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Here is an example to parse simple infix arithmetic expressions. See (bison)Infix Calc, in the Bison manual for details.
'( ;; Terminals (NUM) ;; Terminal associativity & precedence ((nonassoc ?=) (left ?- ?+) (left ?* ?/) (left NEG) (right ?^)) ;; Rules (input ((line)) ((input line) (format "%s %s" $1 $2)) ) (line ((?;) (progn ";")) ((exp ?;) (format "%s;" $1)) ((error ?;) (progn "Error;"))) ) (exp ((NUM) (string-to-number $1)) ((exp ?= exp) (= $1 $3)) ((exp ?+ exp) (+ $1 $3)) ((exp ?- exp) (- $1 $3)) ((exp ?* exp) (* $1 $3)) ((exp ?/ exp) (/ $1 $3)) ((?- exp) [NEG] (- $2)) ((exp ?^ exp) (expt $1 $3)) ((?\( exp ?\)) (progn $2)) ) )
In the bison-like WY format (see How to use Wisent with Semantic) the grammar looks like this:
%token <number> NUM %nonassoc '=' ;; comparison %left '-' '+' %left '*' '/' %left NEG ;; negation--unary minus %right '^' ;; exponentiation %% input: line | input line (format "%s %s" $1 $2) ; line: ';' {";"} | exp ';' (format "%s;" $1) | error ';' {"Error;"} ; exp: NUM (string-to-number $1) | exp '=' exp (= $1 $3) | exp '+' exp (+ $1 $3) | exp '-' exp (- $1 $3) | exp '*' exp (* $1 $3) | exp '/' exp (/ $1 $3) | '-' exp %prec NEG (- $2) | exp '^' exp (expt $1 $3) | '(' exp ')' {$2} ; %%