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Range2d.h File Reference

#include <ostream>
#include <limits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

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class  gnash::geometry::Range2d< T >
 2d Range template class More...


namespace  gnash

Anonymous namespace for callbacks, local functions, event handlers etc.

namespace  gnash::geometry


enum  gnash::geometry::RangeKind {
  gnash::geometry::finiteRange, gnash::geometry::nullRange, gnash::geometry::worldRange, gnash::geometry::finiteRange,
  gnash::geometry::nullRange, gnash::geometry::worldRange

Kinds of a range.



template<typename T >
std::ostream & gnash::geometry::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Range2d< T > &rect)
template<typename T >
bool gnash::geometry::operator== (const Range2d< T > &r1, const Range2d< T > &r2)
template<typename T >
bool gnash::geometry::operator!= (const Range2d< T > &r1, const Range2d< T > &r2)
template<typename T >
bool gnash::geometry::Intersect (const Range2d< T > &r1, const Range2d< T > &r2)
 Return true of the two ranges intersect (boundaries included).
template<typename T >
Range2d< T > gnash::geometry::Union (const Range2d< T > &r1, const Range2d< T > &r2)
 Return a rectangle being the union of the two rectangles.
template<typename T >
Range2d< T > gnash::geometry::Intersection (const Range2d< T > &r1, const Range2d< T > &r2)
 Return a rectangle being the intersetion of the two rectangles.