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RefTeX contains code to interface with AUCTeX. When this interface is turned on, both packages will interact closely. Instead of using RefTeX’s commands directly, you can then also use them indirectly as part of the AUCTeX environment9. The interface is turned on with
(setq reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX t)
If you need finer control about which parts of the interface are used
and which not, read the docstring of the variable
or customize it with M-x
customize-variable RET reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX RET.
The following list describes the individual parts of the interface.
to insert labelsreftex-label
is called instead.
For example, if you type C-c C-e equation RET, AUCTeX and
RefTeX will insert
\begin{equation} \label{eq:1} \end{equation}
without further prompts.
Similarly, when you type C-c C-s section RET, RefTeX will offer its default label which is derived from the section title.
, TeX-arg-cite
, and TeX-arg-index
prompt for arguments which are labels, citation keys and index entries.
The interface takes over these functions10 and
supplies the macro arguments with RefTeX’s mechanisms. For
example, when you type C-c RET ref RET, RefTeX
will supply its label selection process (see Referencing Labels).
RefTeX 4.0 and AUCTeX 9.10c will be needed for all of this to work. Parts of it work also with earlier versions.
is used to
do this, which is not reversible. However, RefTeX implements the
old functionality when you later decide to turn off the interface.
Next: Style Files, Up: AUCTeX [Contents][Index]