Next: Completion and the Minibuffer, Up: Completion [Contents][Index]
The following completion functions have nothing in themselves to do with minibuffers. We describe them here to keep them near the higher-level completion features that do use the minibuffer.
This function returns the longest common substring of all possible completions of string in collection.
collection is called the completion table. Its value must be a list of strings or cons cells, an obarray, a hash table, or a completion function.
compares string against each of the
permissible completions specified by the completion table. If no
permissible completions match, it returns nil
. If there is
just one matching completion, and the match is exact, it returns
. Otherwise, it returns the longest initial sequence common
to all possible matching completions.
If collection is a list, the permissible completions are
specified by the elements of the list, each of which should be either
a string, or a cons cell whose CAR is either a string or a symbol
(a symbol is converted to a string using symbol-name
). If the
list contains elements of any other type, those are ignored.
If collection is an obarray (see Creating and Interning Symbols), the names of all symbols in the obarray form the set of permissible completions.
If collection is a hash table, then the keys that are strings or symbols are the possible completions. Other keys are ignored.
You can also use a function as collection. Then the function is
solely responsible for performing completion; try-completion
returns whatever this function returns. The function is called with
three arguments: string, predicate and nil
third argument is so that the same function can be used
in all-completions
and do the appropriate thing in either
case). See Programmed Completion.
If the argument predicate is non-nil
, then it must be a
function of one argument, unless collection is a hash table, in
which case it should be a function of two arguments. It is used to
test each possible match, and the match is accepted only if
predicate returns non-nil
. The argument given to
predicate is either a string or a cons cell (the CAR of
which is a string) from the alist, or a symbol (not a symbol
name) from the obarray. If collection is a hash table,
predicate is called with two arguments, the string key and the
associated value.
In addition, to be acceptable, a completion must also match all the
regular expressions in completion-regexp-list
. (Unless
collection is a function, in which case that function has to
handle completion-regexp-list
In the first of the following examples, the string ‘foo’ is
matched by three of the alist CARs. All of the matches begin with
the characters ‘fooba’, so that is the result. In the second
example, there is only one possible match, and it is exact, so the
return value is t
(try-completion "foo" '(("foobar1" 1) ("barfoo" 2) ("foobaz" 3) ("foobar2" 4))) ⇒ "fooba"
(try-completion "foo" '(("barfoo" 2) ("foo" 3))) ⇒ t
In the following example, numerous symbols begin with the characters ‘forw’, and all of them begin with the word ‘forward’. In most of the symbols, this is followed with a ‘-’, but not in all, so no more than ‘forward’ can be completed.
(try-completion "forw" obarray) ⇒ "forward"
Finally, in the following example, only two of the three possible
matches pass the predicate test
(the string ‘foobaz’ is
too short). Both of those begin with the string ‘foobar’.
(defun test (s) (> (length (car s)) 6)) ⇒ test
(try-completion "foo" '(("foobar1" 1) ("barfoo" 2) ("foobaz" 3) ("foobar2" 4)) 'test) ⇒ "foobar"
This function returns a list of all possible completions of
string. The arguments to this function
are the same as those of try-completion
, and it
uses completion-regexp-list
in the same way that
If collection is a function, it is called with three arguments:
string, predicate and t
; then all-completions
returns whatever the function returns. See Programmed Completion.
Here is an example, using the function test
shown in the
example for try-completion
(defun test (s) (> (length (car s)) 6)) ⇒ test
(all-completions "foo" '(("foobar1" 1) ("barfoo" 2) ("foobaz" 3) ("foobar2" 4)) 'test) ⇒ ("foobar1" "foobar2")
This function returns non-nil
if string is a valid
completion alternative specified by collection and
predicate. The arguments are the same as in
. For instance, if collection is a list of
strings, this is true if string appears in the list and
predicate is satisfied.
This function uses completion-regexp-list
in the same
way that try-completion
If predicate is non-nil
and if collection contains
several strings that are equal to each other, as determined by
according to completion-ignore-case
then predicate should accept either all or none of them.
Otherwise, the return value of test-completion
is essentially
If collection is a function, it is called with three arguments,
the values string, predicate and lambda
; whatever
it returns, test-completion
returns in turn.
This function returns the boundaries of the field on which collection will operate, assuming that string holds the text before point and suffix holds the text after point.
Normally completion operates on the whole string, so for all normal
collections, this will always return (0 . (length
. But more complex completion, such as completion on
files, is done one field at a time. For example, completion of
will include "/usr/share/"
but not
even if "/usr/share/doc"
Also all-completions
on "/usr/sh"
will not include
but only "share/"
. So if string is
and suffix is "e/doc"
will return (5 . 1)
which tells us
that the collection will only return completion information that
pertains to the area after "/usr/"
and before "/doc"
is not affected by nontrivial boundaries; e.g.,
on "/usr/sh"
might still return
, not "share/"
If you store a completion alist in a variable, you should mark the
variable as risky by giving it a non-nil
property. See File Local Variables.
If the value of this variable is non-nil
, case is not
considered significant in completion. Within read-file-name
this variable is overridden by
(see Reading File Names); within read-buffer
, it is overridden by
(see High-Level Completion Functions).
This is a list of regular expressions. The completion functions only
consider a completion acceptable if it matches all regular expressions
in this list, with case-fold-search
(see Searching and Case)
bound to the value of completion-ignore-case
Do not set this variable to a non-nil
value globally, as that
is not safe and will probably cause errors in completion commands.
This variable should be only let-bound to non-nil
values around
calls to basic completion functions: try-completion
, and all-completions
This macro provides a way to initialize the variable var as a collection for completion in a lazy way, not computing its actual contents until they are first needed. You use this macro to produce a value that you store in var. The actual computation of the proper value is done the first time you do completion using var. It is done by calling fun with no arguments. The value fun returns becomes the permanent value of var.
Here is an example:
(defvar foo (lazy-completion-table foo make-my-alist))
There are several functions that take an existing completion table and
return a modified version. completion-table-case-fold
a case-insensitive table. completion-table-in-turn
combine multiple input tables in
different ways. completion-table-subvert
alters a table to use
a different initial prefix. completion-table-with-quoting
returns a table suitable for operating on quoted text.
filters a table with a
predicate function. completion-table-with-terminator
adds a
terminating string.
Next: Completion and the Minibuffer, Up: Completion [Contents][Index]