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2.2 Header Commands

2.2.1 Commands for moving to headers

These following commands move to the header in question. If it doesn’t exist, it will be inserted.

C-c ?

Describe the message mode.

C-c C-f C-t

Go to the To header (message-goto-to).

C-c C-f C-o

Go to the From header (message-goto-from). (The “o” in the key binding is for Originator.)

C-c C-f C-b

Go to the BCC header (message-goto-bcc).

C-c C-f C-w

Go to the FCC header (message-goto-fcc).

C-c C-f C-c

Go to the CC header (message-goto-cc).

C-c C-f C-s

Go to the Subject header (message-goto-subject).

C-c C-f C-r

Go to the Reply-To header (message-goto-reply-to).

C-c C-f C-n

Go to the Newsgroups header (message-goto-newsgroups).

C-c C-f C-d

Go to the Distribution header (message-goto-distribution).

C-c C-f C-f

Go to the Followup-To header (message-goto-followup-to).

C-c C-f C-k

Go to the Keywords header (message-goto-keywords).

C-c C-f C-u

Go to the Summary header (message-goto-summary).

C-c C-f C-i

This inserts the ‘Importance:’ header with a value of ‘high’. This header is used to signal the importance of the message to the receiver. If the header is already present in the buffer, it cycles between the three valid values according to RFC 1376: ‘low’, ‘normal’ and ‘high’.

C-c C-f C-a

Insert a reasonable ‘Mail-Followup-To:’ header (see Mailing Lists) in a post to an unsubscribed list. When making original posts to a mailing list you are not subscribed to, you have to type in a ‘Mail-Followup-To:’ header by hand. The contents, usually, are the addresses of the list and your own address. This function inserts such a header automatically. It fetches the contents of the ‘To:’ header in the current mail buffer, and appends the current user-mail-address.

If the optional argument include-cc is non-nil, the addresses in the ‘CC:’ header are also put into the ‘Mail-Followup-To:’ header.

2.2.2 Commands to change headers

C-c C-o

Sort headers according to message-header-format-alist (message-sort-headers).

C-c C-t

Insert a To header that contains the Reply-To or From header of the message you’re following up (message-insert-to).

C-c C-n

Insert a Newsgroups header that reflects the Followup-To or Newsgroups header of the article you’re replying to (message-insert-newsgroups).

C-c C-l

Send a message to the list only. Remove all addresses but the list address from To: and CC: headers.

C-c M-n

Insert a request for a disposition notification. (message-insert-disposition-notification-to). This means that if the recipient supports RFC 2298 she might send you a notification that she received the message.

M-x message-insert-importance-high

Insert an ‘Importance’ header with a value of ‘high’, deleting headers if necessary.

M-x message-insert-importance-low

Insert an ‘Importance’ header with a value of ‘low’, deleting headers if necessary.

C-c C-f s

Change the current ‘Subject’ header. Ask for new ‘Subject’ header and append ‘(was: <Old Subject>)’. The old subject can be stripped on replying, see message-subject-trailing-was-query (see Message Headers).

C-c C-f x

Set up the ‘FollowUp-To’ header with a target newsgroup for a cross-post, add that target newsgroup to the ‘Newsgroups’ header if it is not a member of ‘Newsgroups’, and insert a note in the body. If message-cross-post-default is nil or if this command is called with a prefix-argument, only the ‘FollowUp-To’ header will be set but the target newsgroup will not be added to the ‘Newsgroups’ header. The function to insert a note is controlled by the message-cross-post-note-function variable.

C-c C-f t

Replace contents of ‘To’ header with contents of ‘CC’ header (or the ‘BCC’ header, if there is no ‘CC’ header).

C-c C-f w

Insert ‘To’ and ‘CC’ headers as if you were doing a wide reply even if the message was not made for a wide reply first.

C-c C-f a

Insert ‘X-No-Archive: Yes’ in the header and a note in the body. The header and the note can be customized using message-archive-header and message-archive-note. When called with a prefix argument, ask for a text to insert. If you don’t want the note in the body, set message-archive-note to nil.

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