| Index Entry | | Section |
- | | |
| --collapse-delimiter : | | Invoking datamash |
| --field-separator : | | Invoking datamash |
| --field-separator : | | Groupby on /etc/passwd |
| --filler : | | Invoking datamash |
| --filler : | | Reverse and Transpose |
| --format : | | Invoking datamash |
| --full : | | Invoking datamash |
| --group : | | Invoking datamash |
| --header-in : | | Invoking datamash |
| --header-in : | | Header Lines and Column Names |
| --header-out : | | Invoking datamash |
| --header-out : | | Header Lines and Column Names |
| --header-out : | | Crosstab |
| --headers : | | Invoking datamash |
| --headers : | | Header Lines and Column Names |
| --help : | | Invoking datamash |
| --ignore-case : | | Invoking datamash |
| --narm : | | Invoking datamash |
| --no-strict : | | Invoking datamash |
| --no-strict : | | Reverse and Transpose |
| --output-delimiter : | | Invoking datamash |
| --round : | | Invoking datamash |
| --skip-comments : | | Invoking datamash |
| --sort : | | Invoking datamash |
| --sort-cmd : | | Invoking datamash |
| --version : | | Invoking datamash |
| --whitespace : | | Invoking datamash |
| --zero-terminated : | | Invoking datamash |
| -C : | | Invoking datamash |
| -c : | | Invoking datamash |
| -f : | | Invoking datamash |
| -g : | | Invoking datamash |
| -H : | | Invoking datamash |
| -H : | | Header Lines and Column Names |
| –header-out, crosstab and: | | Crosstab |
| -i : | | Invoking datamash |
| -R : | | Invoking datamash |
| -s : | | Invoking datamash |
| -t : | | Invoking datamash |
| -t : | | Invoking datamash |
| -t : | | Groupby on /etc/passwd |
| -W : | | Invoking datamash |
| -z : | | Invoking datamash |
/ | | |
| /etc/passwd, examples: | | Groupby on /etc/passwd |
B | | |
| bin : | | Binning numbers |
| binning numbers: | | Binning numbers |
| binning strings: | | Binning strings |
| buckets, binning numbers: | | Binning numbers |
| buckets, binning strings: | | Binning strings |
| bug reporting: | | Reporting bugs |
C | | |
| ceil : | | Rounding numbers |
| check: | | Check |
| check, in automation and shell scripts: | | Check |
| checking tabular structure: | | Check |
| checklist for bug reports: | | Reporting bugs |
| collapse: | | Groupby on /etc/passwd |
| column names: | | Header Lines and Column Names |
| column ranges: | | Column Ranges |
| columns, reverse: | | Reverse and Transpose |
| count : | | Crosstab |
| count: | | Groupby on /etc/passwd |
| count, crosstab and: | | Crosstab |
| cross tabulation: | | Crosstab |
| crosstab: | | Crosstab |
| crosstab and –header-out: | | Crosstab |
| crosstab and sum: | | Crosstab |
| crosstab and unique: | | Crosstab |
D | | |
| delimiters, tabs: | | Field Delimiters |
| delimiters, whitespace: | | Field Delimiters |
E | | |
| example, grouping: | | Overview |
| example, sorting: | | Overview |
| example, statistics: | | Overview |
| example, sum: | | Overview |
| examples, /etc/passwd: | | Groupby on /etc/passwd |
| examples, header: | | Header Lines and Column Names |
| examples, header: | | Header Lines and Column Names |
| examples, header-in: | | Header Lines and Column Names |
| examples, header-out: | | Header Lines and Column Names |
| examples, headers: | | Header Lines and Column Names |
| examples, max: | | Summary Statistics |
| examples, mean: | | Summary Statistics |
| examples, median: | | Summary Statistics |
| examples, min: | | Summary Statistics |
| examples, quartiles: | | Summary Statistics |
| examples, standard deviation: | | Summary Statistics |
| examples, summary statistics: | | Summary Statistics |
| examples, usage: | | Usage Examples |
F | | |
| fail fast: | | Check |
| field delimiters: | | Field Delimiters |
| field names: | | Header Lines and Column Names |
| floor : | | Rounding numbers |
| frac : | | Rounding numbers |
G | | |
| getnum : | | Extracting numeric values |
| groupby: | | Groupby on /etc/passwd |
| groupby, and collapse: | | Groupby on /etc/passwd |
| groupby, and count: | | Groupby on /etc/passwd |
| grouping: | | Overview |
| grouping: | | Invoking datamash |
H | | |
| header, examples: | | Header Lines and Column Names |
| header-in, examples: | | Header Lines and Column Names |
| header-out, examples: | | Header Lines and Column Names |
| headers, examples: | | Header Lines and Column Names |
| help: | | Invoking datamash |
I | | |
| input validation, transpose: | | Reverse and Transpose |
| invoking: | | Invoking datamash |
L | | |
| LC_NUMERIC : | | Invoking datamash |
| line filtering operation: | | Available Operations |
| login shell, examples: | | Groupby on /etc/passwd |
M | | |
| max, examples: | | Summary Statistics |
| mean, examples: | | Summary Statistics |
| median, examples: | | Summary Statistics |
| min, examples: | | Summary Statistics |
| missing values, transpose: | | Reverse and Transpose |
| multiple columns: | | Column Ranges |
N | | |
| numbers, extracting from a field: | | Extracting numeric values |
| numeric operations: | | Available Operations |
O | | |
| operations, line filtering: | | Available Operations |
| operations, numeric: | | Available Operations |
| operations, per-line: | | Available Operations |
| operations, primary: | | Available Operations |
| operations, statistical: | | Available Operations |
| operations, statistical: | | Statistical Operations |
| operations, textual: | | Available Operations |
| options: | | Invoking datamash |
| overview: | | Overview |
P | | |
| patches, contributing: | | Reporting bugs |
| Per-Line operations: | | Available Operations |
| pivot tables: | | Crosstab |
| primary operations: | | Available Operations |
| problems: | | Reporting bugs |
Q | | |
| quartiles, examples: | | Summary Statistics |
R | | |
| ranges, columns: | | Column Ranges |
| reporting bugs: | | Reporting bugs |
| reverse columns: | | Reverse and Transpose |
| reverse, and transpose: | | Reverse and Transpose |
| reverse, strict: | | Reverse and Transpose |
| reversing lines: | | Reverse and Transpose |
| round : | | Rounding numbers |
| rounding numbers: | | Rounding numbers |
S | | |
| shell scripts, check: | | Check |
| sorting: | | Overview |
| sorting: | | Invoking datamash |
| sorting: | | Invoking datamash |
| standard deviation, examples: | | Summary Statistics |
| Statistical operations: | | Available Operations |
| statistical operations: | | Statistical Operations |
| statistics: | | Statistical Operations |
| strbin : | | Binning strings |
| strict mode: | | Reverse and Transpose |
| strict, reverse: | | Reverse and Transpose |
| strict, transpose: | | Reverse and Transpose |
| sum : | | Crosstab |
| sum, crosstab and: | | Crosstab |
| summary statistics example: | | Summary Statistics |
| swap rows, columns: | | Reverse and Transpose |
T | | |
| tab delimiters: | | Field Delimiters |
| tac: | | Reverse and Transpose |
| Textual operations: | | Available Operations |
| transpose: | | Reverse and Transpose |
| transpose, and reverse: | | Reverse and Transpose |
| transpose, filler value: | | Reverse and Transpose |
| transpose, input validation: | | Reverse and Transpose |
| transpose, missing values: | | Reverse and Transpose |
| transpose, strict: | | Reverse and Transpose |
| trunc : | | Rounding numbers |
U | | |
| unique : | | Crosstab |
| unique, crosstab and: | | Crosstab |
| usage: | | Invoking datamash |
| usage examples: | | Usage Examples |
W | | |
| whitespace delimiters: | | Field Delimiters |