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4.6 Administrative data files

The following files are database-specific and are located in the ‘gnats-adm’ subdirectory of the database directory. These files are maintained by GNATS; you should never need to touch them.

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4.6.1 The index file

The index is used to accelerate searches on the database by query-pr and edit-pr. This file is not created until the first PR comes in. It is then kept up to date by GNATS; you should never touch this file.

Searches on subjects contained in the index are much faster than searches which depend on data not in the index. Inexes come in two different formats: binary and plain-text. Binary indexes are safer, in that they avoid certain problems that may crop up if the field separators used by plain-text indexes appear in field data.

A plain-text index contains single-line entries for all PR fields except for the multitext fields such as Description, How-To-Repeat, etc. Fields are separated by bars (‘|’) except for Category and Number, which are separated by a slash (‘/’).

Binary indexes are not meant to be human-readable, but they are safer than the plain-text variety, in that they avoid certain problems that may crop up if the field separators used by plain-text indexes appear in field data.

The format of the index for a database is set in the ‘dbconfig’ file. See section Index file description.

Should the ‘index’ file become corrupted, the gen-index utility can be used to regenerate it. See section Regenerating the index.

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4.6.2 The current file

This file contains the last serial number assigned to an incoming PR. It is used internally by GNATS; you need never touch this file.

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This document was generated by Chad Walstrom on March 3, 2015 using texi2html 1.82.