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Answers to the quiz for Kids

These are the correct answers to the quiz for kids. They are marked as bold.

  1. What is free software?
    1. Software which is given away to users without them having to pay anything for it.
    2. Software which gives its users access to the source code.
    3. Software which gives its users the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, and change the software.
  2. What is Linux?
    1. An operating system.
    2. A kernel.
    3. A penguin.
  3. What is GNU?
    1. An operating system.
    2. An animal.
    3. A license.
  4. What is piracy?
    1. Robbery committed at sea.
    2. Copyright infringement.
    3. Downloading music and films, and sharing them with your neighbor.