4.13 Option for mail citations

Brief: Set the overall style of citations/quotes when composing emails.

Symbol: modus-themes-mail-citations (‘choice’ type)

Possible values:

  1. nil (default)
  2. intense
  3. faint
  4. monochrome

By default (a nil value) citations are styled with contrasting hues to denote their depth. Colors are easy to tell apart because they complement each other, but they otherwise are not very prominent.

Option intense is similar to the default in terms of using contrasting and complementary hues, but applies more saturated colors.

Option faint maintains the same color-based distinction between citation levels though the colors it uses have subtle differences between them.

Option monochrome turns all quotes into a shade of gray.

Whatever the value assigned to this variable, citations in emails are controlled by typographic elements or indentation, which the themes do not touch.