Next: Warning Options, Previous: Warning Basics, Up: Reporting Warnings [Contents][Index]
Programs can customize how their warnings appear by binding the variables described in this section.
This list defines the meaning and severity order of the warning severity levels. Each element defines one severity level, and they are arranged in order of decreasing severity.
Each element has the form (level string [function])
, where level is the severity level it
defines. string specifies the textual description of this
level. string should use ‘%s’ to specify where to put the
warning type information, or it can omit the ‘%s’ so as not to
include that information.
The optional function, if non-nil
, is a function to call
with no arguments, to get the user’s attention. A notable example is
(see Beeping).
Normally you should not change the value of this variable.
If non-nil
, the value is a function to generate prefix text for
warnings. Programs can bind the variable to a suitable function.
calls this function with the warnings buffer
the current buffer, and the function can insert text into it. That
text becomes the beginning of the warning message.
The function is called with two arguments, the severity level and its
entry in warning-levels
. It should return a list to use
instead of that entry (the value need not be an actual member
of warning-levels
, but it must have the same structure). By
constructing this value, the function can change the severity of the
warning, or specify different handling for a given severity level.
If the variable’s value is nil
, there’s no prefix text, before
the warning is displayed, starting with the string part of the
entry in warning-levels
corresponding to the warning’s level.
Programs can bind this variable to t
to say that the next
warning should begin a series. When several warnings form a series,
that means to leave point on the first warning of the series, rather
than keep moving it for each warning so that it appears on the last one.
The series ends when the local binding of this variable is unbound and
becomes nil
The value can also be a symbol with a function definition. That is
equivalent to t
, except that the next warning will also call
the function with no arguments with the warnings buffer the current
buffer. The function can, for example, insert text which will serve
as a header for the series of warnings.
Once a series has begun, the value of this variable is a marker which points to the buffer position in the warnings buffer of the start of the series.
The variable’s normal value is nil
, which means to handle
each warning separately.
When this variable is non-nil
, it specifies a fill prefix to
use for filling the text of each warning.
The column at which to fill warnings.
This variable specifies the format for displaying the warning type
in the warning text. The result of formatting the type this way
gets included in the message under the control of the string in the
entry in warning-levels
. The default value is " (%s)"
If you bind it to the empty string ""
then the warning type
won’t appear at all.
Next: Warning Options, Previous: Warning Basics, Up: Reporting Warnings [Contents][Index]