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8.8.3 ede-proj-target-makefile

Inheritance Tree:

See ede-target.


See ede-proj-target.


See semantic-ede-proj-target-grammar, See ede-proj-target-makefile-objectcode, See ede-proj-target-elisp, See ede-proj-target-makefile-miscelaneous, See ede-proj-target-makefile-info.


Type: string
Default Value: "Makefile"

File name of generated Makefile.


Type: boolean
Default Value: t

Non-nil means the rule created is part of the all target. Setting this to nil creates the rule to build this item, but does not include it in the all: rule.


Type: list
Default Value: nil

Makefile variables appended to use in different configurations. These variables are used in the makefile when a configuration becomes active. Target variables are always renamed such as foo_CFLAGS, then included into commands where the variable would usually appear.


Type: list
Default Value: nil

Arbitrary rules and dependencies needed to make this target. It is safe to leave this blank. Specialized Methods

Method: ede-proj-makefile-dependencies :AFTER this

Return a string representing the dependencies for THIS. Some compilers only use the first element in the dependencies, others have a list of intermediates (object files), and others don’t care. This allows customization of how these elements appear.

Method: project-compile-target :AFTER obj &optional command

Compile the current target program OBJ. Optional argument COMMAND is the s the alternate command to use.

Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-rules :AFTER this

Insert rules needed by THIS target.

Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-variables :AFTER this &optional moresource

Insert variables needed by target THIS. Optional argument MORESOURCE is a list of additional sources to add to the sources variable.

Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-commands :AFTER this

Insert the commands needed by target THIS. For targets, insert the commands needed by the chosen compiler.

Method: ede-proj-makefile-configuration-variables :AFTER this configuration

Return a list of configuration variables from THIS. Use CONFIGURATION as the current configuration to query.

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