ccScript 5.1.0
ucommon::Script::checks | A container class for compile-time check methods |
CountedObject | |
ucommon::Script | Compiled script container |
debug | |
testing | |
interp | |
testing | |
ucommon::Script::keyword | NAMESPACE_UCOMMON A structure to introduce new core commands to the runtime engine |
ucommon::Script::line | Basic compiled statement |
LinkedObject | |
ucommon::Script::event | An event block for a script |
ucommon::Script::header | Header describes a script section |
ucommon::Script::strict | Contains defined variables found by scope when strict is used |
ucommon::Script::symbol | Contains instance of a runtime symbol |
memalloc | |
ucommon::Script | Compiled script container |
ucommon::Script::interp | An instance of the runtime interpreter |
ucommon::Script::methods | Runtime methods collection class |
OrderedObject | |
ucommon::Script::error | A class to collect compile-time errors |
ucommon::Script::stack_t | Runtime stack for each interpreter instance |