Boxed Types

G-Golf GObject Boxed Types low level API.
Boxed Types — A mechanism to wrap opaque C structures registered by the type system.




GBoxed is a generic wrapper mechanism for arbitrary C structures. The only thing the type system needs to know about the structures is how to copy them (a GBoxedCopyFunc) and how to free them (a GBoxedFreeFunc) — beyond that they are treated as opaque chunks of memory.

Please read the Boxed Types section from the GObject reference manual for a complete description.


Procedure: g-boxed-free g-type pointer

Returns nothing.

Frees the boxed structure at pointer, which is of type g-type.

Procedure: g-boxed-copy g-type pointer

Returns (a pointer to) the newly created copy of the boxed structure.

Procedure: g-strv-get-type

Returns a GType.

Registers (unless already registered) the GStrv GLib type in GObject and returns its GType, the GType for a boxed type holding a NULL-terminated array of strings. This procedure must have been called at least once before (g-type-from-name "GStrv") calls may be honoured.

The newly created copy of the boxed structure.