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Dr.Geo is a dynamic application written in Pharo Smalltalk. This means that it is possible to modify it within itself as it is running. We have exploited this feature with the Numerics→Use a script command to define sketch items in Dr.Geo which are in fact Smalltalk scripts – code snippets – to extend the possibilities of Dr.Geo dynamically, without limit. But what exactly is Smalltalk?
Smalltalk is an object-oriented, dynamically typed, reflective programming language. Smalltalk was created as the language to underpin the "new world" of computing exemplified by "human–computer symbiosis." It was designed and created in part for educational use, more so for constructionist learning, at the Learning Research Group (LRG) of Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) by Alan Kay, Dan Ingalls, Adele Goldberg, Ted Kaehler, Scott Wallace, and others during the 1970s. The language was first generally released as Smalltalk-80. Smalltalk-like languages are in continuing active development, and have gathered loyal communities of users around them. ANSI Smalltalk was ratified in 1998 and represents the standard version of Smalltalk.6
In this definition, object-oriented means that everything in Smalltalk is an object defined in a class, with its behavior determined by methods defined in that class. This is in contrast with the notion of a variable associated with a data type in most programming languages, where the type system sets few limits on what can be done with values.
In statically typed languages, the type of a variable has to be declared before it can be used, and that type cannot be changed within the program. In particular, the sizes of arrays and other composite data structures must be declared in advance. In dynamically typed languages, a variable name can be repurposed to refer to an object of a different class with a simple assignment, items can be added to or removed from data structures at will, and the class definition can be changed while a program is running.
Reflection in programming languages refers to the ability to examine and modify properties of objects within the live system, rather than having to read the source code in which variables are declared to determine their types and infer their properties. Reflection tools in Smalltalk include the system browser, the inspector, the object explorer, and the method finder.
This abstract from the book preface Pharo By Example7 describes the Smalltalk environment used by Dr.Geo:
Pharo is a modern Open Source development environment for the classic Smalltalk-80 programming language.
Pharo strives to offer a lean, Open Source platform for professional software development, and a robust and stable platform for research and development into dynamic languages and environments.
Dr.Geo uses the Smalltalk environment to create a comfortable environment for writing scripts providing access to the programming interfaces for geometric objects. These interfaces are the set of methods in the definitions of the types of the objects.
Thus the user can write scripts to manipulate the sketch items, and as scripts pinned in the sketch are also sketch items, they do not need to be in separate files, but can be saved in the sketch file.
Scripts are not edited as sketch items but as methods stored globally in Smalltalk. Using a script and pinning the result in a sketch makes it part of the sketch so that it can be saved and reloaded with the sketch. However, there is no way to keep scripts in different sketches separate if they are open at the same time. This is a design bug, because users will often have all of their work polluted with scripts meant to be used in other sketches, unless they exercise great care to avoid this. In fact, the default state of Dr.Geo contains a number of useless scripts that could have been put into the examples category or even omitted, so that any new session would start with an empty scripts category.
A workaround is to close Dr.Geo and open a new session after working with a sketch containing multiple scripts and before creating any new sketch, which can then begin without any extraneous scripts.
While it is possible to put scripts for a sketch into a new category for creating them, it is not possible to select by category when using a script. Furthermore, in the use a script dialog, scripts seem to be offered in random order. It is certainly not alphabetical or temporal order.
Scripts in Dr.Geo are executed in the Pharo Smalltalk environment. The user thus benefits from the excellent developer tools of the environment: class browser, inspector, debugger, etc. The user wishing to explore the power of scripts is invited to study the book Pharo By Example, where he or she will learn the Smalltalk language and its environment.
For our purposes in this chapter, it is necessary mainly to understand how to use a Workspace. Open a new Workspace by clicking in the background and selecting Tools→Workspace. The workspace provides
Text editing capabilities in a Workspace consist of the usual Cut, Copy, and Paste; Find and Replace; Undo and Do again. An Extended search function displays information about selected items using various development tools. There are also Accept and Cancel functions. Typing in the Workspace causes a highlight to appear at the upper right of the window. Accept checkpoints the contents of the window, empties the undo stack, and causes the highlight to disappear. Editing and then cancelling takes the window back to the last checkpoint without having to undo each action individually.
When editing, object names appear in blue, method names and symbols such as := in black, and unrecognized text in red. This includes incomplete names, undeclared local variables, and also syntax errors. When the user is typing a selector, a menu appears showing selectors starting with the typed text that are usable in the current context, that is, for the object that will receive this message. Move up or down in the menu with the arrow keys, and accept the highlighted selector by pressing the tab key. If the selector has more than one part, all of the parts are entered into the workspace.
Development tools provided on the workspace menu, accessed by right-clicking in the workspace, are
Development tools accessible in the Extended search menu are the following.
Each one opens the tool specified on the text selected or on an object that that text names, if any. If there is none, a message may appear saying so.
Some of the functions of these development tools can be discovered through exploration, clicking on every button to see what happens. For further details see Pharo Smalltalk documentation.
There are two phases to using scripts:
The tool to create or edit a script is on the menu Numeric→Edit a script. It is also reachable from the toolbar.
The tool to use a script is on the menu Numeric→Use a script. It is also reachable from the toolbar.
A script can be defined to receive 0 or more arguments (input parameters). After selecting a script to insert in the sketch, the user clicks on the items used as arguments. Then a final click somewhere in the background sets the location for the returned value.
In the following section, we present a few script examples so that the function and power of scripting will be more easily understood. The script and the macro construction give a special dimension to Dr.Geo – with a different positioning8 – to let the user go into areas that the software was not initially planned for.
It is important to understand that most Pharo Smalltalk resources are accessible in scripts. This is particularly true for the class and method libraries9, which we will use a lot.
The procedure to create a script without an input parameter is as follows:
Within the script editor window there are three panes:
myFirstScript "Hello, World is the traditional first program in any language. It simply displays a text message." ^ 'Hello, World!'.
Save the script with Ctrl-s. Dr.Geo will ask your last name and first name to track the history of the script modifications. The first script line, myFirstScript is the name of the script, followed by the source code. It is followed by an optional comment of one or more lines between quotation marks. The comment should usually explain the purpose of the script, what are the expected parameters, and what are the conditions for its use. We strongly encourage you to document carefully to prevent confusion and error.
The script editor can now be closed.
Once the script selected, click on the sketch at the place to pin it. In this example the script only returns the message “ Hello, World ! ”. The returned value is always printed in the sketch. If necessary it is converted to a text representation.
In the following examples, we only give the source code of the Smalltalk scripts. To use them in Dr.Geo, just follow the steps explained previously.
If you need a simple random generator for numbers between 1 and 10, the following script exactly does that:
random "I return a random number continuously updated" ^ 10 atRandom.
At each sketch update, it generates a different random number in the interval [1 ; 10]. Updates occur when the sketch is changed by dragging an object.
In case you prefer a random decimal number in the interval [0 ; 1], use this script:
random2 "I return a random decimal number continuously updated from 0 to 1" ^ (101 atRandom -1) / 100.
Some details:
To access an approximate value of pi with the maximum precision available in Smalltalk:
pi ^ Float pi
This returns 3.141592653589793.
or e :
e ^ Float e
This returns 2.718281828459045.
These returned values are usable in the same way as any other value generated by Dr.Geo. Even for such small things, the script is your friend. But it can do much more interesting things when it receives input parameters.
Indeed, so far the scripts have had no arguments, so that it was not necessary to select items in the sketch when inserting the script in the construction. Of course the real interest in scripts comes from returning the values of numerical computation, pinned in the sketch for use with other constructions or scripts. In the following sections we show the use of scripts in a cascade.
The procedure to create a script with one input parameter is mostly the same:
For example to calculate the distance from the origin to a point, we write the following script:
distanceToOrigin: item "Return the distance from origin to a point" ^ item point dist: 0@0
A few explanations:
Attention: If an item other than a point is selected when a point is expected, Dr.Geo throws an error, opening a debugger window stating the problem and offering further information. The debugger window can be safely closed. To continue, select the script again.
Depending on the type of argument received by the script, various methods are available: to get its value, its coordinate, etc. A list of the methods you can use is presented below (See api-dgs).
Let’s say we want to calculate the distance between two points. To do so we create a script with two input parameters inserted on the name line of the script. We name it distance:to:, where each “:” indicates the place of the parameter. Therefore in the script editor we write the following source code:
distance: item1 to: item2 "Calculate the distance between two points" ^ item1 point dist: item2 point
item1 and item2 are the names of the two parameters, which can be chosen freely. To use this script, proceed as in the previous example: select two points in the construction and click somewhere in the sketch to pin the result of the script.
In the following section, we present a more complex sketch, integrating a cascading use of scripts to construct the curve of a function and its tangent at a mobile point of the curve.
The final sketch is in the Dr.Geo folder examples. It is named Curve and slope.fgeo.
In a new empty sketch, we construct a horizontal segment, then add to this segment a free point named “Move me!”. This point will be the base to construct the curve as a locus.
so that our first construction simply defines a function. To do so, we use a Smalltalk object named block of code (an anonymous function in Scheme and some other languages). We name this script myFunction, without parameter:
myFunction "Definition of our function" ^ [:x | x cos]
Next we insert the function in the sketch12 So the block of code returned by myFunction expects one argument :x and it returns the cosine of that argument. We see later how to manipulate this script.
Now we calculate the coordinates of a point on the curve. We use our point “Move me!” abscissa and our function previously defined. Our script will have one unique point argument; as we will see we do not need to pass myFunction as argument:
pointM: item "Return a point on the curve of myFunction and driven by item point" ^ item point x @(self myFunction value: item point x)
The point returned by this script has the same abscissa as the argument, and its ordinate is the image of that abscissa by the function.
Now we use this script pointM: with the point “Move me!” as argument; the result of this script is of the form 1.2@0.5 representing a pair of coordinates.
With the tool , Points→Coordinates, we
create a point with its coordinates specified by the result of this
The locus tool , Lines→Locus, gives the
curve after selecting our two points.
We calculate an approximation of the slope at a given point thus:
p = (f(x + 0.001) - f(x)) / 0.001
This is directly translated in the script slope: with a single argument, the point at which to approximate the slope:
slope: item "Compute the slope at the given x point position for myFunction" | f x | f := self myFunction. x := item point x. ^ (f value: x + 0.001) - (f value: x) / 0.001
Next we insert this script in the construction.
To construct our tangent we need two points: one on the curve – we have it already – and a second one on the line. For this last one we use the previously calculated slope. Let’s write a second script computing this second point’s coordinates:
pointN: item "Given an initial point, calculate the coordinates of a point on the tangent" | p x | p := self slope: item. x := item point x + 1. ^ x (item point y + p)
With the protocol of the class Point – message + sent to a point – this script can be written in one line:
pointN: item "Given an initial point, calculate the coordinates of a point on the tangent" ^ item point + (1@ (self slope: item))
We use this script with argument the point on the curve. We get as result the coordinates of the second point on the tangent. With these inputs we construct the second point13. The tangent is the line defined by this point and the point on the curve.
When moving the point “Move me!”, the tangent is recomputed. Equally interesting: modifying the script myFunction updates the whole construction accordingly. A few examples of modifications to this script:
^ [:x | x * x / 10] ^ [:x | x cos + (10 * x) sin] ^ [:x | (x * 5) cos + x abs]
An argument passed to a script is always a reference to an instance of a class from the hierarchy DrGMathItem,the base class of all items used in a construction. So to know about the messages you can send to an argument passed to a script, it is wise to examine the hierarchy of DrGMathItem. It contains more than 80 classes, but because of class inheritance, only a few classes are interesting to explore:
To explore these classes, open a workspace – Ctrl-k after a click in the background of the environment – input and mouse select the class name to explore then press the shortcut Ctrl-b to open a class browser on it.
The following sections contain descriptions of some useful messages, ordered by class.
The protocol of the class DrGMathItem concerns all types of argument passed to a script.
⇒ text representing the item name
name := point1 safeName. ^ name asUppercase.
To use this method in a script, create a Dr.Geo math item and give it a name with the style function. Then create the script
myName: item ^item safeName
and use it as usual, clicking on the point and then a place to put the result. Note that changing the name of the item and then forcing an update, for example by moving the item, updates the result of the script.
⇒ boolean indicating whether the item exists in the current state of the sketch
line exist ifTrue: [ position := line origin ].
⇒ collection of the parents of this item
point1 := segment parents first.
In this example, the parents of a segment joining two points are returned as an array containing the two points. In contrast, the parents of a free point are returned as nil.
vector, a vector (x,y) representing the displacement
Move an item in a given direction, if possible while respecting its constraints.
circle move: 2@1.
aPoint, coordinates ⇒ coordinates of the point on “curve” the closest to “aPoint”.
This works when the curve is a line, a segment, a vector, an arc, a circle, a polygon, or a locus.
position := segment closestPointTo: 2@1. [..] position := arc closestPointTo: 2@1.
A point item – point object defined in a Dr.Geo construction – passed as argument to a script is a complex object. It can be a free point on the plane, on a line, an intersection, etc. A few methods can be useful in scripts.
⇒ coordinates of this item
abscissa := pointItem point x.
For example, with this script
showOrdinate: aDrGeoPoint "ordinate of point" ^ aDrGeoPoint point y
The user would invoke this script, pick a point, and pin the result in the sketch showing the ordinate of the selected point.
aPoint, coordinates
⇒ modify the coordinate of “item”
pointItem point: 5@2.
⇒ curvilinear abscissa of this point, in the interval [0 ; 1]
a := pointItem abscissa.
a, decimal number in the interval [0 ; 1]
⇒ modify the curvilinear abscissa of a free point on a line
pointItem abscissa: 0.5.
aPoint, coordinates where to displace “item”
⇒ displace “item” to the given position
point moveAt: 2@1.
aPoint, coordinates (x,y) of a point
⇒ number in [0 ; 1] curvilinear abscissa of “aPoint” on “curve”
a := curve abscissaOf: 2@1.
anAbscissa, number in [0 ; 1]
⇒ coordinates of a point on “curve” with curvilinear abscissa equal to “anAbscissa”
myPoint := curve pointAt: 0.5.
aPoint, coordinates (x, y) of a point
⇒ boolean indicating if the “aPoint” is on “curve”
(curve contains: 0@1) ifTrue: [^ 'Yes!'] ifFalse: [^ 'No!'].
⇒ coordinates of the origin of this item
item origin.
⇒ vector (x, y) indicating the item direction
v := item direction. slope := v y / v x.
⇒ unit vector normal to the item direction
n := item normal.
⇒ length of the segment
segment := canvas segment: 0@0 to: 5@5. l := segment length
⇒ coordinates of the extremity 1
segment := canvas segment: 0@0 to: 5@5. p := segment extremity1.
⇒ coordinates of the extremity 2
segment := canvas segment: 0@0 to: 5@5. p := segment extremity2
⇒ coordinates of the middle of the segment
segment := canvas segment: 0@0 to: 5@5. m := segment middle
⇒ coordinates of the centre of the circle or arc
c := item center.
⇒ radius of the circle or arc
r := item radius
⇒ length of the circle, arc or polygon
l := arc length
⇒ value of this item
n1 := item2 valueItem. n2 := item2 valueItem. n1 + n2.
v, decimal number
⇒ modify the value of a free value item
item valueItem: 5.2.
aPoint, coordinates (x, y) of a point
⇒ displace at the screen the position of a value item
item position: 0.5@2.
⇒ measure of this angle item in degrees
angle1 := a1 degreeAngle.
⇒ measure of this angle item in radians
angle1 := a1 radianAngle.
Wikipedia Smalltalk article ( Page view the 24 Jully 2013. Contents under the license CC-BY-SA 3.0 (
A macro construction is geometry oriented whereas a script is numerically/computation oriented.
For example, mathematical functions.
To learn about the protocol of this class, write its name in a workspace, select it with the mouse then press the keys Ctrl-b. A class browser opens on this class to navigate in its protocol and source code.
As we can see because its name ends in “:”
It is important to add it to the construction to get it included in the file when the sketch is saved.
Tool Points→Coordinates
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