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Use C-c ' to edit the current code block. It opens a new major mode edit buffer containing the body of the source code block, ready for any edits. Use C-c ' again to close the buffer and return to the Org buffer.
C-x C-s saves the buffer and updates the contents of the
Org buffer. Set org-edit-src-auto-save-idle-delay
to save the base
buffer after a certain idle delay time. Set
to auto-save this buffer into
a separate file using Auto-save mode.
While editing the source code in the major mode, the Org Src minor
mode remains active. It provides these customization variables as
described below. For even more variables, look in the customization
group org-edit-structure
¶If an Emacs major-mode named <LANG>-mode
exists, where
<LANG> is the language identifier from code block’s
header line, then the edit buffer uses that major mode. Use this
variable to arbitrarily map language identifiers to major modes.
When language identifier is omitted in the src block, Org mode’s behavior is undefined.
¶For specifying Emacs window arrangement when the new edit buffer is created.
¶Default is nil
. Source code is indented. This indentation
applies during export or tangling, and depending on the context, may
alter leading spaces and tabs. When non-nil
, source code is
aligned with the leftmost column. No lines are modified during
export or tangling, which is very useful for white-space sensitive
languages, such as Python.
¶When nil
, Org returns to the edit buffer without further prompts.
The default prompts for a confirmation.
Fontification of code blocks can give visual separation of text and
code on the display page. Set org-src-fontify-natively
to non-nil
to turn on native code fontification in the Org buffer. The
fontification follows the major mode used to edit the code block (see
To further customize the appearance of org-block
for specific
languages, customize org-src-block-faces
. The following example
shades the background of regular blocks, and colors source blocks only
for Python and Emacs Lisp languages.
(require 'color) (set-face-attribute 'org-block nil :background (color-darken-name (face-attribute 'default :background) 3)) (setq org-src-block-faces '(("emacs-lisp" (:background "#EEE2FF")) ("python" (:background "#E5FFB8"))))
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