4.21 Option for active region

Brief: Control the style of the region.

Symbol: modus-themes-region (‘choice’ type, list of properties)

Possible values are expressed as a list of properties (default is nil or an empty list). The list can include any of the following symbols:

The default (a nil value or an empty list) is a prominent gray background that overrides all foreground colors in the area it encompasses. Its reach extends to the edge of the window.

The no-extend property limits the region to the end of the line, so that it does not reach the edge of the window.

The bg-only property makes the region’s background color more subtle to allow the underlying text to retain its foreground colors.

The accented property applies a more colorful background to the region.

Combinations of any of those properties are expressed as a list, like in these examples:

(bg-only accented)
(accented bg-only no-extend)

The order in which the properties are set is not significant.

In user configuration files the form may look like this:

(setq modus-themes-region '(bg-only no-extend))