Next: A technical description of the Match ID, Previous: Equities explained, Up: Technical Notes
This section describes a method for compactly recording a backgammon position. It demonstrates how to encode a position into 10 binary bytes, which is useful for minimizing the space used when recording large numbers of positions in memory or on disk. There is also an ASCII representation in 14 characters, which is convenient for output to the screen, for copying and pasting to transfer positions between programs which support the format, and for communicating positions via Usenet news or e-mail. The 10 byte binary format is called the key, and the 14 character ASCII format is the ID.
The key is essentially a bit string (imagine you start with an empty sequence of bits, and continue adding either 0 or 1 to the end). The way to build up a sequence that corresponds to a given position is:
The worst-case representation will require 80 bits: you can see that there are always 50 0 bits even if there are no checkers at all. Each player has a maximum of 15 checkers in play (not yet borne off) which require a 1 bit wherever they are positioned. That's 30 bits to take of all checkers, plus the 50 bits of overhead for a total of 80 bits (the last bit is always 0 and isn't strictly necessary, but it makes the code slightly easier). This bit string should be stored in little-endian order when packed into bytes (i.e. the first bits in the string are stored in the least significant bits of the first byte).
As an example, here's what the starting position looks like in the key format:
0 0 0 0 0 | player on roll has no checkers on ace to 5 points
11111 0 | 5 checkers on the 6 point
0 | empty bar
111 0 | 3 on the 8
0 0 0 0 | no others in our outfield
11111 0 | 5 on the midpoint
0 0 0 0 0 | none in the opponent's outfield
0 0 0 0 0 | or in opponent's board, until...
11 0 | two on the 24 point
0 | none on the bar
0 0 0 0 0 | opponent has no checkers on ace to 5 points
11111 0 | 5 checkers on the 6 point
0 | empty bar
111 0 | 3 on the 8
0 0 0 0 | no others in opponent's outfield
11111 0 | 5 on the midpoint
0 0 0 0 0 | none in our outfield
0 0 0 0 0 | or in our board, until...
11 0 | two on the 24 point
0 | none on the bar
so altogether it's:
In little endian bytes it looks like:
11100000 | 01110011 | 11110000 | 00000001 | 00110000 | 1110000001110011111100000000000100110000
0xE0 | 0x73 | 0xF0 | 0x01 | 0x30 | 0xE00x730xF00x010x30
so the 10 byte key (in hex) is E0 73 F0 01 30 E0 73 F0 01 30.
The ID format is simply the Base64 encoding of the key. (Technically, a Base64 encoding of 80 binary bits should consist of 14 characters followed by two = padding characters, but this padding is omitted in the ID format.)
To continue the above example, splitting the 10 8-bit bytes into 14 6-bit groups gives:
111000 000111 001111 110000 000000 010011 000011 100000 011100 111111 000000 000001 001100 000000
In Base64 encoding, these groups are respectively represented as:
4 H P w A T D g c / A B M A
So, the position ID of the checkers at the start of the game is simply:
You can set the board in gnubg either by writing the position ID into the position text input field in the GUI or by executing the command
set board 4HPwATDgc/ABMA.