value at compile-time. The symbolic arguments known to this enumerated value form are:

context-core-profile-bit-arb, context-compatibility-profile-bit-arb, context-es-profile-bit-ext, context-es2-profile-bit-ext.

Macro: glx-attribute enum

Enumerated value. The symbolic enum argument is replaced with its corresponding numeric value at compile-time. The symbolic arguments known to this enumerated value form are:

use-gl, buffer-size, level, rgba, doublebuffer, stereo, aux-buffers, red-size, green-size, blue-size, alpha-size, depth-size, stencil-size, accum-red-size, accum-green-size, accum-blue-size, accum-alpha-size, config-caveat, x-visual-type, transparent-type, transparent-index-value, transparent-red-value, transparent-green-value, transparent-blue-value, transparent-alpha-value, dont-care, none, slow-config, true-color, direct-color, pseudo-color, static-color, gray-scale, static-gray, transparent-rgb, transparent-index, visual-id, screen, non-conformant-config, drawable-type, render-type, x-renderable, fbconfig-id, rgba-type, color-index-type, max-pbuffer-width, max-pbuffer-height, max-pbuffer-pixels, preserved-contents, largest-pbuffer, width, height, event-mask, damaged, saved, window, pbuffer, pbuffer-height, pbuffer-width, visual-caveat-ext, x-visual-type-ext, transparent-type-ext, transparent-index-value-ext, transparent-red-value-ext, transparent-green-value-ext, transparent-blue-value-ext, transparent-alpha-value-ext, none-ext, slow-visual-ext, true-color-ext, direct-color-ext, pseudo-color-ext, static-color-ext, gray-scale-ext, static-gray-ext, transparent-rgb-ext, transparent-index-ext, share-context-ext, visual-id-ext, screen-ext, non-conformant-visual-ext, drawable-type-sgix, render-type-sgix, x-renderable-sgix, fbconfig-id-sgix, rgba-type-sgix, color-index-type-sgix, max-pbuffer-width-sgix, max-pbuffer-height-sgix, max-pbuffer-pixels-sgix, optimal-pbuffer-width-sgix, optimal-pbuffer-height-sgix, preserved-contents-sgix, largest-pbuffer-sgix, width-sgix, height-sgix, event-mask-sgix, damaged-sgix, saved-sgix, window-sgix, pbuffer-sgix, digital-media-pbuffer-sgix, blended-rgba-sgis, multisample-sub-rect-width-sgis, multisample-sub-rect-height-sgis, visual-select-group-sgix, hyperpipe-id-sgix, sample-buffers-sgis, samples-sgis, sample-buffers-arb, samples-arb, sample-buffers, samples, coverage-samples-nv, context-major-version-arb, context-minor-version-arb, context-flags-arb, context-allow-buffer-byte-order-mismatch-arb, float-components-nv, rgba-unsigned-float-type-ext, framebuffer-srgb-capable-arb, framebuffer-srgb-capable-ext, color-samples-nv, rgba-float-type-arb, video-out-color-nv, video-out-alpha-nv, video-out-depth-nv, video-out-color-and-alpha-nv, video-out-color-and-depth-nv, video-out-frame-nv, video-out-field-1-nv, video-out-field-2-nv, video-out-stacked-fields-1-2-nv, video-out-stacked-fields-2-1-nv, device-id-nv, unique-id-nv, num-video-capture-slots-nv, bind-to-texture-rgb-ext, bind-to-texture-rgba-ext, bind-to-mipmap-texture-ext, bind-to-texture-targets-ext, y-inverted-ext, texture-format-ext, texture-target-ext, mipmap-texture-ext, texture-format-none-ext, texture-format-rgb-ext, texture-format-rgba-ext, texture-1d-ext, texture-2d-ext, texture-rectangle-ext, front-left-ext, front-right-ext, back-left-ext, back-right-ext, front-ext, back-ext, aux0-ext, aux1-ext, aux2-ext, aux3-ext, aux4-ext, aux5-ext, aux6-ext, aux7-ext, aux8-ext, aux9-ext.

Macro: nv-present-video enum

Enumerated value. The symbolic enum argument is replaced with its corresponding numeric value at compile-time. The symbolic arguments known to this enumerated value form are:


Macro: ext-swap-control enum

Enumerated value. The symbolic enum argument is replaced with its corresponding numeric value at compile-time. The symbolic arguments known to this enumerated value form are:

swap-interval-ext, max-swap-interval-ext.

Macro: ext-swap-control-tear enum

Enumerated value. The symbolic enum argument is replaced with its corresponding numeric value at compile-time. The symbolic arguments known to this enumerated value form are:


Macro: ext-buffer-age enum

Enumerated value. The symbolic enum argument is replaced with its corresponding numeric value at compile-time. The symbolic arguments known to this enumerated value form are:


Macro: glx-amd-gpu-association enum

Enumerated value. The symbolic enum argument is replaced with its corresponding numeric value at compile-time. The symbolic arguments known to this enumerated value form are:

gpu-vendor-amd, gpu-renderer-string-amd, gpu-opengl-version-string-amd, gpu-fastest-target-gpus-amd, gpu-ram-amd, gpu-clock-amd, gpu-num-pipes-amd, gpu-num-simd-amd, gpu-num-rb-amd, gpu-num-spi-amd.

Macro: glx-arb-create-context-robustness enum

Enumerated value. The symbolic enum argument is replaced with its corresponding numeric value at compile-time. The symbolic arguments known to this enumerated value form are:

lose-context-on-reset-arb, context-reset-notification-strategy-arb, no-reset-notification-arb.

Macro: arb-create-context-profile enum

Enumerated value. The symbolic enum argument is replaced with its corresponding numeric value at compile-time. The symbolic arguments known to this enumerated value form are:


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