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2.1 Game Options

-plane plane
Select plane as your aircraft. Valid options are F-16, MiG-29, C-172.
-team team_id
The team id is used to determine in which point of the map are you going to start (all players with the same team id start in the same point).
-frame-rate rate
Limits the displayed frame rate to n frames per second. If neither ‘-frame-rate’ nor ‘-update-rate’ are specified, ACM updates the display as fast as possible, effectively eating all available CPU time.
-update-rate rate
Sets the simulation update rate to n interations per second. If neither ‘-frame-rate’ nor ‘-update-rate’ are specified, ACM updates the display as fast as possible, effectively eating all available CPU time. If ‘-frame-rate’ is supplied alone the update rate defaults to 50 hertz.
Print statistics about the actual display frame rate on standard output.