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4.1 Options

Many string or integer options are easy to modify using M-x customize-option. For example, to modify the option that controls printing, you would run M-x customize-option RET mh-lpr-command-format RET. In the buffer that appears, modify the string to the right of the variable. For example, you may change the lpr command with ‘nenscript -G -r -2 -i'%s'’. Then use the ‘State’ combo box and select ‘Save for Future Sessions’. To read more about mh-lpr-command-format, see Printing Your Mail.

Options can also hold boolean values. In Emacs Lisp, the boolean values are nil, which means false, and t, which means true. The customize-option function makes it easy to change boolean values; simply click on the toggle button in the customize buffer to switch between ‘on’ (t) and ‘off’ (nil). For example, try setting mh-bury-show-buffer-flag to ‘off’ to keep the MH-Show buffer at the top of the buffer stack. Use the ‘State’ combo box and choose ‘Set for Current Session’ to see how the option affects the show buffer. Then choose the ‘Erase Customization’ menu item to reset the option to the default, which places the MH-Show buffer at the bottom of the buffer stack.

The text usually says to turn on an option by setting it to a non-nil value, because sometimes values other than ‘on’ are meaningful. An example of this is the variable mh-mhl-format-file (see Viewing Your Mail). Other options, such as hooks, involve a little more Emacs Lisp programming expertise.

You can browse all of the MH-E options with the customize-group function. Try entering M-x customize-group RET mh RET to view the top-level options as well as buttons for all of the MH-E customization groups. Another way to view the MH-E customization group is to use M-x mh-customize RET.

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