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6.5 Signed and Encrypted Messages

You can read encrypted or signed PGP or GPG messages with MH-E21. This section assumes that you already have a good understanding of GPG and have set up your keys appropriately.

If someone sends you a signed message, here is what you’ll see:

[[PGP Signed Part:Bill Wohler <>]]
This is a signed message.

[[End of PGP Signed Part]]

If the key for the given signature is not in your keychain, you’ll be given the opportunity to fetch the key from a key server and verify the key. If the message is really large, the verification process can take a long time. You can press C-g at any time to cancel22.

If the signature doesn’t check out, you might see something like this:

[[PGP Signed Part:Failed]]
This is a signed message.
This is garbage added after the signature was made.

[[End of PGP Signed Part]]

If someone sends you an encrypted message, MH-E will ask for your passphrase to decrypt the message. You should see something like this:

[[PGP Encrypted Part:OK]]

[[PGP Signed Part:Bill Wohler <>]]
This is the secret message.

[[End of PGP Signed Part]]

[[End of PGP Encrypted Part]]

If there is a problem decrypting the message, the button will say:

[[PGP Encrypted Part:Failed]]

You can read the contents of this button using the methods described in Viewing Attachments. If the message were corrupted, you’d see this:

[[PGP Encrypted Part:Failed]
Invalid base64 data]

If your passphrase were incorrect, you’d see something like this:

[GNUPG:] USERID_HINT CD9C88BB610BD9AD Bill Wohler <>
gpg: encrypted with 1024-bit RSA key, ID 610BD9AD, created 1997-09-09
      "Bill Wohler <>"
gpg: public key decryption failed: bad passphrase
gpg: decryption failed: secret key not available

gpg exited abnormally: '2'

The appearance of the buttons is controlled by the faces mh-show-pgg-good, mh-show-pgg-bad, and mh-show-pgg-unknown depending on the validity of the signature. The latter is used whether the signature is unknown or untrusted.



MIME Security with OpenPGP is documented in RFC 3156. However, MH-E can also decrypt old-style PGP messages that are not in MIME format.


Unfortunately in the current version, the validation process doesn’t display a message so it appears that MH-E has hung. We hope that this will be fixed in the future.

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