Next: Applying custom styles, Previous: ODT specific export settings, Up: OpenDocument Text Export [Contents][Index]
The ODT export backend can produce documents in other formats besides ODT using a specialized ODT converter process. Its common interface works with popular converters to produce formats such as ‘doc’, or convert a document from one format, say ‘csv’, to another format, say ‘xls’.
Customize org-odt-convert-process
variable to point to ‘unoconv’,
which is the ODT’s preferred converter. Working installations of
LibreOffice would already have ‘unoconv’ installed. Alternatively,
other converters may be substituted here. See Configuring a document converter.
If ODT format is just an intermediate step to get to other formats,
such as ‘doc’, ‘docx’, ‘rtf’, or ‘pdf’, etc., then extend the ODT
export backend to directly produce that format. Specify the final
format in the org-odt-preferred-output-format
variable. This is one
way to extend (see ODT export commands).
The Org export backend is made to be inter-operable with a wide range of text document format converters. Newer generation converters, such as LibreOffice and Pandoc, can handle hundreds of formats at once. Org provides a consistent interaction with whatever converter is installed. Here are some generic commands:
Convert an existing document from one format to another. With a prefix argument, opens the newly produced file.