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3.2 Receiving Mail

To read the mail you’ve just sent yourself, enter M-x mh-rmail. This incorporates the new mail and puts the output from inc8 (called scan lines after the MH program scan9 which prints a one-line summary of each message) into a buffer called ‘+inbox’ whose major mode is MH-Folder.


The M-x mh-rmail command will show you only new mail, not mail you have already read. If you were to run this tour again, you would use F r to pull all your messages into MH-E.

You should see the scan line for your message, and perhaps others. Use n or p to move the cursor to your test message and type RET to read your message. You should see something like:

  3 t08/24 root       received fax files on Wed Aug 24 11:00:13 -0700 1
# 4+t08/24 To:wohler  Test<<This is a test message to get the wheels

-:%%  {+inbox/select} 4 msgs (1-4)   Bot L4     (MH-Folder Show)---------
To: wohler
Subject: Test
X-Mailer: MH-E 8.1; nmh 1.1; GNU Emacs 23.1
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 10:49:11 -0800
From: Bill Wohler <>

This is a test message to get the wheels churning...

--:--  {show-+inbox} 4   All L1     (MH-Show)----------------------------

After incorporating new messages

If you typed a long message, you can view subsequent pages with SPC and previous pages with DEL.



See the section Reading Mail: inc show next prev in the MH book.


See the section Find and Specify with scan pick Ranges Sequences in the MH book.

Next: Processing Mail, Previous: Sending Mail, Up: Tour Through MH-E   [Contents][Index]