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3.2 Gnatsd, the GNATS Daemon

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3.2.1 Gnatsd Port Number

In 3.xxx versions, gnatsd uses port 1529 by default; as this port is officially assigned to another application (see the list of port numbers maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) it will probably change in 4.x.

If you want/need to run gnatsd on another port, you can change the default port at compile time (call configure --help to learn about compile time configuration options). Most clients also accept an option or configuration variable to change the port. Don’t forget to tell inetd (or xinetd, or whatever super-server you use) to start gnatsd on the other port.

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3.2.2 How to Start Gnatsd

Gnatsd is intended to be started by some "super server", like inetd or xinetd. ("Super servers" are sometimes also called "super daemons".)

This is also described in the GNATS manual; see (gnats)Installing the daemon section ‘Installing the daemon’ in Keeping Track.

How to configure inetd to start gnatsd

If your gnatsd will be started by inetd (the "internet daemon"), add the following entry to your ‘/etc/inetd.conf’:

# port                    userid program
support stream tcp nowait gnats /usr/local/libexec/gnats/gnatsd gnatsd

and to ‘/etc/services’:

support		1529/tcp		# GNATS

(You may need to use tabulator characters to separate the fields of ‘/etc/services’.) Then send inetd a hangup signal (kill -HUP pid-of-inetd).

You may want to use another port instead of 1529 (see section Gnatsd Port Number).

How to configure xinetd to start gnatsd

If your gnatsd will be started by xinetd (the "extended internet daemon"), create a file ‘/etc/xinetd.d/support’ with the following lines (see (gnats)Installing the daemon section ‘Installing the daemon’ in Keeping Track):

service support
        disable     = no
        socket_type = stream
        protocol    = tcp
        wait        = no
        user        = gnats
        server      = /usr/local/libexec/gnats/gnatsd
        server_args = gnatsd

or add theses lines to your ‘xinetd.conf’ file, whatever is appropriate. The equal signs seem to need spaces around them with some versions of xinetd.

You need to add

support		1529/tcp		# GNATS

to ‘/etc/services’ (it may be necessary to use tabulator characters to separate the fields), and to tell xinetd to reread its configuration (kill -HUP pid-of-xinetd).

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3.2.3 Gnatsd Messages

You are not on the host access list: stdin (stdin)

Q: When starting gnatsd manually (on the command line), I get ‘520 You are not on the host access list: stdin (stdin)’.

A: (GNATS 3.1xx) Gnatsd is not intended to be started manually, but via inetd, xinetd, or a similar "super server". When gnatsd is started this way, its stdin and stdout (standard input and standard output streams) are connected to a so called "TCP socket" (one end of the network connection), and from this socket gnatsd learns the IP address of the remote end (and from this it derives the remote host name). When you start gnatsd from the command line, its stdin and stdout are connected to the terminal, and thus gnatsd gets a nonsense value.

You usually need ‘root’ privileges in order to change the configuration of your "super server". If you don’t have them, contact your system administrator.

See How to Start Gnatsd for inetd and xinetd configuration.

A: (GNATS 4.0) This error message should not occur with gnatsd 4.0 anymore, because gnatsd can be started from the command line. However, this probably only makes sense for debugging and diagnosing problems. Furthermore, you need to play the part of the client program yourself (i.e., you must "speak" the gnatsd client protocol).

You are not on the host access list

Q: Gnatsd rejects connections from a remote host with the error message ‘520 You are not on the host access list’.

A: Check the file ‘gnatsd.host_access’; if you are using the default locations, this is ‘/usr/local/etc/gnats/gnatsd.host_access’. (If you are still using GNATS 3.xxx, the file is named ‘gnatsd.conf’; its default place is ‘/usr/local/etc/gnatsd.conf’.)

Each line of the file names a host and its access level, separated by colons. Gnatsd tries the lines in turn to match the remote host, and the first line that matches wins.

The first field specifies the host(s); it may be a host name (like ‘goedel.example.com’), a partial domain (like ‘*.example.com’), an IP address (like ‘’), or a partial IP address (like ‘192.168.*’). If it is only ‘*’, it matches all hosts.

Depending on how IP addresses are mapped to hostnames on your gnatsd machine, you may be able to omit the domain (like in ‘goedel’). You may even need to omit the domain for some hosts.

The second field is the access level granted to the remote host. This is usually increased by the access level granted to the user as soon as (s)he logs in.

The third field is currently not used; just leave it empty (but supply the colon between the second and the third field).


# This is a comment
# Grant view access to all hosts with IP addresses
# ranging from to
# Users on host goedel.example.com get (at least) edit access:
# Users from escher.example.com may view all reports, even
# confidential ones:
# Users from bach.example.com may only view all non-confidential
# reports:
# Users from other example.com hosts
# only get the access specified for them in gnatsd.user_access:
# Same for domain our-users.example:
# All other hosts are rejected
# without even asking for username and password:

The format is described in detail in the comments at the beginning of the file.

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This document was generated by Chad Walstrom on March 3, 2015 using texi2html 1.82.