Next: Connecting to a remote host using multiple hops, Previous: Selecting a default user, Up: Configuring TRAMP [Contents][Index]
When host name is omitted, TRAMP substitutes the value from
the tramp-default-host
user option. It is initially
populated with the local host name where Emacs is running. The
default method, default user and default host can be overridden as
(custom-set-variables '(tramp-default-method "ssh") '(tramp-default-user "john") '(tramp-default-host "target"))
With all defaults set, /-:: will connect TRAMP to John’s home directory on ‘target’ via method ssh.
Instead of a single default host, tramp-default-host-alist
allows multiple default host values based on access method or user
name combinations. The alist can hold multiple values. While
is sufficient in most cases, some methods,
like adb, require defaults overwritten.
The default host name for nspawn is ‘.host’. Therefore, /nspawn:: and /sudo:: have the same effect.