# LANGUAGE translation of https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html
# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the original article.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: license-list.html\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-26 19:55+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#. type: Content of: <title>
msgid ""
"Various Licenses and Comments about Them - GNU Project - Free Software "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <style>
#, no-wrap
msgid "#legend blockquote:before { content: \"Code for the left border\"; }\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <style>
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"#legend dl.green dt:after {\n"
"   content: \"Free licenses, compatible with the GNU GPL\";\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <style>
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"#legend dl.purple dt:after {\n"
"   content: \"Free licenses, compatible with the FDL\";\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <style>
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"#legend dl.orange dt:after {\n"
"   content: \"Free licenses, incompatible with the GNU GPL and FDL\";\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <style>
#, no-wrap
msgid "#legend dl.red dt:after { content: \"Nonfree licenses\"; }\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <style>
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"#legend dl.blue dt:after { content: \"Licenses for works stating a "
"viewpoint\"; }\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <h2>
msgid "Various Licenses and Comments about Them"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><h3>
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><ul><li>
msgid "<a href=\"#Introduction\">Introduction</a>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><ul><li>
msgid "<a href=\"#SoftwareLicenses\">Software Licenses</a>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><ul><li><ul><li>
msgid ""
"<a href=\"#GPLCompatibleLicenses\"> GPL-Compatible Free Software "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><ul><li><ul><li>
msgid ""
"<a href=\"#GPLIncompatibleLicenses\"> GPL-Incompatible Free Software "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><ul><li><ul><li>
msgid "<a href=\"#NonFreeSoftwareLicenses\">Nonfree Software Licenses</a>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><ul><li>
msgid "<a href=\"#DocumentationLicenses\">Licenses For Documentation</a>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><ul><li><ul><li>
msgid "<a href=\"#FreeDocumentationLicenses\">Free Documentation Licenses</a>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><ul><li><ul><li>
msgid ""
"<a href=\"#NonFreeDocumentationLicenses\"> Nonfree Documentation "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><ul><li>
msgid "<a href=\"#OtherLicenses\">Licenses for Other Works</a>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><ul><li><ul><li>
msgid ""
"<a href=\"#OtherLicenses\">Licenses for Works of Practical Use besides "
"Software and Documentation</a>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><ul><li><ul><li>
msgid "<a href=\"#Fonts\">Licenses for Fonts</a>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><ul><li><ul><li>
msgid ""
"<a href=\"#OpinionLicenses\">Licenses for Works stating a Viewpoint (e.g., "
"Opinion or Testimony)</a>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><ul><li><ul><li>
msgid "<a href=\"#Designs\">Licenses for Designs for Physical Objects</a>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><h3>
msgid "Introduction"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <p>
msgid "We classify a license according to certain key criteria:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <ul><li>
msgid ""
"Whether it qualifies as a <a href=\"/philosophy/free-sw.html\">free "
"software</a> license."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <ul><li>
msgid "Whether it is a <a href=\"/licenses/copyleft.html\">copyleft</a> license."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <ul><li>
msgid ""
"Whether it is <a "
"href=\"/licenses/gpl-faq.html#WhatDoesCompatMean\">compatible with the GNU "
"GPL</a>.  Unless otherwise specified, compatible licenses are compatible "
"with both GPLv2 and GPLv3."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <ul><li>
msgid "Whether it causes any particular practical problems."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <p>
msgid ""
"We try to list the most commonly encountered free software license on this "
"page, but cannot list them all; we'll try our best to answer questions about "
"free software licenses whether or not they are listed here.  The licenses "
"are more or less in alphabetical order within each section."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <p>
msgid ""
"If you believe you have found a violation of one of our licenses, please "
"refer to our <a href=\"/licenses/gpl-violation.html\">license violation "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <p>
msgid ""
"If you've started a new project and you're not sure what license to use, <a "
"href=\"/licenses/license-recommendations.html\">&ldquo;How to choose a "
"license for your own work&rdquo;</a> details our recommendations in an "
"easy-to-follow guide."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: outside any tag (error?)
msgid "<a id=\"LicensingEmailAddress\"></a>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <p>
msgid ""
"If you have questions about free software licenses, you can email us at <a "
"href=\"mailto:licensing@fsf.org\">&lt;licensing@fsf.org&gt;</a>.  Because "
"our resources are limited, we do not answer questions that are meant to "
"assist proprietary software development or distribution, and you'll likely "
"get an answer faster if you ask a specific question that isn't already "
"covered here or in <a href=\"/licenses/gpl-faq.html\">our FAQ</a>.  We <a "
"href=\"https://www.fsf.org/volunteer\">welcome knowledgeable volunteers</a> "
"who want to help answer licensing questions."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <p>
msgid ""
"If you are contemplating writing a new license, please also contact us at <a "
"href=\"mailto:licensing@fsf.org\">&lt;licensing@fsf.org&gt;</a>. The "
"proliferation of different free software licenses is a significant problem "
"in the free software community today, both for users and developers.  We "
"will do our best to help you find an existing free software license that "
"meets your needs."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <p>
msgid ""
"If you are wondering what license a particular software package is using, "
"please visit the <a href=\"https://directory.fsf.org\">Free Software "
"Directory</a>, which catalogs thousands of free software packages and their "
"licensing information."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><div><h3>
msgid "Software Licenses"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><div><h4>
msgid "<span id=\"FreeLicenses\"></span> GPL-Compatible Free Software Licenses"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><div>
msgid ""
"<span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><p>
msgid ""
"<strong>The following licenses qualify as <a "
"href=\"/philosophy/free-sw.html\">free software</a> licenses, and are <a "
"href=\"/licenses/gpl-faq.html#WhatDoesCompatMean\">compatible</a> with the "
"<a href=\"#GNUGPL\">GNU GPL</a>.</strong>"
msgstr ""

#.  both generic and version-specific anchors 
#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"GNUGPL\"></a> <a id=\"GNUGPLv3\" href=\"/licenses/gpl.html\"> GNU "
"General Public License (GPL) version 3</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a href=\"#GNUGPL\">#GNUGPL</a>)  (<a "
"href=\"#GNUGPLv3\">#GNUGPLv3</a>)  </span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is the latest version of the GNU GPL: a free software license, and a "
"copyleft license.  We recommend it for most software packages."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Please note that GPLv3 is not compatible with GPLv2 by itself.  However, "
"most software released under GPLv2 allows you to use the terms of later "
"versions of the GPL as well.  When this is the case, you can use the code "
"under GPLv3 to make the desired combination.  To learn more about "
"compatibility between GNU licenses, please <a "
"href=\"/licenses/gpl-faq.html#AllCompatibility\">see our FAQ</a>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"GPLv2\" href=\"/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html\"> GNU General "
"Public License (GPL) version 2</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is the previous version of the GNU GPL: a free software license, and a "
"copyleft license.  We recommend <a href=\"#GNUGPL\">the latest version</a> "
"for most software."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Please note that GPLv2 is, by itself, not compatible with GPLv3.  However, "
"most software released under GPLv2 allows you to use the terms of later "
"versions of the GPL as well.  When this is the case, you can use the code "
"under GPLv3 to make the desired combination.  To learn more about "
"compatibility between GNU licenses, please <a "
"href=\"/licenses/gpl-faq.html#AllCompatibility\">see our FAQ</a>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"LGPL\"></a> <a id=\"LGPLv3\" href=\"/licenses/lgpl.html\"> GNU "
"Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 3</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a href=\"#LGPL\">#LGPL</a>)  (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is the latest version of the LGPL: a free software license, but not a "
"strong copyleft license, because it permits linking with nonfree modules.  "
"It is compatible with GPLv3.  We recommend it for <a "
"href=\"/licenses/why-not-lgpl.html\">special circumstances only</a>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Please note that LGPLv3 is not compatible with GPLv2 by itself.  However, "
"most software released under GPLv2 allows you to use the terms of later "
"versions of the GPL as well.  When this is the case, you can use the code "
"under GPLv3 to make the desired combination.  To learn more about "
"compatibility between GNU licenses, please <a "
"href=\"/licenses/gpl-faq.html#AllCompatibility\">see our FAQ</a>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"LGPLv2.1\" href=\"/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html\"> GNU Lesser "
"General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a href=\"#LGPLv2.1\">#LGPLv2.1</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is the previous version of the LGPL: a free software license, but not a "
"strong copyleft license, because it permits linking with nonfree modules.  "
"It is compatible with GPLv2 and GPLv3.  We generally recommend <a "
"href=\"#LGPL\">the latest version of the LGPL</a>, <a "
"href=\"/licenses/why-not-lgpl.html\">for special circumstances only</a>.  To "
"learn more about how LGPLv2.1 is compatible with other GNU licenses, please "
"<a href=\"/licenses/gpl-faq.html#AllCompatibility\">see our FAQ</a>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"AGPL\"></a> <a id=\"AGPLv3.0\" href=\"/licenses/agpl.html\"> GNU "
"Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a href=\"#AGPL\">#AGPL</a>)  (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software, copyleft license.  Its terms effectively consist of "
"the terms of GPLv3, with an additional paragraph in section 13 to allow "
"users who interact with the licensed software over a network to receive the "
"source for that program.  We recommend that developers consider using the "
"GNU AGPL for any software which will commonly be run over a network."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Please note that the GNU AGPL is not compatible with GPLv2.  It is also "
"technically not compatible with GPLv3 in a strict sense: you cannot take "
"code released under the GNU AGPL and convey or modify it however you like "
"under the terms of GPLv3, or vice versa.  However, you are allowed to "
"combine separate modules or source files released under both of those "
"licenses in a single project, which will provide many programmers with all "
"the permission they need to make the programs they want.  See section 13 of "
"both licenses for details."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"GNUAllPermissive\" "
"href=\"/prep/maintain/html_node/License-Notices-for-Other-Files.html\"> GNU "
"All-Permissive License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a lax, permissive free software license, compatible with the GNU "
"GPL, which we recommend GNU packages use for README and other small "
"supporting files.  All developers can feel free to use it in similar "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Older versions of this license did not have the second sentence with the "
"express warranty disclaimer.  This same analysis applies to both versions."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"apache2\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Apache2.0\"> "
"Apache License, Version 2.0</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid "This is a free software license, compatible with version 3 of the GNU GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Please note that this license is not compatible with GPL version 2, because "
"it has some requirements that are not in that GPL version.  These include "
"certain patent termination and indemnification provisions.  The patent "
"termination provision is a good thing, which is why we recommend the Apache "
"2.0 license for substantial programs over other lax permissive licenses."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"ArtisticLicense2\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:ArtisticLicense2.0\"> Artistic "
"License 2.0</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This license is a free software license, compatible with the GPL thanks to "
"the relicensing option in section 4(c)(ii)."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"ClarifiedArtistic\" href= "
"\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Clarified_Artistic_License_1.0\"> "
"Clarified Artistic License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This license is a free software license, compatible with the GPL.  It is the "
"minimal set of changes needed to correct the vagueness of the <a "
"href=\"#ArtisticLicense\">Artistic License 1.0</a>."
msgstr ""

#.  misspelled id, leave for compatibility 
#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"BerkleyDB\"></a> <a id=\"BerkeleyDB\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Sleepycat\"> Berkeley Database "
"License</a> (a.k.a. the Sleepycat Software Product License)  <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid "This is a free software license, compatible with the GNU GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"boost\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Boost1.0\"> "
"Boost Software License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a lax, permissive non-copyleft free software license, compatible "
"with the GNU GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"ModifiedBSD\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:BSD_3Clause\"> Modified BSD "
"license</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is the original BSD license, modified by removal of the advertising "
"clause.  It is a lax, permissive non-copyleft free software license, "
"compatible with the GNU GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid "This license is sometimes referred to as the 3-clause BSD license."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The modified BSD license is not bad, as lax permissive licenses go, though "
"the Apache 2.0 license is preferable.  However, it is risky to recommend use "
"of &ldquo;the BSD license&rdquo;, even for special cases such as small "
"programs, because confusion could easily occur and lead to use of the flawed "
"<a href=\"#OriginalBSD\"><em>original</em> BSD license</a>.  To avoid this "
"risk, you can suggest the X11 license instead.  The X11 license and the "
"modified BSD license are more or less equivalent."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"However, the Apache 2.0 license is better for substantial programs, since it "
"prevents patent treachery."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"CeCILL\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:CeCILLv2\"> "
"CeCILL version 2</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The CeCILL is a free software license, explicitly compatible with the GNU "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The text of the CeCILL uses a couple of biased terms that ought to be "
"avoided: <a href=\"/philosophy/not-ipr.html\">&ldquo;intellectual "
"property&rdquo;</a> and <a "
"href=\"/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Protection\"> "
"&ldquo;protection&rdquo;</a>; this decision was unfortunate, because reading "
"the license tends to spread the presuppositions of those terms.  However, "
"this does not cause any particular problem for the programs released under "
"the CeCILL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Section 9.4 of the CeCILL commits the program's developers to certain forms "
"of cooperation with the users, if someone attacks the program with a "
"patent.  You might look at that as a problem for the developer; however, if "
"you are sure you would want to cooperate with the users in those ways "
"anyway, then it isn't a problem for you."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"clearbsd\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:ClearBSD\"> "
"The Clear BSD License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license, compatible with both GPLv2 and GPLv3.  It "
"is based on the <a href=\"#ModifiedBSD\">modified BSD license</a>, and adds "
"a term expressly stating it does not grant you any patent licenses.  Because "
"of this, we encourage you to be careful about using software under this "
"license; you should first consider whether the licensor might want to sue "
"you for patent infringement.  If the developer is refusing users patent "
"licenses to set up a trap for you, it would be wise to avoid the program."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"CryptixGeneralLicense\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:CryptixGL\"> Cryptix General "
"License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a lax, permissive non-copyleft free software license, compatible "
"with the GNU GPL. It is nearly identical to the <a href=\"#FreeBSD\">FreeBSD "
"(also called &ldquo;2-clause BSD&rdquo;) license</a>."
msgstr ""

#.  without decimal, leave for compatibility 
#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"eCos20\"></a> <a id=\"eCos2.0\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:ECos2.0\"> eCos license "
"version 2.0</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The eCos license version 2.0 is a GPL-compatible free software license.  It "
"consists of the GPL, plus an exception allowing linking to software not "
"under the GPL.  This license has the same <a "
"href=\"/philosophy/why-not-lgpl.html\">disadvantages</a> as the LGPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"ECL2.0\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:ECL2.0\"> "
"Educational Community License 2.0</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> "
"(<a href=\"#ECL2.0\">#ECL2.0</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license, and it is compatible with GPLv3.  It is "
"based on the <a href=\"#apache2\">Apache License 2.0</a>; the scope of the "
"patent license has changed so that when an organization's employee works on "
"a project, the organization does not have to license all of its patents to "
"recipients.  This patent license and the indemnification clause in "
"section&nbsp;9 make this license incompatible with GPLv2."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Eiffel\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:EFLv2\"> "
"Eiffel Forum License, version 2</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license, compatible with the GNU GPL.  <a "
"href=\"https://opensource.org/license/efl-1-0/\">Previous releases</a> of "
"the Eiffel license are not compatible with the GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"EUDataGrid\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:EUDataGrid\"> EU DataGrid "
"Software License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Expat\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Expat\"> Expat "
"License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Some people call this license &ldquo;the MIT License,&rdquo; but that term "
"is misleading, since MIT has used many licenses for software.  It is also "
"ambiguous, since the same people also call the <a href=\"#X11License\">X11 "
"license</a> &ldquo;the MIT License,&rdquo; failing to distinguish them.  We "
"recommend not using the term &ldquo;MIT License.&rdquo;"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The difference between the X11 license and the Expat license is that the X11 "
"license contains an extra paragraph about using the X Consortium's name.  It "
"is not a big deal, but it is a real difference."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"For substantial programs it is better to use the Apache 2.0 license since it "
"blocks patent treachery."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"FreeBSD\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=License:FreeBSD\"> FreeBSD "
"license</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is the original BSD license with the advertising clause and another "
"clause removed.  (It is also sometimes called the &ldquo;2-clause BSD "
"license&rdquo;.)  It is a lax, permissive non-copyleft free software "
"license, compatible with the GNU GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Our comments about the <a href=\"#ModifiedBSD\">Modified BSD license</a> "
"apply to this license too."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"freetype\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:FreeType\"> "
"Freetype Project License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license, and compatible with GPLv3.  It has some "
"attribution requirements which make it incompatible with GPLv2."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"HPND\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Historical_Permission_Notice_and_Disclaimer\"> "
"Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer </a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a href=\"#HPND\">#HPND</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a lax, permissive, and weak free software license that is compatible "
"with the GPL. It is similar to the license of <a "
"href=\"#Python1.6a2\">Python 1.6a2 and earlier versions</a>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"iMatix\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=License:SFL\"> "
"License of the iMatix Standard Function Library</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a href=\"#iMatix\">#iMatix</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid "This is a free software license and is GPL compatible."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"imlib\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Imlib2\"> "
"License of imlib2</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license, and GPL-compatible.  The author has "
"explained to us that the GPL's options for providing source all mean the "
"source has been &ldquo;made available publicly&rdquo; in their words."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"ijg\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=License:JPEG\"> "
"Independent JPEG Group License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license, and compatible with the GNU GPL.  The "
"authors have assured us that developers who document changes as required by "
"the GPL will also comply with the similar requirement in this license."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"informal\"> Informal license</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a href=\"#informal\">#informal</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"An &ldquo;informal license&rdquo; means a statement such as &ldquo;do "
"whatever you like with this&rdquo; or &ldquo;you can redistribute this code "
"and change it.&rdquo;"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"In the United States, these licenses are supposed to be interpreted based on "
"what the author seems to intend.  So they probably mean what they appear to "
"mean.  That would make them non-copyleft free software licenses and "
"compatible with the GNU GPL.  However, an unlucky choice of wording could "
"give it a different meaning."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"However, many other countries have a more rigid approach to copyright "
"licenses.  There is no telling what courts in those countries might decide "
"an informal statement means.  Courts might even decide that it is not a "
"license at all."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"If you want your code to be free, don't invite gratuitous trouble for your "
"users.  Please choose and apply an established free software license.  We "
"offer <a href=\"/licenses/license-recommendations.html\"> "
"recommendations</a> that we suggest you follow."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"intel\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:IntelACPI\"> "
"Intel Open Source License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"ISC\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:ISC\"> ISC "
"License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This license is sometimes also known as the OpenBSD License. It is a free "
"software license, and compatible with the GNU GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This license had an unfortunate wording choice: it provided recipients with "
"&ldquo;Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this "
"software&hellip;&rdquo; This was the same language from the license of Pine "
"that the University of Washington later claimed prohibited people from "
"distributing modified versions of the software."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"ISC has told us they do not share the University of Washington's "
"interpretation, and we have every reason to believe them. ISC also updated "
"the license to read &ldquo;Permission to use, copy, modify, "
"<strong>and/or</strong> distribute this software&hellip;&rdquo; While the "
"inclusion of &ldquo;and/or&rdquo; doesn't completely solve the issue, "
"there's no reason to avoid software released under this license. However, to "
"help make sure this language cannot cause any trouble in the future, we "
"encourage developers to choose a different license for their own works. The "
"<a href=\"#FreeBSD\">FreeBSD License</a> is similarly permissive and "
"brief. However, if you want a lax, weak license, we recommend using the "
"Apache 2.0 license."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"MPL-2.0\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:MPLv2.0\">Mozilla Public "
"License (MPL) version 2.0</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license.  Section 3.3 provides indirect "
"compatibility between this license and the GNU GPL version 2.0, the GNU LGPL "
"version 2.1, the GNU AGPL version 3, and all later versions of those "
"licenses.  When you receive work under MPL 2.0, you may make a &ldquo;Larger "
"Work&rdquo; that combines that work with work under those GNU licenses.  "
"When you do, section 3.3 gives you permission to distribute the MPL-covered "
"work under the terms of the same GNU licenses, with one condition: you must "
"make sure that the files that were originally under the MPL are still "
"available under the MPL's terms as well.  In other words, when you make a "
"combination this way, the files that were originally under the MPL will be "
"dual licensed under the MPL and the GNU license(s).  The end result is that "
"the Larger Work, as a whole, will be covered under the GNU license(s).  "
"People who receive that combination from you will have the option to use any "
"files that were originally covered by the MPL under that license's terms, or "
"distribute the Larger Work in whole or in part under the GNU licenses' terms "
"with no further restrictions."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"It's important to understand that the condition to distribute files under "
"the MPL's terms only applies to the party that first creates and distributes "
"the Larger Work.  If it applied to their recipients as well, it would be a "
"further restriction and incompatible with the GPL and AGPL.  That said, when "
"you make contributions to an existing project, we usually <a "
"href=\"/licenses/license-recommendations.html#contributing\">recommend that "
"you keep your changes under the same license</a>, even when you're not "
"required to do so.  If you receive a work under a GNU license where some "
"files are also under the MPL, you should only remove the MPL from those "
"files when there's a strong reason to justify it."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Check the license notices on the MPL-covered software before you make a "
"Larger Work this way.  Parties who release original work under MPL 2.0 may "
"choose to opt out of this compatibility by including a sentence in the "
"license notices that says that the work is &ldquo;Incompatible With "
"Secondary Licenses.&rdquo; Any software that includes this notice is "
"<strong>not</strong> compatible with the GPL or AGPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Software under previous versions of the MPL can be upgraded to version 2.0, "
"but any software that isn't already available under one of the listed GNU "
"licenses <strong>must</strong> be marked as Incompatible With Secondary "
"Licenses.  This means that software that's only available under previous "
"versions of the MPL is still incompatible with the GPL and AGPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"NCSA\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:IllinoisNCSA\"> "
"NCSA/University of Illinois Open Source License</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a href=\"#NCSA\">#NCSA</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This license is based on the terms of the <a href=\"#Expat\">Expat</a> and "
"<a href=\"#ModifiedBSD\">modified BSD</a> licenses.  It is a lax, permissive "
"non-copyleft free software license, compatible with the GNU GPL."
msgstr ""

#.  lc `s', leave for compatibility 
#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"NetscapeJavascript\"></a> <a id=\"NetscapeJavaScript\"></a> License "
"of Netscape JavaScript <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is the disjunction of the <a href=\"#NPL\">Netscape Public License</a> "
"and the <a href=\"/licenses/gpl.html\">GNU GPL</a>.  Because of that, it is "
"a free software license, compatible with the GNU GPL, but not a strong "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"newOpenLDAP\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:OpenLDAPv2.7\"> OpenLDAP "
"License, Version 2.7</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a permissive non-copyleft free software license that is compatible "
"with the GNU GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"PerlLicense\">License of Perl 5 and below</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This license is the disjunction of the <a href=\"#ArtisticLicense\">Artistic "
"License 1.0</a> and the <a href=\"/licenses/gpl.html\">GNU GPL</a>&mdash;in "
"other words, you can choose either of those two licenses.  It qualifies as a "
"free software license, but it may not be a real copyleft.  It is compatible "
"with the <a href=\"/licenses/gpl.html\">GNU GPL</a> because the GNU GPL is "
"one of the alternatives."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"We recommend you use this license for any Perl 4 or Perl 5 package you "
"write, to promote coherence and uniformity in Perl programming.  Outside of "
"Perl, we urge you not to use this license; it is better to use just the GNU "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"PublicDomain\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:PublicDomain\"> Public "
"Domain</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Being in the public domain is not a license; rather, it means the material "
"is not copyrighted and no license is needed.  Practically speaking, though, "
"if a work is in the public domain, it might as well have an all-permissive "
"non-copyleft free software license.  Public domain material is compatible "
"with the GNU GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"If you want to release your work to the public domain, we encourage you to "
"use formal tools to do so.  Our solution is to ask people who make small "
"contributions to GNU to sign a disclaimer form.  If you're working on a "
"project that doesn't have formal contribution policies, contact the project "
"to discuss how best to contribute within the project's licensing model."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Python\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=License:Python2.0.1\"> License "
"of Python 2.0.1, 2.1.1, and newer versions</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a href=\"#Python\">#Python</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license and is compatible with the GNU GPL.  Please "
"note, however, that intermediate versions of Python (1.6b1, through 2.0 and "
"2.1) are under a different license (<a href=\"#PythonOld\">see below</a>)."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Python1.6a2\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=License:Python1.6a2\"> License "
"of Python 1.6a2 and earlier versions</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license and is compatible with the GNU GPL.  Please "
"note, however, that newer versions of Python are under other licenses (see "
"above and below)."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Ruby\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Ruby\"> License "
"of Ruby</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license, compatible with the GPL via an explicit "
"dual-licensing clause."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"SGIFreeB\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:SGIFreeBv2\"> SGI Free "
"Software License B, version 2.0</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The SGI Free Software License B version 2.0 is a free software license.  It "
"is essentially identical to the <a href=\"#X11License\">X11 License</a>, "
"with an optional alternative way of providing license notices."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Previous versions of the SGI Free Software License B were not free software "
"licenses, despite their name.  However, they all included clauses that allow "
"you to upgrade to new versions of the license, if you choose to do so.  As a "
"result, if a piece of software was released under any version of the SGI "
"Free License B, you can use it under the terms of this free version."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"StandardMLofNJ\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:StandardMLofNJ\"> Standard ML "
"of New Jersey Copyright License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Unicode\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Unicode\"> "
"Unicode, Inc. License Agreement for Data Files and Software</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a href=\"#Unicode\">#Unicode</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a license that Unicode, Inc. has applied to the Unicode Character "
"Database&mdash;various data files that developers can use to help implement "
"the Unicode standard in their own programs.  It is a lax permissive license, "
"compatible with all versions of the GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"If you want to use files covered by this License Agreement in your own "
"software, that shouldn't be any problem, but we recommend that you also "
"include a full copy of its text.  Some of the files contain alternative "
"license terms which are nonfree, or no licensing information at all, so "
"including a copy of the License Agreement will help avoid confusion when "
"others want to distribute your software.  Of course, you'll also need to "
"follow the conditions in this License Agreement for distributing the files, "
"but those are very straightforward."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Please take care to ensure that the files you are using are covered by this "
"License Agreement.  Other files published by Unicode, Inc. are covered by "
"the Unicode Terms of Use, a different, nonfree license that appears on the "
"same page but covers different files.  A short explanation at the top of "
"this License Agreement details which files it covers."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Please do not use this License Agreement for your own software.  If you want "
"to use a lax permissive license for your project, please use the <a "
"href=\"#Expat\">Expat license</a> for a small program and the Apache 2.0 "
"license for a substantial program.  These are far more common, and widely "
"recognized in the free software community."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"UPL\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Universal_Permissive_License\"> "
"Universal Permissive License (UPL)</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> "
"(<a href=\"#UPL\">#UPL</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a lax, permissive non-copyleft free software license, compatible "
"with the GNU GPL. The license does provide the ability to license patents "
"along with the software work, however, we still recommend the Apache 2.0 "
"license for avoiding patent treachery when choosing to put your work under a "
"lax license."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Unlicense\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:TheUnlicense\"> The "
"Unlicense</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The Unlicense is a public domain dedication.  A work released under the "
"Unlicense is dedicated to the public domain to the fullest extent permitted "
"by law, and also comes with an additional lax license that helps cover any "
"cases where the dedication is inadequate.  Both public domain works and the "
"lax license provided by the Unlicense are compatible with the GNU GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Vim\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Vim7.2\"> "
"License of Vim, Version 6.1 or later</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a href=\"#Vim\">#Vim</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license, partially copyleft but not really. It is "
"compatible with the GPL, by an explicit conversion clause."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"W3C\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:W3C_31Dec2002\"> "
"W3C Software Notice and License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"WebM\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:WebM\"> License "
"of WebM</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Google's WebM implementation is covered by the <a "
"href=\"#ModifiedBSD\">Modified BSD License</a>.  Google also provides a "
"separate patent license (confusingly called an &ldquo;Additional IP Rights "
"Grant&rdquo;) for patents that Google owns or controls that are necessarily "
"infringed by their implementation of WebM.  GPL-covered software can be "
"distributed in compliance with this license's terms: it allows distributors "
"to exercise all of the rights granted by the GPL, while fulfilling all its "
"conditions.  Thus, all of WebM's license is free and GPL-compatible."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"WTFPL\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:WTFPL-2\"> "
"WTFPL, Version 2</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a lax permissive non-copyleft free software license, compatible with "
"the GNU GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"We do not recommend this license.  If you want a lax permissive license for "
"a small program, we recommend the <a href=\"#X11License\">X11 license</a>.  "
"A larger program usually ought to be copyleft; but if you are set on using a "
"lax permissive license for one, we recommend the Apache 2.0 license since it "
"protects users from patent treachery."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:WxWindows_Library_Licence-3.1\"> "
"WxWidgets Library License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The WxWidgets license is a GPL-compatible free software license. It consists "
"of the <a href=\"/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.0.html\">GNU Lesser GPL "
"2.0</a> or any later version, plus an additional permission allowing binary "
"distributions that use the library to be licensed under terms of the "
"distributor's choice (including proprietary).  It is a weak copyleft, even "
"weaker than the LGPL, so we recommend it <a "
"href=\"/licenses/why-not-lgpl.html\"> only in special circumstances</a>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"WxWindows Library License <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid "An older name for the <a href=\"#Wx\">WxWidgets Library license</a>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"X11License\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:X11\"> "
"X11 License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a lax permissive non-copyleft free software license, compatible with "
"the GNU GPL.  Older versions of XFree86 used the same license, and some of "
"the current variants of XFree86 also do.  Later versions of XFree86 are "
"distributed under the <a href=\"#XFree861.1License\">XFree86 1.1 "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Some people call this license &ldquo;the MIT License,&rdquo; but that term "
"is misleading, since MIT has used many licenses for software.  It is also "
"ambiguous, since the same people also call the <a href=\"#Expat\">Expat "
"license</a> &ldquo;the MIT License,&rdquo; failing to distinguish them.  We "
"recommend not using the term &ldquo;MIT License.&rdquo;"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a fine license for a small program.  A larger program usually ought "
"to be copyleft; but if you are set on a lax permissive license for one, we "
"recommend the Apache 2.0 license since it protects users from patent "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"XFree861.1License\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:XFree86_1.1\"> XFree86 1.1 "
"License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a lax, permissive non-copyleft free software license, compatible "
"with version 3 of the GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Please note that this license is incompatible with version 2 of the GPL, "
"because of its requirements that apply to all documentation in the "
"distribution that contain acknowledgements."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"There are currently several variants of XFree86, and only some of them use "
"this license.  Some continue to use the <a href=\"#X11License\">X11 "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"ZLib\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Zlib\"> License "
"of ZLib</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid "This is a free software license, and compatible with the GPL."
msgstr ""

#.  without decimal, leave for compatibility 
#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Zope20\"></a> <a id=\"Zope2.0\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=License:ZopePLv2.1\"> Zope "
"Public License, versions 2.0 and 2.1</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a href=\"#Zope2.0\">#Zope2.0</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a lax, permissive non-copyleft free software license which is "
"compatible with the GNU GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><div><h4>
msgid "GPL-Incompatible Free Software Licenses"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><div>
msgid ""
"<span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><p>
msgid ""
"<strong>The following licenses are <a href=\"/philosophy/free-sw.html\">free "
"software</a> licenses, but are <a "
"href=\"/licenses/gpl-faq.html#WhatIsCompatible\"><em>not compatible</em></a> "
"with the <a href=\"#GNUGPL\">GNU GPL</a>.</strong>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"AGPLv1.0\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:AGPLv1\"> "
"Affero General Public License version 1</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a href=\"#AGPLv1.0\">#AGPLv1.0</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The Affero General Public License is a free software license, copyleft, and "
"incompatible with the GNU GPL.  It consists of the GNU GPL version 2, with "
"one additional section that Affero added with FSF approval.  The new "
"section, 2(d), covers the distribution of application programs through web "
"services or computer networks."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This license has been succeeded by the <a href=\"#AGPLv3.0\">GNU Affero "
"General Public License version 3</a>; please use that instead."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"AcademicFreeLicense\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:AFLv3\"> Academic Free "
"License, all versions through 3.0</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> "
"(<a href=\"#AcademicFreeLicense\">#AcademicFreeLicense</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The Academic Free License is a free software license, not copyleft, and "
"incompatible with the GNU GPL.  Recent versions contain contract clauses "
"similar to the <a href=\"#OSLRant\">Open Software License</a>, and should be "
"avoided for the same reasons."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"apache1.1\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Apache1.1\"> Apache License, "
"Version 1.1</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a permissive non-copyleft free software license.  It has a few "
"requirements that render it incompatible with the GNU GPL, such as strong "
"prohibitions on the use of Apache-related names."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"apache1\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Apache1.0\"> "
"Apache License, Version 1.0</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a lax, permissive non-copyleft free software license with an "
"advertising clause.  This creates <a href=\"/licenses/bsd.html\">practical "
"problems</a> like those of the original BSD license, including "
"incompatibility with the GNU GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"apsl2\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:APSLv2.0\"> "
"Apple Public Source License (APSL), version 2</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a href=\"#apsl2\">#apsl2</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license, incompatible with the GNU GPL.  We "
"recommend that you not use this license for new software that you write, but "
"it is ok to use and improve the software released under this license.  <a "
"href=\"/philosophy/apsl.html\">More explanation.</a>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"bittorrent\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:BitTorrentOSL1.1\"> BitTorrent "
"Open Source License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license, but incompatible with the GPL, for the same "
"reasons as the <a href=\"#josl\">Jabber Open Source License</a>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"OriginalBSD\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:BSD_4Clause\"> Original BSD "
"license</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This license is also sometimes called the &ldquo;4-clause BSD "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a lax, permissive non-copyleft free software license with a serious "
"flaw: the &ldquo;obnoxious BSD advertising clause&rdquo;.  The flaw is not "
"fatal; that is, it does not render the software nonfree.  But it does cause "
"<a href=\"/licenses/bsd.html\">practical problems</a>, including "
"incompatibility with the GNU GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"We urge you not to use the original BSD license for software you write.  If "
"you want to use a lax, permissive non-copyleft free software license, it is "
"much better to use the <a href=\"#ModifiedBSD\">modified BSD license</a>, "
"the X11 license or the Expat license.  Even better, for a substantial "
"program, use the Apache 2.0 license since it takes action against patent "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"However, there is no reason not to use programs that have been released "
"under the original BSD license."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"CeCILL-B\" href=\"https://spdx.org/licenses/CECILL-B\"> CeCILL-B "
"version 1</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The CeCILL-B is a free software license. It is incompatible with the GPL "
"because it has requirements that are not present in the GPL. The credit "
"requirements in section 5.3.4 exceed those of the GPL. It also has a strange "
"requirement that you use your &ldquo;best efforts&rdquo; to get third "
"parties to agree &ldquo;to comply with the obligations set forth in this "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid "Please do not release software under this license."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"CeCILL-C\" href=\"https://spdx.org/licenses/CECILL-C\"> CeCILL-C "
"version 1</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The CeCILL-C is a free software license with a weak copyleft somewhat like "
"the <a href=\"#LGPL\">GNU Lesser General Public License</a>.  It is "
"incompatible with the GNU GPL because it does not contain the explicit "
"GPL-compatibility clause of the <a href=\"#CeCILL\">basic CeCILL</a>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"CDDL\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:CDDLv1.0\"> "
"Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL), version 1.0</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a href=\"#CDDL\">#CDDL</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license.  It has a weak per-file copyleft (like "
"version 1 of the Mozilla Public License) which makes it incompatible with "
"the <a href=\"/licenses/gpl.html\">GNU GPL</a>.  This means a module covered "
"by the GPL and a module covered by the CDDL cannot legally be linked "
"together.  We urge you not to use the CDDL for this reason."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"For an illustrative example of why you should not combine CDDL-licensed "
"works with the GPL-licensed works, see the FSF's statement, <a "
"href=\"https://www.fsf.org/licensing/zfs-and-linux\"> <em>Interpreting, "
"enforcing and changing the GNU GPL, as applied to combining Linux and "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Also unfortunate in the CDDL is its use of the term &ldquo;<a "
"href=\"/philosophy/not-ipr.html\">intellectual property</a>&rdquo;."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"CPAL\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Common_Public_Attribution_License_Version_1.0\"> "
"Common Public Attribution License 1.0 (CPAL)</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a href=\"#CPAL\">#CPAL</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license.  It is based on the <a "
"href=\"#MPL\">Mozilla Public License</a> version 1, and is incompatible with "
"the GPL for the same reasons: it has several requirements for modified "
"versions that do not exist in the GPL.  It also requires you to publish the "
"source of the program if you allow others to use it."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"CommonPublicLicense10\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:CPLv1.0\"> Common Public "
"License Version 1.0</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license.  Unfortunately, its weak copyleft and "
"choice of law clause make it incompatible with the GNU GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Condor\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=License:Condor1.1\"> Condor "
"Public License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Recent versions of Condor (from 6.9.5 on) are released under the <a "
"href=\"#apache2\">Apache License 2.0</a>.  Only older versions of Condor use "
"this license."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The Condor Public License is a free software license.  It has a couple of "
"requirements that make it incompatible with the GNU GPL, including strong "
"restrictions on the use of Condor-related names, and requires redistributors "
"to &ldquo;represent and warrant&rdquo; that they will comply with United "
"States export laws.  (If it made compliance an actual condition of the "
"license, it would not be a free software license.)"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"EPL\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:EPLv1.0\"> "
"Eclipse Public License Version 1.0</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a href=\"#EPL\">#EPL</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The Eclipse Public License is similar to the <a "
"href=\"#CommonPublicLicense10\">Common Public License</a>, and our comments "
"on the CPL apply equally to the EPL.  The only change is that the EPL "
"removes the broader patent retaliation language regarding patent "
"infringement suits specifically against Contributors to the EPL'd program."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"EPL2\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:EPL-2.0\"> "
"Eclipse Public License Version 2.0</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a href=\"#EPL2\">#EPL2</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"In terms of GPL compatibility, the Eclipse Public License version 2.0 is "
"essentially equivalent to version 1.0. The only change is that it explicitly "
"offers the option of designating the GNU GPL version 2 or later as a "
"&ldquo;secondary license&rdquo; for a certain piece of code."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"If an initial contributor releases a specific piece of code and designates "
"GNU GPL version 2 or later as a secondary license, that provides explicit "
"compatibility with those GPL versions for that code. (Doing so is roughly "
"equivalent, for users, to releasing that piece of code under a dual license, "
"EPL | GPL.) However, the EPL2 without this designation remains incompatible "
"with the GPL."
msgstr ""

#.  old id, leave for compatibility 
#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"EUPL\"></a> <a id=\"EUPL-1.1\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:EUPLv1.1\"> European Union "
"Public License (EUPL) version 1.1</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a href=\"#EUPL-1.1\">#EUPL-1.1</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license.  By itself, it has a copyleft comparable to "
"the GPL's, and incompatible with it.  However, it gives recipients ways to "
"relicense the work under the terms of other selected licenses, and some of "
"those&mdash;the <a href=\"#EPL\">Eclipse Public License</a> and the <a "
"href=\"#CommonPublicLicense10\">Common Public License</a> in "
"particular&mdash;only provide a weaker copyleft.  Thus, developers can't "
"rely on this license to provide a strong copyleft."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The EUPL allows relicensing to GPLv2, because that is listed as one of the "
"alternative licenses that users may convert to.  It also, indirectly, allows "
"relicensing to GPL version 3, because there is a way to relicense to the "
"CeCILL v2, and the CeCILL v2 gives a way to relicense to any version of the "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"To do this two-step relicensing, you need to first write a piece of code "
"which you can license under the CeCILL v2, or find a suitable module already "
"available that way, and add it to the program.  Adding that code to the "
"EUPL-covered program provides grounds to relicense it to the CeCILL v2.  "
"Then you need to write a piece of code which you can license under the "
"GPLv3-or-later, or find a suitable module already available that way, and "
"add it to the program.  Adding that code to the CeCILL-covered program "
"provides grounds to relicense it to GPLv3-or-later."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"EUPL-1.2\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:EUPLv1.2\"> "
"European Union Public License (EUPL) version 1.2</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a href=\"#EUPL-1.2\">#EUPL-1.2</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license. By itself, it has a copyleft comparable to "
"the GPL's, and incompatible with it. However, it gives recipients ways to "
"relicense the work under the terms of other selected licenses, and some of "
"those&mdash;the Eclipse Public License in particular&mdash;only provide a "
"weaker copyleft. Thus, developers can't rely on this license to provide a "
"strong copyleft."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The EUPL allows relicensing to GPLv2 only and GPLv3 only, because those "
"licenses are listed as two of the alternative licenses that users may "
"convert to. It also, indirectly, allows relicensing to GPL version&nbsp;3 or "
"any later version, because there is a way to relicense to the CeCILL v2, and "
"the CeCILL v2 gives a way to relicense to any version of the GNU GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"To do this two-step relicensing, you need to first write a piece of code "
"which you can license under the CeCILL v2, or find a suitable module already "
"available that way, and add it to the program. Adding that code to the "
"EUPL-covered program provides grounds to relicense it to the CeCILL v2. Then "
"you need to write a piece of code which you can license under the "
"GPLv3-or-later, or find a suitable module already available that way, and "
"add it to the program. Adding that code to the CeCILL-covered program "
"provides grounds to relicense it to GPLv3-or-later."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"fdk\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:fdk\"> "
"Fraunhofer FDK AAC license</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license as far as it goes. It is incompatible with "
"any version of the GNU GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"It has a special danger in the form of a term expressly stating it does not "
"grant you any patent licenses, with an invitation to buy some.  Because of "
"this, and because the license author is a known patent aggressor, we "
"encourage you to be careful about using or redistributing software under "
"this license: you should first consider whether the licensor might aim to "
"lure you into patent infringement.  If you conclude that the program is bait "
"for a patent trap, it would be wise to avoid the program."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"It is possible that the pertinent patents have expired.  Depending on "
"whether Fraunhofer still has active patents covering the work, the software "
"might be a trap now, or not.  (Of course, any program is potentially "
"threatened by patents, and the only way to end that is to change patent law "
"to <a href=\"/philosophy/limit-patent-effect.html\"> make software safe from "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"gnuplot\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Gnuplot\"> "
"Gnuplot license</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid "This is a free software license, incompatible with the GNU GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"IBMPL\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:IBMPLv1.0\"> "
"IBM Public License, Version 1.0</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license.  Unfortunately, it has a choice of law "
"clause which makes it incompatible with the GNU GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"josl\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:JabberOSLv1.0\"> Jabber Open "
"Source License, Version 1.0</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The license is a free software license, incompatible with the GPL.  It "
"permits relicensing under a certain class of licenses, those which include "
"all the requirements of the Jabber license.  The GPL is not a member of that "
"class, so the Jabber license does not permit relicensing under the GPL.  "
"Therefore, it is not compatible."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"LPPL-1.3a\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:LPPLv1.3a\"> LaTeX Project "
"Public License 1.3a</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"We have not written a full analysis of this license, but it is a free "
"software license, with less stringent requirements on distribution than "
"LPPL&nbsp;1.2 (described next).  It is still incompatible with the GPL "
"because some modified versions must include a copy of or pointer to an "
"unmodified version."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"LPPL-1.2\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:LPPLv1.2\"> "
"LaTeX Project Public License 1.2</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> "
"(<a href=\"#LPPL-1.2\">#LPPL-1.2</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This license is an incomplete statement of the distribution terms for "
"LaTeX.  As far as it goes, it is a free software license, but incompatible "
"with the <a href=\"/licenses/gpl.html\">GPL</a> because it has many "
"requirements that are not in the GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This license contains complex and annoying restrictions on how to publish a "
"modified version, including one requirement that falls just barely on the "
"good side of the line of what is acceptable: that any modified file must "
"have a new name."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The reason this requirement is acceptable for LaTeX is that TeX has a "
"facility to allow you to map file names, to specify &ldquo;use file bar when "
"file foo is requested&rdquo;.  With this facility, the requirement is merely "
"annoying; without the facility, the same requirement would be a serious "
"obstacle, and we would have to conclude it makes the program nonfree."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This condition may cause trouble with some major modifications.  For "
"example, if you wanted to port an LPPL-covered work to another system that "
"lacked a similar remapping facility, but still required users to request "
"this file by name, you would need to implement a remapping facility too to "
"keep this software free.  That would be a nuisance, but the fact that a "
"license would make code nonfree if transplanted into a very different "
"context does not make it nonfree in the original context."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The LPPL says that some files, in certain versions of LaTeX, may have "
"additional restrictions, which could render them nonfree.  For this reason, "
"it may take some careful checking to produce a version of LaTeX that is free "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The LPPL makes the controversial claim that simply having files on a machine "
"where a few other people could log in and access them in itself constitutes "
"distribution.  We believe courts would not uphold this claim, but it is not "
"good for people to start making the claim."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid "Please do not use this license for any other project."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid "Note: These comments are for version 1.2 (3 Sep 1999) of the LPPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"lucent102\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:LucentPLv1.02\"> Lucent Public "
"License Version 1.02 (Plan 9 license)</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license, but it is incompatible with the GNU GPL "
"because of its choice of law clause.  We recommend that you not use this "
"license for new software that you write, but it is ok to use and improve "
"Plan&nbsp;9 under this license."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"ms-pl\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:MsPL\"> "
"Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL)</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license; it has a copyleft that is not strong, but "
"incompatible with the GNU GPL.  We urge you not to use the Ms-PL for this "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"ms-rl\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:MsRL\"> "
"Microsoft Reciprocal License (Ms-RL)</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a href=\"#ms-rl\">#ms-rl</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license.  It's based on the <a "
"href=\"#ms-pl\">Microsoft Public License</a>, and has an additional clause "
"to make the copyleft just a little bit stronger.  It's also incompatible "
"with the GNU GPL, and we urge you not to use the Ms-RL for this reason."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"MPL\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:MPLv1.1\"> "
"Mozilla Public License (MPL) version 1.1</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a href=\"#MPL\">#MPL</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license which is not a strong copyleft; unlike the "
"<a href=\"#X11License\">X11 license</a>, it has some complex restrictions "
"that make it incompatible with the <a href=\"/licenses/gpl.html\">GNU "
"GPL</a>.  That is, a module covered by the GPL and a module covered by the "
"MPL cannot legally be linked together.  We urge you not to use the MPL 1.1 "
"for this reason."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"However, MPL 1.1 has a provision (section 13) that allows a program (or "
"parts of it) to offer a choice of another license as well.  If part of a "
"program allows the GNU GPL as an alternate choice, or any other "
"GPL-compatible license as an alternate choice, that part of the program has "
"a GPL-compatible license."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"MPL version 2.0 has a number of improvements, including GPL-compatibility by "
"default.  <a href=\"#MPL-2.0\">See that entry</a> for details."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"NOSL\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:NOSLv1.0\"> "
"Netizen Open Source License (NOSL), Version 1.0</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a href=\"#NOSL\">#NOSL</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license that is essentially the same as the Mozilla "
"Public License version 1.1.  Like the MPL, the NOSL has some complex "
"restrictions that make it incompatible with the GNU GPL.  That is, a module "
"covered by the GPL and a module covered by the NOSL cannot legally be linked "
"together.  We urge you not to use the NOSL for this reason."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"NPL\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=License:NPLv1.1\"> "
"Netscape Public License (NPL)</a>, versions 1.0 and 1.1 <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a href=\"#NPL\">#NPL</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license, not a strong copyleft, and incompatible "
"with the GNU GPL.  It consists of the Mozilla Public License version 1.1 "
"with an added clause that permits Netscape to use your added code <em>even "
"in their proprietary versions of the program</em>.  Of course, they do not "
"give <em>you</em> permission to use <em>their</em> code in the analogous "
"way.  <a href=\"/philosophy/netscape-npl\">We urge you not to use the "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Nokia\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:NokOSv1.0a\"> "
"Nokia Open Source License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is similar to the Mozilla Public License version 1: a free software "
"license incompatible with the GNU GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"oldOpenLDAP\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:OpenLDAPv2.3\"> Old OpenLDAP "
"License, Version 2.3</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a permissive non-copyleft free software license with a few "
"requirements (in sections 4 and 5) that render it incompatible with the GNU "
"GPL.  Note that the latest version of OpenLDAP has a <a "
"href=\"#newOpenLDAP\">different license</a> that is compatible with the GNU "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"We urge you not to use the older OpenLDAP license for software you write.  "
"However, there is no reason to avoid running programs that have been "
"released under this license."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"OSL\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:OSLv3.0\"> Open "
"Software License, all versions through 3.0</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a href=\"#OSL\">#OSL</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The Open Software License is a free software license.  It is incompatible "
"with the GNU GPL in several ways."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"OSLRant\"></a>Recent versions of the Open Software License have a "
"term which requires distributors to try to obtain explicit assent to the "
"license.  This means that distributing OSL software on ordinary FTP sites, "
"sending patches to ordinary mailing lists, or storing the software in an "
"ordinary version control system, is arguably a violation of the license and "
"would subject you to possible termination of the license.  Thus, the Open "
"Software License makes it very difficult to develop software using the "
"ordinary tools of free software development.  For this reason, and because "
"it is incompatible with the GPL, we recommend that no version of the OSL be "
"used for any software."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"We urge you not to use the Open Software License for software you write.  "
"However, there is no reason to avoid running programs that have been "
"released under this license."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"OpenSSL\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:OpenSSL\"> "
"OpenSSL license</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Recent versions of OpenSSL (from 3.0.0 on) are released under the <a "
"href=\"#apache2\">Apache License 2.0</a>.  Only older versions of OpenSSL "
"use this license."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The license of OpenSSL is a conjunction of two licenses, one called "
"&ldquo;OpenSSL License&rdquo; and the other being the license of SSLeay. You "
"must follow both.  The combination results in a copyleft free software "
"license that is incompatible with the GNU GPL.  It also has an advertising "
"clause like the <a href=\"#OriginalBSD\">original BSD license</a> and the <a "
"href=\"#apache1\">Apache&nbsp;1 license</a>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"We recommend using GNUTLS instead of OpenSSL in software you write.  "
"However, there is no reason not to use OpenSSL and applications that work "
"with OpenSSL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Phorum\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Phorum2.0\"> "
"Phorum License, Version 2.0</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license but it is incompatible with the <a "
"href=\"/licenses/gpl.html\">GPL</a>.  Section 5 makes the license "
"incompatible with the GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"PHP-3.01\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:PHPv3.01\"> "
"PHP License, Version 3.01</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This license is used by most of PHP4.  It is a non-copyleft free software "
"license.  It is incompatible with the GNU GPL because it includes strong "
"restrictions on the use of &ldquo;PHP&rdquo; in the name of derived "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid "We recommend that you not use this license for anything except PHP add-ons."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"PythonOld\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Python1.6b1\"> License of "
"Python 1.6b1 through 2.0 and 2.1</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> "
"(<a href=\"#PythonOld\">#PythonOld</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license but is incompatible with the GNU GPL.  The "
"primary incompatibility is that this Python license is governed by the laws "
"of the State of Virginia, in the USA, and the GPL does not permit this."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"QPL\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:QPLv1.0\"> Q "
"Public License (QPL), Version 1.0</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a href=\"#QPL\">#QPL</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a non-copyleft free software license which is incompatible with the "
"GNU GPL.  It also causes major practical inconvenience, because modified "
"sources can only be distributed as patches."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"We recommend that you avoid using the QPL for anything that you write, and "
"use QPL-covered software packages only when absolutely necessary.  However, "
"this avoidance no longer applies to Qt itself, since Qt is now also released "
"under the GNU GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Since the QPL is incompatible with the GNU GPL, you cannot take a "
"GPL-covered program and QPL-covered program and link them together, no "
"matter how."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"However, if you have written a program that uses QPL-covered library (called "
"FOO), and you want to release your program under the GNU GPL, you can easily "
"do that.  You can resolve the conflict <em>for your program</em> by adding a "
"notice like this to it:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><pre>
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"  As a special exception, you have permission to link this program\n"
"  with the FOO library and distribute executables, as long as you\n"
"  follow the requirements of the GNU GPL in regard to all of the\n"
"  software in the executable aside from FOO.\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"You can do this, legally, if you are the copyright holder for the program.  "
"Add it in the source files, after the notice that says the program is "
"covered by the GNU GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"RPSL\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:RPSLv1.0\"> "
"RealNetworks Public Source License (RPSL), Version 1.0</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a href=\"#RPSL\">#RPSL</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The RPSL is a free software license that is GPL-incompatible for a number of "
"reasons: it requires that derivative works be licensed under the terms of "
"the RPSL, and mandates that any litigation take place in Seattle, "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"SISSL\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:SISSL-1.1\"> "
"Sun Industry Standards Source License 1.1</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a href=\"#SISSL\">#SISSL</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license, not a strong copyleft, which is "
"incompatible with the GNU GPL because of details rather than any major "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"SPL\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:SPLv1.0\"> Sun "
"Public License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is essentially the same as the Mozilla Public License version 1: a free "
"software license incompatible with the GNU GPL.  Please do not confuse this "
"with the <a href=\"#SunCommunitySourceLicense\">Sun Community Source "
"License</a>, which is not a free software license."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"xinetd\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Xinetd\"> "
"License of xinetd</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a copyleft free software license, incompatible with the GPL.  It is "
"incompatible because it places extra restrictions on redistribution of "
"modified versions that contradict the redistribution requirements in the "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Yahoo\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:YPLv1.1\"> "
"Yahoo! Public License 1.1</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free software license.  It has a copyleft similar to the one found "
"in the Mozilla Public License.  It also has a choice of law clause in "
"section&nbsp;7.  These features both make the license GPL-incompatible.  The "
"license also unfortunately uses the term &ldquo;<a "
"href=\"/philosophy/not-ipr.html\">intellectual property</a>&rdquo;."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Zend\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:ZELv2.0\"> Zend "
"License, Version 2.0</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This license is used by one part of PHP4.  It is a non-copyleft free "
"software license which is incompatible with the GNU GPL, and has <a "
"href=\"/licenses/bsd.html\">practical problems</a> like those of the "
"original BSD license."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid "We recommend that you not use this license for anything you write."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Zimbra\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:ZPL-1.3\"> "
"Zimbra Public License 1.3</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This license is identical to the <a href=\"#Yahoo\">Yahoo! Public License "
"1.1</a>, except that the license is provided by VMWare instead of Yahoo!.  "
"Our comments there apply here as well; this is a GPL-incompatible, partial "
"copyleft free software license."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Zope\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:ZPL-1.0\"> Zope "
"Public License version 1</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a lax, fairly permissive non-copyleft free software license with <a "
"href=\"/licenses/bsd.html\">practical problems</a> like those of the "
"original BSD license, including incompatibility with the <a "
"href=\"/licenses/gpl.html\">GNU GPL</a>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"We urge you not to use the ZPL version 1 for software you write.  However, "
"there is no reason to avoid running programs that have been released under "
"this license, such as previous versions of Zope."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"<a href=\"#Zope20\">Version 2.0 of the Zope Public License</a> is "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><div>
msgid "<span id=\"NonFreeSoftwareLicense\"></span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><div><h4>
msgid "Nonfree Software Licenses"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><div>
msgid ""
"<span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><p>
msgid ""
"<strong>The following licenses <em>do not qualify</em> as <a "
"href=\"/philosophy/free-sw.html\">free software</a> licenses.  A nonfree "
"license is automatically incompatible with the <a href=\"#GNUGPL\">GNU "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><p>
msgid ""
"Of course, we urge you to avoid using nonfree software licenses, and to "
"avoid using nonfree programs."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><p>
msgid ""
"There is no way we could list all the known nonfree software licenses here; "
"after all, every proprietary software company has its own.  We focus here on "
"licenses that are often mistaken for free software licenses but are, in "
"fact, <strong>not</strong> free software licenses."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><p>
msgid ""
"We have provided links to these licenses when we can do so without violating "
"our general policy: that we do not make links to sites that promote, "
"encourage or facilitate the use of nonfree software packages.  The last "
"thing we want to do is give any nonfree program some gratis publicity that "
"might encourage more people to use it.  For the same reason, we have avoided "
"naming the programs for which a license is used, unless we think that for "
"specific reasons it won't backfire."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"NoLicense\">No license</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"If source code does not carry a license to give users the four essential "
"freedoms, then unless it has been explicitly and validly placed in the "
"public domain, it is not free software."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Some developers think that code with no license is automatically <a "
"href=\"#PublicDomain\">in the public domain</a>.  That is not true under "
"today's copyright law; rather, all copyrightable works are copyrighted by "
"default.  This includes programs.  Absent a license to grant users freedom, "
"they don't have any.  In some countries, users that download code with no "
"license may infringe copyright merely by compiling it or running it."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"In order for a program to be free, its copyright holders must explicitly "
"grant users the <a href=\"/philosophy/free-sw.html\"> four essential "
"freedoms</a>.  The document with which they do so is called a <em>free "
"software license</em>.  This is what free software licenses are for."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Some countries allow authors to put code in the public domain, but that "
"requires explicit action which can vary among jurisdictions. In most cases "
"it is <a href=\"/licenses/license-recommendations.html\"> better to copyleft "
"your code</a> to assure that freedom reaches all users of the code."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Code written by employees of the US government is a special exception, since "
"US copyright law explicitly puts that in the public domain; but this does "
"not apply to works that the US pays a company to write.  It also does not "
"apply to other countries, many of which do allow the state to have a "
"copyright on government writings."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Aladdin\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Aladdin\"> "
"Aladdin Free Public License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Despite its name, this is not a free software license because it does not "
"allow charging for distribution, and largely prohibits simply packaging "
"software licensed under it with anything for which a charge is made."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Anti-996\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:996\"> "
"Anti-996 License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is not a free software license. It places <a "
"href=\"/philosophy/programs-must-not-limit-freedom-to-run.html\">restrictions "
"on the freedom to use the program for any purpose</a>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Please do not use this license for your own software. We will avoid using "
"software under this license, as we do all other nonfree software."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"anticapitalist\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:ANTI-1.4\"> Anti-Capitalist "
"Software License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The Anti-Capitalist Software License is a <a "
"href=\"/philosophy/programs-must-not-limit-freedom-to-run.html\">nonfree "
"license because it extends the four freedoms only to some kinds of "
"organizations</a>, not to all.  Such a restriction in a software license, in "
"the name of any cause whatsoever, imposes <a "
"href=\"https://www.fsf.org/bulletin/2019/fall/building-ethical-software-based-on-the-four-freedoms\"> "
"too much power over users</a>. Please don't use this license, and we urge "
"you to avoid any software that has been released under it."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"apsl1\" href= \"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:APSLv1.x\"> "
"Apple Public Source License (APSL), version 1.x</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a href=\"#apsl1\">#apsl1</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Versions 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 are <a "
"href=\"/philosophy/historical-apsl.html\">not free software licenses</a>.  "
"Please don't use these licenses, and we urge you to avoid any software that "
"has been released under them.  <a href=\"#apsl2\">Version 2.0 of the "
"APSL</a> is a free software license."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"ArtisticLicense\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Artistic_v1.0\">Artistic "
"License 1.0</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"We cannot say that this is a free software license because it is too vague; "
"some passages are too clever for their own good, and their meaning is not "
"clear.  We urge you to avoid using it, except as part of <a "
"href=\"#PerlLicense\">the disjunctive license of Perl</a>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"ATTPublicLicense\">AT&amp;T Public License</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The AT&amp;T Public License is a nonfree license.  It has several serious "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><ul><li>
msgid ""
"The patent license is voided by any modification, no matter how small, of "
"the pertinent code."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><ul><li>
msgid ""
"You must demand a written agreement when you distribute the sources or "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><ul><li>
msgid "It requires notifying AT&amp;T if you distribute a patch."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><ul><li>
msgid "Your license can be terminated through no fault of yours, under section 8/3."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><ul><li>
msgid "It makes compliance with export control laws a condition of the license."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><ul><li>
msgid "Some versions of the license require you to provide support."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><ul><li>
msgid ""
"Some versions of the license say you cannot sell a copy of the software for "
"more than the expense of distribution."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid "The license has two other obnoxious features:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><ul><li>
msgid ""
"It has a very broad reverse license to AT&amp;T, which goes far beyond the "
"use of your code, even your code modified."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><ul><li>
msgid ""
"It asserts one needs a license from AT&amp;T to make a link to their web "
"site.  This is not an immediate practical problem, since the license says it "
"gives permission to make such a link.  (Anyway, people shouldn't make links "
"to sites about nonfree software.)  But such a claim should not be made or "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"cpol\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:CPOL-1.02\"> "
"Code Project Open License, version 1.02</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a href=\"#cpol\">#cpol</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The Code Project Open License is not a free software license.  Section 5.6 "
"restricts how you can use the work.  Section 5.4 prohibits commercial "
"distribution of the software by itself&mdash;and depending on how you read "
"section 3.4, you may not have permission to distribute the software by "
"itself at all."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"comclause\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Commons-Clause\">Commons "
"Clause</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The &ldquo;Commons Clause&rdquo; is a nonfree license because it forbids "
"selling copies of the program, and even running the program as part of "
"implementing any commercial service.  Adding insult to injury, it also "
"twists the words &ldquo;commons&rdquo; and &ldquo;sell.&rdquo;"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"We urge people to reject programs under this license and to develop free "
"replacements.  Where a previous version was available as free software, "
"continuing development of that version is an option."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"DOR\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:CNRI\"> CNRI "
"Digital Object Repository License Agreement</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a href=\"#DOR\">#DOR</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This license is nonfree because of Article 3, which arguably includes a "
"requirement not to violate the license of <em>any</em> program that the user "
"runs&mdash;even proprietary programs."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"eCos11\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:ECosPLv1.1\">eCos Public "
"License, version 1.1</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This was the old license of eCos.  It is not a free software license, "
"because it requires sending every published modified version to a specific "
"initial developer.  There are also some other words in this license whose "
"meaning we're not sure of that might also be problematic."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Today <a href=\"#eCos20\">eCos is available</a> under the GNU GPL with "
"additional permission for linking with nonfree programs."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"hippocratic\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:THL-1.1\"> The Hippocratic "
"License 1.1</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is not a free software license, because it <a "
"href=\"/philosophy/programs-must-not-limit-freedom-to-run.html\">restricts "
"what jobs users can use the software for</a>.  That denies freedom 0.  "
"Please don't use this license, and we urge you to avoid any software that "
"has been released under it."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid "This entry was previously listed as the First Do No Harm license."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"GPL-PA\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:GPL-PA\"> GPL "
"for Computer Programs of the Public Administration</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a href=\"#GPL-PA\">#GPL-PA</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The GPL-PA (whose original name in Portuguese is &ldquo;Licen&ccedil;a "
"P&uacute;blica Geral para Administra&ccedil;&atilde;o P&uacute;blica&rdquo;) "
"is nonfree for several reasons:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><ul><li>
msgid "It permits use only in &ldquo;normal circumstances&rdquo;."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><ul><li>
msgid "It does not allow distribution of source code without binaries."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><ul><li>
msgid "Its permissions lapse after 50 years."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Please don't use this license, and we urge you to avoid any software that "
"has been released under it."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"HESSLA\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:HESSLA\"> "
"Hacktivismo Enhanced-Source Software License Agreement</a> (HESSLA)  <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a href=\"#HESSLA\">#HESSLA</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is not a free software license, because it <a "
"href=\"/licenses/hessla.html\">restricts what jobs people can use the "
"software for, and restricts in substantive ways what jobs modified versions "
"of the program can do</a>.  Please don't use this license, and we urge you "
"to avoid any software that has been released under it."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Jahia\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:JahiaCSL\"> "
"Jahia Community Source License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The Jahia Community Source License is not a free software license.  Use of "
"the source code is limited to research purposes."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"JSON\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:JSON\"> The "
"JSON License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is the license of the original implementation of the JSON data "
"interchange format.  This license uses the Expat license as a base, but adds "
"a clause mandating: &ldquo;The Software shall be used for Good, not "
"Evil.&rdquo; This is a restriction on usage and thus conflicts with freedom "
"0.  The restriction might be unenforcible, but we cannot presume that.  "
"Thus, the license is nonfree."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"ksh93\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Old_ksh93\"> "
"Old license of ksh93</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"ksh93 used to be shipped with an original license that was not a free "
"software license.  One reason for this is that it required that all changes "
"be sent to the developer."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Lha\" href= \"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Lha\"> License "
"of Lha</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The lha license must be considered nonfree because it is so vague that you "
"cannot be sure what permissions you have."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Llama\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Llama\"> Llama "
"3.1 Community License Agreement and Llama 3.1 Acceptable Use Policy</a> "
"<span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a href=\"#Llama\">#Llama</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid "This is not a free software license."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"It denies freedom 0: it imposes an &ldquo;acceptable use policy&rdquo; that "
"prohibits a <a href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Llama\"> series "
"of 25-odd uses</a>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Some of the uses listed in the policy are outrageous, some should be "
"illegal, and some are already illegal in some places. There is, however, a "
"crucial difference between prohibitions enacted by democratically controlled "
"governments in the law and a private company dictating what we are allowed "
"to do in our lives."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Additionally, the license excludes certain users&mdash;those whose programs "
"or servers are very widely used. (See Sec. 2 titled &ldquo;Additional "
"Commercial Terms&rdquo;). A free software license may not arbitrarily deny "
"use of the program to anyone."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Another grave flaw in this license is that it requires a user to obey any "
"and all laws&mdash;including trade regulations of other countries that have "
"no way to enforce them on you in your country. This can have the effect of "
"<a href=\"/licenses/gpl-faq.html#ExportWarranties\"> denying freedoms 2 and "
"3 in some cases</a>.  Even if a country cannot enforce its trade regulations "
"where you live, it can ask the program's developer to sue you."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This license was written for use on a Large Language Model "
"(LLM)&mdash;something that generates output by patching together snippets of "
"input data without understanding what (if anything) the resulting output "
"means. LLMs (and other machine learning applications) consist of software "
"and non-software elements, such as model parameters.  Exercising software "
"freedom in machine learning applications is subject to challenges that go "
"beyond a license. This license certainly does not resolve these issues, but "
"we do not elaborate about it here, as the license is nonfree already for "
"reasons stated above."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Ms-SS\" href= \"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Ms-SS\"> "
"Microsoft's Shared Source CLI, C#, and Jscript License</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a href=\"#Ms-SS\">#Ms-SS</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This license does not permit commercial distribution, and only allows "
"commercial use under certain circumstances."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Microsoft has other licenses which it describes as &ldquo;Shared "
"Source&rdquo;, some of which have different restrictions.  Thus, "
"&ldquo;Shared Source&rdquo; is too vague to draw moral conclusions from."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"NASA\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:NASA-OSA_v1.3\"> NASA Open "
"Source Agreement</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The NASA Open Source Agreement, version 1.3, is not a free software license "
"because it includes a provision requiring changes to be your &ldquo;original "
"creation&rdquo;.  Free software development depends on combining code from "
"third parties, and the NASA license doesn't permit this."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"We urge you not to use this license.  In addition, if you are a United "
"States citizen, please write to NASA and call for the use of a truly free "
"software license."
msgstr ""

#.  old id, leave for compatibility 
#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"OculusRift\"></a> <a id=\"OculusRiftSDK\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Oculus_VR_Rift_SDK_License\"> "
"Oculus Rift SDK License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid "This is not a free software license; it has several fatal flaws."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><ul><li>
msgid "One can't redistribute anything less than the whole program libOVR."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><ul><li>
msgid "One's distribution rights can be terminated on vague conditions."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><ul><li>
msgid ""
"Those who make modified versions are required to send them to Oculus on "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><ul><li>
msgid "Use is allowed only with their product."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><ul><li>
msgid ""
"New license versions totally supplant old versions, which means that "
"permissions already given can be withdrawn."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"There might be additional fatal flaws; after seeing this many, we stopped "
"looking for more."
msgstr ""

#.  old id, leave for compatibility 
#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"OPL\"></a> <a id=\"OpenPublicL\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:OpenPLv1.0\"> Open Public "
"License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is not a free software license, because it requires sending every "
"published modified version to a specific initial developer.  There are also "
"some other words in this license whose meaning we're not sure of that might "
"also be problematic."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"PPL\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:PPL\">Peer-Production "
"License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The Peer-Production License is not a free software license because it "
"restricts who can redistribute the program and for what purpose.  It also "
"does not give anyone permission to run the program."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The PPL has several provisions designed specifically for artistic "
"performances, and we have nothing against its use for art works; however, "
"people reportedly advocate its use for software too.  The PPL should not be "
"used for software, manuals, or other works that ought to be free."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"PPL3a\" href=\"//directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:PPL3a\"> Personal "
"Public License Version 3a</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The Personal Public License Version 3a is a nonfree license because it "
"denies some users (organizations, governments, businesses) the four "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"PINE\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:PINE\">License "
"of PINE</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The license of PINE is not a free software license because it mostly "
"prohibits the distribution of modified versions.  It also restricts the "
"media that can be used for <a href=\"/philosophy/selling.html\">selling "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Please note that a successor to Pine, Alpine, is released under the <a "
"href=\"#apache2\">Apache License, version 2.0</a>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Plan9\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Old-plan9\"> "
"Old Plan 9 license</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is not a free software license; it lacks essential freedoms such as the "
"right to make and use private changes.  Of course you should not use this "
"license, and we urge you to avoid any software that has been released under "
"it.  <a href=\"/philosophy/plan-nine.html\">A detailed discussion of this "
"license is also available</a>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"In September 2002 it was observed that the published license for Plan&nbsp;9 "
"had been modified, adding more restrictions to it, although its date still "
"said 09/20/00.  However, a <a href=\"#lucent102\">further license change in "
"2003 made Plan&nbsp;9 free software</a>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"RPL\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:ReciprocalPLv1.3\"> Reciprocal "
"Public License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The Reciprocal Public License is a nonfree license because of three "
"problems.  1.&nbsp;It puts limits on prices charged for an initial copy.  "
"2.&nbsp;It requires notification of the original developer for publication "
"of a modified version.  3.&nbsp;It requires publication of any modified "
"version that an organization uses, even privately."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Scilab\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Scilab-old\">Scilab "
"license</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is not a free software license because it does not allow commercial "
"distribution of a modified version.  Thankfully, starting from version "
"5.0.0, the Scilab software is free software, released under CeCILL "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Scratch\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Scratch\">Scratch 1.4 "
"license</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is not a free software license because it does not allow commercial "
"redistribution.  In addition, condition 4 substantively restricts the "
"functionality of modified versions."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Newer versions Scratch software are distributed under the GNU GPL, but some "
"of those newer version we do not recommend, because they depend on the "
"proprietary software, Adobe Air."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"SML\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:SimpleM\"> "
"Simple Machines License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Despite the name, this is a software license, and it's nonfree for several "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><ul><li>
msgid "You must get the licensor's permission before distributing the software."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><ul><li>
msgid ""
"You <a href=\"/philosophy/selling.html\">cannot sell copies of the "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><ul><li>
msgid ""
"It's possible that your license can be terminated if you received the "
"software from someone who did not obey the license's terms."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Squeak\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Squeak-old\">Old Squeak "
"license</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The original Squeak license, as applied to software, is not a free software "
"license because it requires all users in whatever country to obey US export "
"control laws.  As applied to fonts, it also does not permit modification."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"In addition, it has a requirement for users to indemnify the developer, "
"which is enough to make many users think twice about using it at all."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Recent versions of Squeak (from 4.0 on) are released under an <a "
"href=\"#Expat\">Expat-style License</a> with some portions of the code under "
"the <a href=\"#apache2\">Apache License&nbsp;2.0</a>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"SunCommunitySourceLicense\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:SunCSLv2.8\">Sun Community "
"Source License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
"href=\"#SunCommunitySourceLicense\">#SunCommunitySourceLicense</a>)  </span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is not a free software license; it lacks essential freedoms such as "
"publication of modified versions.  Please don't use this license, and we "
"urge you to avoid any software that has been released under it."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"SunSolarisSourceCode\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:SSSCFR-1.1\"> Sun Solaris "
"Source Code (Foundation Release) License, Version 1.1</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is not a free software license.  The license prohibits redistribution, "
"prohibits commercial use of the software, and can be revoked."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Sybase\"></a> <a id=\"Watcom\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Watcom-1.0\"> Sybase Open "
"Watcom Public License version 1.0</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> "
"(<a href=\"#Watcom\">#Watcom</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is not a free software license. It requires you to publish the source "
"code publicly whenever you &ldquo;Deploy&rdquo; the covered software, and "
"&ldquo;Deploy&rdquo; is defined to include many kinds of private use."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"SystemC-3.0\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:SCOSL-3.0\"> SystemC "
"&ldquo;Open Source&rdquo; License, Version 3.0</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This license requires all recipients to proactively help the licensor "
"enforce its trademarks.  This is an unreasonable condition to place on "
"users' rights, so the license is nonfree.  It also has other practical "
"problems: some of the requirements are vague, and it uses the term <a "
"href=\"/philosophy/not-ipr.html\">&ldquo;intellectual property&rdquo;</a>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Despite the name, it is not clear whether this license would qualify as "
"&ldquo;open source&rdquo;.  However, our judgment of it is not based on "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Truecrypt-3.0\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:TrueCrypt\"> Truecrypt license "
"3.0</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This license is nonfree for several reasons.  It says that if you don't "
"understand the license you may not use the program.  It puts conditions on "
"allowing others to run your copy.  It puts conditions on separate programs "
"that &ldquo;depend on&rdquo; Truecrypt.  The trademark condition applies to "
"&ldquo;associated materials&rdquo;."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"There are other points in the license which seem perhaps unacceptable, and "
"in our uncertainty about them we delayed in posting our evaluation.  We have "
"posted it now to explain why we do not mourn the demise of Truecrypt.  There "
"are <a href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?search=disk+encryption\">free "
"programs that do the same job</a>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"UtahPublicLicense\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:UnivUtahRFPL\"> University of "
"Utah Research Foundation Public License</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The University of Utah Research Foundation Public License is a nonfree "
"license because it does not allow commercial redistribution.  It also "
"purports to restrict commercially running the software and even commercially "
"giving consultation about it.  Those restrictions are probably not legally "
"enforceable under US copyright law, but they might be in some countries; "
"even asserting them is outrageous."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The use of this license by the University of Utah exemplifies a <a "
"href=\"http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2000/03/the-kept-university/306629/?single_page=true\">dangerous "
"trend for universities to restrict knowledge</a> rather than contributing it "
"to the public."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"If a university tries to impose a license like this on the software you are "
"writing, don't give up hope.  <a href=\"/philosophy/university.html\">With "
"persistence and firmness, and some forethought, it is possible to prevail "
"over money-grabbing university administrators.</a>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid "The earlier you raise the issue, the better."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"YaST\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:YaST-license\"> "
"YaST License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is not a free software license.  The license prohibits distribution for "
"a fee, and that makes it impossible for the software to be included in the "
"many CD-ROM free software collections that are sold by companies and by "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"There may be another problem in section 2a, but a word seems to be missing "
"there, so it is hard to be sure what meaning is really intended."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"(The YaST software itself no longer uses this nonfree YaST license; happily, "
"it is now free software, released under the GNU GPL.)"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><div><h3>
msgid "Licenses For Documentation"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><div><h4>
msgid "Free Documentation Licenses"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><div>
msgid ""
"<span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
"href=\"#FreeDocumentationLicenses\">#FreeDocumentationLicenses</a>)  </span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><p>
msgid ""
"<strong>The following licenses qualify as <a "
"href=\"/philosophy/free-doc.html\">free documentation</a> licenses.</strong>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"FDL\" href=\"/licenses/fdl.html\"> GNU Free Documentation "
"License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a license intended for use on copylefted <a "
"href=\"/philosophy/free-doc.html\">free documentation</a>.  We plan to <a "
"href=\"/licenses/using-gfdl.html\">adopt it</a> for all GNU manuals.  It is "
"also suitable for other kinds of useful works (such as textbooks and "
"dictionaries, for instance).  Its applicability is not limited to textual "
"works (&ldquo;books&rdquo;)."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"FreeBSDDL\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=License:FreeBSD-DL\"> FreeBSD "
"Documentation License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a permissive non-copyleft free documentation license that is "
"compatible with the GNU FDL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"ACDL\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:ACDL-1.0\"> "
"Apple's Common Documentation License, Version 1.0</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a href=\"#ACDL\">#ACDL</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free documentation license that is incompatible with the GNU FDL.  "
"It is incompatible because Section&nbsp;(2c) says &ldquo;You add no other "
"terms or conditions to those of this License&rdquo;, and the GNU FDL has "
"additional terms not accounted for in the Common Documentation License."
msgstr ""

#.  old id, leave for compatibility 
#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"RealOPL\"></a> <a id=\"OpenPublicationL\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Open_Publication_License_v1.0\"> "
"Open Publication License, Version 1.0</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This license <strong>can</strong> be used as a free documentation license.  "
"It is a copyleft free documentation license <strong>provided</strong> the "
"copyright holder does not exercise any of the &ldquo;LICENSE OPTIONS&rdquo; "
"listed in Section VI of the license.  But if either of the options is "
"invoked, the license becomes nonfree.  In any case, it is incompatible with "
"the GNU FDL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This creates a practical pitfall in using or recommending this license: if "
"you recommend &ldquo;Use the Open Publication License, Version 1.0 but don't "
"enable the options&rdquo;, it would be easy for the second half of that "
"recommendation to get forgotten; someone might use the license with the "
"options, making a manual nonfree, and yet think he or she is following your "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Likewise, if you use this license without either of the options to make your "
"manual free, someone else might decide to imitate you, then change his or "
"her mind about the options thinking that that is just a detail; the result "
"would be that his or her manual is nonfree."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Thus, while manuals published under this license do qualify as free "
"documentation if neither license option was used, it is better to use the "
"GNU Free Documentation License and avoid the risk of leading someone else "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Please note that this license is not the same as the <a href=\"#OCL\">Open "
"Content License</a>.  These two licenses are frequently confused, as the "
"Open Content License is often referred to as the &ldquo;OPL&rdquo;.  For "
"clarity, it is better not to use the abbreviation &ldquo;OPL&rdquo; for "
"either license.  It is worth spelling their names in full to make sure "
"people understand what you say."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><div><h4>
msgid "Nonfree Documentation Licenses"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><div>
msgid ""
"<span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
"href=\"#NonFreeDocumentationLicenses\">#NonFreeDocumentationLicenses</a>)  "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><p>
msgid ""
"<strong>The following licenses <em>do not qualify</em> as free documentation "
msgstr ""

#.  brief id, leave for compatibility 
#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"OCL\"></a> <a id=\"OpenContentL\" "
"href=\"https://web.archive.org/web/19981206111937/http://www.opencontent.org/opl.shtml\"> "
"Open Content License, Version 1.0</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> "
"(<a href=\"#OpenContentL\">#OpenContentL</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This license does not qualify as free, because there are restrictions on "
"charging money for copies.  We recommend you do not use this license."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Please note that this license is not the same as the <a "
"href=\"#RealOPL\">Open Publication License</a>.  The practice of "
"abbreviating &ldquo;Open Content License&rdquo; as &ldquo;OPL&rdquo; leads "
"to confusion between them.  For clarity, it is better not to use the "
"abbreviation &ldquo;OPL&rdquo; for either license.  It is worth spelling "
"their names in full to make sure people understand what you say."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"CC-BY-NC\" href=\"//creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/\"> "
"Creative Commons NonCommercial, any version</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a href=\"#CC-BY-NC\">#CC-BY-NC</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This license does not qualify as free, because there are restrictions on "
"charging money for copies.  Thus, we recommend you do not use this license "
"for documentation."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"In addition, it has a drawback for any sort of work: when a modified version "
"has many authors, in practice getting permission for commercial use from all "
"of them would become infeasible."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"CC-BY-ND\" href=\"//creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/\"> "
"Creative Commons Noderivatives, any version</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a href=\"#CC-BY-ND\">#CC-BY-ND</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This license does not qualify as free, because there are restrictions on "
"distributing modified versions.  We recommend you do not use this license "
"for documentation."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><div><h3>
msgid "Licenses for Other Works"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><div><h4>
msgid "Licenses for Works of Practical Use besides Software and Documentation"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><div>
msgid ""
"<span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"GPLOther\" href=\"/licenses/gpl.html\"> GNU General Public "
"License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The GNU GPL <strong>can</strong> be used for general data which is not "
"software, as long as one can determine what the definition of &ldquo;source "
"code&rdquo; refers to in the particular case.  As it turns out, the DSL (see "
"below) also requires that you determine what the &ldquo;source code&rdquo; "
"is, using approximately the same definition that the GPL uses."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"FDLOther\" href=\"/licenses/fdl.html\"> GNU Free Documentation "
"License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The GNU FDL is recommended for textbooks and teaching materials for all "
"topics.  (&ldquo;Documentation&rdquo; simply means textbooks and other "
"teaching materials for using equipment or software.)  We also recommend the "
"GNU FDL for dictionaries, encyclopedias, and any other works that provide "
"information for practical use."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"CC0\" href=\"https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/\"> "
"CC0 1.0 Universal</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"CC0 is a public domain dedication from Creative Commons.  A work released "
"under CC0 is dedicated to the public domain to the fullest extent permitted "
"by law.  If that is not possible for any reason, CC0 also provides a lax, "
"permissive license as a fallback.  Both public domain works and the lax "
"license provided by CC0 are compatible with the GNU GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"If you want to release your non-software work to the public domain, we "
"recommend you use CC0.  For works of software it is not recommended, as CC0 "
"has a term expressly stating it does not grant you any patent licenses."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Because of this lack of patent grant, we encourage you to be careful about "
"using software under this license; you should first consider whether the "
"licensor might want to sue you for patent infringement.  If the developer is "
"refusing users patent licenses, the program is in effect a trap for users "
"and users should avoid the program."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"ccby\" "
"href=\"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode\"> Creative "
"Commons Attribution 4.0 license</a> (a.k.a. CC&nbsp;BY)  <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a href=\"#ccby\">#ccby</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a non-copyleft free license that is good for art and entertainment "
"works, and educational works.  It is compatible with all versions of the GNU "
"GPL; however, like all CC licenses, <a "
"href=\"https://creativecommons.org/faq/#can-i-apply-a-creative-commons-license-to-software\">it "
"<em>should not be used on software</em></a>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"<span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
"href=\"#which-cc\">#which-cc</a>)</span> Creative Commons publishes many "
"licenses which are very different.  Therefore, to say that a work "
"&ldquo;uses a Creative Commons license&rdquo; is to leave the principal "
"questions about the work's licensing unanswered.  When you see such a "
"statement in a work, please ask the author to change the work to state "
"clearly and visibly <em>which</em> of the Creative Commons license it uses.  "
"And if someone proposes to &ldquo;use a Creative Commons license&rdquo; for "
"a certain work, it is vital to ask &ldquo;Which Creative Commons "
"license?&rdquo; before proceeding any further."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"ccbysa\" "
"href=\"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode\"> Creative "
"Commons Attribution-Sharealike 4.0 license</a> (a.k.a. CC&nbsp;BY-SA)  <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a href=\"#ccbysa\">#ccbysa</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a copyleft free license that is good for artistic and entertainment "
"works, and educational works.  Like all CC licenses, <a "
"href=\"https://creativecommons.org/faq/#can-i-apply-a-creative-commons-license-to-software\">it "
"<em>should not be used on software</em></a>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"CC BY-SA 4.0 is one-way compatible with the GNU GPL version 3: this means "
"you may license your modified versions of CC BY-SA 4.0 materials under GNU "
"GPL version 3, but you may not relicense GPL 3 licensed works under CC BY-SA "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Because Creative Commons lists only version 3 of the GNU GPL on its <a "
"href=\"https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/licensing-considerations/compatible-licenses/\"> "
"compatible licenses</a> list, it means that you can not license your adapted "
"CC BY-SA works under the terms of &ldquo;GNU GPL version 3, or (at your "
"option)  any later version.&rdquo; However, Section 14 of the GNU GPL "
"version 3 allows licensors to specify a proxy to determine whether future "
"versions of the GNU GPL can be used. Therefore, if someone adapts a CC BY-SA "
"4.0 work and incorporates it into a GNU GPL version 3 licensed project, <a "
"href=\"https://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/ShareAlike_compatibility:_GPLv3#Option_to_comply_with_later_versions\">they "
"can specify Creative Commons as their proxy</a> (via <a "
"href=\"https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/licensing-considerations/compatible-licenses/\"> "
"https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/licensing-considerations/compatible-licenses/</a>)  "
"so that if and when Creative Commons determines that a future version of the "
"GNU GPL is a compatible license, the adapted and combined work could be used "
"under that later version of the GNU GPL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Please <a href=\"#which-cc\">be specific about which Creative Commons "
"license is being used</a>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"dsl\" href=\"/licenses/dsl.html\"> Design Science License (DSL)</a> "
"<span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a href=\"#dsl\">#dsl</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free and copyleft license meant for general data.  Please don't "
"use it for software or documentation, since it is incompatible with the GNU "
"GPL and with the GNU FDL; however, it is fine to use for other kinds of "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"FreeArt\" href=\"//directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Free-Art-L-v1.3\"> "
"Free Art License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free and copyleft license meant for artistic works. It permits "
"commercial distribution, as any free license must.  It is a copyleft license "
"because any larger work that includes part of the work you received must be "
"released, as a whole, either under the same license or under a similar "
"license that meets stated criteria.  Please don't use it for software or "
"documentation, since it is incompatible with the GNU GPL and with the GNU "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"ODbl\" href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:ODbl\"> Open "
"Database license</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a free and copyleft license meant for data.  It is incompatible with "
"the GNU GPL. Please don't use it for software or documentation, since it is "
"incompatible with the GNU GPL and with the GNU FDL. It makes inconvenient "
"requirements about signing contracts which try to create an effect like "
"copyleft for data that is not copyrightable, so we don't recommend using it; "
"however, there is no reason to avoid using data released this way."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><div><h4>
msgid "Licenses for Fonts"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><div>
msgid "<span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a href=\"#Fonts\">#Fonts</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><p>
msgid ""
"The licenses below apply to an instantiation of a design in a computer file, "
"not the artistic design.  As far as we know, an implementation of a design "
"is always copyrightable.  The legal status of the artistic design is "
"complex, and varies by jurisdiction."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"GPLFonts\" href=\"/licenses/gpl.html\"> GNU General Public "
"License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The GNU GPL <strong>can</strong> be used for fonts.  However, note that it "
"does not permit embedding the font in a document unless that document is "
"also licensed under the GPL.  If you want to allow this, use the <a "
"href=\"/licenses/gpl-faq.html#FontException\">font exception</a>.  See also "
"this <a "
"href=\"https://www.fsf.org/blogs/licensing/20050425novalis\">explanatory "
"essay about the GPL Font Exception</a>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"Arphic\" "
"href=\"http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/non-gnu/chinese-fonts-truetype/LICENSE\"> "
"Arphic Public License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a copyleft free software license, incompatible with the GPL. Its "
"normal use is for fonts, and in that use, the incompatibility does not cause "
"a problem."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"ecfonts\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:LaTeX_ecfonts\">License of the "
"ec fonts for LaTeX</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\">(<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This license covers the European Computer Modern Fonts and Text Companion "
"Fonts, commonly used with LaTeX.  Depending on how it is used, it may be "
"free or not.  If the package says that some fonts in the package may not be "
"modified, then the package is nonfree.  Otherwise the package is free.  The "
"original fonts have no restrictions on modification, so they are free."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"Much like <a href=\"#LPPL-1.2\">the LaTeX Project Public License 1.2</a>, "
"this license requires modified versions of the work to use a name that's "
"different from the name of any prior version.  This is acceptable for work "
"meant to be used with LaTeX, since TeX allows you to create filename "
"mappings for your programs, but it's very annoying and could be overly "
"burdensome in other contexts."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"IPAFONT\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:IPA_Font_License\"> IPA Font "
"License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is a copyleft free software license, incompatible with the GPL. It has "
"an unfortunate condition requiring that derivative works not use or include "
"the name of the original work as a program name, font name or file "
"name. This is acceptable for fonts as fonts can be aliased or renamed using "
"free software tools, but it's very annoying and could be overly burdensome "
"in other contexts."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"SILOFL\" "
"href=\"https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/SIL_Open_Font_License_1.1\"> SIL Open "
"Font License 1.1</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"The Open Font License (including its original release, version 1.0)  is a "
"free copyleft license for fonts.  Its only unusual requirement is that when "
"selling the font, you must redistribute it bundled with some software, "
"rather than alone.  Since a simple Hello World program will satisfy the "
"requirement, it is harmless.  Neither we nor SIL recommend the use of this "
"license for anything other than fonts."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><div><h4>
msgid "Licenses for Works stating a Viewpoint (e.g., Opinion or Testimony)"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><div>
msgid ""
"<span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><p>
msgid ""
"Works that express someone's opinion&mdash;memoirs, editorials, and so "
"on&mdash;serve a fundamentally different purpose than works for practical "
"use like software and documentation.  Because of this, we expect them to "
"provide recipients with a different set of permissions: just the permission "
"to copy and distribute the work verbatim.  <a "
"href=\"/philosophy/copyright-and-globalization.html#opinions\" "
"title=\"Richard Stallman discusses what rights the public should have for "
"works of opinion\">Richard Stallman discusses this</a> frequently in his "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><p>
msgid ""
"Because so many licenses meet these criteria, we cannot list them all.  If "
"you are looking for one to use yourself, however, there are two that we "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"GNUVerbatim\" href=\"/licenses/licenses.html#VerbatimCopying\"> GNU "
"Verbatim Copying License</a> <span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This was the license used throughout the GNU web site for many years.  It is "
"very simple, and especially well-suited to written works."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dt>
msgid ""
"<a id=\"ccbynd\" "
"href=\"https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/legalcode\"> Creative "
"Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 4.0 license (a.k.a. CC&nbsp;BY-ND)</a> <span "
"class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a href=\"#ccbynd\">#ccbynd</a>)</span>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><dl><dd><p>
msgid ""
"This is the license used throughout the GNU and FSF web sites.  This license "
"provides much the same permissions as our verbatim copying license, but it's "
"much more detailed. We particularly recommend it for audio and/or video "
"works of opinion.  Previous versions of this license are also OK to use, but "
"we do recommend upgrading to this version if you can.  Please <a "
"href=\"#which-cc\">be specific about which Creative Commons license is being "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><div><h4>
msgid "Licenses for Designs for Physical Objects"
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><div>
msgid ""
"<span class=\"anchor-reference-id\"> (<a "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><p>
msgid ""
"Circuits are meant for practical use, so circuit designs should carry a free "
"license.  We recommend releasing them under the GNU General Public License, "
"version 3 or later.  Version 3 was designed for such use."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><p>
msgid ""
"3D-printer plans for objects meant for practical use should also be free. We "
"recommend the GNU GPL or one of the Creative Commons licenses that are free "
"such as CC-BY or CC-BY-SA."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><p>
msgid ""
"3D-printer plans for decorative objects are artistic works; any of the "
"Creative Commons licenses is ok for them."
msgstr ""

#. TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't have notes.
#. type: Content of: <div>
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><div><p>
msgid ""
"Please send general FSF &amp; GNU inquiries to <a "
"href=\"mailto:gnu@gnu.org\">&lt;gnu@gnu.org&gt;</a>.  There are also <a "
"href=\"/contact/\">other ways to contact</a> the FSF.  Broken links and "
"other corrections or suggestions can be sent to <a "
msgstr ""

#.  TRANSLATORS: Ignore the original text in this paragraph,
#.         replace it with the translation of these two:
#.         We work hard and do our best to provide accurate, good quality
#.         translations.  However, we are not exempt from imperfection.
#.         Please send your comments and general suggestions in this regard
#.         to <a href="mailto:web-translators@gnu.org">
#.         &lt;web-translators@gnu.org&gt;</a>.</p>
#.         <p>For information on coordinating and contributing translations of
#.         our web pages, see <a
#.         href="/server/standards/README.translations.html">Translations
#.         README</a>. 
#. type: Content of: <div><div><p>
msgid ""
"Please see the <a "
"href=\"/server/standards/README.translations.html\">Translations README</a> "
"for information on coordinating and contributing translations of this "
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><p>
msgid "Copyright &copy; 1999-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr ""

#. type: Content of: <div><p>
msgid ""
"This page is licensed under a <a rel=\"license\" "
"href=\"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/\">Creative Commons "
"Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License</a>."
msgstr ""

#. TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't want credits.
#. type: Content of: <div><div>
msgstr ""

#.  timestamp start 
#. type: Content of: <div><p>
msgid "Updated:"
msgstr ""