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18.1 Table of Contents

User Option: reftex-include-file-commands

List of LaTeX commands which input another file. The file name is expected after the command, either in braces or separated by whitespace.

User Option: reftex-max-section-depth

Maximum depth of section levels in document structure. Standard LaTeX needs 7, default is 12.

User Option: reftex-section-levels

Commands and levels used for defining sections in the document. The car of each cons cell is the name of the section macro. The cdr is a number indicating its level. A negative level means the same as the positive value, but the section will never get a number. The cdr may also be a function which then has to return the level. This list is also used for promotion and demotion of sectioning commands. If you are using a document class which has several sets of sectioning commands, promotion only works correctly if this list is sorted first by set, then within each set by level. The promotion commands always select the nearest entry with the correct new level.

User Option: reftex-toc-max-level

The maximum level of toc entries which will be included in the TOC. Section headings with a bigger level will be ignored. In RefTeX, chapters are level 1, sections level 2 etc. This variable can be changed from within the *toc* buffer with the t key.

User Option: reftex-part-resets-chapter

Non-nil means, \part is like any other sectioning command. This means, part numbers will be included in the numbering of chapters, and chapter counters will be reset for each part. When nil (the default), parts are special, do not reset the chapter counter and also do not show up in chapter numbers.

User Option: reftex-auto-recenter-toc

Non-nil means, turn automatic recentering of *TOC* window on. When active, the *TOC* window will always show the section you are currently working in. Recentering happens whenever Emacs is idle for more than reftex-idle-time seconds.

Value t means, turn on immediately when RefTeX gets started. Then, recentering will work for any toc window created during the session.

Value frame (the default) means, turn automatic recentering on only while the dedicated TOC frame does exist, and do the recentering only in that frame. So when creating that frame (with d key in an ordinary TOC window), the automatic recentering is turned on. When the frame gets destroyed, automatic recentering is turned off again.

This feature can be turned on and off from the menu (Ref->Options).

User Option: reftex-toc-split-windows-horizontally

Non-nil means, create TOC window by splitting window horizontally. The default is to split vertically.

User Option: reftex-toc-split-windows-fraction

Fraction of the width or height of the frame to be used for TOC window.

User Option: reftex-toc-keep-other-windows

Non-nil means, split the selected window to display the *toc* buffer. This helps to keep the window configuration, but makes the *toc* small. When nil, all other windows except the selected one will be deleted, so that the *toc* window fills half the frame.

User Option: reftex-toc-include-file-boundaries

Non-nil means, include file boundaries in *toc* buffer. This flag can be toggled from within the *toc* buffer with the i key.

User Option: reftex-toc-include-labels

Non-nil means, include labels in *toc* buffer. This flag can be toggled from within the *toc* buffer with the l key.

User Option: reftex-toc-include-index-entries

Non-nil means, include index entries in *toc* buffer. This flag can be toggled from within the *toc* buffer with the i key.

User Option: reftex-toc-include-context

Non-nil means, include context with labels in the *toc* buffer. Context will only be shown if the labels are visible as well. This flag can be toggled from within the *toc* buffer with the c key.

User Option: reftex-toc-follow-mode

Non-nil means, point in *toc* buffer (the table-of-contents buffer) will cause other window to follow. The other window will show the corresponding part of the document. This flag can be toggled from within the *toc* buffer with the f key.

Normal Hook: reftex-toc-mode-hook

Normal hook which is run when a *toc* buffer is created.

Keymap: reftex-toc-mode-map

The keymap which is active in the *toc* buffer. (see Table of Contents).

Next: Defining Label Environments, Up: Options, Keymaps, Hooks   [Contents][Index]