19.1 HTML Title Page Customization

If SHOW_TITLE is not set, no title is output. SHOW_TITLE is ‘undef’ in the default case. If ‘undef’, SHOW_TITLE is set if NO_TOP_NODE_OUTPUT is set. The “title page” is used to format the HTML title if USE_TITLEPAGE_FOR_TITLE is set, otherwise the simpletitle is used. USE_TITLEPAGE_FOR_TITLE is set in the default case. See HTML Output Structure Customization in Texinfo.

The following functions references provides full control on the title and “title page” formatting:

Function Reference: $title_titlepage format_title_titlepage ($converter)

Returns the formatted title or “title page” text.

In the default case, return nothing if SHOW_TITLE is not set, return the output of format_titlepage if USE_TITLEPAGE_FOR_TITLE is set, and otherwise output a simple title based on simpletitle.

Function Reference: $title_page format_titlepage ($converter)

Returns the formatted “title page” text.

In the default case, the @titlepage is used if found in global information, otherwise simpletitle is used (see Converter General Information).