ToutDoux uses an SQL back-end for tempory data storage. As a result, it can benefit from the powerful SQL language and reliable software like PostgreSQL.
ToutDoux is capable of using MySQL as a local database manager. However, since MySQL doesn't support sub-queries, it imposes an SQL-specific development on modules. This is unfortunate, since MySQL is better adapted than PostgreSQL for managing an SQL backend in a local application. Such support may come with the next version of MySQL (v4.00).
The SQL back-end requirements are :
postgresql-7.0.1 : database
postgresql-server-7.0.1 : database
postgresql-devel-7.0.1 : database.
The unix user (in this case 'toto') must be able to create and delete a database :
Add to /ect/inittab : pg:2345:respawn:/bin/su - pgsql -c "postmaster" : starts postmaster deamon at boot
$ /bin/su - pgsql -c "postmaster" : starts postmaster for the current session
$ su postgres : superuser login for database
$ initdb : initializes database
$ createuser toto : creates user 'toto'
Shall the new user be allowed to create database ? (y/n) y : gives permission for user 'toto' to create databases
Shall the new user be allowed to create more users ? (y/n) n : denies permission for user 'toto' to create user accounts
$ exit : superuser logout for database.