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There are several ways to access slot values in an object. The following accessors are defined by CLOS to reference or modify slot values, and use the previously mentioned set/ref routines.
This function retrieves the value of slot from object.
It can also be used on objects defined by cl-defstruct
This is a generalized variable that can be used with setf
modify the value stored in slot.
See Generalized Variables in GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual.
This function sets the value of slot from object.
This is not a CLOS function. It is therefore
recommended to use (setf (slot-value object slot) value)
This function unbinds slot in object. Referencing an unbound slot can signal an error.
The following accessors follow a naming and argument-order conventions are similar to those used for referencing vectors (see Vectors in GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual).
This macro retrieves the value stored in obj in the named
slot. Unlike slot-value
, the symbol for slot must
not be quoted.
This is a generalized variable that can be used with setf
modify the value stored in slot. See Generalized
Variables in GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual.
This macro returns the value of the class-allocated slot from class.
This is a generalized variable that can be used with setf
modify the value stored in slot. See Generalized
Variables in GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual.
This macro sets the value behind slot to value in object. It returns value.
This macro sets the value for the class-allocated slot in class to value.
For example, if a user wanted all data-objects
(see Building Classes) to inform a special object of his own devising when they
changed, this can be arranged by simply executing this bit of code:
(oset-default data-object reference (list my-special-object))
In OBJECT’s slot, add item to the list of elements. Optional argument append indicates we need to append to the list. If item already exists in the list in slot, then it is not added. Comparison is done with equal through the member function call. If slot is unbound, bind it to the list containing item.
In OBJECT’s slot, remove occurrences of item. Deletion is done with delete, which deletes by side effect and comparisons are done with equal. If slot is unbound, do nothing.
Bind spec-list lexically to slot values in object, and execute body.
This establishes a lexical environment for referring to the slots in
the instance named by the given slot-names as though they were
variables. Within such a context the value of the slot can be
specified by using its slot name, as if it were a lexically bound
variable. Both setf
and setq
can be used to set the value of the
spec-list is of a form similar to let. For example:
Where each var is the local variable given to the associated slot. A slot specified without a variable name is given a variable name of the same name as the slot.
(defclass myclass () ((x :initform 1))) (setq mc (make-instance 'myclass)) (with-slots (x) mc x) => 1 (with-slots ((something x)) mc something) => 1
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