Next: Symbols with Position, Previous: Symbol Properties, Up: Symbols [Contents][Index]
The symbol shorthands, sometimes known as “renamed symbols”, are symbolic forms found in Lisp source. They’re just like regular symbolic forms, except that when the Lisp reader encounters them, it produces symbols which have a different and usually longer print name (see Symbol Components).
It is useful to think of shorthands as abbreviating the full names of intended symbols. Despite this, do not confuse shorthands with the Abbrev system (see Abbrevs and Abbrev Expansion).
Shorthands make Emacs Lisp’s namespacing etiquette easier to work
with. Since all symbols are stored in a single obarray
(see Creating and Interning Symbols), programmers commonly prefix each symbol
name with the name of the library where it originates. For example,
the functions text-property-search-forward
both belong to the
text-property-search.el library (see Loading). By properly
prefixing symbol names, one effectively prevents clashes between
similarly named symbols which belong to different libraries and thus do
different things. However, this practice commonly originates very
long symbols names, which are inconvenient to type and read after a
while. Shorthands solve these issues in a clean way.
This variable’s value is an alist whose elements have the form
(shorthand-prefix . longhand-prefix)
. Each element
instructs the Lisp reader to read every symbol form which starts with
shorthand-prefix as if it started with longhand-prefix
This variable may only be set in file-local variables (see Local Variables in Files in The GNU Emacs Manual).
Here’s an example of shorthands usage in a hypothetical string manipulating library some-nice-string-utils.el.
(defun some-nice-string-utils-split (separator s &optional omit-nulls) "A match-data saving variant of `split-string'." (save-match-data (split-string s separator omit-nulls))) (defun some-nice-string-utils-lines (s) "Split string S at newline characters into a list of strings." (some-nice-string-utils-split "\\(\r\n\\|[\n\r]\\)" s))
As can be seen, it’s quite tedious to read or develop this code since the symbol names to type are so long. We can use shorthands to alleviate that.
(defun snu-split (separator s &optional omit-nulls) "A match-data saving variation on `split-string'." (save-match-data (split-string s separator omit-nulls))) (defun snu-lines (s) "Split string S into a list of strings on newline characters." (snu-split "\\(\r\n\\|[\n\r]\\)" s)) ;; Local Variables: ;; read-symbol-shorthands: (("snu-" . "some-nice-string-utils-")) ;; End:
Even though the two excerpts look different, they are quite identical
after the Lisp reader processes them. Both will lead to the very same
symbols being interned (see Creating and Interning Symbols). Thus loading or
byte-compiling any of the two files has equivalent results. The
shorthands snu-split
and snu-lines
used in the second
version are not interned in the obarray. This is easily seen
by moving point to the location where the shorthands are used and
waiting for ElDoc (see Local Variables
in Files in The GNU Emacs Manual) to hint at the true full name
of the symbol under point in the echo area.
Since read-symbol-shorthands
is a file-local variable, it is
possible that multiple libraries depending on
some-nice-string-utils-lines.el refer to the same symbols under
different shorthands, or not using shorthands at all. In the
next example, the my-tricks.el library refers to the symbol
using the sns-
instead of snu-
(defun t-reverse-lines (s) (string-join (reverse (sns-lines s)) "\n") ;; Local Variables: ;; read-symbol-shorthands: (("t-" . "my-tricks-") ;; ("sns-" . "some-nice-string-utils-")) ;; End:
Note that if you have two shorthands in the same file where one is the prefix of the other, the longer shorthand will be attempted first. This happens regardless of the order you specify shorthands in the local variables section of your file.
'( t//foo ; reads to 'my-tricks--foo', not 'my-tricks-/foo' t/foo ; reads to 'my-tricks-foo' ) ;; Local Variables: ;; read-symbol-shorthands: (("t/" . "my-tricks-") ;; ("t//" . "my-tricks--") ;; End:
There are two exceptions to rules governing Shorthand transformations:
or /=
as shorthand
prefixes, but that won’t shadow the arithmetic functions of
those names.
Next: Symbols with Position, Previous: Symbol Properties, Up: Symbols [Contents][Index]