Interface Info

G-Golf Interface Info low level API.
GIInterfaceInfo — Structs representing a GInterface.




GIInterfaceInfo represents a GInterface.

A GInterface has methods, properties, signals, constants, virtual functions and prerequisites.

Struct Hierarchy

  +— GIRegisteredTypeInfo
            +— GIInterfaceInfo


Note: in this section, unless otherwise specified, the info argument is [must be] a pointer to a GIInterfaceInfo.

Procedure: gi-interface-import info

Returns a list.

In the current version of G-Golf, interfaces are ‘opaques’. Returns a list composed of the ’interface (type-tag) symbol, the interface (scheme and symbol) name, g-name, g-type and #t (a boolean that means the type is confirmed). Here is an example:

(interface gtk-orientable "GtkOrientable" 94578771473520 #t)
Procedure: gi-interface-show info

Returns nothing.

Obtains and displays the following informations about the interface pointed to by info:

,use (g-golf)
 (g-irepository-require "Gdk" #:version "4.0")
⇒ $2 = #<pointer 0x55649014c780>

(g-irepository-find-by-name "Gdk" "Paintable")
⇒ $3 = #<pointer 0x5564901531e0>

(gi-interface-show $3)
-| #<pointer 0x5564901531e0> is a (pointer to a) GIInterfaceInfo:
-|          namespace: "Gdk"
-|               name: "Paintable"
-|             g-type: 93947637686432
-|        g-type-name: "GdkPaintable"
-|    n-prerequisites: 0
-|       n-properties: 0
-|          n-methods: 10
-|          n-signals: 2
-|          n-vfuncts: 6
-|        n-constants: 0
-|       iface-struct: #<pointer 0x5571e38ec190>
-|  iface-struct-name: "PaintableInterface"
-|  Methods:
-|      0. #f
-|         gdk-paintable-new-empty
-|      1. compute-concrete-size
-|         gdk-paintable-compute-concrete-size
-|      2. get-current-image
-|         gdk-paintable-get-current-image
-|      3. get-flags
-|         gdk-paintable-get-flags
-|      ...
-|   VFuncs:
-|       0. get-current-image
-|       1. get-flags
-|       2. get-intrinsic-aspect-ratio
-|       3. get-intrinsic-height
-|       4. get-intrinsic-width
-|       5. snapshot
Procedure: g-interface-info-get-n-prerequisites info

Returns the number of prerequisites for info.

Obtain the number of prerequisites for this interface type. A prerequisites is another interface that needs to be implemented for interface, similar to a base class for GObjects.

Procedure: g-interface-info-get-prerequisite info n

Returns a pointer to the nth prerequisite for info.

The prerequisite as a GIBaseInfo. It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-interface-info-get-n-properties info

Returns the number of properties for info.

Obtain the number of properties that this interface type has.

Procedure: g-interface-info-get-property info n

Returns a pointer to the nth GIPropertyInfo of info.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-interface-info-get-n-methods info

Returns the number of methods for info.

Obtain the number of methods that this interface type has.

Procedure: g-interface-info-get-method info n

Returns a pointer to the nth GIFunctionInfo of info.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-interface-info-find-method info name

Returns a pointer to a GIFunctionInfo or #f if there is no method available with that name.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-interface-info-get-n-signals info

Returns the number of signals for info.

Obtain the number of signals that this interface type has.

Procedure: g-interface-info-get-signal info n

Returns a pointer to the nth GISignalInfo of info.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-interface-info-find-signal info name

Returns a pointer to a GISignalInfo or #f if there is no signal available with that name.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-interface-info-get-n-vfuncs info

Returns the number of vfuncs for info.

Obtain the number of vfuncs that this interface type has.

Procedure: g-interface-info-get-vfunc info n

Returns a pointer to the nth GIVfuncInfo of info.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-interface-info-find-vfunc info name

Returns a pointer to a GIFunctionInfo or #f if there is no signal available with that name.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-interface-info-get-n-constants info

Returns the number of constants for info.

Obtain the number of constants that this interface type has.

Procedure: g-interface-info-get-constant info n

Returns a pointer to the nth GIConstantInfo of info.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-interface-info-get-iface-struct info

Returns a pointer to a GIStructInfo for info, or #f.

Obtains and returns the layout C structure associated with info. It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.