Next: Buffer File Name, Previous: The Current Buffer, Up: Buffers [Contents][Index]
Each buffer has a unique name, which is a string. Many of the functions that work on buffers accept either a buffer or a buffer name as an argument. Any argument called buffer-or-name is of this sort, and an error is signaled if it is neither a string nor a buffer. Any argument called buffer must be an actual buffer object, not a name.
Buffers that are ephemeral and generally uninteresting to the user
have names starting with a space, so that the list-buffers
commands don’t mention them (but if such a buffer
visits a file, it is mentioned). A name starting with
space also initially disables recording undo information; see
This function returns the name of buffer as a string. buffer defaults to the current buffer.
If buffer-name
returns nil
, it means that buffer
has been killed. See Killing Buffers.
(buffer-name) ⇒ "buffers.texi"
(setq foo (get-buffer "temp")) ⇒ #<buffer temp>
(kill-buffer foo) ⇒ nil
(buffer-name foo) ⇒ nil
foo ⇒ #<killed buffer>
This function renames the current buffer to newname. An error is signaled if newname is not a string.
Ordinarily, rename-buffer
signals an error if newname is
already in use. However, if unique is non-nil
, it modifies
newname to make a name that is not in use. Interactively, you can
make unique non-nil
with a numeric prefix argument.
(This is how the command rename-uniquely
is implemented.)
This function returns the name actually given to the buffer.
This function returns the buffer specified by buffer-or-name.
If buffer-or-name is a string and there is no buffer with that
name, the value is nil
. If buffer-or-name is a buffer, it
is returned as given; that is not very useful, so the argument is usually
a name. For example:
(setq b (get-buffer "lewis")) ⇒ #<buffer lewis>
(get-buffer b) ⇒ #<buffer lewis>
(get-buffer "Frazzle-nots") ⇒ nil
See also the function get-buffer-create
in Creating Buffers.
This function returns a name that would be unique for a new buffer—but does not create the buffer. It starts with starting-name, and produces a name not currently in use for any buffer by appending a number inside of ‘<…>’. It starts at 2 and keeps incrementing the number until it is not the name of an existing buffer.
If the optional second argument ignore is non-nil
, it
should be a string, a potential buffer name. It means to consider
that potential buffer acceptable, if it is tried, even if it is the
name of an existing buffer (which would normally be rejected). Thus,
if buffers named ‘foo’, ‘foo<2>’, ‘foo<3>’ and
‘foo<4>’ exist,
(generate-new-buffer-name "foo") ⇒ "foo<5>" (generate-new-buffer-name "foo" "foo<3>") ⇒ "foo<3>" (generate-new-buffer-name "foo" "foo<6>") ⇒ "foo<5>"
See the related function generate-new-buffer
in Creating Buffers.
This function returns the previous name of buffer, before it was killed or before the last time it was renamed. If nil or omitted, buffer defaults to the current buffer.
Next: Buffer File Name, Previous: The Current Buffer, Up: Buffers [Contents][Index]