G-Golf Typelib low level API.
GITypelib — Layout and accessors for typelib.
Note: in this section, the typelib argument is [must be] a pointer
to a GITypelib
Returns a pointer to a new GITypelib
file must be a valid typelib filename.
This procedure actually sets things up and calls g-typelib-new-from-memory.
Returns the value(s) returned by proc.
file must be a valid typelib filename. Makes a new
by calling (g-golf-typelib-new file)
and calls
(proc typelib)
with the resulting GITypelib
When proc returns, the GITypelib
is free’d by calling
. Otherwise the [Glib - C] memory chunk might not be
free’d automatically, though the scheme pointer returned by
will be garbage collected in the usual way if
not otherwise referenced.
Returns a pointer to a new GITypelib
pointer must be the address of a memory chunk containing the
typelib, size is the number of bytes of the memory chunk
containing the typelib, and g-error a pointer to a GError
Creates a new GITypelib
from a memory location. The memory block
pointed to by typelib will be automatically g_free()
d when the
repository is destroyed.
Returns nothing.
Free a GITypelib.
Returns the namespace of typelib.