GNU G-Golf Reference Manual

This manual documents GNU G-Golf version 0.8.0.

Copyright (C) 2016 - 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled “GNU Free Documentation License.”

Table of Contents


This manual describes how to use G-Golf. It relates particularly to G-Golf version 0.8.0.

Contributors to this Manual

Like G-Golf itself, the G-Golf reference manual is a living entity. Right now, the contributor to this manual is:

  • David Pirotte

who is also the author and maintainer of G-Golf.

You are most welcome to join and help. Visit G-Golf’s web site at to find out how to get involved.

Join the GNU Project

G-Golf is part of the GNU Operating System, developed by the GNU Project.

If you are the author of an awesome program and want to join us in writing Free (libre) Software, please consider making it an official GNU program and become a GNU Maintainer. You can find instructions on how to do this here.

You don’t have a program to contribute? Look at all the other ways you may help.

To learn more about Free (libre) Software, you can read and please share this page.

The G-Golf License

GNU G-Golf is Free Software. GNU G-Golf is copyrighted, not public domain, and there are restrictions on its distribution or redistribution:

  • GNU G-Golf and supporting files are published under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 or later. See the file LICENSE.
  • This manual is published under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (see GNU Free Documentation License).

You must be aware there is no warranty whatsoever for GNU G-Golf. This is described in full in the license.

I. Introduction

About G-Golf

GNOME: (Guile Object Library for).


G-Golf is a Guile1 Object Library for GNOME.

G-Golf is a tool to develop fast and feature-rich graphical applications, with a clean and recognizable look and feel. Here is an overview of the GNOME platform libraries, accessible using G-Golf.

In particular, libadwaita provides a number of widgets that change their layout based on the available space. This can be used to make applications adapt their UI between desktop and mobile devices. The GNOME Web (best known through its code name, Epiphany, is a good example of such an adaptive UI.

G-Golf uses Glib, GObject and GObject Introspection. As it imports a Typelib (a GObject introspectable library), G-Golf defines GObject classes as GOOPS2 classes. GObject methods are defined and added to their corresponding generic function. Simple functions are defined as scheme procedures.

Here is an example, an excerpt taken from the peg-solitaire game, that shows the implementation, for the peg-solitaire game, of the GtkApplication activate signal callback in G-Golf:

(define (activate app)
  (let ((window (make <gtk-application-window>
                  #:title "Peg Solitaire"
                  #:default-width 420
                  #:default-height 420
                  #:application app))
        (header-bar (make <gtk-header-bar>))
        (restart (make <gtk-button>
                   #:icon-name "view-refresh-symbolic")))

    (connect restart
             (lambda (bt)
               (restart-game window)))

    (set-titlebar window header-bar)
    (pack-start header-bar restart)
    (create-board window)
    (show window)))

G-Golf comes with some examples, listed on the learn page of the G-Golf web site. Each example comes with a screenshot and has a link that points to its source code, in the G-Golf sources repository.


GNU G-Golf also has a project page on Savannah.

Obtaining and installing G-Golf

G-Golf can be obtained from the following archive site The file will be named g-golf-version.tar.gz. The current version is 0.8.0, so the file you should grab is:


* Main Dependencies

G-Golf needs the following software to run:

* Test-Suite Dependencies

G-Golf currently needs the following additional software to run its test-suite:

* Examples Dependencies

– Gtk-4.0 examples –

G-Golf currently needs the following additional software to run its Gtk-4.0 examples:

  • Gtk-4.0 ≥ 4.10.0
  • Guile-Cairo > 1.11.2

    G-Golf actually requires a patched version of guile-cairo that contains the following new interface (which is not in guile-cairo 1.11.2): cairo-pointer->context.

– Adwaita examples –

G-Golf currently needs the following additional software to run its Adw-1 examples:

Install from the tarball

Assuming you have satisfied the dependencies, open a terminal and proceed with the following steps:

cd <download-path>
tar zxf g-golf-0.8.0.tar.gz
cd g-golf-0.8.0
./configure [--prefix=/your/prefix] [--with-guile-site]
make install

Happy G-Golf!

Install from the source

G-Golf uses Git for revision control, hosted on Savannah, you may browse the sources repository here.

There are currently 2 [important] branches: master and devel. G-Golf stable branch is master, developments occur on the devel branch.

So, to grab, compile and install from the source, open a terminal and:

git clone git://
cd g-golf
./configure [--prefix=/your/prefix] [--with-guile-site]
make install

The above steps ensure you’re using G-Golf bleeding edge stable version. If you wish to participate to developments, checkout the devel branch:

git checkout devel

Happy hacking!


  1. The default and --prefix installation locations for source modules and compiled files (in the absence of --with-guile-site) are:

    If you pass --with-guile-site, these locations become:

    Guile global site directory
    Guile site-ccache directory
  2. The configure step reports these locations as the content of the sitedir and siteccachedir variables.

    After installation, you may consult these variables using pkg-config:

    pkg-config g-golf-1.0 --variable=sitedir
    pkg-config g-golf-1.0 --variable=siteccachedir
  3. Unless you have used --with-guile-site, or unless these locations are already ’known’ by Guile, you will need to define or augment your GUILE_LOAD_PATH and GUILE_COMPILED_PATH environment variables accordingly (or %load-path and %load-compiled-path at run time if you prefer3 (See Environment Variables and Load Path in the Guile Reference Manual).

  4. G-Golf also installs its libg-golf.* library files, in $(libdir). The configure step reports its location as the content of the libdir variable, which depends on on the content of the prefix and exec_prefix variables (also reported).

    After installation, you may consult these variables using pkg-config:

    pkg-config g-golf-1.0 --variable=prefix
    pkg-config g-golf-1.0 --variable=exec_prefix
    pkg-config g-golf-1.0 --variable=libdir
  5. Unless the $(libdir) location is already ’known’ by your system, you will need - to either define or augment your $LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, or alter the /etc/ (or add a file in /etc/ and run (as root) ldconfig, so that G-Golf finds its libg-golf.* library files4.

  6. To install G-Golf, you must have write permissions to the default or $(prefix) directory and its subdirs, as well as to both Guile’s site and site-ccache directories if --with-guile-site was passed.

  7. Like for any other GNU Tool Chain compatible software, you may install the documentation locally using make install-info, make install-html and/or make install-pdf.

  8. G-Golf comes with a test-suite, which we recommend you to run (especially before Reporting Bugs):
    make check
  9. To try/run an uninstalled version of G-Golf, use the pre-inst-env script:
    ./pre-inst-env your-program [arg1 arg2 ...]

Contact Information

Mailing list

G-Golf uses Guile’s mailing lists:

Please use ‘G-Golf - ’ to preceed the subject line of G-Golf related emails, thanks!

You can (un)subscribe to the one or both of these mailing lists by following instructions on their respective list information page.


Most of the time you can find me on irc, channel #guile, #guix and #scheme on, #clutter and #introspection on, under the nickname daviid.

Reporting Bugs

G-Golf uses a bug control and manipulation mailserver. You may send your bugs report here:

You can (un)subscribe to the bugs report list by following instructions on the list information page.

Further information and a list of available commands are available here.

II. Using G-Golf

Before you start

Naming Conventions

G-Golf is, or at least tries to be, consistent in the way ‘things’ are being named, whether the functionality being ‘exposed’ is from an imported GNOME library or is part of a G-Golf’s core reference module.

GNOME Libraries

When G-Golf imports a GNOME library, its classes, properties, methods, functions, types and constant are renamed, which is achieved by calling g-name->class-name and g-name->name appropriately.

As described in their respective documentation entry, as well as in the Customizing G-Golf section, G-Golf offers a way to either ignore or partially customize the renaming process.

  _ Classes

GNOME libraries classes are imported as GOOPS classes (the Guile Object Oriented System, see GOOPS in The GNU Guile Reference Manual), and their respective name is given by the result of calling g-name->class-name, for example:

GtkWindow ⇒ <gtk-window>
ClutterActor ⇒ <clutter-actor>
WebKitWebView ⇒ <webkit-web-view>(5)

  _ Properties

GNOME libraries class properties are imported as GOOPS class slots, and their respective name is given by calling g-name->name. Each property slot defines an init-keyword and an accessor, following G-Golf’s accessors naming conventions (See GOOPS Notes and Conventions).

As an example, the <gtk-label> class has a label slot, with the #:label init-keyword and !label accessor.

  _ Methods

GNOME libraries methods are imported as GOOPS methods, the name of which is obtained by calling g-name->name.

Unless otherwise specified (see Customization Square - GI Method Short Name Skip), as it imports a GI typelib, G-Golf creates a method short name for each imported method, obtained by dropping the container name (and its trailing hyphen) from the GI typelib method long name.

For example, the <gtk-label> class, which defines a gtk-label-get-text method, would also define, using G-Golf’s default settings, an get-text method.

  _ Functions

GNOME libraries functions are imported as procedures, renamed by calling g-name->name. For example:

gtk_window_new ⇒ gtk-window-new
clutter_actor_new ⇒ clutter-actor-new

  _ Enums, Flags and Boxed types

GNOME libraries enums, flags and boxed types are renamed by calling g-name->name (and cached, See Cache Park section).

Enum and flag type members are renamed by calling g-name->name. To illustrate, here is an example:

,use (g-golf)

(gi-import-by-name "Gtk" "WindowPosition")
⇒ $2 = #<<gi-enum> 5618c7a18090>

(describe $2)
-| #<<gi-enum> 5618c7a18090> is an instance of class <gi-enum>
-| Slots are:
-|      enum-set = ((none . 0) (center . 1) (mouse . 2) (center-always . 3) (center-on-parent . 4))
-|      g-type = 94664428197600
-|      g-name = "GtkWindowPosition"
-|      name = gtk-window-position

G-Golf Core Reference

  _ Procedures and Variables

G-Golf procedure names that bind a Glib, GObject or GObject Introspection functions (always) use the ‘original’ name, except that every _ (underscore) occurrence is replaced by a - (hyphens). For example:

⇒ g-main-loop-new

⇒ g-irepository-get-loaded-namespaces

G-Golf also comes with its own set of procedures, syntax and variables, aimed at not just reading a typelib, but making its functionality available from Guile. Naming those, whenever possible, is done following the ‘traditional way’ scheme name its procedures, syntax and variables. For example:

  • procedure names that start with call-with-input-, call-with-output- followed by a Glib, GObject. Gdk or GI type, such as:
  • syntax names that start as with- followed by a Glib, GObject, Gdk or GI type, such as:

When an ‘obvious’ name can’t be find ‘on its own’, or to avoid possible conflict outside G-Golf6, then the name starts using a g- prefix (when the procedure context is GNOME in general) or gi- prefix (when the procedure context is GI more specifically), and equally for variables, using %g- or %gi-.

  _ Types and Values

G-Golf variables that bind Glib, GObject and GI types and values use the same convention as for procedures, except that they always start with % and their original type names are transformed by the same rules that those applied when calling g-studly-caps-expand.

For example, from the GIBaseInfo section:

⇒ %gi-info-type

GOOPS Notes and Conventions

G-Golf extensively uses GOOPS, the Guile Object Oriented System (see GOOPS in The GNU Guile Reference Manual), in a way that is largely inspired by Guile-Gnome.

Here are some notes and the GOOPS conventions used by G-Golf.

  _ Slots are not Immutable

Except for virtual slots, there is currently no way to effectively prohibit (block) a user to mutate a goops class instance (one can always use slot-set! instance slot-name value)7.

However, you will find a few places in this manual using phrase excerpts like ‘instances of this <class> are immutable’, or ‘this <slot> is immutable’. In these contexts, what is actually meant is that these (insances or slots) are not meant to be mutated. Doing so is not only at your own risks, but likely to cause a crash.

  _ Merging Generics

In G-Golf, generic functions are always merged (see Merging Generics in The GNU Guile Reference Manual).

Users are (highly) recommended to do the same, in their repl, application/library modules and script(s). In its modules - those that import (oop goops) - G-Golf uses the following duplicate binding handler set:

  #:duplicates (merge-generics

In a repl or in scripts, these maybe set - after importing (oop goops) - by calling default-duplicate-binding-handler:

(use-modules (oop goops))

    '(merge-generics replace warn-override-core warn last))

G-Golf regular users should consider adding the above lines to their $HOME/.guile or, when working in a multi-user environmet, should consider adding those lines the file named init.scm in the so-called Guile global site directory8, here (evaluate the following expression in a terminal): guile -c "(display (%global-site-dir))(newline)".

  _ Accessors Naming Convention

In G-Golf, all slots define an accessor (and no getter, no setter), the name of which is the slot-name prefixed using !. For example:

(define-class <gtype-class> (<class>)
  (info #:accessor !info
        #:init-keyword #:info)

The principal reasons are (not in any particular order):

  • It is a good idea, we think, to be able to visually (and somehow immediately) spot and distinct accessors from the rest of the scheme code your are looking at or working on.

  • Accessors are exported, and with this convention, we almost certainly avoid all ‘name clashes’ with user namespaces, that otherwise would be extremelly frequent9.

  • Users quite often want or even need to cash slot values in a closure. By using this ! prefixing convention, we leave users with the (quite usefull) possibility to name their local variables using the respective slot names.

  • Accessors may always be used to mutate a slot value (except for virtual slots, for which you can ‘block’ that feature), like in (set! (!name an-actor) "Mike"). In scheme, it is a tradition to signal mutability by postfixing the procedure name using the ! character.

  • Accessors are not procedures though, there are methods, and to effectively mutate a slot value, one must use set!. Therefore, prefixing makes sence (and preserves the first reason announced here, where posfixing would break it).

  • We should also add that we are well aware that Java also prefixes its accessors, using a . as its prefix character, but GOOPS is radically different from Java in its design, and therefore, we really wanted another character.

Configuring Guile for G-Golf

The following description and content is shared and identical to the ‘Merging Generics’ heading of the previous section.

It is repeated it here, under its own section entry, so that it appears in the table of content and grab all users attention - those who do not follow our recommendation may void their warranty or poison their cat.

  _ Merging Generics

In G-Golf, generic functions are always merged (see Merging Generics in The GNU Guile Reference Manual).

Users are (highly) recommended to do the same, in their repl, application/library modules and script(s). In its modules - those that import (oop goops) - G-Golf uses the following duplicate binding handler set:

  #:duplicates (merge-generics

In a repl or in scripts, these maybe set - after importing (oop goops) - by calling default-duplicate-binding-handler:

(use-modules (oop goops))

    '(merge-generics replace warn-override-core warn last))

G-Golf regular users should consider adding the above lines to their $HOME/.guile or, when working in a multi-user environmet, should consider adding those lines the file named init.scm in the so-called Guile global site directory10, here (evaluate the following expression in a terminal): guile -c "(display (%global-site-dir))(newline)".

Customizing G-Golf

G-Golf offers a series of customization interfaces for the following domains: (•) Name Transformation - how things are being named as they are being imported;(•) Strip Boolean Result - should G-Golf elude (some) function and method call returned value when it is #t and raise an exception if the returned value is #f; (•) Method Short Name - should G-Golf create them or not; (•) Syntax Name Protect - how G-Golf should address syntax name ‘clash’ against method short name.

  _ Name Transformation

When G-Golf imports a GNOME library, its classes, properties, methods, functions, types and constants are renamed (See Naming Conventions), mainly to (a) avoid ‘Camel Case’, (b) surround class names by ‘<’ ‘>’ and (c) replace ‘_’ (underscore) occurrences using the ‘-’ (hyphen) character instead.

G-Golf offers - through a series of interfaces to get, check, add, remove and reset two (distinct) associative lists - a way to either ignore or partially customize the renaming process.

See Customization Square - GI Name Transformation.

  _ Strip Boolean Result

Some GI typelib functions and methods that (1) have at least one 'inout or 'out argument(s) and (2) return either #t or #f, solely to indicate that the function or method call was successful or not.

G-Golf offers - through a series of interfaces to get, check, add, remove and reset a list of such function or methods names - to instead elude the function or method returned value when it is #t and raise an exception if the returned value is #f.

See Customization Square - GI Strip Boolean Result.

  _ Method Short Name

By default, as it imports a GI typelib, G-Golf creates a method short name for each imported method, obtained by dropping the container name (and its trailing hyphen) from the GI typelib method full/long name.

Users may change this default and skip the method short name creation step, either individually or for all GI imported methods.

See Customization Square - GI Method Short Name Skip.

  _ Syntax Name Protect

When G-Golf creates a method short name, obtained by dropping the container name (and its trailing hyphen) from the GI typelib method full/long name, it may lead to a ‘name clash’, with an already defined procedure or syntax.

Both type of ‘name clash’ need to be addressed, which G-Golf does, automatically, but special care must be taken when that happens against a syntax name, a process that you may custom to your own taste.

See Customization Square - GI Syntax Name Protect.

SXML Support - Emacs users

G-Golf offers two files to support editing and maintaining GtkWidget template and GtkBuilder ui (xml) files as sxml files instead. Currently, these files are in the examples/adw-1/adw1-demo/ui directory.


Emacs users should import this file in their .emacs file.

This is an attempt to provide both indentation and font-lock support, so ui files editing becomes a more pleasant experience. It is a first draft and definitely an experimental attempt. Better then nothing (much better imo), but suggestions to improve this first and quite ’naive’ draft would be welcome.


Offered as an example of the simplest possible way to convert all *.scm files of a directory to their corresponding *.ui files.

Getting Started with G-Golf

G-Golf will let you import and work with any GObject-Introspectable GNOME library11. Since we need to make a choice among so many, to guide new comers and get them started with G-Golf, let’s pick-up Gtk, and show how to Create interfaces that users just love.

Please note that in the entire course of the G-Golf manual, unless otherwise specified, examples are based on and use Gtk-4.0, Gdk-4.0 and Gsk-4.0 - which is new and only available with Gtk-4.0.

G-Golf itself perfectly works and support Gtk-3.0 and Gdk-3.0.

We shall complete this brief introduction mentioning that the GNOME team wrote a guide to help Migrating from GTK 3.x to GTK 4.

Hello World!

Following the tradition, let’s first see how the often seen ‘Hello World!’ familiar, minimal, friendly greeting program looks like in G-Golf:

;; Load Gtk
(use-modules (g-golf))
(gi-import "Gtk")

;; When the application is launched..
(define (activate app)
  ;; - Create a new window and a new button
  (let ((window (make <gtk-application-window>
                  #:title "Hello"
                  #:application app))
        (button (make <gtk-button>
                  #:label "Hello, World!")))
    ;; - Which closes the window when clicked
    (connect button
             (lambda (b)
               (close window)))
    (set-child window button)
    (show window)))

;; Create a new application
(let ((app (make <gtk-application>
             #:application-id "org.example.GtkApplication")))
  (connect app 'activate activate)
  ;; Run the application
  (run app 0 '()))

Providing you successfully installed G-Golf, you may run the above code in a Guile REPL (Read Evaluate Print Loop)12, which as described in its comments, starts the application, resulting in opening a (small) window named ‘Hello’, with one button named ‘Hello, World!’, that will close the window when clicked.


Example 1: Hello World! (1)

Wonderful! But you probably rightfully think that it was a bit slow. This is not because G-Golf nor Guile are slow, but because the Gtk namespace is absolutely huge, and although we only use a few components, we asked to import the all namespace. We will see how to only selectively import the namespace components we need in the next section, but let’s first try the following, (a) close the window and (b) re-evaluate the last expression:

(let ((app (make <gtk-application>
             #:application-id "com.example.GtkApplication")))
  (connect app 'activate activate)
  (run app 0 '()))

Great! Now, the application was launched instantaneously. Since everything it needs was already imported, the time it takes to execute the code is nearly identical to the time it would take to execute the same code from C - if you accurately measure the execution time in both situation, you would see a difference in the results, but small enough that it is safe to declare it imperceptible.

It would be beyond the scope of this introduction to describe the <gtk-application> / g-application-run instance creation and run mechanism in detail, for this, please consult and carefully read their respective entries in the Gtk and Gio reference manuals.

The GNOME team also maintains a wiki called HowDoI, and two pages are dedicated to this subject: HowDoI GtkApplication and HowDoI GtkApplication/CommandLine.

This said, let’s just make a few hopefully usefull comments to newcomers:

  • as you can see, we do not need to call gtk-init, it is done automatically (more on this in the GtkApplication section of the Gtk Reference Manual);

  • the #:application-id init-keyworkd is optional, although recommended, and when passed, the application ID must be valid (more on this below).

  _ Is your application ID valid?

The set of rules that apply and determine if an Application Identifier is valid is fully described in the Gio Reference Manual, here.

In G-Golf, you may check if your application ID is valid by calling g-application-id-is-valid13, for example:

(g-application-id-is-valid "com.example.GtkApplication")
⇒ #t

(g-application-id-is-valid "RedBear")
⇒ #f

If you pass an invalid application ID to a <gtk-application> instance creation, you’ll be noted with a message similar to this:

(process:30818): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 21:58:52.700: g_application_set_application_id: assertion ’application_id == NULL || g_application_id_is_valid (application_id)’ failed

  _ Great, but could we speed things up a little?

Yes we can! In the next section, as promised above, we will walk you through Selective Import, used to reduce the time G-Golf has to spend importing the typelib(s) that your application requires.

Selective Import

To selectively import namespace components, use gi-import-by-name, which takes two arguments, a namespace and a (component) name. Let’s try on our minimal ‘Hello World!’ example and see how it goes. All we need to do, is to substitute the (gi-import "Gtk") call by the following expression:

(for-each (lambda (name)
            (gi-import-by-name "Gtk" name))

With this change, everything else kept equal, if you (quit and) restart Guile, evaluate the updated ‘Hello World!’ example code, you will notice how the elapse time before the application window appears is now substantially reduced, compared to the version that imports the all Gtk namespace. Substantially reduced but … not instantaneous: well, that is expected!

Although we only import a few Gtk namespace components, three GObject classes in this example, G-Golf will import those classes, their interface(s) if any, methods, enums, flags ... and do the same for their parent class, recursively. For those three classes only, G-Golf actually has to import (and dynamically define) tens of classes, interfaces, enums, flags … as well as hundreds of methods and procedures.

G-Golf will also import classes, interfaces and their dependencies (enums, flags … recursively as well …) from other namespace if necessary. We already have an illustration of this, both with the original example and the change we just made: although we do not explicitly import the GApplication class from the Gio namespace, G-Golf did that for us, and so we may call run - which is the short method name for g-application-run - as if we did manually import it.

Both the namespace and name arguments are case sensitive. The name argument is used to retrieve the typelib Base Info that holds the metadata of the introspectable library element it represents. Although there are a some exceptions, it is generally derived from and obtained by dropping the namespace prefix (without its version number if any) out of the original name. Here are a few more examples, organized by namespace:


GtkWindow -> Window
gtk_init -> init
gtk_main -> main
gtk_main_quit -> main_quit


WebKitWebView -> WebView
WebKitLoadEvent -> LoadEvent

  _ Cool, selective import, but what about scripting?

Right! The ’Hello World!’ example we have presented so far can only be run interactively.

In the next section, we will see how we may turn it - and any other example or application - so it can be run as a script.


A Guile script is simply a file of Scheme code with some ‘extra information at the beginning’ which tells the OS (operating system) how to invoke Guile, and then tells Guile how to handle the Scheme code.

  _ Invoking Guile

It would be beyond the scope of this manual to expose the numerous ways one can define and invoke a Guile script, for a complete description of the subject, see Guile Scripting in The GNU Guile Reference Manual.

In G-Golf, both provided examples and in this manual, we use the so called ‘for maximum portability’ scripting technique, which is to invoke the shell to execute guile with specified command line arguments.

Here is what we do:

#! /bin/sh
# -*- mode: scheme; coding: utf-8 -*-
exec guile -e main -s "$0" "$@"

In the above, the first line is to specify which shell will be used to interpret the (OS part of the) ‘extra information at the beginning’ of the script.

The second line is optional (and a comment from a shell point of view), that we use it to inform emacs (should you use emacs to edit the file) that despite the ‘extra information at the beginning’ (and the possible lack of filename extension in the script name), it should use the scheme mode as the script editing buffer mode.

The third line tells the shell to execute guile, with the following arguments:

-e main

after reading the script, apply main to command line arguments

-s "$0"

load the source code from "$0" (which by shell rules, is bound to the fullname of the script itself)


the command line arguments

Note that the top level script lines may contain other declaration(s), like environment variable definitions. Suppose you would like to be warned if your script uses any deprecated guile functionality. In this case, you add the following export GUILE_WARN_DEPRECATED="detailed" declaration, before the exec guile … call, like this:

#! /bin/sh
# -*- mode: scheme; coding: utf-8 -*-
export GUILE_WARN_DEPRECATED="detailed"
exec guile -e main -s "$0" "$@"

  _ Extra Guile information

Within the context of a G-Golf script, two other things must be taken care of - in addition to the (use-modules (g-golf)) step - so that the script runs fine: (1) set-up Guile so that generic functions are merged; (2) import (all) typelib element(s) at expand load eval time.

In a repl or in scripts, (1) is achieved by importing the (oop goops) module and calling default-duplicate-binding-handler14.

In Guile, (2) is achieved by calling the eval-when syntax15.

Now, bear with us :), since (2) will define generic functions and/or add methods to existing generic functions, we must make sure the (1) not only preceeds (2), but also happens at expand load eval time.

With all the above in mind, here is how the extra Guile information looks like, for our ‘Hello World!’ script example:

(eval-when (expand load eval)
  (use-modules (oop goops))

    '(merge-generics replace warn-override-core warn last))

  (use-modules (g-golf))

  (for-each (lambda (name)
              (gi-import-by-name "Gtk" name))

  _ A Hello World! script

Let’s put all this together, and while doing this, enhance a little our original example.

Here is what we propose to do: (a) add a GtkLabel, (b) use a GtkBox and see how to declare its margins and orientation, (c) specify a default width and height for our application window, and (d) see how we can tell the label to horizontally and vertically expand, so it occupies the extra vertical space, while keeping the button to its minimal vertical size.

Joining (1), (2) and the small enhancement, our ‘Hello World!’ script now looks like this:

#! /bin/sh
# -*- mode: scheme; coding: utf-8 -*-
exec guile -e main -s "$0" "$@"

(eval-when (expand load eval)
  (use-modules (oop goops))

    '(merge-generics replace warn-override-core warn last))

  (use-modules (g-golf))

  (for-each (lambda (name)
              (gi-import-by-name "Gtk" name))

(define (activate app)
  (let ((window (make <gtk-application-window>
                  #:title "Hello"
                  #:default-width 320
                  #:default-height 240
                  #:application app))
        (box    (make <gtk-box>
                  #:margin-top 6
                  #:margin-start 12
                  #:margin-bottom 6
                  #:margin-end 6
                  #:orientation 'vertical))
        (label  (make <gtk-label>
                  #:label "Hello, World!"
                  #:hexpand #t
                  #:vexpand #t))
        (button (make <gtk-button>
                  #:label "Close")))

    (connect button
	     (lambda (b)
               (close window)))

    (set-child window box)
    (append box label)
    (append box button)
    (show window)))

(define (main args)
  (let ((app (make <gtk-application>
               #:application-id "org.gtk.example")))
    (connect app 'activate activate)
    (let ((status (run app 0 '())))
      (exit status))))

If you save the above in a file, say hello-world, then chmod a+x hello-world and launch the script, ./hello-world, here is what you’ll get on the screen:


Example 2: Hello World! (2)

  _ A last few comments

We need to make a last few comments, that also applies and will be further addressed in the next section.

Desktop Entry

If you are running a GNOME desktop, you probably noticed that in the GNOME menu bar, the application menu entry for our ‘Hello World!’ script is org.gtk.example (not Hello). This is because we’re missing a Desktop Entry. We will see how to create and install a Desktop Entry in the next section.

Command Line Arguments

As described in the first part of this section, we use the so called ‘for maximum portability’ scripting technique, and more precisely, the following incantation:

exec guile -e main -s "$0" "$@"

In the above, the last argument refers to the the command line arguments. It is actually optional, but when used, they are passed to the main (entry point) script procedure.

However, as you may have noticed, we do not pass those (if any) to the Gtk application, which we launch using (run app 0 '()).

This is intentional: (a) we (want to) always use the same incantation to invoke Guile - and sometimes. may quiclky hack something using additional debug args on the scheme side only …; (b) you may only pass those arguments to the Gtk application if you have defined the signal callback(s) to handle them.

If you pass the command line arguments to a Gtk application that does not define the appropriate signal callback procedure to handle them, you’ll get an error message in the terminal (and the application won’t be launched).

To illustrate, let’s change the g-application-run call of our script, so it becomes (run app (length args) args), then try to launch it, passing a few (fake) arguments, here is what happens:

./hello-world 1 2 3
-| (hello-world:216198): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 22:26:41.135: This application can not open files.

And as mentioned above, the application is not launched.

Although scripts may (also) accept and pass command line argument(s) to the Gtk application or dialog they define, we will see how to handle those in the next section, Building Applications.

Building Applications

G-Golf on Mobile Devices

Working with GNOME

Working with GNOME exposes, grouped by theme, the user interfaces to import and work with GObject-Introspectable GNOME libraries.

Please note that within the scope of the G-Golf manual in general, in the sections presented here in particular, we simply (as in merely and in the simplest possible way) exposes the scheme representation and G-Golf interfaces of the elements that are being addressed. For a deep(er) understanding of the original concepts, components and interfaces, you must refer to the upstream library documentation itself.

This is particularly true for the GLib Object System related sections. For a thorough understanding of the GLib Object System - its background, design goals, dynamic type system, base class instantiation, memory management, properties, closures and signals messaging system - please consult the GObject - Type System Concepts of the GObject reference manual.


G-Golf Import interfaces.
Importing GNOME libraries.




The G-Golf GIR namespace (Typelib) import interfaces.


Procedure: gi-import namespace #:key (version #f)

Returns nothing.

Imports the namespace GIR Typelib and exports its interface. For example:

,use (g-golf
(gi-import "Clutter")

The namespace is a case sensitive string. It is an error to call this procedure using an invalid namespace.

The optional #:version keyword argument may be used to require a specific namespace version, otherwise, the latest will be used.

This procedure is certainly one of the first thing you will want to try and use, but it has a cost: you will not ‘feel it’ if the number of objects in namespace is relatively small, but importing the "Gtk" namespace, on a laptop equiped with a i5-2450M CPU  2.50GHz × 4 and 6GB of memory takes nearly 2 seconds.

So, either early in the development cycle, or when your application is more stable, at your best convenience, you may consider making a series of selective import instead, see gi-import-by-name here below.

Procedure: gi-import-by-name namespace name #:key (version #f) (force? #f) (with-method #t) (allow-constant? #f)

Returns the object returned by gi-import-info called upon the GIBaseInfo info named name in namespace. The namespace and name arguments are case sensitive. It is an error to call this procedure using an invalid namespace or name.

The optional #:version keyword argument may be used to require a specific namespace version, otherwise, the latest will be used.

The optional #:force? keyword argument is required to import object(s) from the GLib and GObject namespaces, as G-Golf won’t allow any import from those by default (due to bootsrap reasons, a very important part of those namespaces are manually imported, see the GLib and GObject sections of the G-Golf Core Reference parts of the manual). As a user, you should normally not have to import for neither GLib nor GObject (if you think you do, ask for help, either by email or on irc), unless you really know what you are doing, this may corrupt your g-golf session/environment - you have been warned.

The optional #:with-method keyword argument (which is #t by default) is passed to the gi-import-enum, gi-import-flags and gi-import-struct. When #:with-method is #f, then the enum, flags or struct info will be imported without their respective methods.

The optional #:allow-constant? keyword argument is required to import constants, as by default, G-Golf doesn’t not import any constants, from any namespace. The reason is there are (far) too many and most are not useful for language bindings, but of course there are exception(s), such as (for example) the Gdk KEY_* constants, required to add shortcuts to your application. Here is an example, an excerpt from the (pages tab-view tab-view-demo-window) module (distributed with G-Golf, in the examples/adw-1/demo directory):

(define (install-shortcuts tab-view-demo-window)
  (let ((controller (make <gtk-shortcut-controller>)))
    (set-scope controller 'managed)
    (add-controller tab-view-demo-window controller)
    (for-each (match-lambda
                ((key-name modifiers action-name)
                 (let ((key-value
                        (gi-import-by-name "Gdk" key-name
                                           #:allow-constant? #t)))
                   (add-shortcut controller
                                 (make <gtk-shortcut>
                                   #:trigger (make <gtk-keyval-trigger>
                                               #:keyval key-value
                                               #:modifiers modifiers)
                                   #:action (make <gtk-named-action>
                                              #:action-name action-name))))))
        '(("KEY_n" (control-mask)  "win.window-new")
          ("KEY_t" (control-mask)  "")
          ("KEY_w" (control-mask)  "tab.close")))))


G-Golf Events interfaces.
Handling events from the window system.


Most of the numerous, important and sometimes radical changes in between Gtk-3.0/Gdk-3.0 and Gtk-4.0/Gdk-4.0/Gsk-4.0 have had no impact on G-Golf. And by most, we actually mean all but one: the GdkEvent and its API.

For this reason, this section is split/organized in two subheading, namely ‘In Gdk-3.0’ and ‘In Gdk-4.0’, how creative :), that expose their respective G-Golf interfaces.

  _ In Gdk-3.0

In Gdk-3.0, a GdkEvent contains a union of all of the event types. Data fields may be accessed either directly, direct access to GdkEvent structs, or using accessors (but not all data fields have an accessor).

In G-Golf however GdkEvent is a class, with an event slot - holding a pointer the Gdk event - all other slots are virtual and define an accessor, which is the only way users may retrieve data fields.

When G-Golf detects it is leading with GdkEvent from Gdk-3.0, while dynamically implementing the above, in addition, when applicable, it will also add some of the upstream GdkEvent accessor name to the GI Strip Boolean Result list. This is further detailed below, at the end of the section.






Class: <gdk-event>

It is an instance of <class>.

Superclasses are:


Class Precedence List:


Direct slots are:


#:accessor !event
#:init-keyword #:event

A pointer to a GdkEvent.


#:accessor !axis
#:allocation #:virtual


#:accessor !button
#:allocation #:virtual


#:accessor !click-count
#:allocation #:virtual


#:accessor !coords
#:allocation #:virtual


#:accessor !device
#:allocation #:virtual


#:accessor !device-tool
#:allocation #:virtual


#:accessor !event-sequence
#:allocation #:virtual


#:accessor !event-type
#:allocation #:virtual


#:accessor !keycode
#:allocation #:virtual


#:accessor !keyval
#:allocation #:virtual


#:accessor !pointer-emulated
#:allocation #:virtual


#:accessor !root-coords
#:allocation #:virtual


#:accessor !scancode
#:allocation #:virtual


#:accessor !screen
#:allocation #:virtual


#:accessor !scroll-deltas
#:allocation #:virtual


#:accessor !scroll-direction
#:allocation #:virtual


#:accessor !seat
#:allocation #:virtual


#:accessor !source-device
#:allocation #:virtual


#:accessor !state
#:allocation #:virtual


#:accessor !time
#:allocation #:virtual


#:accessor !window
#:allocation #:virtual


#:accessor !keyname
#:allocation #:virtual


#:accessor !x
#:allocation #:virtual


#:accessor !y
#:allocation #:virtual


#:accessor !root-x
#:allocation #:virtual


#:accessor !root-y
#:allocation #:virtual

Accessor: !event (inst <gdk-event>)

Returns the content of the event slot for inst, a pointer to a GdkEvent.

Accessor: !axis (inst <gdk-event>)
Accessor: !button (inst <gdk-event>)
Accessor: !click-count (inst <gdk-event>)
Accessor: !coords (inst <gdk-event>)
Accessor: !device (inst <gdk-event>)
Accessor: !device-tool (inst <gdk-event>)
Accessor: !event-sequence (inst <gdk-event>)
Accessor: !event-type (inst <gdk-event>)
Accessor: !keycode (inst <gdk-event>)
Accessor: !keyval (inst <gdk-event>)
Accessor: !pointer-emulated (inst <gdk-event>)
Accessor: !root-coords (inst <gdk-event>)
Accessor: !scancode (inst <gdk-event>)
Accessor: !screen (inst <gdk-event>)
Accessor: !scroll-deltas (inst <gdk-event>)
Accessor: !scroll-direction (inst <gdk-event>)
Accessor: !seat (inst <gdk-event>)
Accessor: !source-device (inst <gdk-event>)
Accessor: !state (inst <gdk-event>)
Accessor: !time (inst <gdk-event>)
Accessor: !window (inst <gdk-event>)

Respectively returns the scheme representation of the content of the inst event (struct) element - refered to by its name. It is an error to call an accessor on a inst for which the event (struct) does not deliver the element.

Internally, each of the above <gdk-event> accessor calls the corresponding GdkEvent accessor, passing the content of the event slot. For example, lets see what happens when a user performs a left button (single) click upon a widget that tracks the 'button-press-event signal callback:

(!button inst)
→ (gdk-event-get-button (!event inst))
⇒ 1

(!click-count inst)
→ (gdk-event-get-click-count (!event inst))
⇒ 1

Please refer to the Gdk Events documentation for a description of the event (struct) element accessor returned value.

To complete the above listed <gdk-event> virtual slots and accessors automatically provided by introspecting GdkEvent, G-Golf also defines a few additional rather convinient virtual slots and accessors:

Accessor: !keyname (inst <gdk-event>)

Returns the key (symbol) name that was pressed or released.

Note that there is actually no such element in any (gdk) event. This accessor calls gdk-keyval-name on the keyval of the event). Here is what happens if a user press the ’a’ keyboard key in a widget that tracks the 'key-press-event signal callback:

(!keyname inst)
→ (gdk-keyval-name (!keyval inst))
→ (gdk-keyval-name (gdk-event-get-keyval inst))
⇒ a
Accessor: !x (inst <gdk-event>)
Accessor: !y (inst <gdk-event>)
Accessor: !root-x (inst <gdk-event>)
Accessor: !root-y (inst <gdk-event>)

Respectively returns the x, y, root-x and root-y coordinate for inst.

The result is simply obtained by destructuring and selecting one of the !coords and !root-coords list values, respectively.

Strip Boolean Result

If you are not (yet) familiar with the concept we are dealing with here, make sure you visit and read the Customization Square - GI Strip Boolean Result section of the manual.

When G-Golf detects it is leading with GdkEvent from Gdk-3.0, while dynamically implementing the <gdk-event> class and its accessors, it will add the following names to the GI Strip Boolean Result list:


  _ In Gdk-4.0

In Gdk-4.0, GdkEvent is a class16. GdkEvent structs are opaque and immutable. Direct access to GdkEvent structs is no longer possible in GTK 4. All event fields have accessors.

In G-Golf - as in Gdk-4.0 GdkEvent is a class - no special treatment is performed anymore. In particular, no virtual slot is defined and users must access the GdkEvent structs data fields using the accesors provided by Gdk-4.0.


G-Golf GObject interfaces.
The G-Golf integration with the GLib Object System.


For completion, this section exposes the definition of the classes and metaclasses involved in the G-Golf integration of the GLib Object System. From a (strict) user point of view however, these are actually G-Golf internals and, unless you are interested of course, might be ignored.

What you actually really need to know, as a G-Golf user, is mostly (a) the upstream reference manual of the GNOME library(ies) you intend to use, (b) how to program in Guile Scheme of course, and (c) the basics of the Guile Object Oriented System.

It doesn’t hurt if you are, or if you are willing to become one, but we would like to emphasize that you do not need to be a Guile Object Oriented System expert to use G-Golf. What you need to know, with that respect, is somehow largely covered by the Getting Started with G-Golf sections, the description of this (and related) sections and in the examples that come with G-Golf.



Procedures, Accessors and Methods

!g-name (2)


GObject17 is the GLib Object System.

The GLib Object System - a C based object-oriented framework and APIs - is composed of three principal elements: (1) GType18, the lower-level GLib Dynamic Type System, (2) GObject, the base object type and (3) the GObject closures and signals messaging system.

All the GNOME libraries that use the GLib type system inherit from GObject, the base object type, which provides methods for object construction and destruction, property access methods, and signal support.

G-Golf uses GOOPS19 and defines the <gobject> class, from which all imported GNOME libraries inherit, as their class hierarchy is being built in Guile Scheme.


Class: <gobject>

The base class of the GLib Object System.

It is an instance of <gobject-class>.

Superclasses are:


Class Precedence List:


(No direct slot)

Class: <ginterface>

The base class for GLib’s interface types. Not derivable in Scheme.

It is an instance of <gobject-class>.

Superclasses are:


Class Precedence List:


(No direct slot)

Class: <gobject-class>

The metaclass of the <gobject> and <ginterface> classes.

It is an instance of <class>.

Superclasses are:


Class Precedence List:


(No direct slot)

Class: <gtype-class>

The metaclass of all GType classes. Ensures that GType classes have an info slot, holding a pointer to either a GIObjectInfo or a GIInterfaceInfo.

It is an instance of <class>.

Superclasses are:


Class Precedence List:


Direct slots are:


#:accessor !info
#:init-keyword #:info


#:accessor !derived
#:init-keyword #:derived
#:init-value #f

A class is derived when it is user defined (not imported), and inherit a <gobject> subclass.


#:accessor !namespace


#:accessor !g-type


#:accessor !g-name


#:accessor !g-class

The #:info #:init-keyword is mandatory, other slots are initialized automatically. All slots are immutable (to be precise, they are not meant to be mutated, see GOOPS Notes and Conventions, ’Slots are not Immutable’).

Accessor: !info (inst <gtype-class>)
Accessor: !derived (inst <gtype-class>)
Accessor: !namespace (inst <gtype-class>)
Accessor: !g-type (inst <gtype-class>)
Accessor: !g-name (inst <gtype-class>)
Accessor: !g-class (inst <gtype-class>)

Returns the content of their respective slot for inst.

Class: <gtype-instance>

The root class of all instantiable GType classes. Adds a slot, g-inst, to instances, which holds a pointer to the C value.

It is an instance of <gtype-class>.

Superclasses are:


Class Precedence List:


Direct slots are:


#:accessor !g-inst

The g-inst slot is initialized automatically and immutable (to be precise, it is not meant to be mutated, see GOOPS Notes and Conventions, ’Slots are not Immutable’).

Accessor: !g-inst (inst <gtype-instance>)

Returns the content of the g-inst slot for instance.

Method: unref (inst <gtype-instance>)

Returns nothing.

This method calls g-object-unref on the g-inst of instance.

When the reference count for the g-inst reaches 0 (zero), it sets the g-inst slot value for instance to #f and removes instance from the %g-inst-cache.

Note that it used to be mandatory to call this method upon unreachable instances, so that their memory could be freed by the next gc (garbage collector) occurrence, but this is not the case anymore, as auto gc of unreachable <gobject> instances is a now feature [since August 2021].


Procedure: gobject-class? val

Returns #t if val is a class and if <gobject> is a member of its class precedence list. Otherwise, it returns #f.

G-Golf Valley

Cache Park

Cache Park - Accessing G-Golf caches.






G-Golf has and uses a cache ‘mechanism’ - actually several, but only one is (partially) exposed to users (and with reserves, see below), also referred to as G-Golf main cache - not only for internal needs, but also to avoid reconstructing things ‘on-the-fly’ unnecessarily, such as already imported <gi-enum>, <gi-flags> and <gi-struct> instances.

G-Golf main cache exposed functionality is ‘access only’ - users should not (never) attempt to change its content - and its design is not (yet) ‘set in stone’, so interfaces here exposed, may (have to be) change(d).

So, keeping the above reserves in mind, G-Golf main cache current data structure is composed of two nested association lists, to which we refer using m-key (main key) and s-key (secondary key).


Procedure: gi-cache-show [m-key #f]

Returns nothing.

Displays the content of G-Golf main cache. If m-key (main key) is #f (the default), it displays the list of the main keys present in the cache. Otherwise, it retrieves the content of the main cache for m-key and displays its content if any, or -- is empty -- if none.

Procedure: gi-cache-ref m-key s-key

Returns a %gi-cache entry or #f.

Obtains and returns the %gi-cache entry for m-key and s-key, or #f if none is found.

Remember that you may (always) view the list of main and secondary key names (which is ‘dynamic’, depending on what you have imported) by calling gi-cache-show (without or with an m-key arg appropriately), but as a user, the two most important m-key are 'enum and 'flags, so you may check their member names, or bind their instance locally.

Main key names are given by G-Golf. Secondary key names are always the result of calling g-name->name upon the ‘object’ original name.

For example, let’s import, then retreive and visualize the content of the GtkPositionType (enum) type:

,use (g-golf)
(gi-import-by-name "Gtk" "PositionType")
⇒ $2 = #<<gi-enum> 7ff938938b40>

(gi-cache-ref 'enum 'gtk-position-type)
⇒ $3 = #<<gi-enum> 7ff938938b40>

(describe $3)
-| #<<gi-enum> 7ff938938b40> is an instance of class <gi-enum>
-| Slots are: 
-|     enum-set = ((left . 0) (right . 1) (top . 2) (bottom . 3))
-|     g-type = 94673466933568
-|     g-name = "GtkPositionType"
-|     name = gtk-position-type


Variable: %gi-cache

Holds a reference the the G-Golf main cache, which as said earlier, currently is composed of two nested association lists.

Customization Square

Customization Square - G-Golf customization functionality.

Procedures and Syntax



Welcome to the G-Golf Customization Square.

This section is organized per customization theme: (-) GI Name Transformation; (-) GI Strip Boolean Result; (-) GI Method Short Name Skip and (-) GI Syntax Name Protect.

GI Name Transformation

In this corner of the square, we expose how you may customize G-Golf with respect to GI Name Transformation that occurs when importing GNOME libraries.

When G-Golf imports a GNOME library, its classes, properties, methods, functions, types and constants are renamed (See Naming Conventions), mainly to (a) avoid ‘Camel Case’, (b) surround class names by ‘<’ ‘>’ and (c) replace ‘_’ (underscore) occurrences using the ‘-’ (hyphen) character.

As the context of name transformation is GNOME in general, as opposed to GI more specifically, (all) procedures involved are named using a g- prefix.

Here is a summary of how the name transformation happens:

Procedure: g-name-transform-exception

Returns an alist.

Obtains and returns the list of GI name transform exception (key . value) pairs. Both key and value are strings.

The GI name transform exception alist is never empty, as it is initialized and always kept to at least contain the '("GObject" . "gobject") pair20.

As a consequence <gobject> (as opposed to <g-object> is the G-Golf class name for the base class of the GLib Object System.

This only affects the class name though - any procedure or method name that comes from the "GObject" namespace is transformed using the g-object prefix, as the upstream library prefix is g_object.

Procedure: g-name-transform-exception? key

Returns #t if key is a key member of the GI name transform exception alist. Otherwise, it returns #f.

Procedure: g-name-transform-exception-add key value
Procedure: g-name-transform-exception-remove key

Returns nothing.

Add (remove) a (key . value) pair to (from) the GI name transform exception alist.

Procedure: g-name-transform-exception-reset

Returns nothing.

This procedure resets the GI name transform exception alist to its default value - which is to contain the single '("GObject" . "gobject") pair.

Procedure: g-studly-caps-expand-token-exception

Returns an alist.

Obtains and returns the list of GI studly caps expand token exception (key . value) pairs. Both key and value are strings.

The GI studly caps expand token exception alist is never empty, as it is initialized and always kept to at least contain the '("WebKit" . "webkit") pair.

Procedure: g-studly-caps-expand-token-exception? key

Returns #t if key is a key member of the GI studly caps expand token exception alist. Otherwise, it returns #f.

Procedure: g-studly-caps-expand-token-exception-add key value
Procedure: g-studly-caps-expand-token-exception-remove key

Returns nothing.

Add (remove) a (key . value) pair to (from) the GI studly caps expand token exception alist.

Procedure: g-studly-caps-expand-token-exception-reset

Returns nothing.

This procedure resets the GI studly caps expand token exception alist to its default value - which is to contain the single '("WebKit" . "webkit") pair.

GI Strip Boolean Result

In this corner of the square, we expose how you may customize G-Golf with respect to GI Strip Boolean Result, which addresses the problem of typelib functions and methods that (1) have at least one 'inout or 'out argument(s) and (2) return either #t or #f, solely to indicate that the function or method call was successful or not.

The default G-Golf behavior, when there is at least one 'inout or 'out argument(s), is to return multiple values. The first returned value is the function or method result, followed by the 'inout and 'out values, in order of appearance in the function or method call.

G-Golf also offers - through a series of interfaces to get, check, add, remove and reset a list of such function or methods names - to instead elude the function or method returned value when it is #t and raise an exception if the returned value is #f.

Here is a concrete example, for the "Clutter" namespace and the clutter-color-from-string procedure:

,use (g-golf)
(gi-import "Clutter")

(clutter-color-from-string "Blue")
⇒ $2 = #t
⇒ $3 = (0 0 255 255)

And call it with an undefined color name:

(clutter-color-from-string "Bluee")
⇒ $4 = #f
⇒ $5 = (0 0 0 0)

Now, let’s add clutter-color-from-string to the list of GI funtions and methods for which we wish to elude the result of the call from the returned value(s), then experiment the above calls and see how G-Golf changed the way it handles the results:

(gi-strip-boolean-result-add clutter-color-from-string)

(clutter-color-from-string "Blue")
⇒ $7 = (0 0 255 255)

As expected, if we call it with an undefined color name, it will raise an exception21

(clutter-color-from-string "Bluee")
-| ice-9/boot-9.scm:1686:16: In procedure raise-exception:
-|   clutter-color-from-string " failed."
-| Entering a new prompt.  Type `,bt' for a backtrace or `,q' to continue.

G-Golf default is that the list of GI funtions and methods for which to elude the result of the call from the returned value(s) is empty. It is a user responsibility to fill it appropriately, for each namespace they are importing.

Procedure: gi-strip-boolean-result

Returns a (possibly empty) list of (symbol) name(s).

Obtains and returns the list of GI funtions and methods for which G-Golf will elude the result of the call from the returned value(s).

Procedure: gi-strip-boolean-result? name

Returns #t if name is a member of the list of GI funtions and methods for which G-Golf will elude the result of the call from the returned value(s). Otherwise, it returns #f.

Syntax: gi-strip-boolean-result-add name …
Syntax: gi-strip-boolean-result-remove name …

Add (remove) the names to (from) the list of GI funtions and methods for which G-Golf will elude the result of the call from the returned value(s).

Procedure: gi-strip-boolean-result-reset

Resets the list of GI funtions and methods for which G-Golf will elude the result of the call from the returned value(s) to the empty list.

GI Method Short Name Skip

In this corner of the square, we expose how you may customize G-Golf with respect to GI Method Short Name, more specifically, whether you wish to skip the method short name creation, and doing so individually or for all GI imported methods.

By default, as it imports a GI typelib, G-Golf creates a method short name for each imported method, obtained by dropping the container name (and its trailing hyphen) from the GI typelib method full/long name.

For example, the <gtk-label> class, which defines the gtk-label-get-text method, would also define, using G-Golf’s default settings, the get-text method. To be more precise, G-Golf would create (if it does not exist) or reuse (if it exists) the get-text generic function, make and add a method with its specializer(s), in this case <gtk-label>.

Now, let’s add gtk-label-get-text to the list of the GI methods for which we wish to skip the short name creation step. In this case, as G-Golf imports the GtkLabel class, it would only create the gtk-label-get-text method, but not the get-text method anymore.

Procedure: gi-method-short-name-skip

Returns a (possibly empty) list of (symbol) name(s).

Obtains and returns the list of GI method long name for which G-Golf will skip the method short name creation step.

Procedure: gi-method-short-name-skip? name

Returns #t if name is a member of the list of GI method long name for which G-Golf will skip the method short name creation step. Otherwise, it returns #f.

Procedure: gi-method-short-name-skip-all

Returns nothing.

Sets the GI method short name skip creation step to 'all.

Syntax: gi-method-short-name-skip-add name …
Syntax: gi-method-short-name-skip-remove name …

Add (remove) the names to (from) the list of GI method long name for which G-Golf will skip the method short name creation step.

Procedure: gi-method-short-name-skip-reset

Resets the list of GI method long name for which G-Golf will skip the method short name creation step to the empty list.

GI Syntax Name Protect

In this corner of the square, we expose how you may customize G-Golf with respect to GI Syntax Name Protect.

When G-Golf creates a method short name, obtained by dropping the container name (and its trailing hyphen) from the GI typelib method full/long name, it may lead to a ‘name clash’, with an already defined procedure or syntax.

GI methods are added to their respective generic function, which is created if it does not already exist. When a generic function is created, G-Golf checks if the name is used, and when it is bound to a procedure, the procedure is ‘captured’ into an unspecialized method, which is added to the newly created generic function.

However, when the name is used but its variable value is a syntax, the above can’t be done and the name must be ‘protected’, which is what syntax-name->method-name does22, using a renamer, or by adding a prefix, a postfix or both to its (symbol) name argument.

G-Golf defines the following interfaces to get, set and reset the syntax name protect prefix, postfix and renamer, of which at least one must be set.

Procedure: syntax-name-protect-prefix
Procedure: syntax-name-protect-prefix-set prefix
Procedure: syntax-name-protect-prefix-reset

Respectively get, set and reset the syntax name protect prefix. Its default value is #f.

Procedure: syntax-name-protect-postfix
Procedure: syntax-name-protect-postfix-set postfix
Procedure: syntax-name-protect-postfix-reset

Respectively get, set and reset the syntax name protect postfix. Its default value is '_ (the symbol _).

Procedure: syntax-name-protect-renamer
Procedure: syntax-name-protect-renamer-set renamer
Procedure: syntax-name-protect-renamer-reset

Respectively get, set and reset the syntax name protect renamer. Its default value is '_ (the symbol _).

The syntax name protect renamer, unless set to #f, must be a procedure that takes a (symbol) name as its single argument, and return a ‘none clashing’ (symbol) name.

Procedure: syntax-name-protect-reset

This procedure will conveniently reset all three syntax name protect prefix, postfix and renamer to their default value, which are:

syntax-name-protect-postfix'_(the symbol _)

VFunc Alley

VFunc Alley - VFunc G-Golf support.


For completion, this section exposes the definition of the <vfunc> class and vfunc syntax, involved in the G-Golf integration of the (GLib Object System) VFunc. From a (strict) user point of view however, these are actually G-Golf internals and, unless you are interested of course, might be ignored.

In the GObject documentation, the terminology (mostly) used is virtual public|private method or simply virtual method. In the GI (GObject Introspection) documentation however, the structure representing a virtual method is named a GIVFuncInfo and the description says it represents a virtual function. The GI core functionality also uses the vfunc or vfunc-info prefix, infix or postfix terms, depending on the context.



Syntaxes and Accessors


Special Form



Welcome to the VFunc G-Golf Alley.

Let’s first recap :-) GObject (the GLib Object System) offers different ways to define object and interface methods and extend them, well introduced and described in the GObject Tutorial:

  • non-virtual public methods
  • virtual public methods
  • virtual private methods
  • non-virtual private methods

Of those four, virtual public methods and virtual private methods maybe overridden, through the use of a mechanism that involves the creation of a C closure and the setting of its pointer in the corresponding GObject or Interface class struct.

In G-Golf, this is implemented by the define-vfunc syntax, which must be used to define a VFunc (virtual method). From a user perspective, define-vfunc is very much like define-method (See Methods and Generic Functions in The GNU Guile Reference Manual).

Here is an example, which defines a GObject subclass that inherits the GdkPaintable interface, then overrides the get_flags VFunc, one of its numerous virtual methods:

(define-class <solitaire-peg> (<gobject> <gdk-paintable>)
  (i #:accessor !i #:init-keyword #:i)
  (j #:accessor !j #:init-keyword #:j))

(define-vfunc (get-flags-vfunc (self <solitaire-peg>))
  '(size contents))

The only difference, from a user point of view and as you can see in the example above, is that define-vfunc imposes one (or two, depending on the context) additional constraint(s) to the VFunc name, fully described in the define-vfunc definition.


Class: <vfunc>

The base class of all virtual method.

It is an instance of <class>.

Superclasses are:


Class Precedence List:


Direct slots are:


#:accessor !specializer


#:accessor !name


#:accessor !g-name


#:accessor !long-name-preofx


#:accessor !gf-long-name?


#:accessor !info


#:accessor !callback

All direct slots are initialized automatically and immutable (to be precise, they are not meant to be mutated, see GOOPS Notes and Conventions, ’Slots are not Immutable’).

Syntaxes and Accessors

Syntax: define-vfunc (generic parameter …) body …

Defines a vfunc (a specialized method) for the generic function generic with parameters parameters and body body ....

generic is a generic function, and the following constraints apply to the generic function name:

  • the generic function name is valid if it is the scheme representation of a VFunc (name) that exists for at least one of the instance specializer superclasses, followed by the -vfunc postfix23.

  • if more then one instance specializer superclasses has a VFunc name, then the scheme name must be a so-called long name24, followed by the -vfunc postfix25.

If generic is a variable which is not yet bound to a generic function object, the expansion of define-vfunc will include a call to define-generic.

Each parameter must be either a symbol or a two-element list (symbol class). The symbols refer to variables in the body forms that will be bound to the parameters supplied by the caller when calling this method. The classes, if present, specify the possible combinations of parameters to which this method can be applied.

body … are the bodies of the vfunc definition.

Syntax: vfunc (parameter …) body …

Makes a vfunc (a specialized method) whose specializers are defined by the classes in parameters and whose procedure definition is constructed from the parameter symbols and body forms.

The parameter and body parameters should be as for define-vfunc.

Accessor: !specializer inst
Accessor: !name inst
Accessor: !g-name inst
Accessor: !long-name-prefix inst
Accessor: !gf-long-name? inst
Accessor: !info inst
Accessor: !callback inst

Returns the content of their respective slot for inst (a <vfunc> instance).


In G-Golf, from a user perspective, the next-vfunc concept and mechanism is to the GObject virtual method system what the next-method concept and mechanism is to the GOOPS (compute applicable) method system.

If a vfunc refers to ‘next-vfunc’ in its body, that vfunc will call the corresponding ‘immediate parent’ virtual function. The exact ‘next-vfunc’ implementation is only known at runtime, as it is a function of the vfunc specializer argument.

G-Golf implements ‘next-vfunc’ by binding it as a closure variable. An effective virtual method is bound to a specific ‘next-vfunc’ by the internal %next-vfunc-proc, which returns the new closure.

Let’s look at an excerpt form the animated-paintable.scm example, which specializes the GObject finalize virtual method, and as the GNOME team would say, needs to ‘chain-up’:

(define-vfunc (finalize-vfunc (self <nuclear-animation>))
  (g-source-remove (!source-id self))
  ;; This vfunc must 'chain-up' - call the <nuclear-animation> parent
  ;; finalize virtual method.

Support Canyon

Color Hollow

Color Hollow. A color management module.




Welcome to the G-Golf Color Hollow, partially inspired by the Chickadee’s color module and the Colorways python library.

In G-Golf, a color is a list of 4 floats in the [0 1] range, each representing the value of the RED (r), GREEN (g), BLUE (b) and ALPHA (a) channels, in that order. For example, an opaque red color instance would be ’(1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0).

G-Golf offers several ways to obtain the list representation of a color, in addition to manually listing the values as showned above:

  1. processing its hexadecimal representation
    (rgb-cc->color #x73d216)      ;; cc = color code
    ⇒ (0.45 0.82 0.09 1.0)
    (rgba-cc->color #x73d216aa)
    ⇒ (0.45 0.82 0.09 0.67)

    In the above examples, #x73d216 is the RGB hexadecimal representation of the (opaque) color, and #x73d216aa is the RGBA hexadecimal representation of the same color with an alpha channel value of 0.67 26.

  2. calling string->color
    (string->color "deepskyblue")
    ⇒ (0 3/4 1 1.0)
    (string->color "#aabbccdd")
    ⇒ (0.67 0.73 0.8 0.87)
  3. refering predefined color symbols
    ⇒ (0 0 1 1.0)
    ⇒ (1 23/25 4/5 1.0)

_ Predefined Color Symbols

G-Golf pre-defines color symbols that come from the following color dictionaries:

  • Pango and Gdk (known) colors - As defined here.

    The file mentioned in the above link is maintained by the GNOME team - composed of (sometimes modified) X11 (rgb.txt) and CSS colors - it is used by both the Pango and the Gdk libraries.

  • Tango color palette - As described here.
  • DawnBringer 32 color palette - As defined here, names taken from here.

Pre-defined color symbols available in G-Golf are defined by taking their corresponding color dictionary entry name, substitute any #\Space by #\-, call g-name->name (which calls g-studly-caps-expand), then pre and postfix the returned symbol name using +. For example:

  ⇒ (49/50 23/25 21/25 1.0)

  ⇒ (14/25 7/20 1/100 1.0)

  ⇒ (11/50 29/50 43/100 1.0)

  ⇒ (2/5 1/5 3/5 1.0)

_ Color Blending

Color blending formulas are mostly taken from here. This is a wip (Work In Progress), as G-Golf currently only provides a few of the numerous color blending modes, to be enhanced in the future.

Unless otherwise specified, color blending procedures (deliberately) apply their formula to the R G B channels (only), and return a (newly allocated) color for which the A (alpha) channel is the base A channel value.


Procedure: rgb-cc->color cc

Returns a color, composed of the Red, Green, Blue values for cc (color code), in the [0,1] range, and 1.0 for the Alpha channel.

  (rgb-cc->color #x73d216)
  ⇒ (0.45 0.82 0.09 1.0)
Procedure: rgba-cc->color cc

Returns a color, composed of the Red, Green, Blue, Alpha values for cc (color code), in the [0,1] range.

  (rgba-cc->color #x73d216aa)
  ⇒ (0.45 0.82 0.09 0.67)
Procedure: string->color str

Returns the color, for str.

A valid str value is either an existing G-Golf color dictionary name entry, or an hexadecimal color string. Accepted hexadecimal color string formats are: ‘#rrggbb’, ‘rrggbb’, ‘#rrggbbaa’ and ‘rrggbbaa’.

  (string->color "#73d216aa")
  ⇒ (0.45 0.82 0.09 0.67)
Procedure: color-blend mode base [blend #f]

Returns a (newly allocated) color.

Unless otherwise specified, color blending procedures (deliberately) apply their formula to the R G B channels (only), and return a (newly allocated) color for which the A (alpha) channel is the base A channel value.

The base argument must be a color. The blend argument can either be a color or a float in the [0 1] range (in which case it can also be omited, so as to compute the result of the alternative color blending formula using the default value), for example:

  (color-blend 'darken +red+)
  ⇒ (0.8 0.0 0.0 1.0)

  (color-blend 'darken +red+ 0.3)
  ⇒ (0.7 0.0 0.0 1.0)

  (color-blend 'darken +alice-blue+ +dark-blue+)
  ⇒ (0 0 11/20 1.0)

The mode argument is a symbol. Currently accepted blending mode and alternative color blending formulas are, applied to each of the R G B channel values:


darken base
⇒ (max 0.0 (- chan (* chan 0.2)))

darken base float
⇒ (max 0.0 (- chan (* chan float)))

darken base blend
⇒ (min base-chan blend-chan)


lighten base
⇒ (min 1.0 (+ chan (* chan 0.2)))

lighten base float
⇒ (min 1.0 (+ chan (* chan float)))

lighten base blend
⇒ (min base-chan blend-chan)

Utils Corner

Utils Corner. Some utilities.




Welcome to the G-Golf Utils Corner.


Procedure: scm->g-type value

Returns a GType.

Obtains and returns the GType for value, which may be a number (then assumed to be a valid GType), a string, a symbol (a %g-type-fundamental-types member) or a <gobject-class>.

Syntax: allocate-c-struct name . fields

Returns a (or more) pointer(s).

This syntax takes the name of a GI upstream library C struct27 and returns a pointer to a newly - scheme allocated, zero initialized - memory block.

When fields is not null?, it returns additional value(s), one for each specified field name, a pointer to the field in the C struct.

Here is an example, an excerpt form the peg-solitaire.scm example, distributed with G-Golf. The example shows how to obtain a pointer to newly allocated block for a GskRoundedRect, as well as a pointer to its bounds field:

(receive (outline outline:bounds)
    (allocate-c-struct gsk-rounded-rect bounds)
  (push-rounded-clip snapshot outline)
  (append-color snapshot
                '(0.61 0.1 0.47 1.0)

III. G-Golf Core Reference


Structure and Naming Conventions

G-Golf Core Reference modules and documentation structure and naming conventions are based, whenever it is possible, on the structure and naming conventions of the corresponding GNOME library.

To illustrate, let’s look at a few GLib, GObject and GObject Introspection sections and corresponding G-Golf sections and modules naming examples:


Memory Allocation

Memory Allocation
(g-golf glib mem-alloc)

The Main Event Loop

The Main Event Loop
(g-golf glib main-event-loop)


Type Information

Type Information
(g-golf gobject type-info)


(g-golf gobject gobject)

Enumeration and Flag Types

Enumeration and Flag Types
(g-golf gobject enum-flags)

GObject Introspection


(g-golf gi repository)

common types

Common Types
(g-golf gi common-types)


Base Info
(g-golf gi base-info)

Support to the G-Golf Core Reference modules themselves, or additional functionality to G-Golf as a all, is organized and located in other (none GNOME library based) modules, such as (g-golf support …), g-golf override …)


G-Golf GLib modules are defined in the glib subdirectory, such as (g-golf glib main-event-loop).

Where you may load these modules individually, the easiest way to use G-Golf GLib is to import its main module, which imports and re-exports the public interface of (oop goops), (system foreign), all G-Golf support and G-Golf GLib modules:

(use-modules (g-golf glib))

G-Golf GLib low level API modules correspond to a GLib section, though they might be some exception in the future.

Version Information (1)

G-Golf Glib Version Information low level API.
Version Information — variables and functions to check the GLib version.




GLib version information variables and functions.


Procedure: glib-get-major-version
Procedure: glib-get-minor-version
Procedure: glib-get-micro-version

Returns an integer.

Obtains and returns the GLib runtime library major, minor and micro version number.

Memory Allocation

G-Golf Glib Memory Allocation low level API.
Memory Allocation — general memory-handling




These functions provide support for allocating and freeing memory.

Please read the Memory Allocation section from the Glib reference manual for a complete description.


Procedure: g-malloc n-bytes
Procedure: g-malloc0 n-bytes

Returns a pointer to the allocated memory, or #f.

Allocates n-bytes of memory. If n-bytes is 0 it returns #f. When using g-malloc0, the allocated memory is initialized to 0.

Procedure: g-free mem

Returns nothing.

Frees the memory pointed to by mem.

Procedure: g-memdup mem n-bytes

Returns a pointer to the allocated memory, or #f.

Allocates n-bytes of memory and copies n-bytes into it from mem. If mem is the %null-pointer or n-bytes is 0 it returns #f.

The Main Event Loop

G-Golf Glib Main Event Loop low level API.
The Main Event Loop — manages all available sources of events




The main event loop manages all the available sources of events for GLib and GTK+ applications. These events can come from any number of different types of sources such as file descriptors (plain files, pipes or sockets) and timeouts. New types of event sources can also be added using g-source-attach.

Please read The Main Event Loop section from the Glib reference manual for a complete description.


Note: in this section, the loop, context and source arguments are [must be] pointers to a GMainLoop, a GMainContext and a GSource respectively.

Procedure: g-main-loop-new [context #f] [is-running? #f]

Returns a pointer to a new GMainLoop.

Creates a new GMainLoop structure.

The context must be a pointer to a GMainContext of #f, in which case the default context is used. When is-running? is #t, it indicates that the loop is running. This is not very important since calling g-main-loop-run will set this to #t anyway.

Procedure: g-main-loop-ref loop

Returns loop.

Increases the loop reference count by one.

Procedure: g-main-loop-unref loop

Returns nothing.

Decreases the loop reference count by one. If the result is zero, free the loop and free all associated memory.

Procedure: g-main-loop-run loop

Returns nothing.

Runs a main loop until g-main-loop-quit is called on the loop. If this is called for the thread of the loop’s GMainContext, it will process events from the loop, otherwise it will simply wait.

Procedure: g-main-loop-quit loop

Returns nothing.

Stops a GMainLoop from running. Any calls to g-main-loop-run for the loop will return.

Note that sources that have already been dispatched when g-main-loop-quit is called will still be executed.

Procedure: g-main-context-new

Returns a pointer.

Creates and returns a (pointer to a) new GMainContext structure.

Procedure: g-main-context-default

Returns a pointer.

Returns the global default main context. This is the main context used for main loop functions when a main loop is not explicitly specified, and corresponds to the ‘main’ main loop.

Procedure: g-timeout-source-new interval

Returns a pointer.

Creates and returns (a pointer to) a new (timeout) GSource.

The source will not initially be associated with any GMainContext and must be added to one with g-source-attach before it will be executed.

The timeout interval is in milliseconds.

Procedure: g-timeout-source-new-seconds interval

Returns a pointer.

Creates and returns (a pointer to) a new (timeout) GSource.

The source will not initially be associated with any GMainContext and must be added to one with g-source-attach before it will be executed.

The timeout interval is in seconds.

Procedure: g-idle-source-new

Returns a pointer.

Creates and returns (a pointer to) a new (idle) GSource.

The source will not initially be associated with any GMainContext and must be added to one with g-source-attach before it will be executed. Note that the default priority for idle sources is 200, as compared to other sources which have a default priority of 300.

Procedure: g-source-ref-count source

Returns an integer.

Obtains and returns the reference count of source.

Procedure: g-source-ref source

Returns source.

Increases the source reference count by one.

Procedure: g-source-unref source

Returns nothing.

Decreases the source reference count by one. If the resulting reference count is zero the source and associated memory will be destroyed.

Procedure: g-source-free source

Returns nothing.

Calls g-source-destroy and decrements the reference count of source to 0 (so source will be destroyed and freed).

Procedure: g-source-attach source context

Returns an integer.

Adds source to context so that it will be executed within that context.

Returns the ID (greater than 0) for the source within the context.

Remove it by calling g-source-destroy.

Procedure: g-source-destroy source

Returns nothing.

Removes source from its GMainContext, if any, and mark it as destroyed. The source cannot be subsequently added to another context. It is safe to call this on sources which have already been removed from their context.

This does not unref source: if you still hold a reference, use g-source-unref to drop it.

Procedure: g-source-is-destroyed? source

Returns #t if source has been destroyed. Otherwise, it returns #f.

Once a source is destroyed it cannot be un-destroyed.

Procedure: g-source-set-priority source priority

Returns nothing.

Sets the source priority. While the main loop is being run, a source will be dispatched if it is ready to be dispatched and no sources at a higher (numerically smaller) priority are ready to be dispatched.

A child source always has the same priority as its parent. It is not permitted to change the priority of a source once it has been added as a child of another source.

Procedure: g-source-get-priority source priority

Returns an integer.

Obtains and returns the source priority.

Procedure: g-source-remove id

Returns #t.

Removes the source with the given id from the default main context. You must use g-source-destroy for sources added to a non-default main context.

It is an error to attempt to remove a non-existent source.

Source IDs can be reissued after a source has been destroyed. This could lead to the removal operation being performed against the wrong source, unless you are cautious.

For historical reasons, this procedure always returns #t.

IO Channels

G-Golf Glib IO Channels low level API.
IO Channels — portable support for using files, pipes and sockets



Types and Values



The GIOChannel data type aims to provide a portable method for using file descriptors, pipes, and sockets, and integrating them into the main event loop. Currently, full support is available on UNIX platforms, support for Windows is only partially complete.

Please read the IO Channels section from the Glib reference manual for a complete description.


Note: in this section, the fd, channel and condition arguments are [must be] respectively an integer (a ‘valid’ file descriptor), a pointer to a GIOChannel and a list of one or more %g-io-condition flags.

Procedure: g-io-channel-unix-new fd

Returns a pointer.

Creates and returns a pointer to a new GIOChannel for fd (file descriptor). On UNIX systems this works for plain files, pipes, and sockets.

The newly created GIOChannel has a reference count of 1.

The default encoding for GIOChannel is UTF-8. If your application is reading output from a command using via pipe, you may need to set the encoding to the encoding of the current locale (FIXME - still missing a binding to g_io_channel_set_encoding).

Procedure: g-io-channel-ref channel

Returns channel.

Increments the channel reference count.

Procedure: g-io-channel-unref channel

Returns nothing.

Decrements the channel reference count.

Procedure: g-io-create-watch channel condition

Returns a pointer.

Creates and returns a pointer to a GSource that’s dispatched when condition is met for the given channel. For example, if condition is '(in), the source will be dispatched when there’s data available for reading.

Types and Values

Instance Variable of <gi-flag>: %g-io-condition

An instance of <gi-flag>, who’s members are the scheme representation of the GIOCondition flags:

g-name: GIOCondition
name: gio-condition


There is data to read.


Data can be written (without blocking).


There is urgent data to read.


Error condition.


Hung up (the connection has been broken, usually for pipes and sockets).


Invalid request. The file descriptor is not open.

Miscellaneous Utility Functions

G-Golf Glib Miscellaneous Utility Functions low level API.
Miscellaneous Utility Functions - a selection of portable utility functions




These are portable utility functions.


Procedure: g-get-prgname

Returns the name of the program, or #f if it has not been set yet.

Obtains and returns the name of the program. This name should not be localized, in contrast to g-get-application-name.

If you are using GApplication, the program name is set in g-application-run.

Procedure: g-set-prgname name

Returns nothing.

Sets the name of the program to name. This name should not be localized, in contrast to g-set-application-name.

If you are using GApplication, the program name is set in g-application-run.

Note that for thread-safety reasons this function can only be called once.

Procedure: g-get-system-data-dirs

Returns an ordered list of base directories in which to access system-wide application data.

On UNIX platforms this is determined using the mechanisms described in the XDG Base Directory Specification. In this case the list of directories retrieved will be XDG_DATA_DIRS.

On Windows it follows XDG Base Directory Specification if XDG_DATA_DIRS is defined. If XDG_DATA_DIRS is undefined, the first elements in the list are the Application Data and Documents folders for All Users. (These can be determined only on Windows 2000 or later and are not present in the list on other Windows versions.) See documentation for CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA and CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS.

Then follows the "share" subfolder in the installation folder for the package containing the DLL that calls this function, if it can be determined.

Finally the list contains the "share" subfolder in the installation folder for GLib, and in the installation folder for the package the application’s .exe file belongs to.

The installation folders above are determined by looking up the folder where the module (DLL or EXE) in question is located. If the folder’s name is "bin", its parent is used, otherwise the folder itself.

Note that on Windows the returned list can vary depending on where this function is called.

Procedure: g-get-system-config-dirs

Returns an ordered list of base directories in which to access system-wide configuration information.

On UNIX platforms this is determined using the mechanisms described in the XDG Base Directory Specification. In this case the list of directories retrieved will be XDG_CONFIG_DIRS.

On Windows it follows XDG Base Directory Specification if XDG_CONFIG_DIRS is defined. If XDG_CONFIG_DIRS is undefined, the directory that contains application data for all users is used instead. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data. This folder is used for application data that is not user specific. For example, an application can store a spell-check dictionary, a database of clip art, or a log file in the CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA folder. This information will not roam and is available to anyone using the computer.

Procedure: g-get-os-info key-name

Returns a string or #f.

Obtains and returns information about the operating system.

On Linux this comes from the /etc/os-release file. On other systems, it may come from a variety of sources. You can pass any UTF-8 string key name.

The associated value for the requested key-name is returned or #f if this information is not provided.

UNIX-specific utilities and integration

G-Golf Glib UNIX-specific utilities and integration low level API.
UNIX-specific utilities and integration — pipes, signal handling.




Most of GLib is intended to be portable; in contrast, this set of functions is designed for programs which explicitly target UNIX, or are using it to build higher level abstractions which would be conditionally compiled if the platform matches G_OS_UNIX.


Note: in this section, the fd and condition arguments are [must be] respectively an integer (a ‘valid’ file descriptor) and a list of one or more %g-io-condition flags.

Procedure: g-unix-fd-source-new fd condition

Returns a pointer.

Creates and returns a pointer to a new GSource to watch for a particular IO condition on fd.

The source will never close the file descriptor, you must do it yourself.

Doubly-Linked Lists

G-Golf Glib Doubly-Linked Lists low level API.
Doubly-Linked Lists — linked lists that can be iterated over in both directions




The GList structure and its associated functions provide a standard doubly-linked list data structure.

Each element in the list contains a piece of data, together with pointers which link to the previous and next elements in the list. Using these pointers it is possible to move through the list in both directions (unlike the singly-linked GSList, which only allows movement through the list in the forward direction).

Please read the Doubly-Linked-Lists section from the Glib reference manual for a complete description.


Procedure: g-list-data g-list

Returns a pointer.

Obtains and returns a pointer to the data in g-list, or any integer value, in which case, it is the responsibility of the caller to apply the appropriate type conversion procedure.

Procedure: g-list-next g-list

Returns a pointer or #f.

Obtains and returns the next element in g-list, or #f if there are no more elements.

Procedure: g-list-prev g-list

Returns a pointer or #f.

Obtains and returns the previous element in g-list, or #f if there are no previous element.

Procedure: g-list-free g-list

Returns nothing.

Frees all of the memory used by g-list.

Procedure: g-list-length g-list

Returns an integer.

Obtains and returns the number of elements in g-list. This function iterates over the whole list to count its elements.

Procedure: g-list-nth-data g-list n

Returns a pointer or #f.

Obtains and returns a pointer to the data of the n-th element of g-list. This iterates over the list until it reaches the n-th position. If n is off the end of g-list, it returns #f.

Singly-Linked Lists

G-Golf Glib Singly-Linked Lists low level API.
Singly-Linked Lists — Linked lists that can be iterated over in one direction




The GSList structure and its associated functions provide a standard singly-linked list data structure.

Each element in the list contains a piece of data, together with a pointer which links to the next element in the list. Using this pointer it is possible to move through the list in one direction only (unlike the Doubly-Linked Lists, which allow movement in both directions).

Please read the Singly-Linked-Lists section from the Glib reference manual for a complete description.


Procedure: g-slist-data g-slist

Returns a pointer.

Obtains and returns a pointer to the data in g-slist, or any integer value, in which case, it is the responsibility of the caller to apply the appropriate type conversion procedure.

Procedure: g-slist-next g-slist

Returns a pointer or #f.

Obtains and returns the next element in g-slist, or #f if there are no more elements.

Procedure: g-slist-append g-slist data

Returns a pointer.

Adds data - which is (must be) a pointer - to the end of g-slist and returns a pointer to the (possibly new) start of the list (so make sure you store the new value).

Note that g-slist-append has to traverse the entire list to find the end, which is inefficient when adding multiple elements. A common idiom to avoid the inefficiency is to prepend the elements and reverse the list when all elements have been added.

Procedure: g-slist-prepend g-slist data

Returns a pointer.

Adds data - which is (must be) a pointer - to the start of g-slist and returns a pointer to the (possibly new) start of the list (so make sure you store the new value).

Procedure: g-slist-free g-slist

Returns nothing.

Frees all of the memory used by g-slist.

Procedure: g-slist-length g-slist

Returns an integer.

Obtains and returns the number of elements in g-slist. This function iterates over the whole list to count its elements.

Procedure: g-slist-nth-data g-slist n

Returns a pointer or #f.

Obtains and returns a pointer to the data of the n-th element of g-slist. This iterates over the list until it reaches the n-th position. If n is off the end of g-slist, it returns #f.

Byte Arrays

G-Golf Glib Byte Arrays low level API.
Byte Arrays — Arrays of bytes.






Procedure: g-bytes-new data size

Returns a pointer.

Create a new GBytes28 from data.

data is copied. If size is 0, data may be NULL.


G-Golf Glib Quarks low level API.
Quarks — a 2-way association between a string and a unique integer identifier.




Quarks are associations between strings and integer identifiers. Given either the string or the GQuark identifier it is possible to retrieve the other.


Procedure: g-quark-from-string str

Returns an integer.

Obtains and returns the GQuark identifying the string given by str. If the string does not currently have an associated GQuark, a new GQuark is created, using a copy of the string.

Procedure: g-quark-to-string g-quark

Returns a string.

Obtains and returns the string associated with the GQuark given by g-quark.

Simple XML Subset Parser

G-Golf GLib Simple XML Subset Parser low level API.
Simple XML Subset Parser — parses a subset of XML




The ‘GMarkup’ parser is intended to parse a simple markup format that’s a subset of XML. This is a small, efficient, easy-to-use parser. It should not be used if you expect to interoperate with other applications generating full-scale XML. However, it’s very useful for application data files, config files, etc. where you know your application will be the only one writing the file. Full-scale XML parsers should be able to parse the subset used by GMarkup, so you can easily migrate to full-scale XML at a later time if the need arises.

GMarkup is not guaranteed to signal an error on all invalid XML; the parser may accept documents that an XML parser would not. However, XML documents which are not well-formed are not considered valid GMarkup documents.

Please read the Simple XML Subset Parser section from the GLib reference manual for a complete description.


Procedure: g-markup-escape-text text

Returns a string.

Escapes text, some valid UTF-8 text, so that the markup parser will parse it verbatim. Less than, greater than, ampersand, etc. are replaced with the corresponding entities. This function would typically be used when writing out a file to be parsed with the markup parser.

Note that this function doesn’t protect whitespace and line endings from being processed according to the XML rules for normalization of line endings and attribute values.

Returns a newly allocated string with the escaped text.

Date and Time Functions

G-Golf GLib Date and Time Functions API.
Date and Time Functions — calendrical calculations and miscellaneous time stuff




The upstream description (which G-Golf usually copies and presents ’unchanged’) talks about the GDate data structure representation and api. As from this section, G-Golf only binds the g-get-monotonic-time, we skip it entirely.


Procedure: g-get-monotonic-time

Returns the monotonic time, in microseconds.

Queries the system monotonic time, if available.

On POSIX systems with clock_gettime() and CLOCK_MONOTONIC this call is a very shallow wrapper for that. Otherwise, we make a best effort that probably involves returning the wall clock time (with at least microsecond accuracy, subject to the limitations of the OS kernel).

Note that, on Windows, "limitations of the OS kernel" is a rather substantial statement. Depending on the configuration of the system, the wall clock time is updated as infrequently as 64 times a second (which is approximately every 16ms).

Type Conversion

G-Golf GLib Type Conversion API.
Type Conversion - portably storing integers in pointer variables




Exposes upstream macros that allow storing integers in pointers. They only preserve 32 bits of the integer; values outside the range of a 32-bit integer will be mangled.


Procedure: gint-to-pointer

Returns a pointer.

Stuffs an integer into a pointer type.

Procedure: guint-to-pointer

Returns a pointer.

Stuffs an unsigned integer into a pointer type.


G-Golf GObject modules are defined in the gobject subdirectory, such as (g-golf gobject enum-flags).

Where you may load these modules individually, the easiest way to use G-Golf is to import its main module, which imports and re-exports the public interface of (oop goops), (system foreign), all G-Golf support and G-Golf GObject modules:

(use-modules (g-golf gobject))

G-Golf GObject low level API modules correspond to a GObject section, though they might be some exception in the future.

Type Information

G-Golf GObject Type Information low level API.
Type Information — The GLib Runtime type identification and management system



Types and Values


Object Hierarchy

  +— GType


The GType API is the foundation of the GObject system. It provides the facilities for registering and managing all fundamental data types, user-defined object and interface types.

Please read the Type Information section from the GObject reference manual for a complete description.


Procedure: g-type->symbol g-type

Returns a symbol.

Get the symbol that correspond to the type ID g-type. Note that this function (like all other GType API) cannot cope with invalid type IDs. It accepts validly registered type ID, but randomized type IDs should not be passed in and will most likely lead to a crash.

Procedure: symbol->g-type symbol

Returns a type ID.

Get the type ID for symbol. Note that this function (like all other GType API) cannot cope with invalid type ID symbols. It accepts validly registered type ID symbol, but randomized type IDs should not be passed in and will most likely lead to a crash.

Procedure: g-type-from-class g-class

Returns a GType.

Obtains and returns the GType for g-class (a pointer to a valid GTypeClass structure).

Procedure: g-type-name g-type

Returns a string.

Get the unique name that is assigned to g-type, a type ID. Note that this function (like all other GType API) cannot cope with invalid type IDs. It accepts validly registered type ID, but randomized type IDs should not be passed in and will most likely lead to a crash.

Procedure: g-type-from-name name

Returns a type ID or #f.

Obtains and returns the type ID for the given type name, or #f if no type has been registered under this name (this is the preferred method to find out by name whether a specific type has been registered yet).

Procedure: g-type-parent g-type

Returns a GType.

Returns the direct parent type for g-type. If g-type has no parent, i.e. is a fundamental type, 0 is returned.

Procedure: g-type-is-a g-type is-a-g-type

Returns #t if g-type is a is-a-g-type.

If is-a-g-type is a derivable type, check whether g-type is a descendant of is-a-g-type. If is-a-g-type is an interface, check whether g-type conforms to it.

Procedure: g-type-class-ref g-type

Returns a pointer.

Obtains and returns a pointer to the GTypeClass structure for g-type (a GObject class GType). The reference count of the class is incremented, and the class is ‘created’ (instanciated) if/when it doesn’t exist already.

Procedure: g-type-class-peek g-type

Returns a pointer.

Obtains and returns a pointer to the GTypeClass structure for g-type (a GObject class GType). The reference count of the class isn’t incremented. As a consequence, this function may return #f - if the class of the type passed in does not currently exist (hasn’t been referenced before).

Procedure: g-type-class-unref g-class

Returns nothing.

Decrements the reference count for g-class (a pointer to a GTypeClass structure). Once the last reference count of a class has been released, it may be finalized by the type system. Attempting to further dereference a finalized class is invalid.

Procedure: g-type-class-peek-parent g-class

Returns a pointer or #f.

Obtains and returns a pointer to the class structure of the immediate parent type for g-class (a pointer to a GTypeClass structure). If no immediate parent type exists, it returns #f.

Procedure: g-type-interface-peek g-class iface-type

Returns a pointer of #f.

Obtains and returns the (a pointer to) GTypeInterface structure for iface-type if implemented by g-class, Otherwise. it returs #f.

Procedure: g-type-interfaces g-type

Returns a (possibily empty) list.

Obtains and returns the (possibily empty) list of the interface IDs (g-type) that g-type conforms to.

Procedure: g-type-query g-type

Returns a list.

Obtains and returns the (g-type type-name class-size instance-size) list for g-type.

Procedure: g-type-register-static-simple parent-type type-name class-size class-init-func instance-size instance-init-func flags

Returns a new type ID.

Registers type-name as the name of a new static type derived from parent-type. The value of flags determines the nature (e.g. abstract or not) of the type. It works by filling a GTypeInfo struct and calling g_type_register_static.

Procedure: g-type-add-interface-static g-type iface-type iface-info

Returns nothing.

Adds iface-type to the static g-type. The information contained in the GInterfaceInfo structure pointed to by iface-info is used to manage the relationship.

If iface-info is #f, a new GInterfaceInfo structure is made, with iface-init-func and iface-finalize-func set to no-op procedures, and iface-data set to the %null-pointer (this is only meant to be used for testing and debugging purposes).

Procedure: g-type-fundamental g-type

Returns a type ID.

Extracts the fundamental type ID portion for g-type.

Procedure: g-type-ensure g-type

Returns nothing.

Ensures that the indicated g-type has been registered with the type system, and that its _class_init method has been run.

Types and Values

Instance Variable of <gi-enum>: %g-type-fundamental-flags

Bit masks used to check or determine specific characteristics of a fundamental type.

An instance of <gi-enum>, who’s members are the scheme representation of the GTypeFundamentalFlags:

g-name: GTypeFundamentalFlags
name: g-type-fundamental-flags


Indicates a classed type


Indicates an instantiable type (implies classed)


Indicates a flat derivable type


Indicates a deep derivable type (implies derivable)

Instance Variable of <gi-enum>: %g-type-fundamental-types

An instance of <gi-enum>, who’s members are the scheme representation of the GType obtained from the fundamentl types defined using G_TYPE_MAKE_FUNDAMENTAL, which starts with G_TYPE_INVALID and ends with G_TYPE_OBJECT.

g-name: #f29

name: g-type-fundamental-types


An invalid GType used as error return value in some functions which return a GType.


A fundamental type which is used as a replacement for the C void return type.


The fundamental type from which all interfaces are derived.


The fundamental type corresponding to gchar. It is unconditionally an 8-bit signed integer. This may or may not be the same type a the C type "gchar".


The fundamental type corresponding to guchar.


The fundamental type corresponding to gboolean.


The fundamental type corresponding to gint.


The fundamental type corresponding to guint.


The fundamental type corresponding to glong.


The fundamental type corresponding to gulong.


The fundamental type corresponding to gint64.


The fundamental type corresponding to guint64.


The fundamental type from which all enumeration types are derived.


The fundamental type from which all flags types are derived.


The fundamental type corresponding to gfloat.


The fundamental type corresponding to gdouble.


The fundamental type corresponding to nul-terminated C strings.


The fundamental type corresponding to gpointer.


The fundamental type from which all boxed types are derived.


The fundamental type from which all GParamSpec types are derived.


The fundamental type for GObject.


G-Golf GObject low level API.
GObject — The base object type



Object Hierarchy

  +— GBinding
  +— GInitiallyUnowned
  +— GTypeModule


GObject is the fundamental type providing the common attributes and methods for all object types in GTK+, Pango and other libraries based on GObject. The GObject class provides methods for object construction and destruction, property access methods, and signal support.

Please read the GObject section from the GObject reference manual for a complete description.


Note: in this section, unless otherwise specified, the object argument is [must be] a pointer to a GObject (instance).

Procedure: g-object-class-install-property g-class p-id p-spec

Returns nothing.

Installs a new property.

The arguments are g-class a (pointer to a) GObjectClass), p-id the id for the new property, and p-spec the (a pointer to the) GParamSpec for the new property.

All properties should be installed during the class initializer. It is possible to install properties after that, but doing so is not recommend, and specifically, is not guaranteed to be thread-safe vs. use of properties on the same type on other threads.

Note that it is possible to redefine a property in a derived class, by installing a property with the same name. This can be useful at times, e.g. to change the range of allowed values or the default value.

Procedure: g-object-class-find-property g-class name

Returns a pointer or #f.

Obtains and returns (a pointer to) the GParamSpec for name, or #f if g-class (a pointer to a GObjectClass) doesn’t have a property of that name.

Procedure: g-object-class-list-properties g-class

Returns two values.

Obtains and returns (1) the (possibly empty) list of GParamSpec pointers for g-class and (2) its length (the number of properties for g-class).

Procedure: g-object-new gtype

Returns a pointer.

Creates and returns a (pointer to) a new instance of a GObject subtype gtype. All properties are set to there default values.

Procedure: g-object-new-with-properties gtype n-prop names g-values

Returns a pointer.

Creates and returns a (pointer to) a new instance of a GObject subtype gtype. The other arguments are n-prop the number of properties, names a pointer to an array of pointers to strings with the names of each property to be set and values an array of GValue containing the values of each property to be set.

Properties that are not explicitly specified are set to there default values.

Procedure: g-object-ref object

Returns a pointer.

Increases the reference count of object.

Procedure: g-object-unref object

Returns nothing.

Decreases the reference count of object. When its reference count drops to 0, the object is finalized (i.e. its memory is freed).

Procedure: g-object-ref-sink object

Returns a pointer.

If object has a floating reference, then this call ‘assumes ownership’ of the floating reference, converting it to a normal reference by clearing the floating flag while leaving the reference count unchanged.

If object is not floating, then this call adds a new normal reference increasing the reference count by one.

Procedure: g-object-ref-count object

Returns an integer.

Obtains and returns the (public GObject struct field) ref_count value for object.

Procedure: g-object-is-floating object

Returns #t if object has a floating reference, otherwise it returns #f.

Procedure: g-object-add-toggle-ref object notify data

Returns nothing.

Increases the reference count of object by one and sets a callback, notify, to be called when all other references to object are dropped, or when this is already the last reference to object and another reference is established.

Please refer to the GObject g_object_add_toggle_ref documentation for a complete description.

Multiple toggle references may be added to the same gobject, however if there are multiple toggle references to an object, none of them will ever be notified until all but one are removed.

object is (a pointer to) a GObject, notify is a function to call when this reference is the last reference to the object, or is no longer the last reference, and data is (a pointer to) the data to pass to notify. The data argument can be #f.

Procedure: g-object-remove-toggle-ref object notify data

Returns nothing.

Removes a reference added with g-object-add-toggle-ref. The reference count of object is decreased by one.

object is (a pointer to) a GObject, notify is a function to call when this reference is the last reference to the object, or is no longer the last reference, and data is (a pointer to) the data to pass to notify. The data argument can be #f.

Procedure: g-object-type object

Returns the GType (the type id) for object.

Procedure: g-object-type-name object

Returns the GType name for object.

Procedure: g-object-get-property object property [g-type #f]

Returns the property value for object.

The property argument is (must be) a pointer to a valid GIPropertyInfo (property must point to one of the properties infos of the class of object). The g-type argument must be a valid GType value. If #f, which is the default, gi-property-g-type is called.

Procedure: g-object-set-property object property value [g-type #f]

Returns value.

Sets the object property to value. The property argument is (must be) a pointer to a valid GIPropertyInfo (property must point to one of the properties infos of the class of object). The g-type argument must be a valid GType value. If #f, which is the default, gi-property-g-type is called.

Enumeration and Flag Types

G-Golf GObject Enumeration and Flag Types low level API.
Enumeration and Flag Types — Enumeration and flags types.


The GLib type system provides fundamental types for enumeration and flags types. (Flags types are like enumerations, but allow their values to be combined by bitwise or). A registered enumeration or flags type associates a name and a nickname with each allowed value. When an enumeration or flags type is registered with the GLib type system, it can be used as value type for object properties.

Boxed Types

G-Golf GObject Boxed Types low level API.
Boxed Types — A mechanism to wrap opaque C structures registered by the type system.




GBoxed is a generic wrapper mechanism for arbitrary C structures. The only thing the type system needs to know about the structures is how to copy them (a GBoxedCopyFunc) and how to free them (a GBoxedFreeFunc) — beyond that they are treated as opaque chunks of memory.

Please read the Boxed Types section from the GObject reference manual for a complete description.


Procedure: g-boxed-free g-type pointer

Returns nothing.

Frees the boxed structure at pointer, which is of type g-type.

Procedure: g-boxed-copy g-type pointer

Returns (a pointer to) the newly created copy of the boxed structure.

Procedure: g-strv-get-type

Returns a GType.

Registers (unless already registered) the GStrv GLib type in GObject and returns its GType, the GType for a boxed type holding a NULL-terminated array of strings. This procedure must have been called at least once before (g-type-from-name "GStrv") calls may be honoured.

The newly created copy of the boxed structure.

Generic Values

G-Golf GObject Generic Values low level API.
Generic values — A polymorphic type that can hold values of any other type.



Object Hierarchy

  +— GValue


The GValue structure is basically a variable container that consists of a type identifier and a specific value of that type. The type identifier within a GValue structure always determines the type of the associated value. To create a undefined GValue structure, simply call g-value-new, which create a zero-filled GValue structure. To create and initialize a GValue, use the g-value-init procedure. A GValue cannot be used until it is initialized. The basic type operations (such as freeing and copying) are determined by the GTypeValueTable associated with the type ID stored in the GValue.

Please read the Generic Values section from the GObject reference manual for a complete description.


Procedure: g-value-size

Returns an integer.

Obtains and returns the size of a GValue.

Procedure: g-value-new

Returns a pointer to a GValue.

Creates and returns (a pointer to) an empty (uninitialized) GValue.

Procedure: g-value-init g-type

Returns a pointer to a GValue.

Creates and initializes a GValue with the default value for g-type, which can either be an integer - a GType static or dynamic value, or a symbol - a member of the %g-type-fundamental-types.

Procedure: g-value-unset g-value

Returns nothing.

Clears the current value in g-value (if any) and ‘unsets’ the type. This releases all resources associated with g-value. An unset GValue is the same as an uninitialized (zero-filled) GValue structure.

Parameters and Values

G-Golf GObject Parameters and Values low level API.
Parameters and Values — Standard Parameter and Value Types

Procedures and Methods


Types and Values



GValue provides an abstract container structure which can be copied, transformed and compared while holding a value of any (derived) type, which is registered as a GType with a GTypeValueTable in its GTypeInfo structure. Parameter specifications for most value types can be created as GParamSpec derived instances, to implement e.g. GObject properties which operate on GValue containers.

Parameter names need to start with a letter (a-z or A-Z). Subsequent characters can be letters, numbers or a ’-’. All other characters are replaced by a ’-’ during construction.

Procedures and Methods

Note: in this section, the g-value argument is [must be] a pointer to a GValue.

Procedure: g-value-type g-value
Procedure: g-value-type-tag g-value
Procedure: g-value-type-name g-value

Returns an integer, a symbol or a string, respectively.

Obtains and returns the GType, the GType tag (see %g-type-fundamental-types) or the GType name (see g-type-name for g-value, respectively.

Procedure: g-value-ref g-value

Returns the content of g-value.

Obtains and returns the content of g-value. Supported GType (their scheme representaion) for g-value are: boolean, uint, int, float, double, enum, flags, string, boxed, pointer, object, interface.

Procedure: g-value-set! g-value value

Returns nothing.

Sets the content of g-value to value. Supported GType (their scheme representaion) for g-value are: boolean, uint, int, float, double, enum, flags, string, boxed, pointer, object, interface.

Note that this procedure cannot cope with invalid values (the type of value must correspond to the GType for g-value, otherwise it will most likely lead to a crash.

Procedure: g-param-spec-boolean name nick blurb default flags

Returns a pointer.

Creates and returns a pointer to a new GParamSpecBoolean instance specifying a G_TYPE_BOOLEAN property.

The name is the canonical name of the property specified, nick its nick name, blurb its description, default the default value and flags the flags - for the property specified.

Procedure: g-value-get-boolean g-value

Returns #t or #f.

Obtains the content of g-value and returns #f if it is 0, otherwise it returns #t.

Procedure: g-value-set-boolean g-value val

Returns nothing.

Sets the content of g-value to 0 if val is #f, otherwise sets the content to 1.

Procedure: g-param-spec-int name nick blurb minimum maximum default flags

Returns a pointer.

Creates and returns a pointer to a new GParamSpecInt instance specifying a G_TYPE_INT property.

The name is the canonical name of the property specified, nick its nick name, blurb its description, minimum the minimum value, maximum the maximum value, default the default value and flags the flags - for the property specified.

Procedure: g-value-get-int g-value

Returns a integer.

Obtains and returns the content of g-value.

Procedure: g-value-set-int g-value int

Returns nothing.

Sets the content of g-value to int.

Procedure: g-param-spec-uint name nick blurb minimum maximum default flags

Returns a pointer.

Creates and returns a pointer to a new GParamSpecUInt instance specifying a G_TYPE_UINT property.

The name is the canonical name of the property specified, nick its nick name, blurb its description, minimum the minimum value, maximum the maximum value, default the default value and flags the flags - for the property specified.

Procedure: g-value-get-uint g-value

Returns an unsigned integer.

Obtains and returns the content of g-value.

Procedure: g-value-set-uint g-value uint

Returns nothing.

Sets the content of g-value to uint.

Procedure: g-param-spec-float name nick blurb minimum maximum default flags

Returns a pointer.

Creates and returns a pointer to a new GParamSpecFloat instance specifying a G_TYPE_FLOAT property.

The name is the canonical name of the property specified, nick its nick name, blurb its description, minimum the minimum value, maximum the maximum value, default the default value and flags the flags - for the property specified.

Procedure: g-value-get-float g-value

Returns a float.

Obtains and returns the content of g-value.

Procedure: g-value-set-float g-value float

Returns nothing.

Sets the content of g-value to float.

Procedure: g-param-spec-double name nick blurb minimum maximum default flags

Returns a pointer.

Creates and returns a pointer to a new GParamSpecDouble instance specifying a G_TYPE_DOUBLE property.

The name is the canonical name of the property specified, nick its nick name, blurb its description, minimum the minimum value, maximum the maximum value, default the default value and flags the flags - for the property specified.

Procedure: g-value-get-double g-value

Returns a double.

Obtains and returns the content of g-value.

Procedure: g-value-set-double g-value double

Returns nothing.

Sets the content of g-value to double.

Procedure: g-param-spec-enum name nick blurb type default flags

Returns a pointer.

Creates and returns a pointer to a new GParamSpecEnum instance specifying a G_TYPE_ENUM property.

The name is the canonical name of the property specified, nick its nick name, blurb its description, type a <gi-enum> instance, default the default value and flags the flags - for the property specified.

Procedure: g-value-get-enum g-value

Returns a symbol.

Obtains and returns the (registered) enum type info symbol for g-value.

Method: g-value-set-enum g-value (id <integer>)
Method: g-value-set-enum g-value (sym <symbol>)

Returns nothing.

Sets the content of g-value to id, or to the id corresponding to sym respectively. The id or the sym must be valid (as in being a valid member of the (registered) enum type info for g-value), otherwise an exception is raised.

Procedure: g-param-spec-flags name nick blurb type default flags

Returns a pointer.

Creates and returns a pointer to a new GParamSpecFlags instance specifying a G_TYPE_FLAGS property.

The name is the canonical name of the property specified, nick its nick name, blurb its description, type a <gi-flags> instance, default the default value and flags the flags - for the property specified.

Procedure: g-value-get-flags g-value

Returns a list.

Obtains and returns the (registered) list of flags for g-value.

Method: g-value-set-flags g-value (val <integer>)
Method: g-value-set-flags g-value (flags <list>)

Returns nothing.

Sets the content of g-value to val, or to the value given by calling flags->integer upon the list of flags, respectively. The val or the flags must be valid (as in being a valid member of the (registered) gi-flags type for g-value), otherwise an exception is raised.

Procedure: g-param-spec-string name nick blurb default flags

Returns a pointer.

Creates and returns a pointer to a new GParamSpecString instance specifying a G_TYPE_STRING property.

The name is the canonical name of the property specified, nick its nick name, blurb its description, default the default value and flags the flags - for the property specified.

Procedure: g-value-get-string g-value

Returns a string or #f.

Obtains and returns the content of g-value, a string or #f if the g-value content is the %null-pointer.

Procedure: g-value-set-string g-value str

Returns nothing.

Sets the content of g-value to str.

Procedure: g-param-spec-param name nick blurb type flags

Returns a pointer.

Creates and returns a pointer to a new GParamSpecParam instance specifying a G_TYPE_PARAM property.

The name is the canonical name of the property specified, nick its nick name, blurb its description, type a GType derived from G_TYPE_PARAM and flags the flags - for the property specified.

Procedure: g-value-get-param g-value

Returns a (pointer to) GParamSpec or #f.

Obtains and returns the content of g-value, a (pointer to) GParamSpec or #f if the g-value content is the %null-pointer.

Procedure: g-value-set-param g-value param

Returns nothing.

Sets the content of g-value to param.

Procedure: g-param-spec-boxed name nick blurb type flags

Returns a pointer.

Creates and returns a pointer to a new GParamSpecBoxed instance specifying a G_TYPE_BOXED derived property.

The name is the canonical name of the property specified, nick its nick name, blurb its description, type a GType derived from G_TYPE_BOXED and flags the flags - for the property specified.

Procedure: g-value-get-boxed g-value

Returns either a list of values, or a pointer.

Obtains and returns the content of g-value. If the boxed type !is-opaque? or !is-semi-opaque?, it ‘blindingly’ returns the boxed instance g-value pointer. Otherwise, the boxed instance is ‘decoded’, and a list of its field values is returned.

Procedure: g-value-set-boxed g-value boxed

Returns nothing.

Sets the content of g-value to boxed. If the boxed type !is-opaque? or !is-semi-opaque?, then boxed is (supposed to be) a pointer, used to ‘blindingly’ set g-value. Otherwise, the boxed instance is (supposed to be) a list of values, that are ‘encoded’, and its (newly created) pointer is used to set g-value.

Procedure: g-value-get-pointer g-value

Returns a pointer.

Obtains and returns the content of g-value.

Procedure: g-value-set-pointer g-value pointer

Returns nothing.

Sets the content of g-value to pointer.

Procedure: g-param-spec-object name nick blurb type flags

Returns a pointer.

Creates and returns a pointer to a new GParamSpecBoxed instance specifying a G_TYPE_OBJECT derived property.

The name is the canonical name of the property specified, nick its nick name, blurb its description, type a <gobject> derived type of this property and flags the flags - for the property specified.

Procedure: g-value-get-object g-value

Returns a pointer.

Obtains and returns the content of g-value.

Procedure: g-value-set-object g-value object

Returns nothing.

Sets the content of g-value to object (a pointer to a GObject instance) and increases the object reference count.

Procedure: g-value-get-variant g-value

Returns a pointer or #f.

Obtains and returns content of a variant g-value, or #f (may be NULL).

Types and Values

Note: in GObject, G_TYPE_PARAM_BOOLEAN, G_TYPE_PARAM_CHAR, etc., are defined as macros. In G-Golf, we define a procedure for each of those types, which binds a libg-golf function which merely invoques the macro, the expansion of which returns the corresponding (dynamic - runtime) GType value.

Procedure: g-type-param-boolean
Procedure: g-type-param-char
Procedure: g-type-param-uchar
Procedure: g-type-param-int
Procedure: g-type-param-uint
Procedure: g-type-param-long
Procedure: g-type-param-ulong
Procedure: g-type-param-int64
Procedure: g-type-param-uint64
Procedure: g-type-param-float
Procedure: g-type-param-double
Procedure: g-type-param-enum
Procedure: g-type-param-flags
Procedure: g-type-param-string
Procedure: g-type-param-param
Procedure: g-type-param-boxed
Procedure: g-type-param-pointer
Procedure: g-type-param-object
Procedure: g-type-param-unichar
Procedure: g-type-param-override
Procedure: g-type-param-gtype
Procedure: g-type-param-variant

Returns a GType.

Obtains and returns the GType of GParamSpecBoolean, GParamSpecChar, etc.


G-Golf GObject GParamSpec low level API.
GParamSpec — Metadata for parameter specifications.



Types and Values



GParamSpec is an object structure that encapsulates the metadata required to specify parameters, such as e.g. GObject properties.


Note: in this section, the p-spec argument is [must be] a pointer to a GParamSpec.

Procedure: g-param-spec-show p-spec

Returns nothing.

Obtains and displays the following informations about the interface pointed to by p-spec:

,use (g-golf)
(g-irepository-require "Gtk" #:version "4.0")
⇒ $2 = #<pointer 0x55ae43d74a60>

(gi-import-by-name "Gtk" "Label")
⇒ $3 = #<<gobject-class> <gtk-label> 7f1a75436a50>

(!g-class <gtk-label>)
⇒ $4 = #<pointer 0x55ae43deb0c0>

(g-object-class-find-property $4 "css-classes")
⇒ $5 = #<pointer 0x55ae43d9d510>

(g-param-spec-show $5)
-| #<pointer 0x55ae43d9d510> is a (pointer to a) GParamSpec:
-|                name: "css-classes"
-|                nick: "CSS Style Classes"
-|               blurb: "List of CSS classes"
-|              g-type: 94206951022032
-|         g-type-name: "GStrv"
-|           type-name: g-strv
-|               flags: (readable writable readwrite static-name
static-nick static-blurb)

Note that the type-name: g-strv is not part of the GParamSpec structure. It is obtained (and used by G-Golf internally by calling (g-name->name g-type-name).

Procedure: g-param-spec-type p-spec
Procedure: g-param-spec-type-name p-spec

Returns an integer or a (symbol) name, respectively.

Obtains and returns the GType or the GType (symbol) name for p-spec, respectively.

Procedure: g-param-spec-get-default-value p-spec

Returns a pointer.

Obtains and returns the p-spec default value as pointer to a GValue, which will remain valid for the life of p-spec and must not be modified.

Procedure: g-param-spec-get-name p-spec
Procedure: g-param-spec-get-nick p-spec
Procedure: g-param-spec-get-blurb p-spec

Returns a string.

Obtains and returns the name, nickname or short description for p-spec, respectively.

Procedure: g-param-spec-get-flags p-spec

Returns a (possibly empty) list.

Obtains and returns a list of the combination of %g-param-flags that applies to p-spec.

Types and Values

Instance Variable of <gi-enum>: %g-param-flags

An instance of <gi-enum>, who’s members are the scheme representation of the GParamFlags:

type-name: GParamFlags
name: g-param-flags


the parameter is readable


the parameter is writable


alas for readable writable


the parameter will be set upon object construction


the parameter can only be set upon object construction


upon parameter conversion, strict validation is not required


the string used as name when constructing the parameter is guaranteed to remain valid and unmodified for the lifetime of the parameter. Since 2.8




the string used as nick when constructing the parameter is guaranteed to remain valid and unmmodified for the lifetime of the parameter. Since 2.8


the string used as blurb when constructing the parameter is guaranteed to remain valid and unmodified for the lifetime of the parameter. Since 2.8


calls to g_object_set_property for this property will not automatically result in a ‘notify’ signal being emitted: the implementation must call g_object_notify themselves in case the property actually changes. Since: 2.42


the parameter is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. A warning will be generated if it is used while running with G_ENABLE_DIAGNOSTIC=1. Since 2.26


G-Golf GObject Closures low level API.

Closures - Functions as first-class objects



Object Hierarchy

  +— GClosure


A GClosure represents a callback supplied by the programmer. It will generally comprise a function of some kind and a marshaller used to call it. It is the responsibility of the marshaller to convert the arguments for the invocation from GValues into a suitable form, perform the callback on the converted arguments, and transform the return value back into a GValue.

Please read the Closures section from the GObject reference manual for a complete description.


Note: in this section, the closure, marshal, source and function arguments are [must be] pointers to a GClosure, a GSource, a GClosureMarshal and a GClosureNotify respectively.

Procedure: g-closure-size

Returns an integer.

Obtains and returns the size (the number of bytes) that a GClosure occupies in memory.

Procedure: g-closure-ref-count closure

Returns an integer.

Obtains and returns the reference count of closure.

Procedure: g-closure-ref closure

Returns a pointer.

Increments the reference count of closure, to force it staying alive while the caller holds a pointer to it.

Procedure: g-closure-sink closure

Returns nothing.

Takes over the initial ownership of closure. Each closure is initially created in a ‘floating’ state, which means that the initial reference count is not owned by any caller. g-closure-sink checks to see if the object is still floating, and if so, unsets the floating state and decreases the reference count. If the closure is not floating, g-closure-sink does nothing.

Because g-closure-sink may decrement the reference count of closure (if it hasn’t been called on closure yet) just like g-closure-unref, g-closure-ref should be called prior to this function.

Procedure: g-closure-unref closure

Returns nothing.

Decrements the reference count of closure after it was previously incremented by the same caller. If no other callers are using closureclosure, then it will be destroyed and freed.

Procedure: g-closure-free closure

Returns nothing.

Decrements the reference count of closure to 0 (so closure will be destroyed and freed).

Procedure: g-closure-invoke closure return-value n-param param-vals invocation-hit

Returns nothing.

Invokes the closure, i.e. executes the callback represented by the closure.

The arguments are closure (a pointer to a GClosure), return-value (a pointer to a GValue), n-param (the length of the param-vals array), param-vals (a pointer to an array of GValue) and invocation-hint (a context dependent invocation hint).

Procedure: g-closure-add-invalidate-notifier closure data function

Returns nothing.

Registers an invalidation notifier which will be called when the closure is invalidated with g-closure-invalidate. Invalidation notifiers are invoked before finalization notifiers, in an unspecified order.

The data argumet is (must be) a pointer to the notifier data (or #f).

Procedure: g-closure-new-simple size data

Returns a pointer.

Allocates a structure of the given size and initializes the initial part as a GClosure. The data (if any) are used to iitialize the data fields of the newly allocated GClosure.

The returned value is a floating reference (a pointer) to a new GClosure.

Procedure: g-closure-set-marshal closure marshal

Returns nothing.

Sets the closure marshaller to marshal.

Procedure: g-source-set-closure source closure

Returns nothing.

Set the source callback to closure.

If the source is not one of the standard GLib types, the closure_callback and closure_marshal fields of the GSourceFuncs structure must have been filled in with pointers to appropriate functions.


G-Golf GObject Signals low level API.
Signals — A means for customization of object behaviour and a general purpose notification mechanism



Types and Values



The basic concept of the signal system is that of the emission of a signal. Signals are introduced per-type and are identified through strings. Signals introduced for a parent type are available in derived types as well, so basically they are a per-type facility that is inherited.

Please read the Signals section from the GObject reference manual for a complete description.


Procedure: g-signal-newv name iface-type flags class-closure accumulator accu-data c-marshaller return-type n-param param-types

Returns the signal id.

Creates a new signal. The arguments are:


The name for the signal.


The type this signal pertains to. It will also pertain to types which are derived from this type.


A list of %g-signal-flags, specifying detail of when the default handler is to be invoked. It should at least specify run-first or run-last.


The closure to invoke on signal emission, may be #f.


The accumulator for this signal; may be #f.


User data for the accumulator.


The function to translate arrays of parameter values to signal emissions into C language callback invocations or #f.


The GType of the signal returned value. The caller may obtain the GType, given a scheme object (or 'none for a signal without a return value), by calling scm->g-type.


The length of param-types.


An list of types, one for each parameter (may be '() if n-param is zero).

Procedure: g-signal-query id

Returns a list.

Obtains and returns a list composed of the signal id, name, interface-type30, flags, return-type, number of arguments and their types. For example31:

,use (g-golf)
(gi-import "Clutter")

(make <clutter-actor>)
⇒ $2 = #<<clutter-actor> 565218c88a80>

(!g-type (class-of $2))
⇒ $3 = 94910597864000

(g-signal-list-ids $3)
⇒ $4 = (5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30)

(g-signal-query 20)
⇒ $5 = (20 "enter-event" 94910597864000 (run-last) boolean 1 (boxed))

As you may have noticed, the signal query argument(s) list does not include the instance (and its type) upon which the signal is called, but both at C level and within the context of GClosure, callbacks must assume that the instance upon which a signal is called is always the first argument of the callback.

Procedure: g-signal-lookup name g-type

Returns an integer.

Obtains and returns the signal’s identifying integer, given the name of the signal and the object g-type it connects to. If a signal identifier can’t be find for the given name and g-type, an exception is raised.

Procedure: g-signal-list-ids g-type

Returns a list of integers.

Obtains and returns the list of signal’s identifying integers for g-type (Note that at least one g-type instance must have been created prior to attempt to list or query signal’s identifying integers for a given g-type).

Procedure: g-signal-emitv params id detail return-value

Returns nothing.

Emits a signal. Signal emission is done synchronously. The method will only return control after all handlers are called or signal emission was stopped.

Note that g-signal-emitv doesn’t change return-value if no handlers are connected.

The params points to the argument list for the signal emission. The first element in the array is a GValue for the instance the signal is being emitted on. The rest are any arguments to be passed to the signal. The id is the signal id, detail the detail (a g-quark and return-value the location to store the return value of the signal emission (it must be provided if the specified signal returns a value, but may be ignored otherwise).

Procedure: g-signal-connect-closure-by-id instance id detail closure after

Returns the handler ID (always greater than 0 for successful connections).

Connects a closure to a signal for a particular object.

If closure is a floating reference (see g-closure-sink), this function takes ownership of closure.

The instance is the instance to connect to, the id the id of the signal, detail the detail (a g-quark). closure the closure to connect, after (a boolean) whether the handler should be called before or after the default handler of the signal.

Procedure: g-signal-handler-disconnect instance handler-id

Returns nothing.

Disconnects a handler from an instance so it will not be called during any future or currently ongoing emissions of the signal it has been connected to. The handler-id becomes invalid and may be reused.

The handler-id has to be a valid signal handler id, connected to a signal of instance .

Procedure: g-signal-parse-name detailed-signal g-type [force-detail-quark #t]

Returns two integer values.

Obtains and returns the signal-id and a detail corresponding to detailed-signal for g-type. The detailed-signal can be passed as a symbol or a string. When force-detail-quark is #t it forces the creation of a GQuark for the detail.

If the signal name could not successfully be parsed, it raises an exception.

Types and Values

Instance Variable of <gi-enum>: %g-signal-flags

The signal flags are used to specify a signal’s behaviour, the overall signal description outlines how especially the RUN flags control the stages of a signal emission.

An instance of <gi-enum>, who’s members are the scheme representation of the GSignalFlags:

g-name: GSignalFlags
name: g-signal-flags


Invoke the object method handler in the first emission stage.


Invoke the object method handler in the third emission stage.


Invoke the object method handler in the last emission stage.


Signals being emitted for an object while currently being in emission for this very object will not be emitted recursively, but instead cause the first emission to be restarted.


This signal supports "::detail" appendices to the signal name upon handler connections and emissions.


Action signals are signals that may freely be emitted on alive objects from user code via g-signal-emit and friends, without the need of being embedded into extra code that performs pre or post emission adjustments on the object. They can also be thought of as object methods which can be called generically by third-party code.


No emissions hooks are supported for this signal.


Varargs signal emission will always collect the arguments, even if there are no signal handlers connected. Since 2.30.


The signal is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. A warning will be generated if it is connected while running with G_ENABLE_DIAGNOSTIC=1. Since 2.32.

GObject Introspection

G-Golf GObject Introspection modules are defined in the gi subdirectory, such as (g-golf gi repository).

Where you may load these modules individually, the easiest way to use G-Golf GObject Introspection is to import the g-golf module, which imports and re-exports the public interface of all modules used and defined by G-Golf (for a complete list, visit its source definition):

(use-modules (g-golf))

Most G-Golf GObject Introspection modules correspond to a GObject Intropection (manual) section, but there are some exceptions, such as init and utils


G-Golf Introspection Repository low level API.
GIRepository — GObject Introspection repository manager.




GIRepository is used to manage repositories of namespaces. Namespaces are represented on disk by type libraries (.typelib files).

Object Hierarchy

|___ GIRepository


Note: in this section, when the #:repository optional keyword argument is passed, it is [must be] a pointer to a GIRepository. Its default value is #f, the scheme representation for NULL, meaning the singleton process-global default GIRepository (see g-irepository-get-default).

Procedure: g-irepository-get-default

Returns a pointer to the singleton process-global default GIRepository.

GObject Introspection does not currently support multiple repositories in a particular process, but this procedure is provided in the unlikely eventuality that it would become possible.

All G-Golf low level API procedures on GIRepository also accept an optional #:repository keyword argument which defaults to #f, meaning this singleton process-global default GIRepository.

Procedure: g-irepository-get-dependencies namespace [#:repository #f]

Returns a list of all (transitive) versioned dependencies for namespace. Returned string are of the form namespace-version.

Note: The namespace must have already been loaded using a procedure such as g-irepository-require before calling this procedure.

Procedure: g-irepository-get-loaded-namespaces [#:repository #f]

Return the list of currently loaded namespaces.

Procedure: g-irepository-get-n-infos namespace [#:repository #f]

Returns the number of metadata entries in namespace. The namespace must have already been loaded before calling this procedure.

Procedure: g-irepository-get-info namespace index [#:repository #f]

Returns a pointer to a particular metadata entry in the given namespace.

The namespace must have already been loaded before calling this procedure. See g-irepository-get-n-infos to find the maximum number of entries.

index is a 0-based offset into namespace for entry.

Procedure: g-irepository-enumerate-versions namespace [#:repository #f]

Returns a (possibly empty) list.

Obtains and returns an unordered (possibly empty) list of versions (either currently loaded or available) for namespace in repository.

Procedure: g-irepository-get-typelib-path namespace [#:repository #f]

Returns the full path to the .typelib file namespace was loaded from, if loaded. If namespace is not loaded or does not exist, it will return #f. If the typelib for namespace was included in a shared library, it returns the special string "<builtin>".

Procedure: g-irepository-require namespace [#:version #f] [#:repository #f]

Returns a pointer a GITypelib structure, if the Typelib file for namespace exists. Otherwise, it raises an error.

Force the namespace to be loaded if it isn’t already. If namespace is not loaded, this procedure will search for a ".typelib" file using the repository search path. In addition, a version version of namespace may be specified. If version is not specified, the latest will be used.

Procedure: g-irepository-get-c-prefix namespace [#:repository #f]

Returns the "C prefix", or the C level namespace associated with the given introspection namespace. Each C symbol starts with this prefix, as well each GType in the library.

Note: The namespace must have already been loaded using a procedure such as g-irepository-require before calling this procedure.

Procedure: g-irepository-get-shared-library namespace [#:repository #f]

Returns a list of paths to the shared C libraries associated with the given namespace. There may be no shared library path associated, in which case this procedure will return an empty list.

Procedure: g-irepository-get-version namespace [#:repository #f]

Returns the loaded version associated with the given namespace.

Note: The namespace must have already been loaded using a procedure such as g-irepository-require before calling this procedure.

Procedure: g-irepository-find-by-gtype gtype [#:repository #f]

Returns a pointer to a GIBaseInfo representing metadata about gtype, or #f.

Searches all loaded namespaces for a particular GType. Note that in order to locate the metadata, the namespace corresponding to the type must first have been loaded. There is currently no mechanism for determining the namespace which corresponds to an arbitrary GType - thus, this procedure will operate most reliably when you know the GType to originate from be from a loaded namespace.

Procedure: g-irepository-find-by-name namespace name [#:repository #f]

Returns a pointer to a GIBaseInfo representing metadata about type, or #f.

Searches for a particular entry in namespace. Before calling this function for a particular namespace, you must call g-irepository-require once to load the namespace, or otherwise ensure the namespace has already been loaded.


G-Golf Typelib low level API.
GITypelib — Layout and accessors for typelib.






Note: in this section, the typelib argument is [must be] a pointer to a GITypelib.

Procedure: g-golf-typelib-new file

Returns a pointer to a new GITypelib.

file must be a valid typelib filename.

This procedure actually sets things up and calls g-typelib-new-from-memory.

Procedure: call-with-input-typelib file proc

Returns the value(s) returned by proc.

file must be a valid typelib filename. Makes a new GITypelib by calling (g-golf-typelib-new file) and calls (proc typelib) with the resulting GITypelib.

When proc returns, the GITypelib is free’d by calling g-typelib-free. Otherwise the [Glib - C] memory chunk might not be free’d automatically, though the scheme pointer returned by g-golf-typelib-new will be garbage collected in the usual way if not otherwise referenced.

Procedure: g-typelib-new-from-memory pointer size g-error

Returns a pointer to a new GITypelib.

pointer must be the address of a memory chunk containing the typelib, size is the number of bytes of the memory chunk containing the typelib, and g-error a pointer to a GError.

Creates a new GITypelib from a memory location. The memory block pointed to by typelib will be automatically g_free()d when the repository is destroyed.

Procedure: g-typelib-free typelib

Returns nothing.

Free a GITypelib.

Procedure: g-typelib-get-namespace typelib

Returns the namespace of typelib.

Common Types

G-Golf Common Types low level API.
common types - TODO



Types and Values



Procedure: g-type-tag-to-string type-tag

Returns a string or #f.

Obtains the string representation for type-tag or #f if it does not exist (note that in this case, the upstream function returns "unknown").

type-tag can either be an id or a symbol, a member of the enum-set of %gi-type-tag.

Types and Values

Instance Variable of <gi-enum>: %gi-type-tag

An instance of <gi-enum>, who’s members are the type tag of a GITypeInfo:

g-name: GITypeTag
name: gi-type-tag


Instance Variable of <gi-enum>: %gi-array-type

An instance of <gi-enum>, who’s members are the type of array in a GITypeInfo:

g-name: GIArrayType
name: gi-array-type


Version Information (2)

G-Golf GIRepository Version Informatrion low level API.
Version Information - Procedures to check the GIRepository version.




Procedures to check the GIRepository version.


Procedure: gi-version
Procedure: gi-effective-version
Procedure: gi-major-version [as-integer? #f]
Procedure: gi-minor-version [as-integer? #f]
Procedure: gi-micro-version [as-integer? #f]

Returns a string describing GIRepository full version number, effective version number, major, minor or micro version number, respectively.

The last three procedures will return the major, minor or micro version number as an integer if the optional as-integer? argument is #t.

Procedure: gi-check-version major minor micro

Returns #t if the GIRepository version is the same as or newer than the major minor micro passed-in version.

Base Info

G-Golf Base Info low level API.
GIBaseInfo — Base struct for all GITypelib structs.



Types and Values


Struct Hierarchy

  +— GIArgInfo
  +— GICallableInfo
  +— GIConstantInfo
  +— GIFieldInfo
  +— GIPropertyInfo
  +— GIRegisteredTypeInfo
  +— GITypeInfo


GIBaseInfo is the common base struct of all other *Info structs accessible through the GIRepository API.

Most GIRepository APIs returning a GIBaseInfo is actually creating a new struct, in other words, g-base-info-unref has to be called when done accessing the data. GIBaseInfos are normally accessed by calling either g-irepository-find-by-name, g-irepository-find-by-gtype or g-irepository-get-info.

Example: Getting the Button of the Gtk typelib
,use (g-golf gi)
(g-irepository-require "Gtk")
(g-irepository-find-by-name "Gtk" "Button")
⇒ $4 = #<pointer 0x20e0000>
... use button info ...
(g-base-info-unref $4)


Note: in this section, the info, info1 and info2 arguments are [must be] pointers to a GIBaseInfo.

Procedure: g-base-info-ref info

Returns the same info.

Increases the reference count of info.

Procedure: g-base-info-unref info

Returns nothing.

Decreases the reference count of info. When its reference count drops to 0, the info is freed.

Procedure: g-base-info-equal info1 info2

Returns #t if and only if info1 equals info2.

Compares two GIBaseInfo.

Using pointer comparison is not practical since many functions return different instances of GIBaseInfo that refers to the same part of the typelib: use this procedure instead to do GIBaseInfo comparisons.

Procedure: g-base-info-get-type info

Returns the info type of info.

Procedure: g-base-info-get-typelib info

Returns a pointer to the GITypelib the info belongs to.

Procedure: g-base-info-get-namespace info

Returns the namespace of info

Procedure: g-base-info-get-name info

Returns the name of info or #f if it lacks a name.

What the name represents depends on the GIInfoType of the info. For instance for GIFunctionInfo it is the name of the function.

Procedure: g-base-info-get-attribute info name

Returns the value of the attribute or #f if not such attribute exists.

Procedure: g-base-info-iterate-attributes info proc

Returns nothing.

Iterate and calls proc over all attributes associated with this node. proc must be a procedure of two arguments, the name and the value of the attribute.

Procedure: g-base-info-get-container info

Returns a pointer to a GIBaseInfo.

The container is the parent GIBaseInfo. For instance, the parent of a GIFunctionInfo is an GIObjectInfo or GIInterfaceInfo.

Procedure: g-base-info-is-deprecated info

Returns #t if deprecated.

Obtain whether info represents a metadata which is deprecated or not.

Types and Values

Instance Variable of <gi-enum>: %gi-info-type

An instance of <gi-enum>, who’s members are the scheme representation of the type of a GIBaseInfo struct:

g-name: GIInfoType
name: gi-info-type


Callable Info

G-Golf Callable Info low level API.
GICallableInfo — Struct representing a callable.



Struct Hierarchy

  +— GICallableInfo
           +— GIFunctionInfo
           +— GICallbackInfo
           +— GISignalInfo
           +— GIVFuncInfo


GICallableInfo represents an entity which is callable. Examples of callable are: functions (GIFunctionInfo), virtual functions, (GIVFuncInfo), callbacks (GICallbackInfo).

A callable has a list of arguments (GIArgInfo), a return type, direction and a flag which decides if it returns null.


Note: in this section, the info argument is [must be] a pointer to a GICallableInfo.

Procedure: g-callable-info-can-throw-gerror info

Returns #t if the callable info can throw a GError, otherwise it returns #f.

Procedure: g-callable-info-get-n-args info

Returns the number of arguments this info expects.

Obtain the number of arguments (both IN and OUT) for this info.

Procedure: g-callable-info-get-arg info n

Returns a pointer to the nth GIArgInfo of info.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-callable-info-get-caller-owns info

Returns a GITransfer enumerated value.

See whether the caller owns the return value of this callable. See %gi-transfer for the list of possible values.

Procedure: g-callable-info-get-instance-ownership-transfer info

Returns a GITransfer enumerated value.

Obtains the ownership transfer for the instance argument. See %gi-transfer for the list of possible values.

Procedure: g-callable-info-get-return-type info

Returns a pointer to the GITypeInfo.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-callable-info-invoke info function in-args n-in out-args n-out r-val is-method throws g-error

Returns #t if the function has been invoked, #f if an error occured.

Invokes the function described in info with the given arguments. Note that inout parameters must appear in both argument lists. The arguments are:


a pointer to a GIFunctionInfo describing the function to invoke.


a pointer to the function to invoke.


a pointer to an array of GIArguments, one for each in and inout parameter of info. If there are no in parameter, in-args must be the %null-pointer.


the length of the in-args array.


a pointer to an array of GIArguments, one for each out and inout parameter of info. If there are no out parameter, out-args must be the %null-pointer.


the length of the out-args array.


a pointer to a GIArguments, the return location for the return value of the function. If the function returns void, r-val must be the %null-pointer.


is the callable info is a method.


can the callable throw a GError.


a pointer to a newly allocated (and ‘empty’) GError (the recommended way for procedure calls that need such a pointer is to ‘surround’ the call using with-g-error).

Procedure: g-callable-info-is-method info

Returns #t if the callable info is a method, otherwise it return #f.

Determines if the callable info is a method. For GIVFuncInfo and GISignalInfo, this is always true. Otherwise, this looks at the GI_FUNCTION_IS_METHOD flag on the GIFunctionInfo.

Concretely, this function returns whether g-callable-info-get-n-args matches the number of arguments in the raw C method. For methods, there is one more C argument than is exposed by introspection: the ‘self’ or ‘this’ object.

Procedure: g-callable-info-may-return-null info

Returns #t if the callable info could return NULL.

See if a callable could return NULL.

Procedure: g-callable-info-create-closure info ffi-cif ffi-closure-callback user-data

Returns the ffi-closure or #f on error.

The return value should be freed by calling g-callable-info-destroy-closure.

Procedure: g-callable-info-get-closure-native-address info ffi-closure

Returns a pointer.

Obtain and return the callable code from ffi-closure prepared by g-callable-info-create-closure. The return value should be freed by calling g-callable-info-destroy-closure.

Function Info

G-Golf Function Info low level API.
GIFunctionInfo — Struct representing a function.



Types and Values


Struct Hierarchy

  +— GICallableInfo
           +— GIFunctionInfo
           +— GISignalInfo
           +— GIVFuncInfo


GIFunctionInfo represents a function, method or constructor. To find out what kind of entity a GIFunctionInfo represents, call g-function-info-get-flags.

See also Callable Info for information on how to retreive arguments and other metadata.


Note: in this section, the info argument is [must be] a pointer to a GIFunctionInfo.

Procedure: gi-function-info-is-method? info [flags #f]

Returns #t if info is a method, that is if is-method is a member of the info flags. Otherwise, it returns #f.

The optional flags argument, if passed, must be the list of the function info flags as returned by g-function-info-get-flags.

Procedure: g-function-info-get-flags info

Returns a list of %g-function-info-flags.

Obtain the GIFunctionInfoFlags for info.

Procedure: g-function-info-get-property info

Returns a pointer or #f.

Obtains the GIPropertyInfo associated with info. Only GIFunctionInfo with the flag is-getter or is-setter have a property set. For other cases, #f will be returned.

The GIPropertyInfo must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done.

Procedure: g-function-info-get-symbol info

Returns a string.

Obtain the ‘symbol’ of the function32.

Procedure: g-function-info-get-vfunc info

Returns a pointer or #f.

Obtains the GIVFuncInfo associated with info. Only GIFunctionInfo with the flag wraps-vfunc has its virtual function set. For other cases, #f will be returned.

The GIVFuncInfo must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done.

Procedure: g-function-info-invoke info in-args n-in out-args n-out r-val g-error

Returns #t if the function has been invoked, #f if an error occured.

Invokes the function described in info with the given arguments. Note that inout parameters must appear in both argument lists. The arguments are:


a pointer to a GIFunctionInfo describing the function to invoke.


a pointer to an array of GIArguments, one for each in and inout parameter of info. If there are no in parameter, in-args must be the %null-pointer.


the length of the in-args array.


a pointer to an array of GIArguments, one for each out and inout parameter of info. If there are no out parameter, out-args must be the %null-pointer.


the length of the out-args array.


a pointer to a GIArguments, the return location for the return value of the function. If the function returns void, r-val must be the %null-pointer.


a pointer to a newly allocated (and ‘empty’) GError (the recommended way for procedure calls that need such a pointer is to ‘surround’ the call using with-g-error).

Types and Values

Instance Variable of <gi-flags>: %g-function-info-flags

An instance of <gi-flags>, who’s members are the scheme representation of the GIFunctionInfoFlags:

g-name: GIFunctionInfoFlags
name: gi-function-info-flags


Is a method.


Is a constructor.


Is a getter of a GIPropertyInfo.


Is a setter of a GIPropertyInfo.


Represent a virtul function.


The function may throw an error.

Signal Info

G-Golf Signal Info low level API.
GISignalInfo — Struct representing a signal.




GISignalInfo represents a signal. It’s a sub-struct of GICallableInfo and contains a set of flags and a class closure.

See also Callable Info for information on how to retreive arguments and other metadata from the signal.

Struct Hierarchy

  +— GICallableInfo
           +— GIFunctionInfo
           +— GISignalInfo
           +— GIVFuncInfo


Note: in this section, the info argument is [must be] a pointer to a GISignalInfo.

Procedure: g-signal-info-get-flags info

Returns a list of %g-signal-flags.

Obtain the flags for this signal info. See %g-signal-flags for more information about posible flag values.

VFunc Info

G-Golf VFunc Info low level API.
GIVFuncInfo — Struct representing a virtual function



Types and Values



GIVFuncInfo represents a virtual function.

A virtual function is a callable object that belongs to either a Object Info or a Interface Info.


Note: in this section, the info argument is [must be] a pointer to a GIVFuncInfo.

Procedure: g-vfunc-info-get-flags info

Returns a (possibly empty) list.

Obtains and returns the flags for the virtual function info. See %gi-vfunc-info-flags for the possible flag values.

Procedure: g-vfunc-info-get-offset info

Returns an offset or #f.

Obtains and returns the offset of the virtual function in the class struct. The value #f indicates that the offset is unknown.

Procedure: g-vfunc-info-get-signal info

Returns a pointer or #f.

Obtains and returns a signal (a pointer to a Signal Info) for the virtual function if one is set. The signal comes from the object or interface to which this virtual function belongs.

Procedure: g-vfunc-info-get-invoker info

Returns a pointer or #f.

If this virtual function has an associated invoker method, this procedure will return it (a pointer to a Function Info). An invoker method is a C entry point.

Not all virtuals will have invokers.

The GIFunctionInfo, if one was returned, must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref

Types and Values

Instance Variable of <gi-flags>: %gi-vfunc-info-flags

An instance of <gi-flags>, who’s members are the scheme representation of the flags of a GIVFuncInfo:

g-name: GIVFuncInfoFlags
name: gi-vfunc-info-flags


Registered Type Info

G-Golf Registered Type Info low level API.
GIRegisteredTypeInfo — Struct representing a struct with a GType.



Struct Hierarchy



GIRegisteredTypeInfo represents an entity with a GType associated. Could be either a GIEnumInfo, GIInterfaceInfo, GIObjectInfo, GIStructInfo or a GIUnionInfo.

A registered type info struct has a name and a type function.


Note: in this section, the info argument is [must be] a pointer to a GIRegisteredTypeInfo.

Procedure: gi-registered-type-info-name info

Returns a type name.

Some registered type are not ‘registered’, and calling g-registered-type-info-get-type-name returns #f33.

Even though they are ‘unnamed’, some are present in their typelib, like "GLib" "SpawnFlags", or "GObject" "ParamFlags", and may be imported - sometimes manually, sometimes automatically.

In G-Golf, imported GIRegisteredTypeInfo must have a unique name, since it is used as the secondary key in its cache ‘mechanism’ (See Cache Park).

Obtains and returns a unique name for info. If g-registered-type-info-get-type-name returns a name, that name is returned. Otherwise, it returns a name composed of the namespace and name for info.

Here is an example, to illustrate:

(g-irepository-find-by-name "GObject" "ParamFlags")
⇒ $2 = #<pointer 0x5654c59ee4f0>

(g-registered-type-info-get-type-name $2)
⇒ $3 = #f

(gi-registered-type-info-name $2)
⇒ $4 = "GObjectParamFlags"

(g-name->name $4)
⇒ $5 = g-object-param-flags
Procedure: g-registered-type-info-get-type-name info

Returns the type name.

Obtain the type name of the struct within the GObject type system. This name can be passed to g_type_from_name to get a GType.

Procedure: g-registered-type-info-get-type-init info

Returns the name of the type init function.

Obtain the type init function for info. The type init function is the function which will register the GType within the GObject type system. Usually this is not called by langauge bindings or applications.

Procedure: g-registered-type-info-get-g-type info

Returns the GType for info.

Obtain the GType for this registered type or G_TYPE_NONE which has a special meaning. It means that either there is no type information associated with this info or that the shared library which provides the type_init function for this info cannot be called.

Enum Info

G-Golf Enum Info low level API.
GIEnumInfo — Structs representing an enumeration and its values.



Struct Hierarchy

  +— GIRegisteredTypeInfo
            +— GIEnumInfo


GIEnumInfo represents an argument. An argument is always part of a GICallableInfo.


Note: in this section, unless otherwise specified, the info argument is [must be] a pointer to a GIEumInfo.

Procedure: gi-enum-import info

Returns a <gi-enum> instance.

Obtains the values this enumeration contains, then makes and returns a <gi-enum> instance.

Procedure: gi-enum-value-values info

Returns an alist.

Obtains and returns the list pairs (symbol . id) the enum GI definition pointed by info contains. If you think the name is strange, compare it with, for example gi-struct-field-types: just like a GIStructInfo holds a list of pointers to GIFieldInfo from which we get the (field) type, aGIEnumInfo holds a list of pointers to GIValueInfo from which we get the (enum) value - which in the GI world is a name (a string) that we transform, in the scheme world, to a symbol.

Procedure: g-enum-info-get-n-values info

Returns the number of values.

Obtains the number of values this enumeration contains.

Procedure: g-enum-info-get-value info index

Returns a pointer to a GIValueInfo or #f if type tag is wrong.

Obtains a value for this enumeration. The GIValueInfo must be free’d using g-base-info-unref when done.

index is a 0-based offset into info for a value.

Procedure: g-enum-info-get-n-methods info

Returns the number of methods.

Obtains the number of methods this enumeration has.

Procedure: g-enum-info-get-method info index

Returns a pointer to a GIFunctionInfo or #f if type tag is wrong.

Obtains a method for this enumeration. The GIFunctionInfo must be free’d using g-base-info-unref when done.

index is a 0-based offset into info for a method.

Procedure: g-value-info-get-value info

Returns the enumeration value.

Obtains a value of the GIValueInfo.

info is [must be] a pointer to a GIValueInfo.

Struct Info

G-Golf Struct Info low level API.
GIStructInfo — Structs representing a C structure.



Struct Hierarchy

  +— GIRegisteredTypeInfo
            +— GIStructInfo


GIStructInfo represents a generic C strucuture type.

A structure has methods and fields.


Note: in this section, unless otherwise specified, the info argument is [must be] a pointer to a GIStructInfo.

Procedure: gi-struct-import info

Returns a <gi-struct> instance.

Obtains the list of (field) types the C struct GI definition pointed by info contains, then makes and returns a <gi-struct> instance.

Procedure: gi-struct-field-desc info

Returns a list.

Obtains and returns the list of (field) descriptions for info. A field description is a list: (name type-tag offset flags).

Procedure: gi-struct-field-types info

Returns a list.

Obtains and returns the list of (field) types the C struct GI definition pointed by info contains.

Procedure: g-struct-info-get-alignment info

Returns an integer.

Obtains and returns the required alignment for info.

Procedure: g-struct-info-get-size info

Returns an integer.

Obtains and returns the total size of the structure specified info.

Procedure: g-struct-info-is-gtype-struct info

Returns #t or #f.

Return true if the structure specified by info represents the "class structure" for some GObject or GInterface.

Procedure: g-struct-info-is-foreign info

Returns #t or #f.

FIXME. No upstream documentation, though the procedure works.

Procedure: g-struct-info-get-n-fields info

Returns an integer.

Obtains the number of fields for info.

Procedure: g-struct-info-get-field info n

Returns a pointer.

Obtains and returns the info type information (a pointer to a GIFieldInfo) for the field at the specified n index.

The GIFieldInfo must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done.

Procedure: g-struct-info-get-n-methods info

Returns an integer.

Obtains the number of methods for info.

Procedure: g-struct-info-get-method info n

Returns a pointer.

Obtains and returns the info type information (a pointer to a GIFunctionInfo) for the method at the specified n index.

The GIFunctionInfo must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done.

Union Info

G-Golf Union Info low level API.
GIUnionInfo — Struct representing a C union.




GIUnionInfo represents a union type.

A union has methods and fields. Unions can optionally have a discriminator, which is a field deciding what type of real union fields is valid for specified instance.

Struct Hierarchy

  +— GIRegisteredTypeInfo
            +— GIUnionInfo


Note: in this section, unless otherwise specified, the info argument is [must be] a pointer to a GIUnionInfo.

Procedure: g-union-info-get-n-fields info

Returns an integer.

Obtains and returns the number of fields the info union has.

Procedure: g-union-info-get-field info n

Returns a pointer.

Obtains and returns a pointer to the GIFieldInfo for info, given its n. The GIFieldInfo must be free’d by calling g-base-info-unref when done.

Procedure: g-union-info-get-n-methods info

Returns an integer.

Obtains and returns the number of methods the info union has.

Procedure: g-union-info-get-method info n

Returns a pointer.

Obtains and returns a pointer to the GIFunctionInfo for info, given its n, which must be free’d by calling g-base-info-unref when done.

Procedure: g-union-info-is-discriminated? info

Returns #t if info contains a discriminator field, otherwise it returns #f.

Procedure: g-union-info-get-discriminator-offset info

Returns an integer.

Obtains and returns the offset of the discriminator field for info.

Procedure: g-union-info-get-discriminator-type info

Returns a pointer.

Obtains and returns a pointer to the GITypeInfo for info, which must be free’d by calling g-base-info-unref when done.

Procedure: g-union-info-get-discriminator info n

Returns a pointer.

Obtains and returns a pointer to the GIConstantInfo assigned for the info n-th union field - i.e. the n-th union field is the active one if discriminator contains this constant (value) - which must be free’d by calling g-base-info-unref when done.

Procedure: g-union-info-get-size info

Returns an integer.

Obtains and returns the total size of the union specified by info.

Procedure: g-union-info-get-alignment info

Returns an integer.

Obtains and returns the required alignment for info.

Object Info

G-Golf Object Info low level API.
GIObjectInfo — Structs representing a GObject.



Struct Hierarchy

  +— GIRegisteredTypeInfo
            +— GIObjectInfo


GIObjectInfo represents a classed type.

Classed types in GType inherit from GTypeInstance. The most common type is GObject. This doesn’t represent a specific instance of a GObject, instead this represent the object type (eg class).

A GIObjectInfo has methods, fields, properties, signals, interfaces, constants and virtual functions.


Note: in this section, unless otherwise specified, the info argument is [must be] a pointer to a GIObjectInfo.

Procedure: gi-object-show info

Returns nothing.

Obtains and displays the following informations about the object (and its parent) pointed to by info:

,use (g-golf)
(g-irepository-require "Clutter")
⇒ $2 = #<pointer 0x56396a4f9f80>

(g-irepository-find-by-name "Clutter" "Actor")
⇒ $3 = #<pointer 0x56396a4fdc00>

(gi-object-show $3)
-| #<pointer 0x56396a4fdc00> is a (pointer to a) GIObjectInfo:
-|   Parent:
-|           namespace: "GObject"
-|                name: "InitiallyUnowned"
-|              g-type: 94804596757600
-|         g-type-name: "GInitiallyUnowned"
-|   Object:
-|           namespace: "Clutter"
-|                name: "Actor"
-|              g-type: 94804596864480
-|         g-type-name: "ClutterActor"
-|            abstract: #f
-|         n-constants: 0
-|            n-fields: 4
-|        n-interfaces: 4
-|           n-methods: 238
-|        n-properties: 82
-|           n-signals: 26
-|           n-vfuncts: 35

Procedure: gi-object-property-names info

Returns a (possibly empty) list.

Obtains and returns the (possibly empty) list of the (untranslated) GI property names for info (see g-name->name to obtain their scheme representation).

Procedure: gi-object-method-names info

Returns a (possibly empty) list.

Obtains and returns the (possibly empty) list of pairs of the (untranslated) GI method names for info (see g-name->name to obtain their scheme representation).

Each pair is composed of the info g-function-info-get-symbol and g-base-info-get-name names.

Procedure: gi-object-method-find-by-name info name

Returns a pointer or #f.

Obtains and returns a pointer to the method GIFunctionInfo contained in info, for which g-function-info-get-symbol is string=? to name. If there is such method, it returns #f.

Procedure: g-object-info-get-abstract info

Returns #t if the info object type is abstract.

Obtain if the object type is an abstract type, eg if it cannot be instantiated.

Procedure: g-object-info-get-parent info

Returns a pointer or #f.

Obtains and returns a pointer to the info’s parent GIObjectInfo, or #f if info has no parent.

Procedure: g-object-info-get-type-name info

Returns the name of the object type for info.

Obtain the name of the object class/type for info.

Procedure: g-object-info-get-type-init info

Returns a function name (a string).

Obtain the function name which when called will return the GType function for which this object type is registered.

Procedure: g-object-info-get-n-constants info

Returns the number of constants for info.

Obtain the number of constants that this object type has.

Procedure: g-object-info-get-constant info n

Returns a pointer to the nth GIConstantInfo of info.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-object-info-get-n-fields info

Returns the number of fields for info.

Obtain the number of fields that this object type has.

Procedure: g-object-info-get-field info n

Returns a pointer to the nth GIFieldInfo of info.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-object-info-get-n-interfaces info

Returns the number of interfaces for info.

Obtain the number of interfaces that this object type has.

Procedure: g-object-info-get-interface info n

Returns a pointer to the nth GIInterfaceInfo of info.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-object-info-get-n-methods info

Returns the number of methods for info.

Obtain the number of methods that this object type has.

Procedure: g-object-info-get-method info n

Returns a pointer to the nth GIFunctionInfo of info.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-object-info-find-method info name

Returns a pointer to a GIFunctionInfo or #f if there is no method available with that name.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-object-info-get-n-properties info

Returns the number of properties for info.

Obtain the number of properties that this object type has.

Procedure: g-object-info-get-property info n

Returns a pointer to the nth GIPropertyInfo of info.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-object-info-get-n-signals info

Returns the number of signals for info.

Obtain the number of signals that this object type has.

Procedure: g-object-info-get-signal info n

Returns a pointer to the nth GISignalInfo of info.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-object-info-find-signal info name

Returns a pointer to a GISignalInfo or #f if there is no signal available with that name.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-object-info-get-n-vfuncs info

Returns the number of vfuncs for info.

Obtain the number of vfuncs that this object type has.

Procedure: g-object-info-get-vfunc info n

Returns a pointer to the nth GIVfuncInfo of info.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-object-info-get-class-struct info

Returns a pointer to the nth GIStructInfo of info, or #f.

Every GObject has two structures: an instance structure and a class structure. This function returns a pointer to the info class structure.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-object-info-get-set-value-function info

Returns a string.

Obtain the symbol name (within the GI context, a symbol name is a string) of the function that should be called to set a GValue giving an object instance pointer of this object type.

Procedure: g-object-info-get-set-value-function-pointer info

Returns a pointer.

Obtain a pointer to a function which can be used to set a GValue giving an object instance pointer of this object type. This takes derivation into account and will reversely traverse the base classes of this type, starting at the top type.

Procedure: g-object-info-get-get-value-function info

Returns a string.

Obtain the symbol name (within the GI context, a symbol name is a string) of the function that should be called to get a GValue instance pointer of this object type giving an object instance pointer of this object type.

Procedure: g-object-info-get-get-value-function-pointer info

Returns a pointer.

Obtain a pointer to a function which can be used to get a GValue instance pointer giving an object instance pointer of this object type. This takes derivation into account and will reversely traverse the base classes of this type, starting at the top type.

Interface Info

G-Golf Interface Info low level API.
GIInterfaceInfo — Structs representing a GInterface.




GIInterfaceInfo represents a GInterface.

A GInterface has methods, properties, signals, constants, virtual functions and prerequisites.

Struct Hierarchy

  +— GIRegisteredTypeInfo
            +— GIInterfaceInfo


Note: in this section, unless otherwise specified, the info argument is [must be] a pointer to a GIInterfaceInfo.

Procedure: gi-interface-import info

Returns a list.

In the current version of G-Golf, interfaces are ‘opaques’. Returns a list composed of the ’interface (type-tag) symbol, the interface (scheme and symbol) name, g-name, g-type and #t (a boolean that means the type is confirmed). Here is an example:

(interface gtk-orientable "GtkOrientable" 94578771473520 #t)
Procedure: gi-interface-show info

Returns nothing.

Obtains and displays the following informations about the interface pointed to by info:

,use (g-golf)
 (g-irepository-require "Gdk" #:version "4.0")
⇒ $2 = #<pointer 0x55649014c780>

(g-irepository-find-by-name "Gdk" "Paintable")
⇒ $3 = #<pointer 0x5564901531e0>

(gi-interface-show $3)
-| #<pointer 0x5564901531e0> is a (pointer to a) GIInterfaceInfo:
-|          namespace: "Gdk"
-|               name: "Paintable"
-|             g-type: 93947637686432
-|        g-type-name: "GdkPaintable"
-|    n-prerequisites: 0
-|       n-properties: 0
-|          n-methods: 10
-|          n-signals: 2
-|          n-vfuncts: 6
-|        n-constants: 0
-|       iface-struct: #<pointer 0x5571e38ec190>
-|  iface-struct-name: "PaintableInterface"
-|  Methods:
-|      0. #f
-|         gdk-paintable-new-empty
-|      1. compute-concrete-size
-|         gdk-paintable-compute-concrete-size
-|      2. get-current-image
-|         gdk-paintable-get-current-image
-|      3. get-flags
-|         gdk-paintable-get-flags
-|      ...
-|   VFuncs:
-|       0. get-current-image
-|       1. get-flags
-|       2. get-intrinsic-aspect-ratio
-|       3. get-intrinsic-height
-|       4. get-intrinsic-width
-|       5. snapshot
Procedure: g-interface-info-get-n-prerequisites info

Returns the number of prerequisites for info.

Obtain the number of prerequisites for this interface type. A prerequisites is another interface that needs to be implemented for interface, similar to a base class for GObjects.

Procedure: g-interface-info-get-prerequisite info n

Returns a pointer to the nth prerequisite for info.

The prerequisite as a GIBaseInfo. It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-interface-info-get-n-properties info

Returns the number of properties for info.

Obtain the number of properties that this interface type has.

Procedure: g-interface-info-get-property info n

Returns a pointer to the nth GIPropertyInfo of info.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-interface-info-get-n-methods info

Returns the number of methods for info.

Obtain the number of methods that this interface type has.

Procedure: g-interface-info-get-method info n

Returns a pointer to the nth GIFunctionInfo of info.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-interface-info-find-method info name

Returns a pointer to a GIFunctionInfo or #f if there is no method available with that name.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-interface-info-get-n-signals info

Returns the number of signals for info.

Obtain the number of signals that this interface type has.

Procedure: g-interface-info-get-signal info n

Returns a pointer to the nth GISignalInfo of info.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-interface-info-find-signal info name

Returns a pointer to a GISignalInfo or #f if there is no signal available with that name.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-interface-info-get-n-vfuncs info

Returns the number of vfuncs for info.

Obtain the number of vfuncs that this interface type has.

Procedure: g-interface-info-get-vfunc info n

Returns a pointer to the nth GIVfuncInfo of info.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-interface-info-find-vfunc info name

Returns a pointer to a GIFunctionInfo or #f if there is no signal available with that name.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-interface-info-get-n-constants info

Returns the number of constants for info.

Obtain the number of constants that this interface type has.

Procedure: g-interface-info-get-constant info n

Returns a pointer to the nth GIConstantInfo of info.

It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Procedure: g-interface-info-get-iface-struct info

Returns a pointer to a GIStructInfo for info, or #f.

Obtains and returns the layout C structure associated with info. It must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done accessing the data.

Arg Info

G-Golf Arg Info low level API.
GIArgInfo — Struct representing an argument.



Types and Values


Struct Hierarchy

  +— GIArgInfo


GIArgInfo represents an argument. An argument is always part of a GICallableInfo.


Note: in this section, the info argument is [must be] a pointer to a GIArgInfo.

Procedure: g-arg-info-get-closure info

Returns the index of the user data argument or -1 if there is none.

Obtains the index of the user data argument. This is only valid for arguments which are callbacks.

Procedure: g-arg-info-get-destroy info

Returns the index of the GDestroyNotify argument or -1 if there is none.

Obtains the index of the GDestroyNotify argument. This is only valid for arguments which are callbacks.

Procedure: g-arg-info-get-direction info

Returns a symbol.

Obtains and returns the %gi-direction of the argument.

Procedure: g-arg-info-get-ownership-transfer info

Returns a symbol.

Obtains and returns the %gi-transfer for this argument.

Procedure: g-arg-info-get-scope info

Returns a symbol.

Obtains and returns the %gi-scope-type for this argument. The scope type explains how a callback is going to be invoked, most importantly when the resources required to invoke it can be freed.

Procedure: g-arg-info-get-type info

Returns a pointer.

Obtains the GITypeInfo holding the type information for info. Free it using g-base-info-unref when done.

Procedure: g-arg-info-may-be-null info

Returns #t or #f.

Obtains if the type of the argument includes the possibility of NULL. For ’in’ values this means that NULL is a valid value. For ’out’ values, this means that NULL may be returned.

Procedure: g-arg-info-is-caller-allocates info

Returns #t or #f.

Obtain if the argument is a pointer to a struct or object that will receive an output of a function. The default assumption for out arguments which have allocation is that the callee allocates; if this is TRUE, then the caller must allocate.

Procedure: g-arg-info-is-optional info

Returns #t or #f.

Obtains if the argument is optional. For ’out’ arguments this means that you can pass NULL in order to ignore the result.

Procedure: g-arg-info-is-return-value info

Returns #t or #f.

Obtains if the argument is a retur value. It can either be a parameter or a return value.

Procedure: g-arg-info-is-skip info

Returns #t or #f.

Obtains if an argument is only useful in C.

Types and Values

Instance Variable of <gi-enum>: %gi-direction

An instance of <gi-enum>, who’s members are the scheme representation of the direction of a GIArgInfo:

g-name: GIDirection
name: gi-direction


in argument.


out argument.


in and out argument.

Instance Variable of <gi-enum>: %gi-scope-type

An instance of <gi-enum>, who’s members are the scheme representation of the scope of a GIArgInfo. Scope type of a GIArgInfo representing callback, determines how the callback is invoked and is used to decide when the invoke structs can be freed.

g-name: GIScopeType
name: gi-scope-type


The argument is not of callback type.


The callback and associated user_data is only used during the call to this function.


The callback and associated user_data is only used until the callback is invoked, and the callback. is invoked always exactly once.


The callback and and associated user_data is used until the caller is notfied via the destroy_notify.

Instance Variable of <gi-enum>: %gi-transfer

The transfer is the exchange of data between two parts, from the callee to the caller. The callee is either a function/method/signal or an object/interface where a property is defined. The caller is the side accessing a property or calling a function. GITransfer specifies who’s responsible for freeing the resources after the ownership transfer is complete. In case of a containing type such as a list, an array or a hash table the container itself is specified differently from the items within the container itself. Each container is freed differently, check the documentation for the types themselves for information on how to free them.

An instance of <gi-enum>, who’s members are the scheme representation of the GITransfer:

g-name: GITransfer
name: gi-transfer


transfer nothing from the callee (function or the type instance the property belongs to) to the caller. The callee retains the ownership of the transfer and the caller doesn’t need to do anything to free up the resources of this transfer


transfer the container (list, array, hash table) from the callee to the caller. The callee retains the ownership of the individual items in the container and the caller has to free up the container resources g_list_free, g_hash_table_destroy, … of this transfer


transfer everything, eg the container and its contents from the callee to the caller. This is the case when the callee creates a copy of all the data it returns. The caller is responsible for cleaning up the container and item resources of this transfer

Constant Info

G-Golf Constant Info low level API.
GIConstantInfo — Struct representing a constant.



Struct Hierarchy

  +— GIConstantInfo


GIConstantInfo represents a constant. A constant has a type associated which can be obtained by calling g-constant-info-get-type and a value, which can be obtained by calling g-constant-info-get-value.


Note: in this section, the info and value arguments are [must be] pointers to a GIConstantInfo and a GIArgument, respectively.

Procedure: g-constant-info-free-value info value

Returns nothing.

Frees the value returned from g-constant-info-get-value.

Procedure: g-constant-info-get-type info

Returns a pointer.

Obtains and returns a pointer to the GITypeInfo for info. Free it using g-base-info-unref when done.

Procedure: g-constant-info-get-value info value

Returns an integer (the size of a constant).

Obtains the value associated with info and store it in the value parameter, which must be allocated before passing it.

The size of the constant value stored in argument will be returned. Free the value argument with g-constant-info-free-value.

Field Info

G-Golf Field Info low level API.
GIFieldInfo — Struct representing a struct or union field.



Struct Hierarchy

  +— GIFieldInfo


A GIFieldInfo struct represents a field of a struct (see Struct Info), union (see GIUnionInfo) or an object (see Object Info). The GIFieldInfo is fetched by calling g-struct-info-get-field, g-union-info-get-field or g-object-info-get-field. A field has a size, type and a struct offset asssociated and a set of flags, which are currently readable or writable.


Note: in this section, unless otherwise specified, the info argument is [must be] a pointer to a GIFieldInfo.

Procedure: g-field-info-get-flags info

Returns a (possibly empty) list.

Obtains and returns the flags for info, which currently are readable or writable.

Procedure: g-field-info-get-offset info

Returns an unsigned integer.

Obtains and returns the offset in bytes for info, the field member, this is relative to the beginning of the struct or union.

Procedure: g-field-info-get-type info

Returns a pointer.

Obtains and returns the GITypeInfo for info.

The GITypeInfo must be freed by calling g-base-info-unref when done.

Property Info

G-Golf Property Info low level API.
GIPropertyInfo — Struct representing a property.



Struct Hierarchy

  +— GIPropertyInfo


GIPropertyInfo represents a property. A property belongs to either a GIObjectInfo or a GIInterfaceInfo.


Note: in this section, the info argument is [must be] a pointer to a GIPropertyInfo.

Procedure: gi-property-g-type info

Returns an integer.

Obtains and returns the GType value of the property.

Procedure: g-property-info-get-flags info

Returns a list of %g-param-flags.

Obtain the flags for this property info. See GParamSpec for the list of possible flag values.

Procedure: g-property-info-get-ownership-transfer info

Returns the ownership transfer for this property.

Obtain the ownership transfer for this property. See %gi-transfer for more information about transfer values.

Procedure: g-property-info-get-type info

Returns a pointer to a GITypeInfo.

Obtain the type information for this property. The GITypeInfo must be free’d using g-base-info-unref when done.

Type Info

G-Golf Type Info low level API.
GITypeInfo — Struct representing a type.



Struct Hierarchy

  +— GITypeInfo


GITypeInfo represents a type. You can retrieve a type info from an argument (see Arg Info), a functions return value (see Function Info), a field (see GIFieldInfo), a property (see Property Info), a constant (see GIConstantInfo) or for a union discriminator (see GIUnionInfo).

A type can either be a of a basic type which is a standard C primitive type or an interface type. For interface types you need to call g-type-info-get-interface to get a reference to the base info for that interface.


Note: in this section, the info argument is [must be] a pointer to a GITypeInfo.

Procedure: g-info-type-to-string info-type

Returns a string or #f.

Obtains the string representation for info-type or #f if it does not exists.

info-type can either be a symbol or an id, a member of the enum-set of %gi-info-type (otherwise, #f is returned).

Procedure: g-type-info-is-pointer info

Returns #t or #f.

Obtains if the info type is passed as a reference.

Note that the types of out and inout parameters (see %gi-direction) will only be pointers if the underlying type being transferred is a pointer (i.e. only if the type of the C function’s formal parameter is a pointer to a pointer).

Procedure: g-type-info-get-tag info

Returns a symbol.

Obtains the type tag for info (see %gi-type-tag for the list of type tags).

Procedure: g-type-info-get-param-type info n

Returns a pointer or #f.

Obtains the parameter type n (the index of the parameter). When there is no such n parameter, the procedure returns #f.

Procedure: g-type-info-get-interface info

Returns a pointer or #f.

For interface types (see %gi-type-tag) such as GObjects and boxed values, this procedure returns a (pointer to a) GIBaseInfo, holding full information about the referenced type. You can then inspect the type of the returned GIBaseInfo to further query whether it is a concrete GObject, a GInterface, a structure, etc. using g-base-info-get-type.

Procedure: g-type-info-get-array-length info

Returns an interger.

Obtain the array length of the type. The type tag must be a array (see %gi-type-tag), or -1 will returned.

Procedure: g-type-info-get-array-fixed-size info

Returns an interger.

Obtain the fixed array syze of the type. The type tag must be a array (see %gi-type-tag), or -1 will returned.

Procedure: g-type-info-is-zero-terminated info

Returns #t or #f.

Obtains if the last element of the array is NULL. The type tag must be a array (see %gi-type-tag), or #f will returned.

Procedure: g-type-info-get-array-type info

Returns a symbol or #f.

Obtain the array type for this type (see %gi-array-type). If the type tag of this type is not array, #f will be returned.

FFI Interface

G-Golf FFI Interface low level API.
girffi — TODO.






Procedure: gi-type-tag-get-ffi-type type-tag is-pointer?

Returns a (pointer to) ffi-type corresponding to the platform default C ABI for type-tag and is-pointer?.

The info argument is (must be) a valid %gi-type-tag, otherwise an exception is raised.

The is-pointer? argument, #t or #f, to indicate whether or not this is a pointer type.

Procedure: g-type-info-get-ffi-type info

Returns an (pointer to) ffi-type corresponding to the platform default C ABI for info.

The info argument is [must be] a pointer to a GITypeInfo.

Procedure: gi-type-info-extract-ffi-return-value type-info ffi-value gi-argument

Returns nothing.

Extract the correct bits from ffi-value into gi-argument.

The type-info is the GITypeInfo of ffi-value. The ffi-value is a pointer to a GIFFIReturnValue union containing the value from the ffi_call(). The gi-argument is a pointer to an allocated GIArgument.

Procedure: gi-type-tag-extract-ffi-return-value return-tag interface-type ffi-value gi-argument

Returns nothing.

Extract the correct bits from ffi-value into gi-argument.

The return-tag is the %gi-type-tag of ffi-value. The interface-type is the %gi-info-type of the underlying interface. The ffi-value is a pointer to a GIFFIReturnValue union containing the value from the ffi_call(). The gi-argument is a pointer to an allocated GIArgument.

The interface-type argument only applies if return-tag is 'interface, otherwise it is ignored.

Procedure: g-callable-info-prepare-closure info ffi-cif ffi-closure-callback user-data

Returns the native address of the closure or #f on error.

The procedure has been deprecated since version 1.72 and should
not be used in newly-written code. Use
g-callable-info-create-closure instead.

The return value should be freed by calling g-callable-info-free-closure.


G-Golf GObject Introspetion Utilities low level API.

Procedures and Syntax


Types and Values



G-Golf GObject Introspection utilities low level API.

Procedures and Syntax

Procedure: gi-pointer-new

Returns a newly allocated (Glib) pointer.

Procedure: gi-pointer-inc pointer [#:offset %gi-pointer-size]

Returns a foreign pointer object pointing to the address of pointer increased by offset.

Procedure: gi-attribute-iter-new

Returns a pointer.

Creates and returns a foreign pointer to a C struct for a GIAttributeIter (a C struct containg four pointers, initialized to %null-pointer).

Syntax: with-g-error var body

Returns the result of the execution of body, or raises an exception.

var must be an identifier. Evaluate body in a lexical environment where var is bound to a pointer to a newly allocated (and ‘empty’) GError. var will always be freed. If no exception is raised, the result of the execution of body is returned.

Procedure: gi->scm value type [cmpl #f]

Returns the scheme representation of value.

The type, a symbol name (also called a type tag or just a tag in the GI terminology) supported values are:


Calls gi-boolean->scm.


Calls gi-string->scm or gi-pointer->scm.


Calls gi-n-string->scm, gi-n-pointer->scm or gi-n-gtype->scm.

The optional cmpl (complement) argument must be passed and set to the number of string(s), pointer(s) or gtype(s) contained in value, .


Calls gi-strings->scm or gi-pointers->scm.


Calls gi-csv-string->scm.


Calls gi-glist->scm or gi-gslist->scm, repsectively.

Procedure: gi-boolean->scm value

Returns #t or #f.

The GType of value must be a gboolean.

Procedure: gi-string->scm value
Procedure: gi-pointer->scm value

Returns a string, a pointer or #f if value is the %null-pointer.

The GType of value must be a gchar* or a gpointer.

Procedure: gi-n-string->scm value n-string
Procedure: gi-n-pointer->scm value n-pointer
Procedure: gi-n-gtype->scm value n-gtype

Returns a (possibly empty list) of string(s), pointer(s) or GType(s).

The GType of value must be a gchar**, a gpointer[] or a GType[]. The n-string, n-pointer and n-gtype argument must be the length of the value array.

Procedure: gi-strings->scm value
Procedure: gi-pointers->scm value

Returns a (possibly empty) list of strings or pointer.

The GType of value must be a gchar** or gpointer[]. The array must be NULL terminated.

Procedure: gi-csv-string->scm value

Returns a list of string(s) or #f if value is the %null-pointer.

The GType of value is gchar*. Unless #f, the list of string(s) is obtained by splitting the (comma separated value) string pointed to by value using using #\, as the char-pred.

Procedure: gi-glist->scm g-list
Procedure: gi-gslist->scm g-slist

Returns a (possibly empty) list.

Obtains and returns a (possibly empty) list of the pointers stored in the data field of each element of g-list or g-slist.

Procedure: scm->gi value type [cmpl #f]

Returns the GI representation of value.

The type, a symbol name (also called a type tag or just a tag in the GI terminology) supported values are:


Calls scm->gi-boolean.


Calls scm->gi-string or scm->gi-pointer.


Calls scm->gi-n-string, scm->gi-n-pointer or scm->gi-n-gtype.

The optional cmpl (complement) argument may be passed and set to the number of string(s), pointer(s) or gtype(s) contained in value.


Calls scm->gi-strings or scm->gi-pointers.


Calls scm->gi-gslist.

Procedure: scm->gi-boolean value

Returns 0 if value is #f, otherwise, it returns 1.

Procedure: scm->gi-string value
Procedure: scm->gi-pointer value

Returns a pointer.

If value is #f, it returns %null-pointer. Otherwise, it returns a pointer to the string in value or value.

Procedure: scm->gi-n-string value [n-string #f]
Procedure: scm->gi-strings value

Returns two values.

If value is the empty list, it returns %null-pointer and an empty list. Otherwise, it returns a pointer to an array of pointer(s) to the string(s) in value and a list of the ‘inner’ string pointer(s).

It is the caller’s responsibility to maintain a reference to those inner pointer(s), until the array ‘itself’ (the first returned value) is no longer needed/used.

The array returned by scm->gi-strings is NULL terminated, where as the array returned by scm->gi-n-string is not.

Procedure: scm->gi-n-pointer value [n-pointer #f]
Procedure: scm->gi-n-gtype value [n-gtype #f]

Returns a pointer.

If value is an empty list, it returns %null-pointer. Otherwise, it returns a pointer to an array the pointer(s) or GType(s) in value.

The returned array is not NULL nor 0- terminated.

Procedure: scm->gi-pointers value

Returns a pointer.

If value is an empty list, it returns %null-pointer. Otherwise, it returns a pointer to an array the pointer(s) in value.

The returned array is NULL terminated.

Procedure: scm->gi-gslist value

Returns a pointer.

If value is an empty list, it returns %null-pointer. Otherwise, it returns a pointer to a GSList, with its element’s data being (in order), the pointer(s) in value.

Types and Values

Variable: %gi-pointer-size

The size (the number of bytes) that a (Glib) pointer occupies in memory (which is architecture dependent).


G-Golf uses a series of support modules, each documented in the following subsections. You may either import them all, like this (use-modules (g-golf support)), or individually, such as (use-modules (g-golf support modules)), (use-modules (g-golf support goops)), ...


G-Golf Module Utilities.


Syntax: re-export-public-interface mod1 mod2 ...

Re-export the public interface of a mod1 mod2

Invoked like use-modules, where each mod1 mod2 … is a module name (a list of symbol(s)).


Syntax, Procedures and Methods

Method: class-direct-virtual-slots (self <class>)

Returns a list.

Obtains and returns the list of the class direct slots for self that satisfy the (eq? (slot-definition-allocation slot) #:virtual) predicate.

Method: class-virtual-slots (self <class>)

Returns a list.

Obtains and returns the list of the class slots for self that satisfy the (eq? (slot-definition-allocation slot) #:virtual) predicate.

Method: class-direct-g-property-slots (self <class>)

Returns a list.

Obtains and returns the list of the class direct slots for self that satisfy the (eq? (slot-definition-allocation slot) #:g-property) predicate.

Method: class-g-property-slots (self <class>)

Returns a list.

Obtains and returns the list of the class slots for self that satisfy the (eq? (slot-definition-allocation slot) #:g-property) predicate.

Method: class-direct-child-id-slots (self <class>)

Returns a list.

Obtains and returns the list of the class direct slots for self that contain a #:child-id slot definition option.

Method: class-child-id-slots (self <class>)

Returns a list.

Obtains and returns the list of the class slots for self that contain a #:child-id slot definition option.

Method: class-direct-g-param-slots (self <class>)

Returns a list.

Obtains and returns the list of the class direct slots for self that contain a #:g-param slot definition option.

Method: class-g-param-slots (self <class>)

Returns a list.

Obtains and returns the list of the class slots for self that contain a #:g-param slot definition option.

Procedure: mslot-set! inst s1 v1 s2 v2 s3 v3 …

Returns nothing.

Performs a multiple slot-set! for inst, setting its slot named s1 to the value v1, s2 to v2, s3 to v3

Procedure: generic? value

Returns #t if value is a <generic> instance. Otherwise, it returns #f.


G-Golf class, accessors, methods and procedures to deal with C enum types.



Procedures, Accessors and Methods



G-Golf class, accessors, methods and procedures to deal with C enum types.


Class: <enum>

The <enum> class is for enumerated values. Its (unique) slot is:


#:accessor !enum-set
#:init-keyword #:enum-set


  • the enum-set can’t be empty and so you must use the #:enum-set (#:init-keyword) when creating new <enum> instances;

  • the #:enum-set (#:init-keyword) accepts either a list of symbols or a well-formed enum-set;

  • a well-formed enum-set is a list of (symbol . id) pairs, where id is a positive integer.

  • each symbol and each id of an enum-set must be unique.

Instances of the <enum> class are immutable (to be precise, there are not meant to be mutated, see GOOPS Notes and Conventions, ’Slots are not Immutable’).

Class: <gi-enum>

The <gi-enum> class is a subclass of <enum>. Its class-direct-slots are:


#:accessor !g-type
#:init-keyword #:g-type
#:init-value #f


#:accessor !g-name
#:init-keyword #:g-name


#:accessor !name

The name slot is automatically initialized.

Instances of the <gi-enum> class are immutable (to be precise, there are not meant to be mutated, see GOOPS Notes and Conventions, ’Slots are not Immutable’).

Procedures, Accessors and Methods

Accessor: !enum-set (inst <enum>)

Returns the content of the enum-set slot for inst.

Method: enum->value (inst <enum>) symbol
Method: enum->values (inst <enum>)

Returns the inst value for symbol (or #f if it does not exists), or the list of all values for inst, respectively.

Method: enum->symbol (inst <enum>) value
Method: enum->symbols (inst <enum>)

Returns the inst symbol for value (or #f if it does not exists), or the list of all symbols for inst, respectively.

Method: enum->name (inst <enum>) value
Method: enum->names (inst <enum>)

Returns the inst name (the string representation of the symbol) for value (or #f if it does not exists), or the list of all names for inst, respectively.

value can either be a symbol or an id.

Accessor: !g-type (inst <gi-enum>)
Accessor: !g-name (inst <gi-enum>)
Accessor: !name (inst <gi-enum>)

Returns the content of the g-type, g-name or name slot for inst, respectively.


G-Golf class, accessors, methods and procedures to deal with C flags types.



Procedures, Accessors and Methods



G-Golf class, accessors, methods and procedures to deal with C flags types.


Class: <flags>

The <flags> class is a subclass of <enum>. It has no direct slots.

Class: <gi-flags>

The <gi-flags> class is a subclass of <flags>. Its class-direct-slots are:


#:accessor !g-type
#:init-keyword #:g-type
#:init-value #f


#:accessor !g-name
#:init-keyword #:g-name


#:accessor !name

The name slot is automatically initialized.

Instances of the <gi-flags> class are immutable (to be precise, there are not meant to be mutated, see GOOPS Notes and Conventions, ’Slots are not Immutable’).

Procedures, Accessors and Methods

Method: integer->flags (inst <flags>) n

Returns a possibly empty) list of symbol(s).

Obtains and returns the list of (symbol) flags for the given <flags> instance and its integer representation n.

Method: flags->integer (inst <flags>) flags

Returns an integer.

Compute and returns the integer representation for the list of (symbol(s)) given by flags and the given <flag> instance.

Accessor: !g-type (inst <gi-flags>)
Accessor: !g-name (inst <gi-flags>)
Accessor: !name (inst <gi-flags>)

Returns the content of the g-type, g-name or name slot for inst, respectively.


G-Golf class, accessors, methods and procedures to deal with C struct types.



Procedures, Accessors and Methods



G-Golf class, accessors, methods and procedures to deal with C struct types.


Class: <gi-struct>

<gi-struct> is a class. It’s an instance of <class>.

Superclasses are:


Class Precedence List is:


Directs slots are:


Instances of the <gi-struct> are immutable (to be precise, there are not meant to be mutated, see GOOPS Notes and Conventions, ’Slots are not Immutable’).

Procedures and Accessors

Accessor: !g-type (inst <gi-struct>)
Accessor: !g-name (inst <gi-struct>)
Accessor: !name (inst <gi-struct>)
Accessor: !alignment (inst <gi-struct>)
Accessor: !size (inst <gi-struct>)
Accessor: !is-gtype-struct? (inst <gi-struct>)
Accessor: !field-types (inst <gi-struct>)
Accessor: !field-desc (inst <gi-struct>)
Accessor: !scm-types (inst <gi-struct>)
Accessor: !init-vals (inst <gi-struct>)

Returns the content of their respective slot for inst.

Accessor: !is-opaque? (inst <gi-struct>)

Returns #t if inst is ‘opaque’, otherwise, it returns #f.

A <gi-struct> instance is said to be ‘opaque’ when the call to g-struct-info-get-size upon its GIStructInfo pointer returns zero. In scheme, these <gi-struct> instances have no fields.

Opaque’ boxed types should never be ‘decoded’, nor ‘encoded’. Instead, procedures, accessors and methods should ‘blindingly’ receive, pass and/or return their pointer(s).

Accessor: !is-semi-opaque? (inst <gi-struct>)

Returns #t if inst is ‘semi-opaque’, otherwise, it returns #f.

A <gi-struct> instance is said to be ‘semi-opaque’ when one of its field types is void, interface or if the total size of the scm-types differs from the inst size slot vlue.

Semi-opaque’ boxed types should never be ‘decoded’, nor ‘encoded’. Instead, procedures, accessors and methods should ‘blindingly’ receive, pass and/or return their pointer(s).

Method: field-offset (inst <gi-struct>) field-name

Returns an integer.

Obtain and returns the field-name offset for inst, It is an error to call this method if there is no such field-name defined for inst.


G-Golf class, accessors, methods and procedures to deal with C union types.



Procedures, Accessors and Methods



G-Golf class, accessors, methods and procedures to deal with C union types.


Class: <gi-union>

The <gi-union> class. Its class-direct-slots are:


#:accessor !g-type
#:init-keyword #:g-type


#:accessor !g-name
#:init-keyword #:g-name


#:accessor !name


#:accessor !size
#:init-keyword #:size


#:accessor !alignment
#:init-keyword #:alignment


#:accessor !fields
#:init-keyword #:fields


#:accessor !is-discriminated?
#:init-keyword #:is-discriminated?


#:accessor !discriminator-offset
#:init-keyword #:discriminator-offset


#:accessor !discriminator #:init-keyword #:discriminator #:init-value #f

The name slot is automatically initialized.

Instances of the <gi-union> are immutable (to be precise, there are not meant to be mutated, see GOOPS Notes and Conventions, ’Slots are not Immutable’).

Procedures, Accessors and Methods

Procedure: make-c-union types [type #f] [val #f]

Returns a pointer.

Create a foreign pointer to a C union for the list of types (see Foreign Types in the Guile Reference Manual for a list of supported types).

Procedure: c-union-ref foreign size type

Returns the content of the C union pointed by foreign, for the given size and type.

Procedure: c-union-set! foreign size type val

Returns nothing.

Sets the content of the C union pointed by foreign to val, given its size and type.

Accessor: !g-type (inst <gi-union>)
Accessor: !g-name (inst <gi-union>)
Accessor: !name (inst <gi-union>)
Accessor: !size (inst <gi-union>)
Accessor: !alignment (inst <gi-union>)
Accessor: !fields (inst <gi-union>)
Accessor: !is-discriminated? (inst <gi-union>)
Accessor: !discriminator-offset (inst <gi-union>)
Accessor: !discriminator (inst <gi-union>)

Returns the content of their respective slot for inst.





G-Golf utilities low level API.


Procedure: g-studly-caps-expand str

Returns a string34.

Expand the StudlyCaps str to a more schemey-form, according to the conventions of GLib libraries. For example:

(g-studly-caps-expand "GStudlyCapsExpand")
⇒ "g-studly-caps-expand"

(g-studly-caps-expand "GSource")
⇒ "g-source"

(g-studly-caps-expand "GtkIMContext")
⇒ "im-context"

G-Golf slightly modified the original code to also allow the possibility to specially treat the str (expanded) tokens, such as:

(g-studly-caps-expand "WebKitWebContext")
⇒ "webkit-web-context" ;; not "web-kit-web-context"

The list of StudlyCaps token exception pairs are maintained in the g-studly-caps-expand-token-exception alist.

Procedure: g-name->name g-name [as-string? #f]
Procedure: g-name->class-name g-name [as-string? #f]

Return a symbol name, or a string name if as-string is #t.

g-name->name first obtains, the scheme representation of g-name, as a string, by looking for a possible entry in g-name-transform-exception, or if it failed, by calling g-studly-caps-expand.

If the optional as-string argument is #t, it returns that string, otherwise, it calls and returns the result of string->symbol.

g-name->class-name calls g-name->name, surrounds the result using #\< and #\> characters then either return that string, if as-string? is #t, otherwise it calls and returns the result of string->symbol:

(g-name->class-name "GtkWindow")
⇒ <gtk-window>
Procedure: g-name->short-name g-name g-class-name [as-string? #f]

Return a symbol name, or a string name if as-string is #t.

Obtains and returns a (method) short name for g-name. It first obtains the sro (scheme representation of) both g-name and g-class-name (which is expected to be the upstream method container (class) name), as a string, then:

  • if the sro g-class-name is (fully) contained in the sro g-name, it drops the sro g-class-name prefix - or its plural form - and its trailing #\- (hiphen) delimiter from the sro g-name;

  • otherwise, it drops the longest common sro string prefix it finds.

If the optional as-string argument is #t, it returns that string, otherwise, it calls and returns the result of string->symbol.

To illustrate, here is an example for each of the three above exposed cases:

(g-name->shortname "gdk_event_get_event_type" "GdkEvent")
⇒ get-event-type

(g-name->shortname "gdk_events_get_angle" "GdkEvent")
⇒ get-angle

(g-name->short-name "gtk_drag_begin" "GtkWidget")
⇒ drag-begin
Procedure: class-name->name class-name

Returns a (symbol) name.

Obtains and returns the (symbol) name for class-name, by dropping the surrounding '<' and '>' characters. For example:

(class-name->name '<foo-bar>)
⇒ 'foo-bar
Procedure: class-name->g-name class-name

Returns a string.

Obtains and returns the StudlyCaps string reprentation for class-name. For example:

(class-name->g-name '<foo-bar>)
⇒ "FooBar"
Procedure: name->g-name name [as-string? #f]

Return a symbol, or a string if as-string is #t.

Unless name is a string, it first calls (symbol->string name), then changes all occurrences of - (hyphen) to _ (underscore) (other characters are not valid in a g-name).

If the optional as-string argument is #t, it returns that string, otherwise, it calls and returns the result of string->symbol.

Procedure: syntax-name->method-name name

Returns a (symbol) name.

This procedure is used to ‘protect’ syntax names, from being redefined as generic functions and methods.

Users should normally not call this procedure - except for testing purposes, if/when they customize its default settings - it is appropriately and automatically called by G-Golf when importing a GI typelib.

Here is what it does:

  • it first checks if a renamer is available, by calling syntax-name-protect-renamer, and if so, calls it passing name and returns the result;

  • if no renamer is available, it checks if either or both syntax-name-protect-prefix and syntax-name-protect-postfix is(are) available, calls symbol-append adequately passing either or both and name and returns the result.

  • It will raise an exception if none of the syntax name protect prefix, postfix and renamer is available.

See Customization Square - GI Syntax Name Protect. G-Golf GI Syntax Name Protect default values are:

syntax-name-protect-postfix'_(the symbol _)

As an example, using these default settings, the method short name for gcr-secret-exchange-begin would be begin_.

Procedure: gi-type-tag->ffi type-tag

Returns an integer or '* (the symbol *).

Obtains the correponding Guile’s ffi tag value for type-tag, which must be a member of %gi-type-tag. If type-tag is unknown, an exception is raised. Note that Guile’s ffi tag values are integers or '* (the symbol *, used by convention to denote pointer types.

Procedure: gi-type-tag->init-val type-tag

Returns the default init value for type-tag.

Obtains and returns the default init value for type-tag, which will either be 0 (zero), or %null-pointer.

G-Golf High Level API

G-Golf High Level API modules are defined in the hl-api subdirectory, such as (g-golf hl-api gobject).

Where you may load these modules individually, the easiest way to use the G-Golf High Level API is to import the hl-api module: it imports and re-exports the public interface of (oop goops), some G-Golf support modules and all G-Golf High Level API modules:

(use-modules (g-golf hl-api))

As stated in the introduction, G-Golf high level API (main) objective is to make (imported) GOBject classes and methods available using GOOPS, the Guile Object Oriented System (see GOOPS in The GNU Guile Reference Manual), in a way that is largely inspired by Guile-Gnome.


G-Golf closure high level API.
The G-Golf integration with GObject Closures.



Accessors and Methods



The GLib/GObject type system supports the creation and invocation of ‘Closures’, which represents a callback supplied by the programmer (see Closures if you are curious about the low-level description and API, though you don’t need to to understand and use the high level API described here).

Its infrastructure allows one to pass a Scheme function to C, and have C call into Scheme, and vice versa. In Scheme, a <closure> instance holds a pointer to a GClosure instance, a Scheme procedure, the type of its return value, and a list of the type of its arguments.

Closures can be invoked with invoke, for example:

,use (g-golf)

(make <closure>
      #:function (lambda (a b) (+ a b))
      #:return-type 'int
      #:param-types '(int int))
⇒ $2 = #<<closure> 55f24a0228d0>

(invoke $2 3 2)
⇒ $3 = 5


Class: <closure>

Its slots are:


#:accessor !g-closure


#:accessor !function
#:init-keyword #:function


#:accessor !return-type
#:init-keyword #:return-type


#:accessor !param-types
#:init-keyword #:param-types

The #:return-type and #:param-types accept respectively one symbol and a list of symbols that are members of the %g-type-fundamental-types.

Instances of the <closure> class are immutable (to be precise, there are not meant to be mutated, see GOOPS Notes and Conventions, ’Slots are not Immutable’).

Accessors and Methods

Note: in this section, the closure argument is [must be] a <closure> instance.

Accessor: !g-closure closure
Accessor: !function closure
Accessor: !return-type closure
Accessor: !param-types closure

Returns the content of their respective slot for closure.

Method: invoke closure . args

Returns the result of the invocation of closure, using (the possibly empty list of) args.

This is a ‘low level’ method, not used internally, provided mainly for debugging (or demonstration) purposes, so you may test and verify your callbacks and signals procedures35.


G-Golf GI function and argument high level API.
The G-Golf GI function and argument high level API.



Accessors and Methods



Class: <function>

Its slots are:


#:accessor !info


#:accessor !namespace


#:accessor !g-name


#:accessor !name


#:accessor !override?


#:accessor !i-func


#:accessor !o-func


#:accessor !o-spec-pos


#:accessor !flags


#:accessor !is-method


#:accessor !n-arg


#:accessor !caller-owns


#:accessor !return-type


#:accessor !type-desc


#:accessor !may-return-null?


#:accessor !arguments


#:accessor !n-gi-arg-in


#:accessor !args-in


#:accessor !gi-args-in


#:accessor !gi-args-in-bv


#:accessor !n-gi-arg-out


#:accessor !args-out


#:accessor !gi-args-out


#:accessor !gi-args-out-bv


#:accessor !gi-arg-result

Instances of the <function> class are immutable (to be precise, there are not meant to be mutated, see GOOPS Notes and Conventions, ’Slots are not Immutable’).

Class: <argument>

Its slots are:


#:accessor !g-name
#:init-keyword #:g-name


#:accessor !name
#:init-keyword #:name


#:accessor !closure


#:accessor !destroy


#:accessor !direction
#:init-keyword #:direction


#:accessor !transfert


#:accessor !scope


#:accessor !type-tag
#:init-keyword #:type-tag


#:accessor !type-desc
#:init-keyword #:type-desc


#:accessor !forced-type
#:init-keyword #:forced-type


#:accessor !string-pointer


#:accessor !is-pointer?
#:init-keyword #:is-pointer?


#:accessor !may-be-nul?
#:init-keyword #:may-be-null?


#:accessor !is-caller-allocate?


#:accessor !is-optional?


#:accessor !is-return-value?


#:accessor !is-skip?


#:accessor !arg-pos
#:init-keyword #:arg-pos


#:accessor !gi-argument-in
#:init-value #f


#:accessor !gi-argument-in-bv-pos
#:init-value #f


#:accessor !gi-argument-out
#:init-value #f


#:accessor !gi-argument-out-bv-pos
#:init-value #f


#:accessor !gi-argument-field
#:init-keyword #:gi-argument-field

Instances of the <argument> class are immutable (to be precise, there are not meant to be mutated, see GOOPS Notes and Conventions, ’Slots are not Immutable’).

Accessors and Methods

Note: in this section, the function and argument arguments are [must be] a <function> and an <argument> instance, respectively.

Accessor: !info function
Accessor: !namespace function
Accessor: !g-name function
Accessor: !name function
Accessor: !override? function
Accessor: !i-func function
Accessor: !o-func function
Accessor: !o-spec-pos function
Accessor: !flags function
Accessor: !is-method? function
Accessor: !n-arg function
Accessor: !caller-owns function
Accessor: !return-type function
Accessor: !type-desc function
Accessor: !may-return-null function
Accessor: !arguments function
Accessor: !n-gi-arg-in function
Accessor: !args-in function
Accessor: !gi-args-in function
Accessor: !gi-args-in-bv function
Accessor: !n-gi-arg-out function
Accessor: !args-out function
Accessor: !gi-args-out function
Accessor: !gi-args-out-bv function
Accessor: !gi-arg-result function

Returns the content of their respective slot for function.

Accessor: !g-name argument
Accessor: !name argument
Accessor: !closure argument
Accessor: !destroy argument
Accessor: !direction argument
Accessor: !transfert argument
Accessor: !scope argument
Accessor: !type-tag argument
Accessor: !type-desc argument
Accessor: !forced-type argument
Accessor: !string-pointer argument
Accessor: !is-pointer? argument
Accessor: !may-be-null? argument
Accessor: !is-caller-allocate? argument
Accessor: !is-optional? argument
Accessor: !is-return-value? argument
Accessor: !is-skip? argument
Accessor: !arg-pos argument
Accessor: !gi-argument-in argument
Accessor: !gi-argument-in-bv-pos argument
Accessor: !gi-argument-out argument
Accessor: !gi-argument-out-bv-pos argument
Accessor: !gi-argument-field argument

Returns the content of their respective slot for argument.


G-Golf GI import interfaces.
The G-Golf GI namespace (Typelib) import interfaces.






Procedure: gi-import-info info

Returns the object or constant returned by the one of the gi-import-enum, gi-import-flags, …, called upon info.

Obtains the GIBaseInfo type for info and uses it to dispatch a call to gi-import-enum, gi-import-enum, …, and returns the object or constant returned by the procedure that has been called.

You probably will prefer to call gi-import-by-name most of the time, but here is a example:

,use (g-golf)
(g-irepository-require "Clutter")
⇒ $2 = #<pointer 0x5642cb065e30>

(g-irepository-find-by-name "Clutter" "ActorFlags")
⇒ $3 = #<pointer 0x5642cb067de0>

(gi-import-info $3)
⇒ $4 = #<<gi-flags> 5642cb13c5d0>

(describe $4)
-| #<<gi-flags> 5642cb13c5d0> is an instance of class <gi-flags>
-| Slots are:
-|      enum-set = ((mapped . 2) (realized . 4) (reactive . 8) (visible . 16) (no-layout . 32))
-|      g-type = 94844874149456
-|      g-name = "ClutterActorFlags"
-|      name = clutter-actor-flags
Procedure: gi-import-enum info [#:with-method #t]
Procedure: gi-import-flags info [#:with-method #t]
Procedure: gi-import-struct info [#:with-method #t]

Returns a <gi-enum>, a <gi-flags> or a <gi-struct> instance, respectively.

The info argument is (must be) a pointer to GIEnumInfo, a GIEnumInfo for which (g-base-info-get-type info) returned 'flags and a GIStructInfo respectively. It is an error to call any of these procedures upon an invalid info argument.

The optional keyword #:with-method argument - which is #t by default - is passed using #f, then info will be imported without its respective methods. A description and an example ware also given here above, as part of the gi-import-by-name documentation entry.

Every imported <gi-enum>, <gi-flags> and <gi-struct> instance is cached under the 'enum, 'flags and 'boxed main key (respectively), using the content of their (symbol) name slot as the secondary key. For example, reusing the "Clutter" "ActorFlags" namespace/name introduced above, you would retreive its <gi-flags> instance as is:

(gi-cache-ref 'flags 'clutter-actor-flags)
⇒ $6 = #<<gi-flags> 5642cb13c5d0>
Procedure: gi-import-function info

Returns a <function> instance.

Imports info - a pointer to a GIFunctionInfo (see Function Info), which represents a function, a method or a constructor - in Guile and exports its interface. This procedure also imports, recursively (and exports the interface of) its argument’s type(s) and method(s).

Every imported function, method and constructor is cached under 'function main key, and using the value of their <function> instance name slot as the secondary key. Here is an example:

,use (g-golf)
(g-irepository-require "Clutter")
⇒ $2 = #<pointer 0x55c191f3fe30>

(g-irepository-find-by-name "Clutter" "init")
⇒ $3 = #<pointer 0x55c191f41de0>

(gi-import-function $3)
⇒ $4 = #<<function> 55c191e81510>

(describe $4)
-| #<<function> 55c191e81510> is an instance of class <function>
-| Slots are:
-|      info = #<pointer 0x55c191f41de0>
-|      name = clutter-init
-|      flags = ()
-|      n-arg = 2
-|      caller-owns = nothing
-|      return-type = interface

(gi-cache-ref 'function 'clutter-init)
⇒ $5 = #<<function> 55c191e81510>

Returned value(s):

In most situations - unless the return-type is 'void (in which case nothing is returned) - the function or method returned value comes first, then in order, if any, the value(s) of its 'inout and 'out argument(s).

However, some function and method, that have at least one 'inout or 'out argument(s), do return #t or #f solely to indicate that the function or method call was successful or not. It is only if the call is successful that the 'inout and 'out argument(s) have been ‘correctly’ set and may safely be used.

In scheme, when binding such a function or method, we would rather (a) when the call is successful, elude the boolean and return, in order, the 'inout and/or 'out argument(s) value(s); and (b), when the call is unsuccessful, raise an exception.

Since it is not possible to automatically detect these functions and methods, G-Golf provides a series of interfaces to maintain, at user discretion and responsibility, a list of GI typelib functions and methods for which G-Golf is expected to elude their result value from the returned value(s). G-Golf interfaces to maintain this list are documented in the Customization Square section.

Procedure: gi-import-constant info

Returns two values, the constant value and its name.

Obtains and returns the info constant value and its name. For example:

,use (g-golf)
(g-irepository-require "GLib")
⇒ #<pointer 0x55ad58e6ae00>

(g-irepository-find-by-name "GLib" "PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE")
⇒ $3 = #<pointer 0x55ad58e6cde0>

(gi-import-constant $3)
⇒ $4 = 200

Constants are curently not being automatically imported, though this will probably change in the near future, stay tuned.


Variable: %gi-base-info-types
Variable: %gi-imported-base-info-types

A (cumulative) list of the distinct (top level) base info types contained in the imported namespace(s).

These two variables have no other purpose then offering a feedback about: (a) the (top level) base info types contained in the namespace(s) passed to gi-import; (b) the (top level) base info types that have effectively been imported - when G-Golf is complete, both lists should be identical.

Initially, these variables are empty. As gi-import, gi-import-info and/or gi-import-by-name are being called, they are filled with new types, which are added to both lists.

Note that the order in which base info types appear in these two lists is rrelevant, and may slightly vary, depending on the order of the namespace used for the successive gi-import calls and how complete is G-Golf.


G-Golf additional utilities.




G-Golf additional utilities.


Procedure: gi-find-by-property-name namespace name

Returns a (possibly empty) list.

Obtains and returns a (possibly empty) list of (pointers to) GIObjectInfo in namespace that have a property named name. Property names are obtained calling g-base-info-get-name, with no translation/transformation - underscore, if any, are kept ’as is’, and the comparison with name is case sensitive.

Appendix A GNU Free Documentation License

Version 1.3, 3 November 2008
Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.

    The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other functional and useful document free in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by others.

    This License is a kind of “copyleft”, which means that derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license designed for free software.

    We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.


    This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium, that contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed under the terms of this License. Such a notice grants a world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration, to use that work under the conditions stated herein. The “Document”, below, refers to any such manual or work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is addressed as “you”. You accept the license if you copy, modify or distribute the work in a way requiring permission under copyright law.

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    The “Invariant Sections” are certain Secondary Sections whose titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. If a section does not fit the above definition of Secondary then it is not allowed to be designated as Invariant. The Document may contain zero Invariant Sections. If the Document does not identify any Invariant Sections then there are none.

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    A section “Entitled XYZ” means a named subunit of the Document whose title either is precisely XYZ or contains XYZ in parentheses following text that translates XYZ in another language. (Here XYZ stands for a specific section name mentioned below, such as “Acknowledgements”, “Dedications”, “Endorsements”, or “History”.) To “Preserve the Title” of such a section when you modify the Document means that it remains a section “Entitled XYZ” according to this definition.

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    You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other conditions whatsoever to those of this License. You may not use technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further copying of the copies you make or distribute. However, you may accept compensation in exchange for copies. If you distribute a large enough number of copies you must also follow the conditions in section 3.

    You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and you may publicly display copies.


    If you publish printed copies (or copies in media that commonly have printed covers) of the Document, numbering more than 100, and the Document’s license notice requires Cover Texts, you must enclose the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on the back cover. Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you as the publisher of these copies. The front cover must present the full title with all words of the title equally prominent and visible. You may add other material on the covers in addition. Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in other respects.

    If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent pages.

    If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy a computer-network location from which the general network-using public has access to download using public-standard network protocols a complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material. If you use the latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated location until at least one year after the last time you distribute an Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to the public.

    It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to give them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the Document.


    You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:

    1. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous version if the original publisher of that version gives permission.
    2. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the Document (all of its principal authors, if it has fewer than five), unless they release you from this requirement.
    3. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the Modified Version, as the publisher.
    4. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.
    5. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications adjacent to the other copyright notices.
    6. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below.
    7. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document’s license notice.
    8. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
    9. Preserve the section Entitled “History”, Preserve its Title, and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If there is no section Entitled “History” in the Document, create one stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in the previous sentence.
    10. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise the network locations given in the Document for previous versions it was based on. These may be placed in the “History” section. You may omit a network location for a work that was published at least four years before the Document itself, or if the original publisher of the version it refers to gives permission.
    11. For any section Entitled “Acknowledgements” or “Dedications”, Preserve the Title of the section, and preserve in the section all the substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or dedications given therein.
    12. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles.
    13. Delete any section Entitled “Endorsements”. Such a section may not be included in the Modified Version.
    14. Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled “Endorsements” or to conflict in title with any Invariant Section.
    15. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers.

    If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version’s license notice. These titles must be distinct from any other section titles.

    You may add a section Entitled “Endorsements”, provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties—for example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a standard.

    You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added the old one.

    The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or imply endorsement of any Modified Version.


    You may combine the Document with other documents released under this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its license notice, and that you preserve all their Warranty Disclaimers.

    The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work.

    In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled “History” in the various original documents, forming one section Entitled “History”; likewise combine any sections Entitled “Acknowledgements”, and any sections Entitled “Dedications”. You must delete all sections Entitled “Endorsements.”


    You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects.

    You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document.


    A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an “aggregate” if the copyright resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the legal rights of the compilation’s users beyond what the individual works permit. When the Document is included in an aggregate, this License does not apply to the other works in the aggregate which are not themselves derivative works of the Document.

    If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half of the entire aggregate, the Document’s Cover Texts may be placed on covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic form. Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket the whole aggregate.


    Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4. Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special permission from their copyright holders, but you may include translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of this License, and all the license notices in the Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also include the original English version of this License and the original versions of those notices and disclaimers. In case of a disagreement between the translation and the original version of this License or a notice or disclaimer, the original version will prevail.

    If a section in the Document is Entitled “Acknowledgements”, “Dedications”, or “History”, the requirement (section 4) to Preserve its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the actual title.


    You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.

    However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after the cessation.

    Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after your receipt of the notice.

    Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently reinstated, receipt of a copy of some or all of the same material does not give you any rights to use it.


    The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See

    Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this License “or any later version” applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions of this License can be used, that proxy’s public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you to choose that version for the Document.


    “Massive Multiauthor Collaboration Site” (or “MMC Site”) means any World Wide Web server that publishes copyrightable works and also provides prominent facilities for anybody to edit those works. A public wiki that anybody can edit is an example of such a server. A “Massive Multiauthor Collaboration” (or “MMC”) contained in the site means any set of copyrightable works thus published on the MMC site.

    “CC-BY-SA” means the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license published by Creative Commons Corporation, a not-for-profit corporation with a principal place of business in San Francisco, California, as well as future copyleft versions of that license published by that same organization.

    “Incorporate” means to publish or republish a Document, in whole or in part, as part of another Document.

    An MMC is “eligible for relicensing” if it is licensed under this License, and if all works that were first published under this License somewhere other than this MMC, and subsequently incorporated in whole or in part into the MMC, (1) had no cover texts or invariant sections, and (2) were thus incorporated prior to November 1, 2008.

    The operator of an MMC Site may republish an MMC contained in the site under CC-BY-SA on the same site at any time before August 1, 2009, provided the MMC is eligible for relicensing.

ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents

To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of the License in the document and put the following copyright and license notices just after the title page:

  Copyright (C)  year  your name.
  Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
  under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3
  or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
  with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
  Texts.  A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU
  Free Documentation License''.

If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts, replace the “with…Texts.” line with this:

    with the Invariant Sections being list their titles, with
    the Front-Cover Texts being list, and with the Back-Cover Texts
    being list.

If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the situation.

If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their use in free software.

\input texinfo

Concept Index

This index contains concepts, keywords and non-Schemey names for several features, to make it easier to locate the desired sections.

Jump to:   C   G   L   T  
Index EntrySection

copyingG-Golf License

GPLG-Golf License

licenseG-Golf License

the GNU ProjectJoin the GNU Project

Procedure Index

This is an alphabetical list of all the procedures, methods and macros in G-Golf.

Jump to:   !  
A   C   D   E   F   G   I   M   N   R   S   U   V   W  
Index EntrySection

!callbackVFunc Alley
!derivedGObject (1)
!g-classGObject (1)
!g-instGObject (1)
!g-nameGObject (1)
!g-nameVFunc Alley
!g-typeGObject (1)
!gf-long-name?VFunc Alley
!infoGObject (1)
!infoVFunc Alley
!long-name-prefixVFunc Alley
!nameVFunc Alley
!namespaceGObject (1)
!specializerVFunc Alley

allocate-c-structUtils Corner

color-blendColor Hollow

define-vfuncVFunc Alley



g-arg-info-get-closureArg Info
g-arg-info-get-destroyArg Info
g-arg-info-get-directionArg Info
g-arg-info-get-ownership-transferArg Info
g-arg-info-get-scopeArg Info
g-arg-info-get-typeArg Info
g-arg-info-is-caller-allocatesArg Info
g-arg-info-is-optionalArg Info
g-arg-info-is-return-valueArg Info
g-arg-info-is-skipArg Info
g-arg-info-may-be-nullArg Info
g-base-info-equalBase Info
g-base-info-get-attributeBase Info
g-base-info-get-containerBase Info
g-base-info-get-nameBase Info
g-base-info-get-namespaceBase Info
g-base-info-get-typeBase Info
g-base-info-get-typelibBase Info
g-base-info-is-deprecatedBase Info
g-base-info-iterate-attributesBase Info
g-base-info-refBase Info
g-base-info-unrefBase Info
g-boxed-copyBoxed Types
g-boxed-freeBoxed Types
g-bytes-newByte Arrays
g-callable-info-can-throw-gerrorCallable Info
g-callable-info-create-closureCallable Info
g-callable-info-get-argCallable Info
g-callable-info-get-caller-ownsCallable Info
g-callable-info-get-closure-native-addressCallable Info
g-callable-info-get-instance-ownership-transferCallable Info
g-callable-info-get-n-argsCallable Info
g-callable-info-get-return-typeCallable Info
g-callable-info-invokeCallable Info
g-callable-info-is-methodCallable Info
g-callable-info-may-return-nullCallable Info
g-callable-info-prepare-closureFFI Interface
g-constant-info-free-valueConstant Info
g-constant-info-get-typeConstant Info
g-constant-info-get-valueConstant Info
g-enum-info-get-methodEnum Info
g-enum-info-get-n-methodsEnum Info
g-enum-info-get-n-valuesEnum Info
g-enum-info-get-valueEnum Info
g-field-info-get-flagsField Info
g-field-info-get-offsetField Info
g-field-info-get-typeField Info
g-freeMemory Allocation
g-function-info-get-flagsFunction Info
g-function-info-get-propertyFunction Info
g-function-info-get-symbolFunction Info
g-function-info-get-vfuncFunction Info
g-function-info-invokeFunction Info
g-get-monotonic-timeDate and Time Functions
g-get-os-infoMiscellaneous Utility Functions
g-get-prgnameMiscellaneous Utility Functions
g-get-system-config-dirsMiscellaneous Utility Functions
g-get-system-data-dirsMiscellaneous Utility Functions
g-idle-source-newThe Main Event Loop
g-info-type-to-stringType Info
g-interface-info-find-methodInterface Info
g-interface-info-find-signalInterface Info
g-interface-info-find-vfuncInterface Info
g-interface-info-get-constantInterface Info
g-interface-info-get-iface-structInterface Info
g-interface-info-get-methodInterface Info
g-interface-info-get-n-constantsInterface Info
g-interface-info-get-n-methodsInterface Info
g-interface-info-get-n-prerequisitesInterface Info
g-interface-info-get-n-propertiesInterface Info
g-interface-info-get-n-signalsInterface Info
g-interface-info-get-n-vfuncsInterface Info
g-interface-info-get-prerequisiteInterface Info
g-interface-info-get-propertyInterface Info
g-interface-info-get-signalInterface Info
g-interface-info-get-vfuncInterface Info
g-io-channel-refIO Channels
g-io-channel-unix-newIO Channels
g-io-channel-unrefIO Channels
g-io-create-watchIO Channels
g-list-dataDoubly-Linked Lists
g-list-freeDoubly-Linked Lists
g-list-lengthDoubly-Linked Lists
g-list-nextDoubly-Linked Lists
g-list-nth-dataDoubly-Linked Lists
g-list-prevDoubly-Linked Lists
g-main-context-defaultThe Main Event Loop
g-main-context-newThe Main Event Loop
g-main-loop-newThe Main Event Loop
g-main-loop-quitThe Main Event Loop
g-main-loop-refThe Main Event Loop
g-main-loop-runThe Main Event Loop
g-main-loop-unrefThe Main Event Loop
g-mallocMemory Allocation
g-malloc0Memory Allocation
g-markup-escape-textSimple XML Subset Parser
g-memdupMemory Allocation
g-name-transform-exceptionCustomization Square
g-name-transform-exception-addCustomization Square
g-name-transform-exception-removeCustomization Square
g-name-transform-exception-resetCustomization Square
g-name-transform-exception?Customization Square
g-object-info-find-methodObject Info
g-object-info-find-signalObject Info
g-object-info-get-abstractObject Info
g-object-info-get-class-structObject Info
g-object-info-get-constantObject Info
g-object-info-get-fieldObject Info
g-object-info-get-get-value-functionObject Info
g-object-info-get-get-value-function-pointerObject Info
g-object-info-get-interfaceObject Info
g-object-info-get-methodObject Info
g-object-info-get-n-constantsObject Info
g-object-info-get-n-fieldsObject Info
g-object-info-get-n-interfacesObject Info
g-object-info-get-n-methodsObject Info
g-object-info-get-n-propertiesObject Info
g-object-info-get-n-signalsObject Info
g-object-info-get-n-vfuncsObject Info
g-object-info-get-parentObject Info
g-object-info-get-propertyObject Info
g-object-info-get-set-value-functionObject Info
g-object-info-get-set-value-function-pointerObject Info
g-object-info-get-signalObject Info
g-object-info-get-type-initObject Info
g-object-info-get-type-nameObject Info
g-object-info-get-vfuncObject Info
g-param-spec-booleanParameters and Values
g-param-spec-boxedParameters and Values
g-param-spec-doubleParameters and Values
g-param-spec-enumParameters and Values
g-param-spec-flagsParameters and Values
g-param-spec-floatParameters and Values
g-param-spec-intParameters and Values
g-param-spec-objectParameters and Values
g-param-spec-paramParameters and Values
g-param-spec-stringParameters and Values
g-param-spec-uintParameters and Values
g-property-info-get-flagsProperty Info
g-property-info-get-ownership-transferProperty Info
g-property-info-get-typeProperty Info
g-registered-type-info-get-g-typeRegistered Type Info
g-registered-type-info-get-type-initRegistered Type Info
g-registered-type-info-get-type-nameRegistered Type Info
g-set-prgnameMiscellaneous Utility Functions
g-signal-info-get-flagsSignal Info
g-slist-appendSingly-Linked Lists
g-slist-dataSingly-Linked Lists
g-slist-freeSingly-Linked Lists
g-slist-lengthSingly-Linked Lists
g-slist-nextSingly-Linked Lists
g-slist-nth-dataSingly-Linked Lists
g-slist-prependSingly-Linked Lists
g-source-attachThe Main Event Loop
g-source-destroyThe Main Event Loop
g-source-freeThe Main Event Loop
g-source-get-priorityThe Main Event Loop
g-source-is-destroyed?The Main Event Loop
g-source-refThe Main Event Loop
g-source-ref-countThe Main Event Loop
g-source-removeThe Main Event Loop
g-source-set-priorityThe Main Event Loop
g-source-unrefThe Main Event Loop
g-struct-info-get-alignmentStruct Info
g-struct-info-get-fieldStruct Info
g-struct-info-get-methodStruct Info
g-struct-info-get-n-fieldsStruct Info
g-struct-info-get-n-methodsStruct Info
g-struct-info-get-sizeStruct Info
g-struct-info-is-foreignStruct Info
g-struct-info-is-gtype-structStruct Info
g-strv-get-typeBoxed Types
g-studly-caps-expand-token-exceptionCustomization Square
g-studly-caps-expand-token-exception-addCustomization Square
g-studly-caps-expand-token-exception-removeCustomization Square
g-studly-caps-expand-token-exception-resetCustomization Square
g-studly-caps-expand-token-exception?Customization Square
g-timeout-source-newThe Main Event Loop
g-timeout-source-new-secondsThe Main Event Loop
g-type->symbolType Information
g-type-add-interface-staticType Information
g-type-class-peekType Information
g-type-class-peek-parentType Information
g-type-class-refType Information
g-type-class-unrefType Information
g-type-ensureType Information
g-type-from-classType Information
g-type-from-nameType Information
g-type-fundamentalType Information
g-type-info-get-array-fixed-sizeType Info
g-type-info-get-array-lengthType Info
g-type-info-get-array-typeType Info
g-type-info-get-ffi-typeFFI Interface
g-type-info-get-interfaceType Info
g-type-info-get-param-typeType Info
g-type-info-get-tagType Info
g-type-info-is-pointerType Info
g-type-info-is-zero-terminatedType Info
g-type-interface-peekType Information
g-type-interfacesType Information
g-type-is-aType Information
g-type-nameType Information
g-type-param-booleanParameters and Values
g-type-param-boxedParameters and Values
g-type-param-charParameters and Values
g-type-param-doubleParameters and Values
g-type-param-enumParameters and Values
g-type-param-flagsParameters and Values
g-type-param-floatParameters and Values
g-type-param-gtypeParameters and Values
g-type-param-intParameters and Values
g-type-param-int64Parameters and Values
g-type-param-longParameters and Values
g-type-param-objectParameters and Values
g-type-param-overrideParameters and Values
g-type-param-paramParameters and Values
g-type-param-pointerParameters and Values
g-type-param-stringParameters and Values
g-type-param-ucharParameters and Values
g-type-param-uintParameters and Values
g-type-param-uint64Parameters and Values
g-type-param-ulongParameters and Values
g-type-param-unicharParameters and Values
g-type-param-variantParameters and Values
g-type-parentType Information
g-type-queryType Information
g-type-register-static-simpleType Information
g-type-tag-to-stringCommon Types
g-union-info-get-alignmentUnion Info
g-union-info-get-discriminatorUnion Info
g-union-info-get-discriminator-offsetUnion Info
g-union-info-get-discriminator-typeUnion Info
g-union-info-get-fieldUnion Info
g-union-info-get-methodUnion Info
g-union-info-get-n-fieldsUnion Info
g-union-info-get-n-methodsUnion Info
g-union-info-get-sizeUnion Info
g-union-info-is-discriminated?Union Info
g-unix-fd-source-newUNIX-specific utilities and integration
g-value-get-booleanParameters and Values
g-value-get-boxedParameters and Values
g-value-get-doubleParameters and Values
g-value-get-enumParameters and Values
g-value-get-flagsParameters and Values
g-value-get-floatParameters and Values
g-value-get-intParameters and Values
g-value-get-objectParameters and Values
g-value-get-paramParameters and Values
g-value-get-pointerParameters and Values
g-value-get-stringParameters and Values
g-value-get-uintParameters and Values
g-value-get-variantParameters and Values
g-value-info-get-valueEnum Info
g-value-initGeneric Values
g-value-newGeneric Values
g-value-refParameters and Values
g-value-set-booleanParameters and Values
g-value-set-boxedParameters and Values
g-value-set-doubleParameters and Values
g-value-set-enumParameters and Values
g-value-set-enumParameters and Values
g-value-set-flagsParameters and Values
g-value-set-flagsParameters and Values
g-value-set-floatParameters and Values
g-value-set-intParameters and Values
g-value-set-objectParameters and Values
g-value-set-paramParameters and Values
g-value-set-pointerParameters and Values
g-value-set-stringParameters and Values
g-value-set-uintParameters and Values
g-value-set!Parameters and Values
g-value-sizeGeneric Values
g-value-typeParameters and Values
g-value-type-nameParameters and Values
g-value-type-tagParameters and Values
g-value-unsetGeneric Values
g-vfunc-info-get-flagsVFunc Info
g-vfunc-info-get-invokerVFunc Info
g-vfunc-info-get-offsetVFunc Info
g-vfunc-info-get-signalVFunc Info
gi-cache-refCache Park
gi-cache-showCache Park
gi-check-versionVersion Information (2)
gi-effective-versionVersion Information (2)
gi-enum-importEnum Info
gi-enum-value-valuesEnum Info
gi-function-info-is-method?Function Info
gi-interface-importInterface Info
gi-interface-showInterface Info
gi-major-versionVersion Information (2)
gi-method-short-name-skipCustomization Square
gi-method-short-name-skip-addCustomization Square
gi-method-short-name-skip-allCustomization Square
gi-method-short-name-skip-removeCustomization Square
gi-method-short-name-skip-resetCustomization Square
gi-method-short-name-skip?Customization Square
gi-micro-versionVersion Information (2)
gi-minor-versionVersion Information (2)
gi-object-method-find-by-nameObject Info
gi-object-method-namesObject Info
gi-object-property-namesObject Info
gi-object-showObject Info
gi-property-g-typeProperty Info
gi-registered-type-info-nameRegistered Type Info
gi-strip-boolean-resultCustomization Square
gi-strip-boolean-result-addCustomization Square
gi-strip-boolean-result-removeCustomization Square
gi-strip-boolean-result-resetCustomization Square
gi-strip-boolean-result?Customization Square
gi-struct-field-descStruct Info
gi-struct-field-typesStruct Info
gi-struct-importStruct Info
gi-type-info-extract-ffi-return-valueFFI Interface
gi-type-tag-extract-ffi-return-valueFFI Interface
gi-type-tag-get-ffi-typeFFI Interface
gi-versionVersion Information (2)
gint-to-pointerType Conversion
glib-get-major-versionVersion Information (1)
glib-get-micro-versionVersion Information (1)
glib-get-minor-versionVersion Information (1)
gobject-class?GObject (1)
guint-to-pointerType Conversion




rgb-cc->colorColor Hollow
rgba-cc->colorColor Hollow

scm->g-typeUtils Corner
string->colorColor Hollow
symbol->g-typeType Information
syntax-name-protect-postfixCustomization Square
syntax-name-protect-postfix-resetCustomization Square
syntax-name-protect-postfix-setCustomization Square
syntax-name-protect-prefixCustomization Square
syntax-name-protect-prefix-resetCustomization Square
syntax-name-protect-prefix-setCustomization Square
syntax-name-protect-renamerCustomization Square
syntax-name-protect-renamer-resetCustomization Square
syntax-name-protect-renamer-setCustomization Square
syntax-name-protect-resetCustomization Square

unrefGObject (1)

vfuncVFunc Alley


Variable Index

This is an alphabetical list of all the important variables and constants in G-Golf.

Type Index

This is an alphabetical list of all the important data types defined in the G-Golf Programmers Manual.

List of Examples

Example 1

Hello World! (1)

Example 2

Hello World! (2)



GNU Guile
an interpreter and compiler for the Scheme programming language.


The Guile Object Oriented System, See GOOPS in The GNU Guile Reference Manual


In this case, you may as well decide to either alter your $HOME/.guile personal file, or, if you are working in a mult-user environmet, you may also opt for a global configuration. In this case, the file must be named init.scm and placed it here (evaluate the following expression in a terminal): guile -c "(display (%global-site-dir))(newline)".


Contact your administrator if you opt for the second solution but don’t have write priviledges on your system.


By default, G-Golf sets WebKit as a renaming exception token, otherwise, the class name would be <web-kit-web-view>.


As an example, it would not be a good idea to use (the name) import for the G-Golf procedure that reads and build the interface for a GIR library, since it is an R6RS reserved word.


Actually, to be complete, there is a way, which is to define the slot using #:class <read-only-slot>, but (a) it is undocumented and (b), it requires the use use of libguile to initialize the slot value, something that I don’t wan’t to do in G-Golf. If you are interested by this (undocumented) feature for your own project though, I suggest you look for some exmples in the Guile-Gnome, source tree, where it is extensively used.


You need write privileges to add or modify this file, contact your system administrator if you’re not in charge of the system you are working on.


Slot names tends to be extremelly common, like name, color, … and naming their respective accessor using the slot name would very likely provoque numerous name clashes with user variables, procedures and methods names.


You need write privileges to add or modify this file, contact your system administrator if you’re not in charge of the system you are working on.


In its compiled form, a GObject-Introspectable GNOME library is called a Typelib - a binary, readonly, memory-mappable database containing reflective information about a GObject library.


If you haven’t done so, please read the Configuring Guile for G-Golf, Merging Generics and configure your repl as proposed, before to run the example.


After you at least import either directly (gi-import-by-name "Gio" "Application"), or (gi-import-by-name "Gtk" "Application"), which triggers the appropriate Gio imports, as described in the next section


As seen in Configuring Guile for G-Golf (and in GOOPS Notes and Conventions - ’Merging Generics’).


See Eval-when in The GNU Guile Reference Manual for a complete description.


From a GI point of view - internally, it is a C struct.


The name GObject, depending on the context, can actually be used and refer to the GLib Object System language system as a all, or be used and refer to the fundamental type implementation, the base object type, upon which GNOME libraries object hierarchies are based.


The name GType, depending on the context, can actually be used and refer to the The GLib Dynamic Type System, or be used and refer to the type it denotes, a unique ID (Identifier) - an unsigned-long to be precise.


The Guile Object Oriented System (see GOOPS in The GNU Guile Reference Manual). If you haven’t done so already, please make sure you read both the Naming Conventions and GOOPS Notes and Conventions sections.


This is the only name for which G-Golf maintains compatibility with Guile-GNOME (which has a long list of exceptions)..


Note that the raised exception message and formatting depends on the version of guile you are using. Fwiw, this example was produced using GNU Guile 3.0.8.


Users should normally not call this procedure - except for testing purposes, if/when they customize its default settings - it is appropriately and automatically called by G-Golf when importing a GI typelib.


This is because most of the cases, in the upstream lib, the VFunc is a virtual public method, that is, both a method and a VFunc exist that use the same name. When that happens, the upstream lib method normally has the same arity and definition (spec), and it ’just’ calls the VFunc - however, it is (unfortunately) not guaranteed to always be the case, hence all GI lang bindings impose a specific VFunc naming convention. Pygobject for example imposes to use a do- prefix. In G-Golf, we opted for a -vfunc postfix.


It must be prefixed using the scheme representation name of the GObject or Interface that owns the Vfunc, followed by - (hyphen), i.e. gdk-paintable-get-flags-vfunc is the valid define-vfunc long name for the get_flags virtual method of the GdkPaintable interface.


Otherwise, it would be impossible to deternine which iface or gobject class struct the *-vfunc user code is meant to override. Consider (define-class <foo> (<gobject> <bar> <baz>)), with both <bar> and <baz> defining a get_flags VFunc: in this context (define-vfunc (get-flags-vfunc (self <foo>))...) is an invalid definition, as it is not possible for G-Golf to deternine if it is the <bar> or the <baz> iface class struct VFunc that must be overridden. In such cases, the user must pass a method long name, i.e. (define-vfunc (bar-get-flags-vfunc (self <foo>)) ...) or (define-vfunc (baz-get-flags-vfunc (self <foo>)) ...).


For those who wouldn’t know, note that both #x73d216 and #x73d216aa expressions are evaluated, as ’#x’ triggers the (predefined) read hash extend procedure for ’x’, that is, the guile reader for hexadecimal values, which returns an integer, the cc (color code).


More specifically, an unquoted scheme representation name of a GI upstream library C struct.


A simple refcounted data type representing an immutable sequence of zero or more bytes from an unspecified origin.


There is no corresponding enum in GOject. These fundamental types (in GObject) are defined using a macro, G_TYPE_MAKE_FUNDAMENTAL, that applies bitwise arithmetic shift given by G_TYPE_FUNDAMENTAL_SHIFT (which we also have to apply, to get to the type ID for the fundamental number x).


Within this context, the interface-type is the GType of the GObject subclass the signal is ‘attached to’ - knowing that signals are inhereted.


At least one GObject subclass instance must have been created prior to attempt to query any of its class signal(s).


As you have noticed already, since g-function-info-get-symbol returns a string, in the Glib, GObject and GObject Instrospection worlds, symbol has a different meaning then in the Lisp/Scheme worlds. However, since the procedure is part of the G-Golf low-level API, we decided to keep its name as close as the original name as possible, which in Glib terms is the name of the exported function, ‘suitable to be used as an argument to g_module_symbol()


Another symptom for those is that if if you call (g-type-name g-type), it returns "void".


This procedure, as well as g-name->name and g-name->class-name come from Guile-GNOME, where there are named GStudlyCapsExpand, gtype-name->scm-name and gtype-name->class-name.

In G-Golf, these procedures are also be used to transform other (GObject Introspection) names, such as function names, hence they use the g-name-> prefix instead


From scheme, you would ‘immediately’ call the procedure instead of course.