Next: Accessing Node Information, Previous: Using Tree-sitter Parser, Up: Parsing Program Source [Contents][Index]
Here are some terms and conventions we use when documenting tree-sitter functions.
A node in a syntax tree spans some portion of the program text in the buffer. We say that a node is “smaller” or “larger” than another if it spans, respectively, a smaller or larger portion of buffer text than the other node. Since nodes that are deeper (“lower”) in the tree are children of the nodes that are “higher” in the tree, it follows that a lower node will always be smaller than a node that is higher in the node hierarchy. A node that is higher up in the syntax tree contains one or more smaller nodes as its children, and therefore spans a larger portion of buffer text.
When a function cannot find a node, it returns nil
. For
convenience, all functions that take a node as argument and return
a node, also accept the node argument of nil
and in that case
just return nil
Nodes are not automatically updated when the associated buffer is
modified, and there is no way to update a node once it is retrieved.
Using an outdated node signals the treesit-node-outdated
This function returns a leaf node at buffer position pos. A leaf node is a node that doesn’t have any child nodes.
This function tries to return a node whose span covers pos: the node’s beginning position is less than or equal to pos, and the node’s end position is greater than or equal to pos.
If no leaf node’s span covers pos (e.g., pos is in the whitespace between two leaf nodes), this function returns the first leaf node after pos.
Finally, if there is no leaf node after pos, return the first leaf node before pos.
If parser-or-lang is a parser object, this function uses that
parser; if parser-or-lang is a language, this function uses the
first parser for that language in the current buffer, or creates one
if none exists; if parser-or-lang is nil
, this function
tries to guess the language at pos by calling
(see Parsing Text in Multiple Languages).
If this function cannot find a suitable node to return, it returns
If named is non-nil
, this function looks only for named
nodes (see named node).
;; Find the node at point in a C parser's syntax tree. (treesit-node-at (point) 'c) ⇒ #<treesit-node (primitive_type) in 23-27>
This function returns the smallest node that covers the region of buffer text between beg and end. In other words, the start of the node is before or at beg, and the end of the node is at or after end.
Beware: calling this function on an empty line that is not
inside any top-level construct (function definition, etc.) most
probably will give you the root node, because the root node is the
smallest node that covers that empty line. Most of the time, you want
to use treesit-node-at
If parser-or-lang is a parser object, this function uses that
parser; if parser-or-lang is a language, this function uses the
first parser for that language in the current buffer, or creates one
if none exists; if parser-or-lang is nil
, this function
tries to guess the language at beg by calling
If named is non-nil
, this function looks for a named node
only (see named node).
This function returns the root node of the syntax tree generated by parser.
This function finds the first parser for language in the current
buffer, or creates one if none exists, and returns the root node
generated by that parser. If language is omitted, it uses the
first parser in the parser list. If it cannot find an appropriate
parser, it returns nil
Given a node, a Lisp program can retrieve other nodes starting from it, or query for information about this node.
This function returns the immediate parent of node.
If node is more than 1000 levels deep in a parse tree, the
return value is undefined. Currently it returns nil
, but that
could change in the future.
This function returns the n’th child of node. If
named is non-nil
, it counts only named nodes
(see named node).
For example, in a node that represents a string "text"
, there
are three children nodes: the opening quote "
, the string text
, and the closing quote "
. Among these nodes, the
first child is the opening quote "
, and the first named child
is the string text.
This function returns nil
if there is no n’th child.
n could be negative, e.g., -1 represents the last child.
This function returns all of node’s children as a list. If
named is non-nil
, it retrieves only named nodes.
This function finds the next sibling of node. If named is
, it finds the next named sibling.
This function finds the previous sibling of node. If
named is non-nil
, it finds the previous named sibling.
To make the syntax tree easier to analyze, many language grammars
assign field names to child nodes (see field name). For example, a function_definition
could have a declarator
child and a body
This function finds the child of node whose field name is field-name, a string.
;; Get the child that has "body" as its field name. (treesit-node-child-by-field-name node "body") ⇒ #<treesit-node (compound_statement) in 45-89>
This function finds the first child of node that extends beyond
buffer position pos. “Extends beyond” means the end of the
child node is greater or equal to pos. This function only looks
for immediate children of node, and doesn’t look in its
grandchildren. If named is non-nil
, it looks for the
first named child (see named node).
This function finds the smallest descendant node of node
that spans the region of text between positions beg and
end. It is similar to treesit-node-at
. If named
is non-nil
, it looks for the smallest named child.
This function traverses the subtree of node (including node
itself), looking for a node for which predicate returns
. predicate is a regexp that is matched against
each node’s type, or a predicate function that takes a node and returns
if the node matches. predicate can also be a thing
symbol or thing definition (see User-defined “Things” and Navigation). Using an
undefined thing doesn’t raise an error, the function simply returns
This function returns the first node that matches, or nil
if none
matches predicate.
By default, this function only traverses named nodes, but if all
is non-nil
, it traverses all the nodes. If backward is
, it traverses backwards (i.e., it visits the last child
first when traversing down the tree). If depth is
, it must be a number that limits the tree traversal to
that many levels down the tree. If depth is nil
, it
defaults to 1000.
Like treesit-search-subtree
, this function also traverses the
parse tree and matches each node with predicate (except for
start), where predicate can be a regexp or a predicate
function. predicate can also be a thing symbol or thing
definition (see User-defined “Things” and Navigation). Using an undefined thing
doesn’t raise an error, the function simply returns nil
For a tree like the one below where start is marked ‘S’, this function traverses as numbered from 1 to 12:
12 | S--------3----------11 | | | o--o-+--o 1--+--2 6--+-----10 | | | | o o +-+-+ +--+--+ | | | | | 4 5 7 8 9
Note that this function doesn’t traverse the subtree of start, and it always traverses leaf nodes first, before moving upwards.
Like treesit-search-subtree
, this function only searches for
named nodes by default, but if all is non-nil
, it
searches for all nodes. If backward is non-nil
, it
searches backwards.
While treesit-search-subtree
traverses the subtree of a node,
this function starts with node start and traverses every node
that comes after it in the buffer position order, i.e., nodes with
start positions greater than the end position of start.
In the tree shown above, treesit-search-subtree
traverses node
‘S’ (start) and nodes marked with o
, whereas this
function traverses the nodes marked with numbers. This function is
useful for answering questions like “what is the first node after
start in the buffer that satisfies some condition?”
This function moves point to the start or end of the next node after
node in the buffer that matches predicate. If start
is non-nil
, stop at the beginning rather than the end of a node.
This function guarantees that the matched node it returns makes progress in terms of buffer position: the start/end position of the returned node is always greater than that of node.
Arguments predicate, backward, and all are the same
as in treesit-search-forward
This function creates a sparse tree from root’s subtree.
It takes the subtree under root, and combs it so only the nodes
that match predicate are left. Like previous functions, the
predicate can be a regexp string that matches against each node’s
type, or a function that takes a node and returns non-nil
if it
matches. predicate can also be a thing symbol or thing definition
(see User-defined “Things” and Navigation). Using an undefined thing doesn’t raise
an error, the function simply returns nil
For example, given the subtree on the left that consists of both numbers and letters, if predicate is “letter only”, the returned tree is the one on the right.
a a a | | | +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+ | | | | | | | | | b 1 2 b | | b c d | | => | | => | c +--+ c + e | | | | | +--+ d 4 +--+ d | | | e 5 e
If process-fn is non-nil
, instead of returning the
matched nodes, this function passes each node to process-fn and
uses the returned value instead. If non-nil
, depth
limits the number of levels to go down from root. If
depth is nil
, it defaults to 1000.
Each node in the returned tree looks like
(tree-sitter-node . (child …))
. The
tree-sitter-node of the root of this tree will be nil
root doesn’t match predicate. If no node matches
predicate, the function returns nil
This is a convenience function that chains together multiple node accessor functions together. For example, to get node’s parent’s next sibling’s second child’s text:
(treesit-node-get node '((parent 1) (sibling 1 nil) (child 1 nil) (text nil)))
instruction is a list of INSTRUCTIONs of the form
(fn arg...)
. The following fn’s are
(child idx named)
Get the idx’th child.
(parent n)
Go to parent n times.
Get the field name of the current node.
Get the type of the current node.
(text no-property)
Get the text of the current node.
(children named)
Get a list of children.
(sibling step named)
Get the nth prev/next sibling, negative step means prev sibling, positive means next sibling.
Note that arguments like named and no-property can’t be omitted, unlike in their original functions.
This function finds immediate children of node that satisfy predicate.
The predicate function takes a node as argument and should
return non-nil
to indicate that the node should be kept. If
named is non-nil
, this function only examines named
This function repeatedly finds the parents of node, and returns
the parent that satisfies predicate. predicate can be
either a function that takes a node as argument and returns t
or nil
, or a regexp matching node type names, or other valid
predicates described in treesit-thing-settings
. If no parent
satisfies predicates, this function returns nil
Normally this function only looks at the parents of node but not
node itself. But if include-node is non-nil
, this
function returns node if node satisfies predicate.
This function goes up the tree starting from node, and keeps doing so as long as the nodes satisfy predicate, a function that takes a node as argument. That is, this function returns the highest parent of node that still satisfies predicate. Note that if node satisfies predicate but its immediate parent doesn’t, node itself is returned.
This function returns the highest parent of node that has the
same type as node. If no such parent exists, it returns
. Therefore this function is also useful for testing
whether node is top-level.
If predicate is nil
, this function uses node’s type
to find the parent. If predicate is non-nil
, this
function searches the parent that satisfies predicate. If
include-node is non-nil
, this function returns node
if node satisfies predicate.
Next: Accessing Node Information, Previous: Using Tree-sitter Parser, Up: Parsing Program Source [Contents][Index]