Function Index

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!!<cmd>Shell Commands
!<cmd>Shell Commands
!<move><cmd>Shell Commands

add-hookPackages that Change Keymaps

Ex !! <args>Shell Commands
Ex !<cmd>Shell Commands
Ex <address>r !<cmd>Shell Commands
Ex <address>r <name>Shell Commands
Ex argsNew Commands
Ex argsFile and Buffer Handling
Ex cd [<dir>]File and Buffer Handling
Ex copy [z]Changing Text
Ex e [<files>]File and Buffer Handling
Ex e!Undoing
Ex e! [<files>]File and Buffer Handling
Ex edit [<files>]File and Buffer Handling
Ex edit! [<files>]File and Buffer Handling
Ex fFile and Buffer Handling
Ex gSearch and Replace
Ex globalSearch and Replace
Ex kMarking
Ex makeShell Commands
Ex mapKey Bindings
Ex map <char> <seq>Mapping
Ex map! <char> <seq>Mapping
Ex markMarking
Ex move [z]Changing Text
Ex nNew Commands
Ex n [<count> | <file>]File and Buffer Handling
Ex preNew Commands
Ex preFile and Buffer Handling
Ex PreviousRelatedFileNew Commands
Ex PreviousRelatedFileViper Specials
Ex pwdNew Commands
Ex pwdFile and Buffer Handling
Ex qFile and Buffer Handling
Ex q!Undoing
Ex q!File and Buffer Handling
Ex quitFile and Buffer Handling
Ex quit!File and Buffer Handling
Ex rFile and Buffer Handling
Ex readFile and Buffer Handling
Ex recUndoing
Ex recFile and Buffer Handling
Ex RelatedFileNew Commands
Ex RelatedFileViper Specials
Ex rewFile and Buffer Handling
Ex s/<pat>/<repl>/<f>Changing Text
Ex setRudimentary Changes
Ex set <option>Options
Ex set <option>=<value>Options
Ex set aiOptions
Ex set autoindentOptions
Ex set icOptions
Ex set ignorecaseOptions
Ex set magicOptions
Ex set no<option>Options
Ex set readonlyOptions
Ex set roOptions
Ex set sh=<string>Options
Ex set shell=<string>Options
Ex set shiftwidth=<count>Options
Ex set showmatchOptions
Ex set smOptions
Ex set sw=<count>Options
Ex set tab-stop-local=<count>Options
Ex set tabstop=<count>Options
Ex set ts=<count>Options
Ex set wm=<count>Options
Ex set wrapmargin=<count>Options
Ex set wrapscanOptions
Ex set wsOptions
Ex shShell Commands
Ex stopFile and Buffer Handling
Ex substitute/<pat>/<repl>/<f>Changing Text
Ex substitute/<pat>/<repl>/<f>Search and Replace
Ex suspendFile and Buffer Handling
Ex t [z]Changing Text
Ex tag <name>Search and Replace
Ex unmap <char>Mapping
Ex unmap! <char>Mapping
Ex vSearch and Replace
Ex vglobalSearch and Replace
Ex WFile and Buffer Handling
Ex w !<cmd>Shell Commands
Ex w <file>File and Buffer Handling
Ex w >> <file>File and Buffer Handling
Ex w! <file>File and Buffer Handling
Ex wqFile and Buffer Handling
Ex WriteFile and Buffer Handling
Ex write <file>File and Buffer Handling
Ex write >> <file>File and Buffer Handling
Ex write! <file>File and Buffer Handling
Ex WWFile and Buffer Handling
Ex WWriteFile and Buffer Handling
Ex WWriteFile and Buffer Handling
Ex xFile and Buffer Handling
Ex x,y w !<cmd>Shell Commands
Ex x!File and Buffer Handling
Ex yankYanking

remove-hookPackages that Change Keymaps

toggle-viper-modeStates in Viper
toggle-viper-modeViper Specials

viper-add-local-keysKey Bindings
viper-buffer-search-enableViper Specials
viper-describe-kbd-macrosVi Macros
viper-glob-functionRudimentary Changes
viper-go-awayStates in Viper
viper-go-awayViper Specials
viper-harness-minor-modePackages that Change Keymaps
viper-modePackages that Change Keymaps
viper-modify-major-modeKey Bindings
viper-mouse-click-insert-wordViper Specials
viper-mouse-click-search-wordViper Specials
viper-set-emacs-state-searchstyle-macrosViper Specials
viper-set-expert-levelViper Specials
viper-set-hooksPackages that Change Keymaps
viper-set-parsing-style-toggling-macroMove Commands
viper-set-searchstyle-toggling-macrosViper Specials
viper-set-syntax-preferenceMovement and Markers
viper-unrecord-kbd-macroVi Macros
viper-zap-local-keysKey Bindings