4.24 Option for Org agenda constructs

Brief: Control the style of the Org agenda. Multiple parameters are available, each with its own options.

Symbol: modus-themes-org-agenda (‘alist’ type, multiple styles)

This is an alist that accepts a ‘(key . value)’ combination. Some values are specified as a list. Here is a sample, followed by a description of all possible combinations:

(setq modus-themes-org-agenda
      '((header-block . (variable-pitch 1.5))
        (header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today 1.2))
        (event . (accented italic varied))
        (scheduled . uniform)
        (habit . traffic-light)))

A header-block key applies to elements that concern the headings which demarcate blocks in the structure of the agenda. By default (a nil value) those are rendered in a bold typographic weight, plus a height that is slightly taller than the default font size. Acceptable values come in the form of a list that can include either or both of those properties:

Configure bold and italic faces.

In case both a number and no-scale are in the list, the latter takes precedence. If two numbers are specified, the first one is applied.

Example usage:

(header-block . nil)
(header-block . (1.5))
(header-block . (no-scale))
(header-block . (variable-pitch 1.5))
(header-block . (variable-pitch 1.5 semibold))

A header-date key covers date headings. Dates use only a foreground color by default (a nil value), with weekdays and weekends having a slight difference in hueness. The current date has an added gray background. This key accepts a list of values that can include any of the following properties:

For example:

(header-date . nil)
(header-date . (workaholic))
(header-date . (grayscale bold-all))
(header-date . (grayscale workaholic))
(header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today))
(header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today scale-heading))

An event key covers (i) headings with a plain time stamp that are shown on the agenda, also known as events, (ii) entries imported from the diary, and (iii) other items that derive from a symbolic expression or sexp (phases of the moon, holidays, etc.). By default all those look the same and have a subtle foreground color (the default is a nil value or an empty list). This key accepts a list of properties. Those are:

For example:

(event . nil)
(event . (italic))
(event . (accented italic))
(event . (accented italic varied))

A scheduled key applies to tasks with a scheduled date. By default (a nil value), those use varying shades of yellow to denote (i) a past or current date and (ii) a future date. Valid values are symbols:

For example:

(scheduled . nil)
(scheduled . uniform)
(scheduled . rainbow)

A habit key applies to the org-habit graph. All possible value are passed as a symbol. Those are:

Option for red-green color deficiency or deuteranopia.

For example:

(habit . nil)
(habit . simplified)
(habit . traffic-light)

Putting it all together, the alist can look like this:

'((header-block . (1.5 variable-pitch))
  (header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today))
  (event . (accented varied))
  (scheduled . uniform)
  (habit . traffic-light))

;; Or else:
(setq modus-themes-org-agenda
      '((header-block . (1.5 variable-pitch))
        (header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today))
        (event . (accented varied))
        (scheduled . uniform)
        (habit . traffic-light)))