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2.4 Complexity Statistics

The statistics are displayed both as a table and as a histogram, See section Example Output. It is under the control of the —histogram option. The statistics are for each non-comment source line and each source line is given the score of its encompassing procedure. This way, larger procedures are given proportionally more weight than one line procedures.

The histogram is broken up into three ranges. Scores of 0 through 99 are displayed in 10 point groupings, 100 through 999 in 100 point groupings and 1000 and above (good grief!!, but they exist) are in 1000 point groupings. The number of asterisks represent the number of lines of code that are in procedures that score in the specified range.

The tabular statistics are also based on lines, not procedures.

Average line score

This is the procedure score times the non-comment line count, all added up and divided by the total non-comment source lines found.

25%-ile score
50%-ile score
75%-ile score
Highest score

Since the distribution of scores is nothing like a bell curve, the mean and standard deviation do not give a very clear picture of the distribution of the scores. Typically, the standard deviation is larger than the average score. So, instead the program prints the the four quartile scores. The score for which 25, 50, and 75 percent of code is scored less than, plus the highest scoring procedure (100 percent of code scores less than or equal to that score).

Unscored procedures

If any procedures were found that could not be scored, the number of such procedures is printed.

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This document was generated by Bruce Korb on May 15, 2011 using texi2html 1.82.