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11.3 Using msg2smtp.pl as an interface to mutt

GNU Anubis is shipped with msg2smtp.pl — a perl script designed as an interface between it and mutt. The script is kindly contributed by Michael de Beer.

The script is located in the subdirectory ‘contrib’ of GNU Anubis distribution. Copy it to any convenient location, e.g.:

cp anubis-4.3/contrib/msg2smtp.pl /usr/local/libexec

and add the following line to your ‘.muttrc’:

set sendmail="/usr/local/libexec/msg2smtp.pl -h hostname -p port"

where hostname and port specify the host name (or IP address) of the machine running anubis and the port it listens on, respectively.

A complete description of msg2smtp.pl and a discussion of its command line switches can be found in file ‘contrib/msg2smtp.txt’.

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