Constant Info

G-Golf Constant Info low level API.
GIConstantInfo — Struct representing a constant.



Struct Hierarchy

  +— GIConstantInfo


GIConstantInfo represents a constant. A constant has a type associated which can be obtained by calling g-constant-info-get-type and a value, which can be obtained by calling g-constant-info-get-value.


Note: in this section, the info and value arguments are [must be] pointers to a GIConstantInfo and a GIArgument, respectively.

Procedure: g-constant-info-free-value info value

Returns nothing.

Frees the value returned from g-constant-info-get-value.

Procedure: g-constant-info-get-type info

Returns a pointer.

Obtains and returns a pointer to the GITypeInfo for info. Free it using g-base-info-unref when done.

Procedure: g-constant-info-get-value info value

Returns an integer (the size of a constant).

Obtains the value associated with info and store it in the value parameter, which must be allocated before passing it.

The size of the constant value stored in argument will be returned. Free the value argument with g-constant-info-free-value.