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1.6.1 Stable Branches

In Gnulib, we don’t use topic branches for experimental work. Therefore, occasionally a broken commit may be pushed in Gnulib. It does not happen often, but it does happen.

To compensate for this, Gnulib offers “stable branches”. These are branches of the Gnulib code that are maintained over some longer period (a year, for example) and include

Not included in the stable branches are:

So far, we have six stable branches:


A stable branch that starts at the beginning of July 2024.


A stable branch that starts at the beginning of January 2024.


A stable branch that starts at the beginning of July 2023. It is no longer updated.


A stable branch that starts at the beginning of January 2023. It is no longer updated.


A stable branch that starts at the beginning of July 2022. It is no longer updated.


A stable branch that starts at the beginning of January 2022. It is no longer updated.

The two use-cases of stable branches are thus:

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