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18.11 Miscellaneous

User Option: reftex-extra-bindings

Non-nil means, make additional key bindings on startup. These extra bindings are located in the users ‘C-c letter’ map. See Default Key Bindings.

User Option: reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX

Plug-in flags for AUCTeX interface. This variable is a list of 5 boolean flags. When a flag is non-nil, RefTeX will

- supply labels in new sections and environments  (flag 1)
- supply arguments for macros like \label         (flag 2)
- supply arguments for macros like \ref           (flag 3)
- supply arguments for macros like \cite          (flag 4)
- supply arguments for macros like \index         (flag 5)

You may also set the variable itself to t or nil in order to turn all options on or off, respectively.
Supplying labels in new sections and environments applies when creating sections with C-c C-s and environments with C-c C-e.
Supplying macro arguments applies when you insert such a macro interactively with C-c RET.
See the AUCTeX documentation for more information.

User Option: reftex-revisit-to-follow

Non-nil means, follow-mode will revisit files if necessary. When nil, follow-mode will be suspended for stuff in unvisited files.

User Option: reftex-allow-detached-macro-args

Non-nil means, allow arguments of macros to be detached by whitespace. When this is t, the ‘aaa’ in ‘\bbb [xxx] {aaa} will be considered an argument of \bb. Note that this will be the case even if \bb is defined with zero or one argument.

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