Next: Other Display Specifications, Previous: Specified Spaces, Up: The display
Property [Contents][Index]
The value of the :width
, :align-to
, :height
and :ascent
properties can be a special kind of expression that
is evaluated during redisplay. The result of the evaluation is used
as an absolute number of pixels.
The following expressions are supported:
expr ::= num | (num) | unit | elem | pos | image | xwidget | form num ::= integer | float | symbol unit ::= in | mm | cm | width | height
elem ::= left-fringe | right-fringe | left-margin | right-margin | scroll-bar | text pos ::= left | center | right form ::= (num . expr) | (op expr ...) op ::= + | -
The form num specifies a fraction of the default frame font
height or width. The form (num)
specifies an absolute
number of pixels. If num is a symbol, symbol, its
buffer-local variable binding is used; that binding can be either a
number or a cons cell of the forms shown above (including yet another
cons cell whose car
is a symbol that has a buffer-local
The in
, mm
, and cm
units specify the number of
pixels per inch, millimeter, and centimeter, respectively. The
and height
units correspond to the default width
and height of the current face. An image specification of the form
(image . props)
(see Image Descriptors)
corresponds to the width or height of the specified image. Similarly,
an xwidget specification of the form (xwidget . props)
stands for the width or height of the specified xwidget.
See Embedded Native Widgets.
The elements left-fringe
, right-fringe
, right-margin
, scroll-bar
, and
specify the width of the corresponding area of the window.
When the window displays line numbers (see Size of Displayed Text), the width of the text
area is decreased by the screen
space taken by the line-number display.
The left
, center
, and right
positions can be
used with :align-to
to specify a position relative to the left
edge, center, or right edge of the text area. When the window
displays line numbers, and :align-to
is used in display
properties of buffer text (as opposed to header line, see below), the
and the center
positions are offset to account for
the screen space taken by the line-number display.
Any of the above window elements (except text
) can also be
used with :align-to
to specify that the position is relative to
the left edge of the given area. Once the base offset for a relative
position has been set (by the first occurrence of one of these
symbols), further occurrences of these symbols are interpreted as the
width of the specified area. For example, to align to the center of
the left-margin, use
:align-to (+ left-margin (0.5 . left-margin))
If no specific base offset is set for alignment, it is always relative to the left edge of the text area. For example, ‘:align-to 0’ aligns with the first text column in the text area. When the window displays line numbers, the text is considered to start where the space used for line-number display ends.
A value of the form (num . expr)
stands for the
product of the values of num and expr. For example,
(2 . in)
specifies a width of 2 inches, while (0.5 .
specifies half the width (or height) of the specified
image (which should be given by its image spec).
The form (+ expr ...)
adds up the value of the
expressions. The form (- expr ...)
negates or subtracts
the value of the expressions.
Text shown in the header line that uses :align-to
specifications is not automatically realigned when
is turned on and off, or when the
width of line numbers on display changes. To arrange for the
header-line text alignment to be updated, thus keeping the header-line
text aligned with the buffer text, turn on the
in the buffer and use its two
variables, header-line-indent
, in the display specification.
See Window Header Lines. Here’s a simple example:
(setq header-line-format (concat (propertize " " 'display '(space :align-to (+ header-line-indent-width 10))) "Column"))
This will keep the text ‘Column’ on the header line aligned with
column 10 of buffer text, regardless of whether
is on or off, and also when
line-number display changes its width.
Next: Other Display Specifications, Previous: Specified Spaces, Up: The display
Property [Contents][Index]