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11 Using cflow in Makefiles.

If you wish to use cflow to analyze your project sources, ‘Makefile’ or ‘Makefile.am’ is the right place to do so. In this chapter we will describe a generic rule for ‘Makefile.am’. If you do not use automake, you can deduce the rule for plain ‘Makefile’ from this one.

Here is a check list of steps to do to set up a ‘Makefile.am’ framework:

As an example, here are the relevant statements which we use in cflowsrc/Makefile.am’:


cflow.cflow: $(cflow_CFLOW_INPUT) cflow.rc Makefile
	CFLOWRC=$(top_srcdir)/src/cflow.rc \
	 cflow -ocflow.cflow $(CFLOW_FLAGS) $(DEFS) \
                    $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) \
	            $(CPPFLAGS) \

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