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4.3.2 Adding Styles

If none of the built-in styles is appropriate, you’ll probably want to add a new style definition. Styles are kept in the vhdl-style-alist variable, but you probably won’t want to modify this variable directly. VHDL Mode provides a function, called vhdl-add-style, that you can use to easily add new styles or update existing styles. This function takes two arguments, a stylename string, and an association list description of style customizations. If stylename is not already in vhdl-style-alist, the new style is added, otherwise the style already associated with stylename is changed to the new description. This function also takes an optional third argument, which if non-nil, automatically institutes the new style in the current buffer.

The sample .emacs file provides a concrete example of how a new style can be added and automatically set. See Sample Init File.