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3.3 Built-in Commands

Eshell provides a number of built-in commands, many of them implementing common command-line utilities, but enhanced for Eshell. (These built-in commands are just ordinary Lisp functions whose names begin with eshell/.) In order to call the external variant of a built-in command foo, you could call *foo. Usually, this should not be necessary; if the Eshell version of a command doesn’t support a particular option, it will automatically invoke the external command for you.

Some built-in Eshell commands provide enhanced versions of regular Emacs Lisp functions. If you want to call the regular Emacs Lisp version, you can write your command in Lisp form (see Invocation). To call the regular version in command form, you can use funcall or apply, e.g. ‘funcall #'compile "make all"’ (see Calling Functions in GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual).

You can check what will be applied by the which command:

~ $ which ls
eshell/ls is a compiled Lisp function in `em-ls.el'
~ $ which *ls

If you want to discard a given built-in command, you could declare an alias (see Aliases). For example:

~ $ alias ls '*ls $@*'
~ $ which ls
ls is an alias, defined as "*ls $@*"
~ $ alias compile 'apply #''compile $*'
~ $ which compile
ls is an alias, defined as "apply #'compile $*"

Some of the built-in commands have different behavior from their external counterparts, and some have no external counterpart. Most of these will print a usage message when given the --help option.

In some cases, a built-in command’s behavior can be configured via user settings, some of which are mentioned below. For example, certain commands have two user settings to allow them to overwrite files without warning and to ensure that they always prompt before overwriting files. If both settings are non-nil, the commands always prompt. If both settings are nil (the default), the commands signal an error.

Several commands observe the value of eshell-default-target-is-dot. If non-nil, then the default target for the commands cp, mv, and ln is the current directory.

A few commands are wrappers for more niche Emacs features, and can be loaded as part of the eshell-xtra module. See Extra built-in commands.

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