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2.7.49 Algebra Tutorial Exercise 2

Suppose our roots are ‘[a, b, c]’. We want a polynomial which is zero when ‘x’ is any of these values. The trivial polynomial ‘x-a’ is zero when ‘x=a’, so the product ‘(x-a)(x-b)(x-c)’ will do the job. We can use a c x to write this in a more familiar form.

1:  34 x - 24 x^3          1:  [1.19023, -1.19023, 0]
    .                          .

    r 2                        a P x RET

1:  [x - 1.19023, x + 1.19023, x]     1:  x*(x + 1.19023) (x - 1.19023)
    .                                     .

    V M ' x-$ RET                         V R *

1:  x^3 - 1.41666 x        1:  34 x - 24 x^3
    .                          .

    a c x RET                  24 n *  a x

Sure enough, our answer (multiplied by a suitable constant) is the same as the original polynomial.