4.9 Option for command prompt styles

Brief: Control the style of command prompts (e.g. minibuffer, shell, IRC clients).

Symbol: modus-themes-prompts (‘choice’ type, list of properties)

Possible values are expressed as a list of properties (default is nil or an empty list). The list can include any of the following symbols:

The default (a nil value or an empty list) means to only use a subtle accented foreground color.

The property background applies a background color to the prompt’s text. By default, this is a subtle accented value.

The property intense makes the foreground color more prominent. If the background property is also set, it amplifies the value of the background as well.

The property gray changes the prompt’s colors to grayscale. This affects the foreground and, if the background property is also set, the background. Its effect is subtle, unless it is combined with the intense property.

The property bold makes the text use a bold typographic weight. Similarly, italic adds a slant to the font’s forms (italic or oblique forms, depending on the typeface).

Combinations of any of those properties are expressed as a list, like in these examples:

(bold intense)
(intense bold gray)
(intense background gray bold)

The order in which the properties are set is not significant.

In user configuration files the form may look like this:

(setq modus-themes-prompts '(background gray))