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3.4 Miscellaneous Configuration Issues

New reports do not show up in the database

  1. Make sure you have set up the mail aliases for your database(s). (See How do I add a new database? and (gnats)mkdb section ‘Adding another database’ in Keeping Track.)
  2. Try to send a PR using ‘send-pr’. If you get error replies, investigate the causes. See E-Mail Issues.
  3. Does a new file show up in the ‘gnats-queue’ directory of your database, with the report as its contents? If it does, make sure you have created the cron job for this database.
  4. If the report does not show up in the ‘gnats-queue’ of the desired database, does it show up in the ‘gnats-queue’ directory of another database? In this case, make sure your mail aliases are set up correctly; especially, make sure that you have specified the correct ‘--directory’ option (‘--database’ for GNATS 4.x) for each ‘queue-pr’.

Assigning responsible etc. when entering a report

Q: When entering a new PR, I want to assign a value to some field (e.g., Responsible) which is normally assigned by GNATS.

A: (GNATS 3.1xx) This is not possible in GNATS 3.1xx.

A: (GNATS 4.x) This is done by adding the field name (in this example, Responsible) to the initial-entry item at the very end of the ‘dbconfig’ file. Gnatsweb will pick this up and add a Responsible field to the Create PR form.

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This document was generated by Chad Walstrom on March 3, 2015 using texi2html 1.82.